2011-05-09 22:36:41 +04:00

1390 lines
48 KiB

Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Schlapbach <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Antonio Larrosa <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Grimrath <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The DOM-tree is recursed twice. The first run gathers all URLs while the second
// run writes out all HTML frames and CSS stylesheets. These two distinct runs are
// necessary, because some frames and/or stylesheets may be dropped (for example
// a frame currently not displayed or deemed insecure). In that case an URL that
// points to such a frame/stylesheet has to be removed. Since the URL may be mentioned
// earlier before recursing to the to-be-removed frame, two runs are necessary to get
// a complete list of URLs that should be archived.
// Changelog
// * replace dynamic_cast<> and ->inherits() with qobject_cast<>
// * use QHash instead of QMap; get rid of Ordered<> class
// * fixed crash / assertion on Konqueror exit after a webpage was archived
// See comment about KHTMLView parent widget in plugin_webarchiver.cpp
// * Using KDE4/Qt4 KUrl::equals() and QUrl::fragment() to compare Urls
// * KHTML stores comment with a trailing '-'. Looks like some off-by-one bug.
// * Add mimetype indicating suffix to downloaded files.
// DONE CSS mentioned in <link> elements that are not parsed by Konqueror did not get their
// href='' resolved/removed
// TODO if href= etc links in a frameset refer to frames currently displayed, make links relative
// to archived page instead of absolute
// TODO KDE4 webarchiver: look at m_bPreserveWS
// TODO KDE4 webarchiver: look at closing tags
// TODO check if PartFrameData::framesWithName get a 'KHTMLPart *' if any
// TODO KHTMLPart::frames(): Is it possible to have NULL pointers in returned list?
// TODO If downloaded object need no data conversion, use KIO::file_copy or signal data()
// TODO KDE4 check what KHTMLPart is doing on job->addMetaData()
// TODO KDE4 use HTMLScriptElementImpl::charset() to get charset="" attribute of <link> elements
#include <cassert>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <qtextdocument.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ktar.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kauthorized.h>
#include <kcharsets.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kstandardguiitem.h>
#include <khtml_part.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <dom/css_rule.h>
#include <dom/css_stylesheet.h>
#include <dom/css_value.h>
#include "archivedialog.h"
// Set to true if you have a patched http-io-slave that has
// improved offline-browsing functionality.
static const bool patchedHttpSlave = false;
#define CONTENT_TYPE "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"
// Qt 4.x offers a @c foreach pseudo keyword. This is however slightly slower than FOR_ITER
// because @c foreach makes a shared copy of the container.
#define FOR_ITER(type,var,it) for (type::iterator it(var.begin()), it##end(var.end()); it != it##end; ++it)
#define FOR_CONST_ITER(type,var,it) for (type::const_iterator it(var.begin()), it##end(var.end()); it != it##end; ++it)
#define FOR_ITER_TEMPLATE(type,var,it) for (typename type::iterator it(var.begin()), it##end(var.end()); it != it##end; ++it)
static const mode_t archivePerms = S_IFREG | 0644;
typedef QList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *> ROPartList;
// functions needed for storing certain DOM elements in a QHash<>
namespace DOM {
inline uint qHash(const CSSStyleSheet &a) {
return ::qHash(static_cast<void *>(a.handle()));
inline bool operator==(const DOM::CSSStyleSheet &a, const DOM::CSSStyleSheet &b) {
return a.handle() == b.handle();
inline uint qHash(const Node &a) {
return ::qHash(static_cast<void *>(a.handle()));
}// namespace DOM
// elems with 'type' attr: object, param, link, script, style
// TODO convert to bsearch? probably more time and memory efficient
ArchiveDialog::NonCDataAttr::NonCDataAttr() {
static const char * const non_cdata[] = {
"id", "dir", "shape", "tabindex", "align", "nohref", "clear"
// Unfinished...
for (int i=0; i!= (sizeof(non_cdata) / sizeof(non_cdata[0])); ++i)
// TODO lazy init?
