2011-05-17 08:48:53 -04:00

879 lines
26 KiB

Support for scripting of plugins using the npruntime interface
Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 Maksim Orlovich <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "nsplugin.h"
#include "sdk/npruntime.h"
#include <QtCore/QtGlobal>
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include "scripting.h"
namespace kdeNsPluginViewer {
// npruntime API --- variants & identifiers
static void g_NPN_ReleaseObject(NPObject* object);
static void g_NPN_ReleaseVariantValue(NPVariant* variant)
if (!variant) return;
if (variant->type == NPVariantType_Object)
else if (variant->type == NPVariantType_String)
struct NSPluginIdentifier
QString str;
qint32 num;
bool isString;
static QHash<QString, NSPluginIdentifier*> stringIdents;
static QHash<int32_t, NSPluginIdentifier*> intIdents;
/* unfortunately, since this not per-session we can't clean up int idents.
### on 64-bit, can use small-value optimization-like encoding for them
//Internal -- not part of standard API..
static NPIdentifier g_NPN_GetQStringIdentifier(const QString& str)
QHash<QString, NSPluginIdentifier*>::const_iterator i = stringIdents.constFind(str);
if (i != stringIdents.constEnd()) {
return i.value();
NSPluginIdentifier* ident = new NSPluginIdentifier();
ident->isString = true;
ident->str = str;
stringIdents[str] = ident;
return ident;
// As above -- this one is in the other direction
static QString g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(NPIdentifier n)
NSPluginIdentifier* ident = reinterpret_cast<NSPluginIdentifier*>(n);
if (!ident->isString)
return QString::number(ident->num);
return ident->str;
static NPIdentifier g_NPN_GetStringIdentifier(const NPUTF8* name)
QString str = QString::fromUtf8(name);
return g_NPN_GetQStringIdentifier(str);
static void g_NPN_GetStringIdentifiers(const NPUTF8 **names, qint32 nameCount,
NPIdentifier* identifiers)
for (qint32 p = 0; p < nameCount; ++p)
identifiers[p] = g_NPN_GetStringIdentifier(names[p]);
static NPIdentifier g_NPN_GetIntIdentifier(qint32 intid)
QHash<qint32, NSPluginIdentifier*>::const_iterator i = intIdents.constFind(intid);
if (i != intIdents.constEnd())
return i.value();
NSPluginIdentifier *ident = new NSPluginIdentifier();
ident->isString = false;
ident->num = intid;
intIdents[intid] = ident;
return ident;
static bool g_NPN_IdentifierIsString(NPIdentifier identifier)
return reinterpret_cast<NSPluginIdentifier*>(identifier)->isString;
static NPUTF8* g_NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier(NPIdentifier identifier)
NSPluginIdentifier* ident = reinterpret_cast<NSPluginIdentifier*>(identifier);
if (!ident->isString)
return 0;
// This deep copies as the API docs state the caller is responsible for freeing the string
// we also include the trailing null in memory, but not length, like
// QByteArray does.
QByteArray utf8 = ident->str.toUtf8();
int fullLength = utf8.size() + 1; //Includes 0...
