
603 lines
21 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1999-2006 David Faure <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kfmclient.h"
#include <ktoolinvocation.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kio/jobuidelegate.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kmimetypetrader.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kservice.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kcomponentdata.h>
#include <KStartupInfoId>
#include <kurifilter.h>
#include <konq_mainwindow_interface.h>
#include <konq_main_interface.h>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <QX11Info>
static const char appName[] = "kfmclient";
static const char programName[] = I18N_NOOP("kfmclient");
static const char description[] = I18N_NOOP("KDE tool for opening URLs from the command line");
static const char version[] = "2.0";
QByteArray ClientApp::startup_id_str;
bool ClientApp::m_ok = true;
bool s_interactive = true;
K_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(KComponentData, s_instance, ("kfmclient"))
static void needInstance();
extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain( int argc, char **argv )
KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, appName, 0, ki18n(programName), version, ki18n(description));
KCmdLineOptions options;
options.add("noninteractive", ki18n("Non interactive use: no message boxes"));
options.add("commands", ki18n("Show available commands"));
options.add("+command", ki18n("Command (see --commands)"));
options.add("+[URL(s)]", ki18n("Arguments for command"));
KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
if (argc == 1 || args->isSet("commands") )
puts(i18n(" kfmclient openURL 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
" # Opens a window showing 'url'.\n"
" # 'url' may be a relative path\n"
" # or file name, such as . or subdir/\n"
" # If 'url' is omitted, $HOME is used instead.\n\n").toLocal8Bit());
puts(i18n(" # If 'mimetype' is specified, it will be used to determine the\n"
" # component that Konqueror should use. For instance, set it to\n"
" # text/html for a web page, to make it appear faster\n\n").toLocal8Bit());
puts(i18n(" kfmclient newTab 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
" # Same as above but opens a new tab with 'url' in an existing Konqueror\n"
" # window on the current active desktop if possible.\n\n").toLocal8Bit());
puts(i18n(" kfmclient openProfile 'profile' ['url']\n"
" # Opens a window using the given profile.\n"
" # 'profile' is a file under ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles.\n"
" # 'url' is an optional URL to open.\n\n").toLocal8Bit());
puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec is deprecated and kept for compatibility with KDE 3. \n"
" # See kioclient exec for more information.\n").toLocal8Bit());
return 0;
// Use kfmclient from the session KDE version
if(( args->arg( 0 ) == "openURL" || args->arg( 0 ) == "newTab" )
&& getenv( "KDE_FULL_SESSION" ) != NULL )
int version = KDE_VERSION_MAJOR;
if( getenv( "KDE_SESSION_VERSION" ) == NULL ) // this is KDE3
version = 3;
version = atoi( getenv( "KDE_SESSION_VERSION" ));
if( version != 0 && version != KDE_VERSION_MAJOR )
kDebug() << "Forwarding to kfmclient from KDE version " << version;
char wrapper[ 10 ];
sprintf( wrapper, "kde%d", version );
char** newargv = new char*[ argc + 2 ];
newargv[ 0 ] = wrapper;
for( int i = 0;
i < argc;
++i )
newargv[ i + 1 ] = argv[ i ];
newargv[ argc + 1 ] = NULL;
execvp( wrapper, newargv );
// just continue if failed
// ClientApp internally uses KConfig and hence needs a valid KComponentData
return ClientApp::doIt() ? 0 /*no error*/ : 1 /*error*/;
// Call needInstance before any use of KConfig
static void needInstance()
KComponentData *tmp = s_instance; // inits the global static if referenced for the first time
Whether to start a new konqueror or reuse an existing process.
First of all, this concept is actually broken, as the view used to show
the data may change at any time, and therefore Konqy reused to browse
"safe" data may eventually browse something completely different.
Moreover, it's quite difficult to find out when to reuse, and thus this
function is an ugly hack. You've been warned.
Kfmclient will attempt to find an instance for reusing if either reusing
is configured to reuse always,
or it's not configured to never reuse, and the URL to-be-opened is "safe".
The URL is safe, if the view used to view it is listed in the allowed KPart's.
In order to find out the part, mimetype is needed, and KMimeTypeTrader is needed.
If mimetype is not known, KMimeType is used (which doesn't work e.g. for remote
URLs, but oh well). Since this function may be running without a KApplication
instance, I'm actually quite surprised it works, and it may sooner or later break.