ArchiveDialog::NonCDataAttr ArchiveDialog::non_cdata_attr;
ArchiveDialog::RecurseData::RecurseData(KHTMLPart *_part, QTextStream *_textStream, PartFrameData *pfd)
: part(_part), textStream(_textStream), partFrameData(pfd), document(_part->htmlDocument()),
Q_ASSERT( !document.isNull() );
static KHTMLPart *isArchivablePart(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part)
KHTMLPart *cp = qobject_cast<KHTMLPart *>(part);
if (! cp)
return NULL;
DOM::HTMLDocument domdoc( cp->htmlDocument() );
if (domdoc.isNull())
return NULL;
return cp;
ArchiveDialog::ArchiveDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString &filename, KHTMLPart *part)
: KDialog(parent), m_top(part), m_job(NULL), m_uniqId(2), m_tarBall(NULL), m_filename(filename), m_widget(NULL)
setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Web Archiver"));
setButtons(KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel);
setButtonGuiItem(KDialog::Ok, KStandardGuiItem::close());
m_widget = new ArchiveViewBase(this);
QTreeWidgetItem *twi = m_widget->progressView->headerItem();
twi->setText(0, i18n("Status"));
twi->setText(1, i18n("Url"));
KUrl srcURL = part->url();
m_widget->urlLabel->setText(QString("<a href=\"") + srcURL.url() + "\">" +
KStringHandler::csqueeze( srcURL.prettyUrl(), 80 ) + "</a>");
m_widget->targetLabel->setText(QString("<a href=\"") + filename + "\">" +
KStringHandler::csqueeze( filename, 80 ) + "</a>");
// m_document = part->document();
// m_document = part->document().ownerDocument();
m_tarBall = new KTar(filename, "application/x-gzip");
m_archiveTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t();
ArchiveDialog::~ArchiveDialog() {
// TODO cancel outstanding download jobs?
kDebug(90110) << "destroying";
if (m_job) {
m_job = NULL;
delete m_tarBall; m_tarBall = NULL;
void ArchiveDialog::archive() {
if (m_tarBall->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
// Assign unique tarname to URLs
// Split m_url2tar into Stylesheets / non stylesheets
assert(static_cast<ssize_t>(m_url2tar.size()) - static_cast<ssize_t>(m_cssURLs.size()) >= 0);
// m_objects.reserve(m_url2tar.size() - m_cssURLs.size());
FOR_ITER(UrlTarMap, m_url2tar, u2t_it) {
const KUrl &url = u2t_it.key();
DownloadInfo &info = u2t_it.value();
assert( info.tarName.isNull() );
// info.tarName = uniqTarName( url.fileName(), 0 );
// To able to append mimetype hinting suffixes to tarnames, for instance adding '.gif' to a
// webbug '87626734' adding the name to the url-to-tarname map is deferred.
// This cannot be done with CSS because CSS may reference each other so when URLS
// of the first CSS are changed all tarnames need to be there.
if ( m_cssURLs.find( url ) == m_cssURLs.end() ) {
m_objects.append( u2t_it );
} else {
info.tarName = uniqTarName( url.fileName(), 0 );
QProgressBar *pb = m_widget->progressBar;
pb->setMaximum(m_url2tar.count() + 1);
m_objects_it = m_objects.begin();
} else {
const QString title = i18nc( "@title:window", "Unable to Open Web-Archive" );
const QString text = i18n( "Unable to open \n %1 \n for writing." ).arg(m_tarBall->fileName());
KMessageBox::sorry(NULL, text, title);
void ArchiveDialog::downloadObjects() {
if ( m_objects_it == m_objects.end() ) {
m_styleSheets_it = m_cssURLs.begin();
} else {
m_dlurl2tar_it = (*m_objects_it);
const KUrl &url = m_dlurl2tar_it.key();
DownloadInfo &info = m_dlurl2tar_it.value();
assert( m_dlurl2tar_it != m_url2tar.end() );
Q_ASSERT(m_job == NULL);
m_job = startDownload( url, info.part );
connect(m_job, SIGNAL( result(KJob *) ), SLOT( slotObjectFinished(KJob *) ) );
void ArchiveDialog::slotObjectFinished( KJob *_job ) {
KIO::StoredTransferJob *job = qobject_cast<KIO::StoredTransferJob *>(_job);
Q_ASSERT(job == m_job);
m_job = NULL;
const KUrl &url = m_dlurl2tar_it.key();
DownloadInfo &info = m_dlurl2tar_it.value();
bool error = job->error();
if ( !error ) {
const QString &mimetype( job->mimetype() );
info.tarName = uniqTarName( appendMimeTypeSuffix(url.fileName(), mimetype), 0 );
QByteArray data( job->data() );
const QString &tarName = info.tarName;
// kDebug(90110) << "downloaded " << url.prettyUrl() << "size=" << data.size() << "mimetype" << mimetype;
error = ! m_tarBall->writeFile(tarName, QString::null, QString::null,, data.size(),
archivePerms, m_archiveTime, m_archiveTime, m_archiveTime);
if (error) {
kDebug(90110) << "Error writing to archive file";
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "download error for url='" << url.prettyUrl();
