Some rewriting of the "Internationalizing your programs and modules"

subsection to include a discussion of the program.
This commit is contained in:
Barry Warsaw 2001-01-31 21:21:45 +00:00
parent 2fa699ec60
commit b416290d5d

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@ -302,28 +302,49 @@ In this example, the string \code{'writing a log message'} is marked as
a candidate for translation, while the strings \code{'mylog.txt'} and
\code{'w'} are not.
The GNU \code{gettext} package provides a tool, called
\program{xgettext}, that scans C and \Cpp{} source code looking for these
specially marked strings. \program{xgettext} generates what are
called \file{.pot} files, essentially structured human readable files
which contain every marked string in the source code. These
\file{.pot} files are copied and handed over to human translators who write
language-specific versions for every supported natural language.
The Python distribution comes with two tools which help you generate
the message catalogs once you've prepared your source code. These may
or may not be available from a binary distribution, but they can be
found in a source distribution, in the \file{Tools/i18n} directory.
For I18N Python programs however, \program{xgettext} won't work; it
doesn't understand the myriad of string types support by Python. The
standard Python distribution provides a tool called
\program{pygettext} that does though (found in the \file{Tools/i18n/}
directory).\footnote{Fran\c cois Pinard has written a program called
The \program{pygettext}\footnote{Fran\c cois Pinard has
written a program called
\program{xpot} which does a similar job. It is available as part of
his \program{po-utils} package at
} This is a command line script that
supports a similar interface as \program{xgettext}; see its
documentation for details. Once you've used \program{pygettext} to
create your \file{.pot} files, you can use the standard GNU
\program{gettext} tools to generate your machine-readable \file{.mo}
files, which are readable by the \class{GNUTranslations} class.
\url{}.} program
scans all your Python source code looking for the strings you
previously marked as translatable. It is similar to the GNU
\program{gettext} program except that it understands all the
intricacies of Python source code, but knows nothing about C or C++
source code. You don't need GNU \code{gettext} unless you're also
going to be translating C code (e.g. C extension modules).
\program{pygettext} generates textual Uniforum-style human readable
message catalog \file{.pot} files, essentially structured human
readable files which contain every marked string in the source code,
along with a placeholder for the translation strings.
\program{pygettext} is a command line script that supports a similar
command line interface as \program{xgettext}; for details on its use,
\begin{verbatim} --help
Copies of these \file{.pot} files are then handed over to the
individual human translators who write language-specific versions for
every supported natural language. They send you back the filled in
language-specific versions as a \file{.po} file. Using the
\program{}\footnote{\program{} is binary
compatible with GNU \program{msgfmt} except that it provides a
simpler, all-Python implementation. With this and
\program{}, you generally won't need to install the GNU
\program{gettext} package to internationalize your Python
applications.} program (in the \file{Tools/i18n} directory), you take the
\file{.po} files from your translators and generate the
machine-readable \file{.mo} binary catalog files. The \file{.mo}
files are what the \module{gettext} module uses for the actual
translation processing during run-time.
How you use the \module{gettext} module in your code depends on
whether you are internationalizing your entire application or a single