Clean up the TextIOWrapper code; pick better names; improve documentation.

This commit is contained in:
Ka-Ping Yee 2008-03-20 10:37:32 +00:00
parent dbe28e573e
commit 593cd6b843

View file

@ -1179,20 +1179,19 @@ def __init__(self, buffer, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None,
self._writenl = newline or os.linesep
self._encoder = None
self._decoder = None
self._decoded_text = "" # buffer for text produced by decoder
self._decoded_text_offset = 0 # offset to text returned by read()
self._decoded_chars = '' # buffer for text returned from decoder
self._decoded_chars_used = 0 # offset into _decoded_chars for read()
self._snapshot = None # info for reconstructing decoder state
self._seekable = self._telling = self.buffer.seekable()
# A word about _snapshot. This attribute is either None, or a tuple
# (decoder_state, next_input) where decoder_state is the second
# (integer) item of the decoder state, and next_input is the chunk
# of bytes that comes after the snapshot point in the input.
# We use this to reconstruct intermediate decoder states in tell().
# self._snapshot is either None, or a tuple (dec_flags, next_input)
# where dec_flags is the second (integer) item of the decoder state
# and next_input is the chunk of input bytes that comes next after the
# snapshot point. We use this to reconstruct decoder states in tell().
# Naming convention:
# - integer variables ending in "_bytes" count input bytes
# - integer variables ending in "_chars" count decoded characters
# - "bytes_..." for integer variables that count input bytes
# - "chars_..." for integer variables that count decoded characters
def __repr__(self):
return '<TIOW %x>' % id(self)
@ -1267,62 +1266,79 @@ def _get_decoder(self):
self._decoder = decoder
return decoder
# The following three methods implement an ADT for _decoded_chars.
# Text returned from the decoder is buffered here until the client
# requests it by calling our read() or readline() method.
def _set_decoded_chars(self, chars):
"""Set the _decoded_chars buffer."""
self._decoded_chars = chars
self._decoded_chars_used = 0
def _get_decoded_chars(self, n=None):
"""Advance into the _decoded_chars buffer."""
offset = self._decoded_chars_used
if n is None:
chars = self._decoded_chars[offset:]
chars = self._decoded_chars[offset:offset + n]
self._decoded_chars_used += len(chars)
return chars
def _rewind_decoded_chars(self, n):
"""Rewind the _decoded_chars buffer."""
if self._decoded_chars_used < n:
raise AssertionError("rewind decoded_chars out of bounds")
self._decoded_chars_used -= n
def _read_chunk(self):
Read and decode the next chunk of data from the BufferedReader.
The return value is True unless EOF was reached. The decoded string
is placed in self._decoded_text (replacing its previous value).
(The entire input chunk is sent to the decoder, though some of it
may remain buffered in the decoder, yet to be converted.)
is placed in self._decoded_chars (replacing its previous value).
The entire input chunk is sent to the decoder, though some of it
may remain buffered in the decoder, yet to be converted.
if self._decoder is None:
raise ValueError("no decoder")
if not self._telling:
# No one should call tell(), so don't bother taking a snapshot.
input_chunk = self.buffer.read1(self._CHUNK_SIZE)
eof = not input_chunk
self._decoded_text = self._decoder.decode(input_chunk, eof)
self._decoded_text_offset = 0
return not eof
# The cookie returned by tell() cannot include the contents of
# the decoder's buffer, so we need to snapshot a point in the
# input where the decoder has nothing in its input buffer.
if self._telling:
# To prepare for tell(), we need to snapshot a point in the
# file where the decoder's input buffer is empty.
dec_buffer, dec_flags = self._decoder.getstate()
# The state tuple returned by getstate() contains the decoder's
# input buffer and an integer representing any other state. Thus,
# there is a valid snapshot point len(decoder_buffer) bytes ago in
# the input, with the state tuple (b'', decoder_state).
dec_buffer, dec_flags = self._decoder.getstate()