void ArchiveDialog::downloadStyleSheets() {
if (m_styleSheets_it == m_cssURLs.end()) {
} else {
// QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(slotDownloadStyleSheetsDelay()));
const KUrl &url = m_styleSheets_it.key();
m_dlurl2tar_it = m_url2tar.find( url );
assert( m_dlurl2tar_it != m_url2tar.end() );
DownloadInfo &info = m_dlurl2tar_it.value();
Q_ASSERT(m_job == NULL);
m_job = startDownload( url, info.part );
connect(m_job, SIGNAL( result( KJob* ) ), SLOT( slotStyleSheetFinished( KJob * ) ) );
void ArchiveDialog::slotStyleSheetFinished( KJob *_job ) {
KIO::StoredTransferJob *job = qobject_cast<KIO::StoredTransferJob *>(_job);
Q_ASSERT(job == m_job);
m_job = NULL;
const KUrl &url = m_dlurl2tar_it.key();
DownloadInfo &info = m_dlurl2tar_it.value();
bool error = job->error();
if (! error) {
QByteArray data( job->data() );
const QString &tarName = info.tarName;
URLsInStyleSheet::Iterator uss_it = m_URLsInStyleSheet.find( m_styleSheets_it.value() );
assert( uss_it != m_URLsInStyleSheet.end() );
DOM::DOMString ds( uss_it.key().charset() );
QString cssCharSet( ds.string() );
bool ok;
QTextCodec *codec = KGlobal::charsets()->codecForName(cssCharSet, ok);
kDebug(90110) << "translating URLs in CSS" << url.prettyUrl() << "charset=" << cssCharSet << " found=" << ok;
assert( codec );
QString css_text = codec->toUnicode( data );
// Do *NOT* delete 'codec'! These are allocated by Qt
changeCSSURLs( css_text, uss_it.value() );
data = codec->fromUnicode( css_text );
error = ! m_tarBall->writeFile(tarName, QString::null, QString::null,, data.size(),
archivePerms, m_archiveTime, m_archiveTime, m_archiveTime);
if (error) {
kDebug(90110) << "Error writing to archive file";
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "download error for css url='" << url.prettyUrl();
KIO::Job *ArchiveDialog::startDownload( const KUrl &url, KHTMLPart *part ) {
QTreeWidgetItem *twi = new QTreeWidgetItem;
twi->setText(0, i18n("Downloading"));
twi->setText(1, url.prettyUrl());
QTreeWidget *tw = m_widget->progressView;
tw->insertTopLevelItem(0, twi);
KIO::Job *job = KIO::storedGet(url, KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo);
// Use entry from cache only. Avoids re-downloading. Requires modified kio_http slave.
job->addMetaData("cache", patchedHttpSlave ? "cacheonly" : "cache");
// This is a duplication of the code in loader.cpp: Loader::servePendingRequests()
//job->addMetaData("accept", req->object->accept());
job->addMetaData( "referrer", part->url().url() );
job->addMetaData( "cross-domain", part->toplevelURL().url() );
return job;
void ArchiveDialog::endProgressInfo(bool error) {
QTreeWidget *tw = m_widget->progressView;
tw->topLevelItem(0)->setText(0, error ? i18n("Error") : i18n("Ok"));
QProgressBar *pb = m_widget->progressBar;
pb->setValue(pb->value() + 1);
void ArchiveDialog::saveWebpages() {
bool error = saveTopFrame();
if (error) {
kDebug(90110) << "Error writing to archive file";
QProgressBar *pb = m_widget->progressBar;
pb->setValue(pb->value() + 1);
// KMessageBox::information(0, i18n( "Archiving webpage completed." ), QString::null, QString::null, false);
void ArchiveDialog::finishedArchiving(bool tarerror) {
if (tarerror) {
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("I/O error occurred while writing to web archive file %1.", m_tarBall->fileName()));
m_widget->progressView->sortItems(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
void ArchiveDialog::slotButtonClicked(int) {
deleteLater(); // Keep memory consumption low
// This is the mess you get because C++ lacks a lambda generator
// The whole purpose of the Get* classes is to parametrize what
// attribute of a KHTMLPart object should be fetched.
// GetName and GetURL are used for the 'class FuncObj' parameter
// class in the template function filterFrameMappings below
struct GetFromPart {
const KHTMLPart *child;
GetFromPart(const KHTMLPart *_child) : child(_child) { }
struct GetName : public GetFromPart {
GetName(const KHTMLPart *child) : GetFromPart(child) { }
operator QString () { return child->objectName(); }
struct GetURL : public GetFromPart {
GetURL(const KHTMLPart *child) : GetFromPart(child) { }
operator KUrl () { return child->url(); }
template< class Id2Part, class FuncObj >
static void filterFrameMappings(KHTMLPart *part, Id2Part &result) {
Id2Part existing_frames;
// TODO this can probably be optimized: no temp of existing, directly store to be removed parts.