NPUTF8* buf = static_cast<NPUTF8*>(g_NPN_MemAlloc(fullLength));
std::memcpy(buf, utf8.constData(), fullLength);
return buf;
static int32_t g_NPN_IntFromIdentifier(NPIdentifier identifier)
NSPluginIdentifier *ident = reinterpret_cast<NSPluginIdentifier*>(identifier);
if (ident->isString)
return 0;
return ident->num;
// Internal -- not part of public API
static void g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(NPVariant* v, const QString& s)
// note: we also include a trailing null with utf8 data, just in case
v->type = NPVariantType_String;
v->value.stringValue.UTF8Length = s.length();
v->value.stringValue.UTF8Characters =
static_cast<NPUTF8*>(g_NPN_MemAlloc(s.length() + 1));
QByteArray utf8 = s.toUtf8();
utf8.constData(), s.length() + 1);
// Internal, for debug purposes
static QString dumpVariant(const NPVariant& v)
switch (v.type) {
case NPVariantType_Void:
return QLatin1String("void");
case NPVariantType_Null:
return QLatin1String("null");
case NPVariantType_Bool:
return QLatin1String(v.value.boolValue ? "true" : "false");
case NPVariantType_Int32:
return QLatin1String("i:") + QString::number(v.value.intValue);
case NPVariantType_Double:
return QLatin1String("d:") + QString::number(v.value.doubleValue);
case NPVariantType_String:
return QLatin1String("s:") +
case NPVariantType_Object:
return QLatin1String("o");
return QLatin1String("Unknown type");
// npruntime API --- objects
static NPObject* g_NPN_CreateObject(NPP npp, NPClass* aClass)
NPObject* obj;
if (aClass && aClass->allocate)
obj = aClass->allocate(npp, aClass);
obj = (NPObject*)::malloc(sizeof(NPObject));
obj->_class = aClass;
obj->referenceCount = 1;
return obj;
static NPObject* g_NPN_RetainObject(NPObject* npobj)
if (npobj)
return npobj;
static void g_NPN_ReleaseObject(NPObject* npobj)
if (npobj) {
if (npobj->referenceCount == 0) {
if (npobj->_class && npobj->_class->deallocate)
static bool g_NPN_Invoke(NPP, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name,
const NPVariant* args, quint32 argCount, NPVariant* result)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->invoke) {
return npobj->_class->invoke(npobj, name, args, argCount, result);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_InvokeDefault(NPP, NPObject* npobj, const NPVariant* args ,
quint32 argCount, NPVariant* result)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->invokeDefault)
return npobj->_class->invokeDefault(npobj, args, argCount, result);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_GetProperty(NPP /*npp*/, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name, NPVariant* result)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->getProperty)
return npobj->_class->getProperty(npobj, name, result);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_SetProperty(NPP, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name, const NPVariant* value)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->setProperty)
return npobj->_class->setProperty(npobj, name, value);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_HasProperty(NPP, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->hasProperty)
return npobj->_class->hasProperty(npobj, name);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_RemoveProperty(NPP, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->removeProperty)
return npobj->_class->removeProperty(npobj, name);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_HasMethod(NPP, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && npobj->_class->hasMethod)
return npobj->_class->hasMethod(npobj, name);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_Enumerate(NPP, NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier **identifiers,
quint32* identifierCount)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && NP_CLASS_STRUCT_VERSION_HAS_ENUM(npobj->_class)
&& npobj->_class->enumerate)
return npobj->_class->enumerate(npobj, identifiers, identifierCount);
return false;
static bool g_NPN_Construct(NPP, NPObject* npobj, const NPVariant* args,
quint32 argCount, NPVariant* result)
if (npobj && npobj->_class && NP_CLASS_STRUCT_VERSION_HAS_CTOR(npobj->_class)
&& npobj->_class->construct)
return npobj->_class->construct(npobj, args, argCount, result);
return false;
static void g_NPN_SetException(NPObject* /*npobj*/, const NPUTF8* /*message*/)
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]";
static bool g_NPN_Evaluate(NPP /*npp*/, NPObject* /*npobj*/, NPString* /*script*/,
NPVariant* /*result*/)
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]";
return false;
// ### invalidate, NPN_evaluate, setException -- what should they do?
// now, a little adapter for bridging from NPRuntime type system
// into proper C++ subclasses.