Nice, isn't it?
If a profile is being used, and no url has been explicitly given, it needs to be
read from the profile. If there's more than one URL listed in the profile, no reusing
will be done (oh well), if there's no URL, no reusing will be done either (also
because the webbrowsing profile doesn't have any URL listed).
static bool startNewKonqueror( QString url, QString mimetype, const QString& profile )
KConfig konqCfg( QLatin1String( "konquerorrc" ) );
const KConfigGroup reusingGroup( &konqCfg, "Reusing" );
QStringList allowed_parts;
// is duplicated in ../KonquerorAdaptor.cpp
allowed_parts << QLatin1String( "dolphinpart.desktop" )
<< QLatin1String( "konq_sidebartng.desktop" );
if( reusingGroup.hasKey( "SafeParts" )
&& reusingGroup.readEntry( "SafeParts" ) != QLatin1String( "SAFE" ))
allowed_parts = reusingGroup.readEntry( "SafeParts",QStringList() );
if( allowed_parts.count() == 1 && allowed_parts.first() == QLatin1String( "ALL" ))
return false; // all parts allowed
if( url.isEmpty())
if( profile.isEmpty())
return true;
QString profilepath = KStandardDirs::locate( "data", QLatin1String("konqueror/profiles/") + profile );
if( profilepath.isEmpty())
return true;
KConfig cfg( profilepath );
KConfigGroup profileGroup( &cfg, "Profile" );
const QMap< QString, QString > entries = profileGroup.entryMap();
QRegExp urlregexp( QLatin1String( "^View[0-9]*_URL$" ));
QStringList urls;
for( QMap< QString, QString >::ConstIterator it = entries.begin();
it != entries.end();
++it )
// don't read value from map, dollar expansion is needed
QString value = profileGroup.readEntry( it.key(), QString());
if( urlregexp.indexIn( it.key()) >= 0 && !value.isEmpty())
urls << value;
if( urls.count() != 1 )
return true;
url = urls.first();
if (mimetype.isEmpty())
mimetype = KMimeType::findByUrl(KUrl(url))->name();
if (mimetype == "application/octet-stream")
return true;
KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query( mimetype, QLatin1String( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
KService::Ptr serv;
if( offers.count() > 0 )
serv = offers.first();
return !serv || !allowed_parts.contains( serv->desktopEntryName() + QLatin1String(".desktop") );
static int currentScreen()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
QX11Info info;
if( QX11Info::display() != NULL )
return info.screen();
// case when there's no KApplication instance
const char* env = getenv( "DISPLAY" );
if( env == NULL )
return 0;
const char* dotpos = strrchr( env, '.' );
const char* colonpos = strrchr( env, ':' );
if( dotpos != NULL && colonpos != NULL && dotpos > colonpos )
return atoi( dotpos + 1 );
return 0;
static bool s_dbus_initialized = false;
static void needDBus()
if ( !s_dbus_initialized ) {
extern void qDBusBindToApplication();
if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().isConnected())
kFatal(101) << "Session bus not found" ;
s_dbus_initialized = true;
// when reusing a preloaded konqy, make sure your always use a DBus call which opens a profile !