ROPartList childParts( part->frames() );
FOR_ITER(ROPartList, childParts, child_it) {
// TODO It is not clear from browsing the source code of KHTML if *child_it may be NULL
KHTMLPart *cp = isArchivablePart(*child_it);
if (cp) {
existing_frames.insert( FuncObj(cp), cp );
typedef QList< typename Id2Part::Iterator > IdRemoveList;
IdRemoveList beRemoved;
FOR_ITER_TEMPLATE(Id2Part, result, it) {
typename Id2Part::Iterator exists_it = existing_frames.find( it.key() );
if ( exists_it == existing_frames.end() )
beRemoved.append( it );
it.value() = exists_it.value();
FOR_ITER_TEMPLATE(IdRemoveList, beRemoved, rem_it) {
kDebug(90110) << "removing insecure(?) frame='" << (*rem_it).key();
result.erase( (*rem_it) );
template void filterFrameMappings< ArchiveDialog::Name2Part, GetName >(KHTMLPart *, ArchiveDialog::Name2Part &);
template void filterFrameMappings< ArchiveDialog::URL2Part, GetURL >(KHTMLPart *, ArchiveDialog::URL2Part &);
* Recursively traverses the DOM-Tree extracting all URLs that need to be downloaded
void ArchiveDialog::obtainURLs() {
obtainURLsLower(m_top, 0);
FOR_ITER(FramesInPart, m_framesInPart, fip_it) {
KHTMLPart *part = fip_it.key();
PartFrameData &pfd = fip_it.value();
// Remove all frames obtained from the DOM tree parse
// that do not have a corresponding KHTMLPart as a direct child.
// Do NOT use KHTMLPart::findFrame()! This one searches recursively all subframes as well!
filterFrameMappings< Name2Part, GetName >(part, pfd.framesWithName);
filterFrameMappings< URL2Part, GetURL >(part, pfd.framesWithURLOnly);
assert(! m_framesInPart.empty());
#if 0
FOR_ITER(CSSURLSet, m_cssURLs, it) {
kDebug(90110) << "to be downloaded stylesheet='" << it.key();
FOR_ITER(URLsInStyleSheet, m_URLsInStyleSheet, ss2u_it) {
kDebug(90110) << "raw URLs in sheet='" << ss2u_it.key().href();
FOR_ITER(RawHRef2FullURL,, c2f_it) {
kDebug(90110) << " url='" << c2f_it.key() << "' -> '" <<;
FOR_ITER(URLsInStyleElement, m_URLsInStyleElement, e2u_it) {
kDebug(90110) << "raw URLs in style-element:";
FOR_ITER(RawHRef2FullURL,, c2f_it) {
kDebug(90110) << " url='" << c2f_it.key() << "' -> '" <<;
void ArchiveDialog::obtainStyleSheetURLsLower(DOM::CSSStyleSheet css, RecurseData &data) {
//kDebug(90110) << "stylesheet title='" << styleSheet.title().string() << "' "
// "type='" << styleSheet.type().string();
RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full = m_URLsInStyleSheet.insert( css, RawHRef2FullURL()).value();
DOM::CSSRuleList crl = css.cssRules();
for (int j=0; j != static_cast<int>(crl.length()); ++j) {
DOM::CSSRule cr = crl.item(j);
switch (cr.type()) {
case DOM::CSSRule::STYLE_RULE: {
const DOM::CSSStyleRule &csr = static_cast<DOM::CSSStyleRule &>(cr);
//kDebug(90110) << "found selector '" << csr.selectorText();
parseStyleDeclaration( css.baseUrl(),, raw2full, data );
} break;
const DOM::CSSImportRule &cir = static_cast<DOM::CSSImportRule &>(cr);
DOM::CSSStyleSheet importSheet = cir.styleSheet();
if ( importSheet.isNull() ) {
// Given stylesheet was not downloaded / parsed by KHTML
// Remove that URL from the stylesheet
kDebug(90110) << "stylesheet: invalid @import url('" << cir.href() << "')";
raw2full.insert( cir.href().string(), KUrl() );
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "stylesheet: @import url('" << cir.href() << "') found";
QString href = cir.href().string();
Q_ASSERT( !href.isNull() );
KUrl fullURL = importSheet.baseUrl();
bool inserted = insertHRefFromStyleSheet( href, raw2full, fullURL, data );
if ( inserted ) {
m_cssURLs.insert( fullURL, importSheet );
obtainStyleSheetURLsLower( importSheet, data );
} break;
kDebug(90110) << " unknown/unsupported rule=" << cr.type();
void ArchiveDialog::obtainURLsLower(KHTMLPart *part, int level) {
//QString indent;
//indent.fill(' ', level*2);
QString htmlFileName = (level == 0) ? "index.html" : part->url().fileName();
// Add .html extension if not found already. This works around problems with frames,
// where the frame is for example "framead.php". The http-io-slave gets the mimetype
// from the webserver, but files in a tar archive do not have such metadata. The result
// is that Konqueror asks "save 'adframe.php' to file?" without this measure.
htmlFileName = appendMimeTypeSuffix(htmlFileName, "text/html");
// If level == 0, the m_tarName2part map is empty and so uniqTarName will return "index.html" unchanged.