class ScriptableObjectBase
virtual bool hasMethod(QString m) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << m;
return false;
virtual bool hasProperty(QString p) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << p;
return false;
virtual bool invoke(QString method, QStringList args, QString* /*out*/) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << method << args;
return false;
virtual bool invokeDefault(QStringList args, QString* /*out*/) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << args;
return false;
virtual bool construct(QStringList args, QString* /*out*/) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << args;
return false;
virtual bool get(QString prop, QString* /*out*/) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << prop;
return false;
virtual bool removeProperty(QString prop) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << prop;
return false;
virtual bool setProperty(QString prop, QString val) {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]" << prop << val;
return false;
virtual QStringList enumeration() {
kDebug(1431) << "[unimplemented]";
return QStringList();
virtual ~ScriptableObjectBase() {}
struct NPObjectWrapper: public NPObject
ScriptableObjectBase* impl;
template<typename ImplType>
NPObject* wrapAlloc(NPP /*npp*/, NPClass* /*aClass*/)
ImplType* imp = new ImplType;
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = new NPObjectWrapper;
wrap->impl = imp;
wrap->referenceCount = 1;
return wrap;
template<typename ImplType>
void wrapDealloc(NPObject *npobj)
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj);
delete wrap->impl;
delete wrap;
static void wrapInvalidate(NPObject* npobj)
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj);
delete wrap->impl;
wrap->impl = 0;
static bool wrapHasMethod(NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name)
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj);
return wrap->impl->hasMethod(g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(name));
static bool wrapInvoke(NPObject *npobj, NPIdentifier name,
const NPVariant *args, quint32 argCount,
NPVariant *result)
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj);
QStringList qa;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argCount; ++i)
qa << dumpVariant(args[i]);
QString ourRes;
if (wrap->impl->invoke(g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(name), qa, &ourRes)) {
g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(result, ourRes);
return true;
return false;
static bool wrapInvokeDefault(NPObject *npobj,
const NPVariant *args, quint32 argCount,
NPVariant *result)
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj);
QStringList qa;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argCount; ++i)
qa << dumpVariant(args[i]);
QString ourRes;
if (wrap->impl->invokeDefault(qa, &ourRes)) {
g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(result, ourRes);
return true;
return false;
static bool wrapConstruct(NPObject *npobj,
const NPVariant *args, quint32 argCount,
NPVariant *result)
NPObjectWrapper* wrap = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj);
QStringList qa;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argCount; ++i)
qa << dumpVariant(args[i]);
QString ourRes;
if (wrap->impl->construct(qa, &ourRes)) {
g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(result, ourRes);
return true;
return false;
static bool wrapHasProperty(NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name)
return static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj)->impl->hasProperty(g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(name));
static bool wrapGetProperty(NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name, NPVariant* result)
QString ourRes;
if (static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj)->impl->get(g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(name), &ourRes)) {
g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(result, ourRes);
return true;
return false;
static bool wrapSetProperty(NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name, const NPVariant* value)
return static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj)->impl->setProperty(
g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(name), dumpVariant(*value));
static bool wrapRemoveProperty(NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier name)
return static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj)->impl->removeProperty(g_NPN_GetIdentifierQString(name));
static bool wrapEnumeration(NPObject* npobj, NPIdentifier** value, quint32* count)
QStringList props = static_cast<NPObjectWrapper*>(npobj)->impl->enumeration();
NPIdentifier* array = reinterpret_cast<NPIdentifier*>(g_NPN_MemAlloc(sizeof(NPIdentifier) * props.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); ++i)
array[i] = g_NPN_GetQStringIdentifier(props[i]);
*count = props.size();
*value = array;
return true;
template<typename ImplClass>