static QString getPreloadedKonqy()
KConfig konqCfg( QLatin1String( "konquerorrc" ) );
const KConfigGroup reusingGroup( &konqCfg, "Reusing" );
if( reusingGroup.readEntry( "MaxPreloadCount", 1 ) == 0 )
return QString();
QDBusInterface ref( "org.kde.kded", "/modules/konqy_preloader", "org.kde.konqueror.Preloader", QDBusConnection::sessionBus() );
// ## used to have NoEventLoop and 3s timeout with dcop
QDBusReply<QString> reply = "getPreloadedKonqy", currentScreen() );
if ( reply.isValid() )
return reply;
return QString();
static QString konqyToReuse( const QString& url, const QString& mimetype, const QString& profile )
{ // prefer(?) preloaded ones
QString ret = getPreloadedKonqy();
if( !ret.isEmpty())
return ret;
if( startNewKonqueror( url, mimetype, profile ))
return QString();
QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusReply<QStringList> reply = dbus.interface()->registeredServiceNames();
if ( !reply.isValid() )
return QString();
const QStringList allServices = reply;
const int screen = currentScreen();
for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = allServices.begin(), end = allServices.end() ; it != end ; ++it ) {
const QString service = *it;
if ( service.startsWith( "org.kde.konqueror" ) ) {
org::kde::Konqueror::Main konq( service, "/KonqMain", dbus );
QDBusReply<bool> reuse = konq.processCanBeReused( screen );
if ( reuse.isValid() && reuse )
return service;
return QString();
static KUrl filteredUrl(KCmdLineArgs* args)
if (args) {
KUriFilterData data;
if (KUriFilter::self()->filterUri(data) && data.uriType() != KUriFilterData::Error) {
return data.uri();
return KUrl();
void ClientApp::sendASNChange()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KStartupInfoId id;
id.initId( startup_id_str );
KStartupInfoData data;
data.addPid( 0 ); // say there's another process for this ASN with unknown PID
data.setHostname(); // ( no need to bother to get this konqy's PID )
Display* dpy = QX11Info::display();
if( dpy == NULL ) // we may be running without QApplication here
dpy = XOpenDisplay( NULL );
if( dpy != NULL )
KStartupInfo::sendChangeX( dpy, id, data );
if( dpy != NULL && dpy != QX11Info::display())
XCloseDisplay( dpy );
static bool krun_has_error = false;
bool ClientApp::createNewWindow(const KUrl & url, bool newTab, bool tempFile, const QString & mimetype)
kDebug() << url << "mimetype=" << mimetype;
if (url.protocol().startsWith(QLatin1String("http")))
KConfig config(QLatin1String("kfmclientrc"));
KConfigGroup generalGroup(&config, "General");
const QString browserApp = generalGroup.readEntry("BrowserApplication");
if (!browserApp.isEmpty() && !browserApp.startsWith("!kfmclient")
&& (browserApp.startsWith('!') || KService::serviceByStorageId(browserApp)))
kDebug() << "Using external browser" << browserApp;
Q_ASSERT( qApp );
//ClientApp app;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
// TODO we don't handle tempFile here, but most likely the external browser doesn't support it,
// so we should sleep and delete it ourselves....
KGlobal::setAllowQuit( true );
KRun * run = new KRun( url, 0L, 0, false, false /* no progress window */ );
QObject::connect( run, SIGNAL(finished()), qApp, SLOT(delayedQuit()));
QObject::connect( run, SIGNAL(error()), qApp, SLOT(delayedQuit()));
return !krun_has_error;
QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
KConfig cfg( QLatin1String( "konquerorrc" ) );
KConfigGroup fmSettings = "FMSettings" );
if ( newTab || fmSettings.readEntry( "KonquerorTabforExternalURL", false) ) {
QString foundApp;
QDBusObjectPath foundObj;
QDBusReply<QStringList> reply = dbus.interface()->registeredServiceNames();
if ( reply.isValid() ) {
const QStringList allServices = reply;
for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = allServices.begin(), end = allServices.end() ; it != end ; ++it ) {
const QString service = *it;
if ( service.startsWith( "org.kde.konqueror" ) ) {
org::kde::Konqueror::Main konq( service, "/KonqMain", dbus );
QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> windowReply = konq.windowForTab();
if ( windowReply.isValid() ) {
QDBusObjectPath path = windowReply;
// "/" is the indicator for "no object found", since we can't use an empty path
if ( path.path() != "/" ) {
foundApp = service;
foundObj = path;
if ( !foundApp.isEmpty() ) {
org::kde::Konqueror::MainWindow konqWindow( foundApp, foundObj.path(), dbus );
QDBusReply<void> newTabReply = konqWindow.newTabASNWithMimeType( url.url(), mimetype, startup_id_str, tempFile );
if ( newTabReply.isValid() ) {
return true;
QString appId = konqyToReuse( url.url(), mimetype, QString() );
if( !appId.isEmpty())
kDebug() << "ClientApp::createNewWindow using existing konqueror";
org::kde::Konqueror::Main konq( appId, "/KonqMain", dbus );
konq.createNewWindow( url.url(), mimetype, startup_id_str, tempFile );
QString error;
/* Well, we can't pass a mimetype through startServiceByDesktopPath !
if ( KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopPath( QLatin1String("konqueror.desktop"),
url.url(), &error ) > 0 )
kError() << "Couldn't start konqueror from konqueror.desktop: " << error << endl;
// pass kfmclient's startup id to konqueror using kshell
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KStartupInfoId id;
id.initId( startup_id_str );
QStringList args;
args << QLatin1String("konqueror");
if ( !mimetype.isEmpty() )
args << "-mimetype" << mimetype;
if ( tempFile )
args << "-tempfile";
args << url.url();
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
KProcess::startDetached(QLatin1String("kwrapper4"), args);
KProcess::startDetached(QLatin1String("kshell4"), args);
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
kDebug() << "ClientApp::createNewWindow KProcess started";
return true;
bool ClientApp::openProfile( const QString & profileName, const QString & url, const QString & mimetype )
QString appId = konqyToReuse( url, mimetype, profileName );
if( appId.isEmpty())
QString error;
if ( KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopPath( QLatin1String("konqueror.desktop"),
QLatin1String("--silent"), &error, &appId, NULL, startup_id_str ) > 0 )
kError() << "Couldn't start konqueror from konqueror.desktop: " << error << endl;
return false;
// startServiceByDesktopPath waits for the app to register with DBus
// so when we arrive here, konq is up and running already, and appId contains the identification
QString profile = KStandardDirs::locate( "data", QLatin1String("konqueror/profiles/") + profileName );
if ( profile.isEmpty() )
fprintf( stderr, "%s", i18n("Profile %1 not found\n", profileName).toLocal8Bit().data() );
::exit( 0 );
org::kde::Konqueror::Main konqy( appId, "/KonqMain", QDBusConnection::sessionBus() );
if ( url.isEmpty() )
konqy.createBrowserWindowFromProfile( profile, profileName, startup_id_str );
else if ( mimetype.isEmpty() )
konqy.createBrowserWindowFromProfileAndUrl( profile, profileName, url, startup_id_str );
konqy.createBrowserWindowFromProfileUrlAndMimeType( profile, profileName, url, mimetype, startup_id_str );
sleep(2); // Martin Schenk <> says this is necessary to let the server read from the socket
// ######## so those methods should probably not be ASYNC
return true;
void ClientApp::delayedQuit()
// Quit in 2 seconds. This leaves time for KRun to pop up
// "app not found" in KProcessRunner, if that was the case.
QTimer::singleShot( 2000, this, SLOT(deref()) );
// don't access the KRun instance later, it will be deleted after calling slots
if( static_cast< const KRun* >( sender())->hasError())
krun_has_error = true;
static void checkArgumentCount(int count, int min, int max)
if (count < min)
fputs( i18n("Syntax Error: Not enough arguments\n").toLocal8Bit(), stderr );
if (max && (count > max))
fputs( i18n("Syntax Error: Too many arguments\n").toLocal8Bit(), stderr );
bool ClientApp::doIt()
KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
int argc = args->count();
checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 0);
if ( !args->isSet( "ninteractive" ) ) {
s_interactive = false;
QString command = args->arg(0);
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
// read ASN env. variable for non-KApp cases
startup_id_str = KStartupInfo::currentStartupIdEnv().id();
kDebug() << "Creating ClientApp";
int fake_argc = 0;
char** fake_argv = 0;
ClientApp app( fake_argc, fake_argv );
if ( command == "openURL" || command == "newTab" )
checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 3);
bool tempFile = KCmdLineArgs::isTempFileSet();
if ( argc == 1 )
KUrl url;
return createNewWindow( url, command == "newTab", tempFile );
if ( argc == 2 )
return createNewWindow( filteredUrl(args), command == "newTab", tempFile );
if ( argc == 3 )
return createNewWindow( filteredUrl(args), command == "newTab", tempFile, args->arg(2) );
else if ( command == "openProfile" )
checkArgumentCount(argc, 2, 3);
QString url;
if ( argc == 3 )
url = args->url(2).url();
return openProfile( args->arg(1), url );
else if ( command == "exec" && argc >= 2)
// compatibility with KDE 3 and xdg-open
QStringList kioclientArgs;
if (!s_interactive)
kioclientArgs << QLatin1String("--noninteractive");
kioclientArgs << "exec" << args->arg(1);
if (argc == 3)
kioclientArgs << args->arg(2);
int ret = KProcess::execute("kioclient", kioclientArgs);
return ret == 0;
fprintf( stderr, "%s", i18n("Syntax Error: Unknown command '%1'\n", command).toLocal8Bit().data() );
return false;
return true;
void ClientApp::slotResult( KJob * job )
if (job->error() && s_interactive)
m_ok = !job->error();
void ClientApp::slotDialogCanceled()
m_ok = false;
#include "kfmclient.moc"