uniqTarName( htmlFileName, part );
assert( m_framesInPart.find(part) == m_framesInPart.end() );
FramesInPart::Iterator fip_it = m_framesInPart.insert( part, PartFrameData() );
RecurseData data(part, 0, &(fip_it.value()));
obtainPartURLsLower(data.document.documentElement(), 1, data);
{ // Limit lifetime of @c childParts
ROPartList childParts( part->frames() );
FOR_ITER(ROPartList, childParts, child_it) {
KHTMLPart *cp = isArchivablePart(*child_it);
if (cp) {
obtainURLsLower(cp, level+1);
DOM::StyleSheetList styleSheetList = data.document.styleSheets();
//kDebug(90110) << "# of stylesheets=" << styleSheetList.length();
for (int i=0; i != static_cast<int>(styleSheetList.length()); ++i) {
DOM::StyleSheet ss = styleSheetList.item(i);
if ( ss.isCSSStyleSheet() ) {
DOM::CSSStyleSheet &css = static_cast<DOM::CSSStyleSheet &>(ss);
QString href = css.href().string();
if (! href.isNull()) {
QString href = css.href().string();
KUrl fullUrl = css.baseUrl();
kDebug(90110) << "top-level stylesheet='" << href;
bool inserted = insertTranslateURL( fullUrl, data);
if ( inserted )
m_cssURLs.insert( fullUrl, css );
} else {
DOM::Node node = css.ownerNode();
if (! node.isNull()) {
assert(! m_topStyleSheets.contains(node));
kDebug(90110) << "top-level inline stylesheet '" << node.nodeName();
// TODO I think there can be more than one <style> area...
m_topStyleSheets.insert(node, css);
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "found loose style sheet '" << node.nodeName();
assert(0); // FIXME for testing only
obtainStyleSheetURLsLower( css, data );
void ArchiveDialog::obtainPartURLsLower(const DOM::Node &pNode, int level, RecurseData &data) {
const QString nodeName = pNode.nodeName().string().toUpper();
QString indent;
indent.fill(' ', level*2);
if ( !pNode.isNull() && (pNode.nodeType() == DOM::Node::ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
const DOM::Element &element = static_cast<const DOM::Element &>(pNode);
if ( const_cast<DOM::Element &>(element).hasAttribute( "STYLE" ) ) {
RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full = m_URLsInStyleElement.insert(element, RawHRef2FullURL()).value();
parseStyleDeclaration( data.part->url(), const_cast<DOM::Element &>(element).style(),
raw2full, data );
if ( nodeName == "BASE" )
data.baseSeen = true;
ExtractURLs eurls(nodeName, element);
const AttrList::iterator invalid = eurls.attrList.end();
if (eurls.frameName != invalid) {
// If a frame tag has a name tag, the src attribute will be overwritten
// This ensures the current selected frame is saved and not the default
// frame given by the original 'src' attribute
data.partFrameData->framesWithName.insert((*eurls.frameName).value, 0);
} else if (eurls.frameURL != invalid) {
// URL has no 'name' attribute. This frame cannot(?) change, so 'src' should
// identify it unambigously
KUrl _frameURL = absoluteURL((*eurls.frameURL).value, data );
if (!urlCheckFailed(data.part, _frameURL))
data.partFrameData->framesWithURLOnly.insert(_frameURL.url(), 0);
} else {
// Ignore empty frame tags
if (eurls.transURL != invalid) {
// Kills insecure/invalid links. Frames are treated separately.
insertTranslateURL(absoluteURL(parseURL((*eurls.transURL).value), data), data);
// StyleSheet-URLs are compared against the internal stylesheets data structures
// Treatment is similar to frames
if (! pNode.isNull()) {
DOM::Node child = pNode.firstChild();
while (! child.isNull()) {
obtainPartURLsLower(child, level+1, data);
child = child.nextSibling();
// Kill insecure/invalid links. Frames are treated separately.