# Given this, we know there was a valid snapshot point
# len(dec_buffer) bytes ago with decoder state (b'', dec_flags).
# Read a chunk, decode it, and put the result in self._decoded_chars.
input_chunk = self.buffer.read1(self._CHUNK_SIZE)
eof = not input_chunk
self._decoded_text = self._decoder.decode(input_chunk, eof)
self._decoded_text_offset = 0
self._set_decoded_chars(self._decoder.decode(input_chunk, eof))
if self._telling:
# At the snapshot point, len(dec_buffer) bytes before the read,
# the next input to be decoded is dec_buffer + input_chunk.
self._snapshot = (dec_flags, dec_buffer + input_chunk)
# At the snapshot point, len(dec_buffer) bytes ago, the next input
# to be passed to the decoder is dec_buffer + input_chunk.
self._snapshot = (dec_flags, dec_buffer + input_chunk)
return not eof
def _pack_cookie(self, position, dec_flags=0,
feed_bytes=0, need_eof=0, skip_chars=0):
bytes_to_feed=0, need_eof=0, chars_to_skip=0):
# The meaning of a tell() cookie is: seek to position, set the
# decoder flags to dec_flags, read feed_bytes bytes, feed them
# decoder flags to dec_flags, read bytes_to_feed bytes, feed them
# into the decoder with need_eof as the EOF flag, then skip
# skip_chars characters of the decoded result. For most simple
# decoders, this should often just be the position.
return (position | (dec_flags<<64) | (feed_bytes<<128) |
(skip_chars<<192) | bool(need_eof)<<256)
# chars_to_skip characters of the decoded result. For most simple
# decoders, tell() will often just give a byte offset in the file.
return (position | (dec_flags<<64) | (bytes_to_feed<<128) |
(chars_to_skip<<192) | bool(need_eof)<<256)
def _unpack_cookie(self, bigint):
rest, position = divmod(bigint, 1<<64)
rest, dec_flags = divmod(rest, 1<<64)
rest, feed_bytes = divmod(rest, 1<<64)
need_eof, skip_chars = divmod(rest, 1<<64)
return position, dec_flags, feed_bytes, need_eof, skip_chars
rest, bytes_to_feed = divmod(rest, 1<<64)
need_eof, chars_to_skip = divmod(rest, 1<<64)
return position, dec_flags, bytes_to_feed, need_eof, chars_to_skip
def tell(self):
if not self._seekable:
@ -1333,7 +1349,7 @@ def tell(self):
position = self.buffer.tell()
decoder = self._decoder
if decoder is None or self._snapshot is None:
if self._decoded_text:
if self._decoded_chars:
# This should never happen.
raise AssertionError("pending decoded text")
return position
@ -1342,51 +1358,48 @@ def tell(self):
dec_flags, next_input = self._snapshot
position -= len(next_input)
# How many decoded characters have been returned since the snapshot?
skip_chars = self._decoded_text_offset
if skip_chars == 0:
# How many decoded characters have been used up since the snapshot?
chars_to_skip = self._decoded_chars_used
if chars_to_skip == 0:
# We haven't moved from the snapshot point.
return self._pack_cookie(position, dec_flags)
# Walk the decoder forward, one byte at a time, to find the minimum
# input necessary to give us the decoded characters we need to skip.
# As we go, look for the "safe point" nearest to the current location
# (i.e. a point where the decoder has nothing buffered, so we can
# safely start from there when trying to return to this location).
# Starting from the snapshot position, we will walk the decoder
# forward until it gives us enough decoded characters.
saved_state = decoder.getstate()
decoder.setstate((b"", dec_flags))
fed_bytes = 0
decoded_chars = 0
# Note our initial start point.
decoder.setstate((b'', dec_flags))
start_pos = position
start_flags, bytes_fed, chars_decoded = dec_flags, 0, 0
need_eof = 0
last_safe_point = (dec_flags, 0, 0)
# Feed the decoder one byte at a time. As we go, note the
# nearest "safe start point" before the current location
# (a point where the decoder has nothing buffered, so seek()
# can safely start from there and advance to this location).
next_byte = bytearray(1)
for next_byte[0] in next_input:
decoded = decoder.decode(next_byte)
fed_bytes += 1
decoded_chars += len(decoded)
bytes_fed += 1
chars_decoded += len(decoder.decode(next_byte))
dec_buffer, dec_flags = decoder.getstate()
if not dec_buffer and decoded_chars <= skip_chars:
# Decoder buffer is empty, so it's safe to start from here.
last_safe_point = (dec_flags, fed_bytes, decoded_chars)
if decoded_chars >= skip_chars:
if not dec_buffer and chars_decoded <= chars_to_skip:
# Decoder buffer is empty, so this is a safe start point.
start_pos += bytes_fed
chars_to_skip -= chars_decoded
start_flags, bytes_fed, chars_decoded = dec_flags, 0, 0
if chars_decoded >= chars_to_skip:
# We didn't get enough decoded data; signal EOF to get more.
decoded = decoder.decode(b"", final=True)
decoded_chars += len(decoded)
chars_decoded += len(decoder.decode(b'', final=True))
need_eof = 1
if decoded_chars < skip_chars:
if chars_decoded < chars_to_skip:
raise IOError("can't reconstruct logical file position")