struct NPWrapperClass: public NPClass
NPWrapperClass() {
allocate = wrapAlloc<ImplClass>;
deallocate = wrapDealloc<ImplClass>;
invalidate = wrapInvalidate;
hasMethod = wrapHasMethod;
invoke = wrapInvoke;
invokeDefault = wrapInvokeDefault;
hasProperty = wrapHasProperty;
getProperty = wrapGetProperty;
setProperty = wrapSetProperty;
removeProperty = wrapRemoveProperty;
enumerate = wrapEnumeration;
construct = wrapConstruct;
static NPWrapperClass<ScriptableObjectBase> stubClass;
// ScriptExportEngine
void ScriptExportEngine::fillInScriptingFunctions(NPNetscapeFuncs* nsFuncs)
nsFuncs->getstringidentifier = g_NPN_GetStringIdentifier;
nsFuncs->getstringidentifiers = g_NPN_GetStringIdentifiers;
nsFuncs->getintidentifier = g_NPN_GetIntIdentifier;
nsFuncs->identifierisstring = g_NPN_IdentifierIsString;
nsFuncs->utf8fromidentifier = g_NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier;
nsFuncs->intfromidentifier = g_NPN_IntFromIdentifier;
nsFuncs->createobject = g_NPN_CreateObject;
nsFuncs->retainobject = g_NPN_RetainObject;
nsFuncs->releaseobject = g_NPN_ReleaseObject;
nsFuncs->invoke = g_NPN_Invoke;
nsFuncs->invokeDefault = g_NPN_InvokeDefault;
nsFuncs->evaluate = g_NPN_Evaluate;
nsFuncs->getproperty = g_NPN_GetProperty;
nsFuncs->setproperty = g_NPN_SetProperty;
nsFuncs->removeproperty = g_NPN_RemoveProperty;
nsFuncs->hasproperty = g_NPN_HasProperty;
nsFuncs->hasmethod = g_NPN_HasMethod;
nsFuncs->releasevariantvalue = g_NPN_ReleaseVariantValue;
nsFuncs->setexception = g_NPN_SetException;
nsFuncs->enumerate = g_NPN_Enumerate;
nsFuncs->construct = g_NPN_Construct;
// This emulates as little we can get away with to get Flash sorta-scriptable
class FakeWindowObject: public ScriptableObjectBase
FakeWindowObject(): _plugin(0)
FakeWindowObject(NSPluginInstance* plugin): _plugin(plugin)
virtual bool get(QString prop, QString* out) {
kDebug(1431) << prop;
if (prop == QLatin1String("location") && !_plugin->pageURL().isEmpty()) {
kDebug(1431) << " -> reporting page URL:" << _plugin->pageURL();
*out = _plugin->pageURL();
return true;
return false;
NSPluginInstance* _plugin;
static NPWrapperClass<FakeWindowObject> windowClass;
void ScriptExportEngine::connectToPlugin() {
NPObject* rootObj = 0;
if (_pluginInstance->NPGetValue(NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject, (void*)&rootObj) == NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
kDebug(1431) << "Detected support for scripting, root = " << rootObj << endl;
_liveConnectRoot = rootObj;
// Add it to it mappings as id = 0. We don't need to manual retain,
// flash does.
_objectForId[0] = rootObj;
_objectIds[rootObj] = 0;
static NPP dummy;
ScriptExportEngine::ScriptExportEngine(NSPluginInstance* inst):
_nextId(1), _pluginInstance(inst), _liveConnectRoot(0)
// Reserve a spot for root, even if we don't have it now.
_objectForId[0] = 0;
// Create our fake window object
NPObjectWrapper* win = new NPObjectWrapper;
win->_class = &windowClass;
win->impl = new FakeWindowObject(inst);
win->referenceCount = 1;
_window = win;
// Stub for now
_pluginElement = g_NPN_CreateObject(dummy, &stubClass);
// ### when should invalidation happen?
// Release every object...
QHash<unsigned long, NPObject*>::iterator i = _objectForId.begin();
while (i != _objectForId.end()) {
QHash<unsigned long, FuncRef>::iterator fi = _functionForId.begin();
while (fi != _functionForId.end()) {
NPObject* ScriptExportEngine::getScriptObject(unsigned long objid)
QHash<unsigned long, NPObject*>::const_iterator i = _objectForId.constFind(objid);
if (i == _objectForId.constEnd())
return 0;
return i.value();
FuncRef* ScriptExportEngine::getScriptFunction(unsigned long objid)
if (_functionForId.contains(objid))
return &_functionForId[objid];
return 0;
unsigned long ScriptExportEngine::findFreeId()
while(true) {
if (!_objectForId.contains(_nextId) && !_functionForId.contains(_nextId)) {
unsigned long freeID = _nextId;
return freeID;
unsigned long ScriptExportEngine::allocObjId(NPObject* object)
unsigned long freeID = findFreeId();
_objectForId[freeID] = object;
_objectIds[object] = freeID;
return freeID;
unsigned long ScriptExportEngine::allocFuncId(FuncRef f)
unsigned long freeID = findFreeId();
_functionForId[freeID] = f;
_functionIds [f] = freeID;
return freeID;
unsigned long ScriptExportEngine::registerIfNeeded(NPObject* obj)
QHash<NPObject*, unsigned long>::const_iterator i = _objectIds.constFind(obj);
if (i != _objectIds.constEnd()) {
return i.value();
} else {
return allocObjId(obj);
unsigned long ScriptExportEngine::registerFuncIfNeeded(FuncRef f)
QHash<FuncRef, unsigned long>::const_iterator i = _functionIds.constFind(f);
if (i != _functionIds.constEnd()) {
return i.value();
} else {
return allocFuncId(f);
void ScriptExportEngine::setupReturn(const NPVariant& result, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type& type,
unsigned long& retobjid, QString& value)
switch (result.type) {
case NPVariantType_Void:
case NPVariantType_Null: //### not quite accurate..