bool ArchiveDialog::insertTranslateURL( const KUrl &fullURL, RecurseData &data ) {
if ( !urlCheckFailed(data.part, fullURL) ) {
// kDebug(90110) << "adding '" << fullURL << "' to to-be-downloaded URLs";
m_url2tar.insert( fullURL, DownloadInfo( QString::null, data.part ) );
return true;
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "URL check failed on '" << fullURL.prettyUrl() << "' -- skipping";
return false;
bool ArchiveDialog::insertHRefFromStyleSheet( const QString &hrefRaw, RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full,
const KUrl &fullURL, RecurseData &data )
bool inserted = insertTranslateURL( fullURL, data );
#if 0
if ( inserted ) {
kDebug(90110) << "stylesheet: found url='"
<< fullURL.prettyUrl() << "' hrefRaw='" << hrefRaw;
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "stylesheet: killing insecure/invalid url='"
<< fullURL.prettyUrl() << "' hrefRaw='" << hrefRaw;
raw2full.insert( hrefRaw, inserted ? fullURL : KUrl() );
return inserted;
void ArchiveDialog::parseStyleDeclaration(const KUrl &baseURL, DOM::CSSStyleDeclaration decl,
RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full, RecurseData &data /*, bool verbose*/)
for (int k=0; k != static_cast<int>(decl.length()); ++k) {
DOM::DOMString item = decl.item(k);
DOM::DOMString val = decl.getPropertyValue(item);
//DOM::CSSValue csval = decl.getPropertyCSSValue(item);
// kDebug(90110) << "style declaration " << item << ":" << val << ";";
QString href = extractCSSURL( val.string() );
if ( href != QString::null ) {
// kDebug(90110) << "URL in CSS " << item << ":" << val << ";";
// TODO Would like to use khtml::parseURL to remove \r, \n and similar
QString parsedURL = parseURL(href);
// kDebug(90110) << "found URL='" << val << "' extracted='" << parsedURL << "'";
insertHRefFromStyleSheet( href, raw2full, KUrl( baseURL, parsedURL ), data );
/* Saves all frames, starting from top */
bool ArchiveDialog::saveTopFrame() {
FOR_ITER(TarName2Part, m_tarName2part, t2p_it) {
if ( t2p_it.value() != 0 )
m_part2tarName.insert( t2p_it.value(), t2p_it.key() );
return saveFrame(m_top, 0);
bool ArchiveDialog::saveFrame(KHTMLPart *part, int level) {
// Rebuild HTML file from 'part' and write to tar archive
QByteArray rawtext;
FramesInPart::Iterator fip_it = m_framesInPart.find(part);
assert( fip_it != m_framesInPart.end() );
PartFrameData *pfd = &(fip_it.value());
// Overloading madness: Note the @c &rawtext : If you accidently write @c rawtext
// it still compiles but it uses a different ctor that does not write to @c rawtext
// but initializes @c textStream with @c rawtext
QTextStream textStream( &rawtext, QIODevice::WriteOnly );
textStream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForMib( 106 )); // 106 == UTF-8
RecurseData data(part, &textStream, pfd);
} // @c textStream destroyed and flushed
Part2TarName::Iterator p2tn_it = m_part2tarName.find( part );
assert( p2tn_it != m_part2tarName.end() );
const QString &tarName = p2tn_it.value();
kDebug(90110) << "writing part='" << part->url().prettyUrl() << "' to tarfile='" << tarName
<< "' size=" << rawtext.size();
bool error = ! m_tarBall->writeFile(tarName, QString::null, QString::null,, rawtext.size(),
archivePerms, m_archiveTime, m_archiveTime, m_archiveTime);
if (error) {
return true;
// Recursively handle all frames / subparts
{ // Limit lifetime of @c childParts
ROPartList childParts( part->frames() );
FOR_ITER(ROPartList, childParts, child_it) {
KHTMLPart *cp = isArchivablePart(*child_it);
if (cp) {
error = saveFrame(cp, level+1);
if (error) {
return true;
return false;
// Saves the frame given in @c data.part
void ArchiveDialog::saveHTMLPart(RecurseData &data)
QTextStream &textStream(*data.textStream);
// Add a doctype
DOM::DocumentType t( data.document.doctype() );
if (! t.isNull()) {
DOM::DOMString name( );
DOM::DOMString publicId( t.publicId() );
if (!name.isEmpty() && !publicId.isEmpty()) {
textStream << "<!DOCTYPE " << name.string() << " PUBLIC \"" << publicId.string() << "\"";
DOM::DOMString systemId( t.systemId() );
if (!systemId.isEmpty())
textStream << " \"" << systemId.string() << "\"";
textStream << ">\n";
textStream << "<!-- saved from: " << data.part->url().prettyUrl() << " -->\n";
try {
saveHTMLPartLower(data.document.documentElement(), 1, data);
} catch (...) {
kDebug(90110) << "exception";
void ArchiveDialog::saveHTMLPartLower(const DOM::Node &pNode, int level, RecurseData &data)
const QString nodeName(pNode.nodeName().string().toUpper());
//QString indent;
//indent.fill(' ', level*2);
bool skipElement = false;
bool fullEmptyTags = false;
bool hasChildren = const_cast<DOM::Node &>(pNode).hasChildNodes();
QString text = "";
bool isElement = !pNode.isNull() && (pNode.nodeType() == DOM::Node::ELEMENT_NODE);
//kDebug(90110) << indent << "nodeName=" << nodeName << " toString()='" << pNode.toString() << "'";
if ( isElement ) {
const DOM::Element &element = static_cast<const DOM::Element &>(pNode);
URLsInStyleElement::Iterator style_it = m_URLsInStyleElement.find( element );
bool hasStyle = ( style_it != m_URLsInStyleElement.end() );
if ((nodeName == "META") && hasAttrWithValue(element, "HTTP-EQUIV", "CONTENT-TYPE")) {
// Skip content-type meta tag, we provide our own.
skipElement = true;
} else if ((nodeName == "NOFRAMES") && !hasChildren) {
skipElement = true;
} else {
// translate URLs of stylesheets, jscript, images ...