# Advance the starting position to the last safe point.
dec_flags, safe_fed_bytes, safe_decoded_chars = last_safe_point
position += safe_fed_bytes
fed_bytes -= safe_fed_bytes
skip_chars -= safe_decoded_chars
# The returned cookie corresponds to the last safe start point.
return self._pack_cookie(
position, dec_flags, fed_bytes, need_eof, skip_chars)
start_pos, start_flags, bytes_fed, need_eof, chars_to_skip)
@ -1405,7 +1418,8 @@ def seek(self, cookie, whence=0):
raise IOError("can't do nonzero end-relative seeks")
position =, 2)
self._snapshot = None
if self._decoder:
return position
@ -1416,53 +1430,35 @@ def seek(self, cookie, whence=0):
raise ValueError("negative seek position %r" % (cookie,))
# Seek back to the snapshot point.
position, dec_flags, feed_bytes, need_eof, skip_chars = \
# The strategy of seek() is to go back to the safe start point
# and replay the effect of read(chars_to_skip) from there.
start_pos, dec_flags, bytes_to_feed, need_eof, chars_to_skip = \
if self._decoder or dec_flags or feed_bytes or need_eof:
# Restore the decoder flags to their values from the snapshot.
self._decoder = self._decoder or self._get_decoder()
self._decoder.setstate((b"", dec_flags))
self._snapshot = (dec_flags, b'')
if feed_bytes or need_eof:
# Feed feed_bytes bytes to the decoder.
input_chunk =
self._decoded_text = self._decoder.decode(input_chunk, need_eof)
if len(self._decoded_text) < skip_chars:
raise IOError("can't restore logical file position")
# Skip skip_chars of the decoded characters.
self._decoded_text_offset = skip_chars
# Restore the snapshot.
self._snapshot = (dec_flags, input_chunk)
return cookie
def _clear_decoded_text(self):
"""Reset the _decoded_text buffer."""
self._decoded_text = ''
self._decoded_text_offset = 0
# Seek back to the safe start point.
self._snapshot = None
def _emit_decoded_text(self, n=None):
"""Advance into the _decoded_text buffer."""
offset = self._decoded_text_offset
if n is None:
text = self._decoded_text[offset:]
text = self._decoded_text[offset:offset + n]
self._decoded_text_offset += len(text)
return text
# Restore the decoder to its state from the safe start point.
if self._decoder or dec_flags or chars_to_skip:
self._decoder = self._decoder or self._get_decoder()
self._decoder.setstate((b'', dec_flags))
self._snapshot = (dec_flags, b'')
def _unemit_decoded_text(self, n):
"""Rewind the _decoded_text buffer."""
if self._decoded_text_offset < n:
raise AssertionError("unemit out of bounds")
self._decoded_text_offset -= n
if chars_to_skip:
# Just like _read_chunk, feed the decoder and save a snapshot.
input_chunk =
self._decoder.decode(input_chunk, need_eof))
self._snapshot = (dec_flags, input_chunk)
# Skip chars_to_skip of the decoded characters.
if len(self._decoded_chars) < chars_to_skip:
raise IOError("can't restore logical file position")
self._decoded_chars_used = chars_to_skip
return cookie
def read(self, n=None):
if n is None:
@ -1470,17 +1466,18 @@ def read(self, n=None):
decoder = self._decoder or self._get_decoder()
if n < 0:
# Read everything.
result = (self._emit_decoded_text() +
result = (self._get_decoded_chars() +
decoder.decode(, final=True))
self._snapshot = None
return result
# Keep reading chunks until we have n characters to return.
eof = False
result = self._emit_decoded_text(n)
result = self._get_decoded_chars(n)
while len(result) < n and not eof:
eof = not self._read_chunk()
result += self._emit_decoded_text(n - len(result))
result += self._get_decoded_chars(n - len(result))
return result
def __next__(self):
@ -1497,7 +1494,7 @@ def readline(self, limit=None):
limit = -1
# Grab all the decoded text (we will rewind any extra bits later).
line = self._emit_decoded_text()
line = self._get_decoded_chars()
start = 0
decoder = self._decoder or self._get_decoder()
@ -1558,20 +1555,21 @@ def readline(self, limit=None):
# No line ending seen yet - get more data
more_line = ''
while self._read_chunk():
if self._decoded_text:
if self._decoded_chars:
if self._decoded_text:
line += self._emit_decoded_text()
if self._decoded_chars:
line += self._get_decoded_chars()
# end of file
self._snapshot = None
return line
if limit >= 0 and endpos > limit:
endpos = limit # don't exceed limit
# Rewind _decoded_text to just after the line ending we found.
self._unemit_decoded_text(len(line) - endpos)
# Rewind _decoded_chars to just after the line ending we found.
self._rewind_decoded_chars(len(line) - endpos)
return line[:endpos]