type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeVoid;
case NPVariantType_Bool:
type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeBool;
value = result.value.boolValue ? "true" : "false";
case NPVariantType_Int32:
type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeNumber;
value = QString::number(result.value.intValue);
case NPVariantType_Double:
type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeNumber;
value = QString::number(result.value.doubleValue);
case NPVariantType_String:
type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeString;
value = QString::fromUtf8(result.value.stringValue.UTF8Characters,
case NPVariantType_Object:
type = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeObject;
retobjid = registerIfNeeded(result.value.objectValue);
bool ScriptExportEngine::get(const unsigned long objid, const QString& field,
KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type& typeOut,
unsigned long& retobjid, QString& value)
kDebug(1431) << objid << field;
NPObject* obj = getScriptObject(objid);
if (!obj) {
kDebug(1431) << "huh? base object not found";
return false;
NPIdentifier fieldIdent = g_NPN_GetQStringIdentifier(field);
//First, see if this has a method...
if (g_NPN_HasMethod(_pluginInstance->_npp, obj, fieldIdent)) {
kDebug(1431) << " --> found function";
//Return a wrapper object representing the function reference
typeOut = KParts::LiveConnectExtension::TypeFunction;
FuncRef f = qMakePair(obj, field);
retobjid = registerFuncIfNeeded(f);
kDebug(1431) << " --> returning with id:" << retobjid;
return true;
//Now see if it is a field..
if (g_NPN_HasProperty(_pluginInstance->_npp, obj, fieldIdent)) {
kDebug(1431) << "--> found field";
NPVariant result;
if (g_NPN_GetProperty(_pluginInstance->_npp, obj, fieldIdent, &result)) {
kDebug(1431) << "--> get OK";
//Set our return value from the variant..
setupReturn(result, typeOut, retobjid, value);
return true;
//Nothing seems to be there..
return false;
bool ScriptExportEngine::put(const unsigned long objid, const QString& field,
const QString& value)
kDebug(1431) << objid << field << value;
//Ugh. This is pretty bad, since the extension doesn't support types on put...
//just hope the string works..
NPObject* obj = getScriptObject(objid);
if (!obj) {
kDebug(1431) << "huh? no object?";
return false;
NPIdentifier fieldIdent = g_NPN_GetQStringIdentifier(field);
NPVariant npValue;
g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(&npValue, value);
bool result = g_NPN_SetProperty(_pluginInstance->_npp, obj, fieldIdent, &npValue);
kDebug(1431) << " --> result:" << result;
return result;
bool ScriptExportEngine::call(const unsigned long objid, const QString& func, const QStringList& args,
KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type& retType, unsigned long& retobjid, QString& value)
kDebug(1431) << objid << func << args;
// As above, we pass everything as strings --- pretty bad.
// Also, no InvokeDefault support for now, and we assume we
// are passed a FuncRef.
FuncRef* fi = getScriptFunction(objid);
if (!fi) {
kDebug(1431) << "huh? not a funcref";
return false;
NPIdentifier methodIdent = g_NPN_GetQStringIdentifier(func);
//Convert arguments..
NPVariant* npArgs = new NPVariant[args.size()];
for (int c = 0; c < args.size(); ++c) {
g_NPN_SetVariantFromQString(&npArgs[c], args[c]);
kDebug(1431) << QString::fromUtf8(npArgs[c].value.stringValue.UTF8Characters,
NPVariant result;
result.type = NPVariantType_Void;
bool ok = g_NPN_Invoke(_pluginInstance->_npp, fi->first, methodIdent, npArgs, args.size(), &result);
kDebug(1431) << " --> invoke result:" << ok;
kDebug(1431) << " --> res type:" << result.type;
if (ok) {
setupReturn(result, retType, retobjid, value);
// Cleanup..
for (int c = 0; c < args.size(); ++c)
delete[] npArgs;
return ok;
void ScriptExportEngine::unregister(const unsigned long objid)
//See if this is an object identifier..
QHash<unsigned long, NPObject*>::const_iterator i = _objectForId.constFind(objid);
if (i != _objectForId.constEnd()) {
NPObject* obj = i.value();
// Or perhaps a function one?
QHash<unsigned long, FuncRef>::const_iterator fi = _functionForId.constFind(objid);
if (fi != _functionForId.constEnd()) {
FuncRef f = fi.value();
NPObject* ScriptExportEngine::acquireWindow()
return _window;
NPObject* ScriptExportEngine::acquirePluginElement()
return _pluginElement;
} // namespace kdeNsPluginViewer
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