ExtractURLs eurls(nodeName, element);
AttrList::Iterator filterOut1 = eurls.attrList.end();
AttrList::Iterator filterOut2 = eurls.attrList.end();
const AttrList::Iterator invalid = eurls.attrList.end();
// make URLs in hyperref links absolute
if (eurls.absURL != invalid) {
KUrl baseurl = absoluteURL( "", data );
KUrl newurl = KUrl(baseurl, parseURL((*eurls.absURL).value));
if (urlCheckFailed(data.part, newurl)) {
(*eurls.absURL).value = "";
kDebug(90110) << "removing invalid/insecure href='" << newurl.prettyUrl() << "'";
} else {
// KUrl::htmlRef() calls internally fragment()->toPercent()->toLatin1()->fromLatin1()->fromPercent()
// This is slow of course and there would be only a difference if there is some suburl.
// Since we discard any urls with suburls for security reasons QUrl::fragment() is sufficient.
assert(! newurl.hasSubUrl()); // @see urlCheckFailed()
if (newurl.hasFragment() && baseurl.equals(newurl, KUrl::CompareWithoutFragment)) {
(*eurls.absURL).value = QString("#") + newurl.fragment();
} else {
(*eurls.absURL).value = newurl.url();
// make URLs of embedded objects local to tarfile
if (eurls.transURL != invalid) {
// NOTE This is a bit inefficient, because the URL is computed twice, here and when obtaining all
// URLs first. However it is necessary, because two URLs that look different in the HTML frames (for
// example absolute and relative) may resolve to the same absolute URL
KUrl fullURL = absoluteURL( parseURL((*eurls.transURL).value), data );
UrlTarMap::Iterator it = m_url2tar.find(fullURL);
if (it == m_url2tar.end()) {
(*eurls.transURL).value = "";
kDebug(90110) << "removing invalid/insecure link='" << fullURL.prettyUrl() << "'";
} else {
// assert( !it.value().tarName.isNull() );
(*eurls.transURL).value = it.value().tarName;
// Check stylesheet <link>s
if (eurls.cssURL != invalid) {
KUrl fullURL = absoluteURL( (*eurls.cssURL).value, data );
UrlTarMap::Iterator it = m_url2tar.find(fullURL);
if ( it == m_url2tar.end() ) {
kDebug(90110) << "removing invalid/insecure CSS link='" << fullURL.prettyUrl() << "'";
(*eurls.cssURL).value = "";
} else {
// assert( !it.value().tarName.isNull() );
(*eurls.cssURL).value = it.value().tarName;
// Check for a frame with a name
if (eurls.frameName != invalid) {
Name2Part &n2f = data.partFrameData->framesWithName;
Name2Part::Iterator n2f_part = n2f.find((*eurls.frameName).value);
if (n2f_part == n2f.end()) {
// KHTML ignores this frame tag, so remove it here
filterOut1 = eurls.frameName;
filterOut2 = eurls.frameURL;
kDebug(90110) << "emptying frame=" << (*eurls.frameName).value;
} else {
// Always add a 'src' attribute. If it's not there, add one
if (eurls.frameURL == invalid) {
eurls.attrList.prepend(AttrElem(QString("src"), QString::null));
eurls.frameURL = eurls.attrList.begin();
// NOTE Now that we changed the list, pray the older iterators of 'attrList' still work...
Part2TarName::Iterator p2tn_it = m_part2tarName.find( n2f_part.value() );
Q_ASSERT( p2tn_it != m_part2tarName.end() );
(*eurls.frameURL).value = p2tn_it.value();
kDebug(90110) << "setting frame='" << (*eurls.frameName).value << "' to src='"
<< (*eurls.frameURL).value;
} else if (eurls.frameURL != invalid) {
URL2Part &u2f = data.partFrameData->framesWithURLOnly;
KUrl fullURL = absoluteURL( (*eurls.frameURL).value, data );
URL2Part::Iterator u2f_part = u2f.find( fullURL );
if (u2f_part == u2f.end()) {
// KHTML ignores this frame tag, so remove it here
filterOut1 = eurls.frameURL;
kDebug(90110) << "emptying frame='" << (*eurls.frameURL).value << "'";
} else {
Part2TarName::Iterator p2tn_it = m_part2tarName.find( u2f_part.value() );
Q_ASSERT( p2tn_it != m_part2tarName.end() );
(*eurls.frameURL).value = p2tn_it.value();
kDebug(90110) << "setting frame='" << fullURL.prettyUrl() << "' to src='"
<< (*eurls.frameURL).value;
// Remove <base href=... > attribute
if (nodeName == "BASE") {
filterOut1 = getAttribute( eurls.attrList, "href" );
data.baseSeen = true;
// Insert <head> tag if not found
if (nodeName == "HTML") {
if (!hasChildNode(pNode, "HEAD"))
text += "<head>" CONTENT_TYPE "</head>\n";
fullEmptyTags = true;
// Always write out full closing tags for some tags
} else if (nodeName == "HEAD" || nodeName == "FRAME" || nodeName == "IFRAME" || nodeName == "A" ||
nodeName == "DIV" || nodeName == "SPAN")
fullEmptyTags = true;
text += "<" + nodeName.toLower();
// Write attributes
for (AttrList::ConstIterator i = eurls.attrList.begin(); i != eurls.attrList.end(); ++i) {
QString attr = (*i).name.toLower();
QString value = (*i).value;
if ((i != filterOut1) && (i != filterOut2)) {
if (hasStyle && (attr == "style")) {
// kDebug(90110) << "translating URLs in element:";
// kDebug(90110) << "value=" << value;
changeCSSURLs( value, style_it.value() );
// kDebug(90110) << "value=" << value;
if (non_cdata_attr.find(attr) == non_cdata_attr.end()) {
value = escapeHTML(value);
text += " " + attr + "=\"" + value + "\"";
// Take care for self-contained tags like <hr />. This code is needed to close such
// tags later with '/>'. 'fullEmptyTags == true' means to always write an explicit
// closing tag, e.g. <script></script>
if (fullEmptyTags || hasChildren)
text += ">";
if (nodeName == "HEAD") {
text += CONTENT_TYPE "\n";
} else {
const QString &nodeValue(pNode.nodeValue().string());
if (!(nodeValue.isEmpty())) {
// Don't escape < > in JS or CSS
DOM::Node parentNode = pNode.parentNode();
QString parentNodeName = parentNode.nodeName().string().toUpper();
if (parentNodeName == "STYLE") {
text = pNode.nodeValue().string(); //analyzeInternalCSS(baseURL, pNode.nodeValue().string());
Node2StyleSheet::Iterator topcss_it = m_topStyleSheets.find(parentNode);
if ( topcss_it != m_topStyleSheets.end() ) {
URLsInStyleSheet::ConstIterator uss_it = m_URLsInStyleSheet.constFind( *topcss_it );
m_topStyleSheets.erase(topcss_it); // for safety
assert( uss_it != m_URLsInStyleSheet.constEnd() );
kDebug(90110) << "translating URLs in <style> area.";
changeCSSURLs(text, uss_it.value() );
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "found style area '" << nodeName << "', but KHMTL didn't feel like parsing it";
} else if (parentNodeName == "SCRIPT") {
text = pNode.nodeValue().string();
} else {
if (pNode.nodeType() == DOM::Node::COMMENT_NODE) {
text = "<!--";
text += Qt::escape(nodeValue); // No need to escape " as well
text += "-->";
} else {
text = escapeHTML(nodeValue);
(*data.textStream) << text;
if (! pNode.isNull()) {
DOM::Node child = pNode.firstChild();
while (! child.isNull()) {
saveHTMLPartLower(child, level+1, data);
child = child.nextSibling();
if (isElement && !skipElement) {
if (fullEmptyTags || hasChildren) {
text = "</" + nodeName.toLower() + ">";
} else {
text = " />"; // close self-contained tags
(*data.textStream) << text;
QString ArchiveDialog::extractCSSURL(const QString &text) {
if (text.startsWith("url(") && text.endsWith(")")) {
return text.mid( 4, text.length() - 5 );
} else {
return QString::null;
QString &ArchiveDialog::changeCSSURLs(QString &text, const RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full) {
FOR_CONST_ITER(RawHRef2FullURL, raw2full, r2f_it) {
const QString &raw = r2f_it.key();
const KUrl &fullURL = r2f_it.value();
if (fullURL.isValid()) {
UrlTarMap::Iterator utm_it = m_url2tar.find(fullURL);
if (utm_it != m_url2tar.end() ) {
const QString &tarName = utm_it.value().tarName;
// assert(! tarName.isNull());
kDebug(90110) << "changeCSSURLs: url=" << raw << " -> " << tarName;
text.replace( raw, tarName );
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "changeCSSURLs: raw URL not found in tar map";
text.replace( raw, "" );
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "changeCSSURLs: emptying invalid raw URL";
text.replace( raw, "" );
return text;
ArchiveDialog::ExtractURLs::ExtractURLs(const QString &nodeName, const DOM::Element &element) {
DOM::NamedNodeMap attrs = element.attributes();
int lmap = static_cast<int>(attrs.length()); // More than 2^31 attributes? hardly...
for (int j = 0; j != lmap; ++j) {
DOM::Attr attr = static_cast<DOM::Attr>(attrs.item(j));
attrList.append( AttrElem(, attr.value().string()) );
AttrList::Iterator rel = attrList.end();
AttrList::Iterator href = attrList.end();
AttrList::Iterator src = attrList.end();
AttrList::Iterator name = attrList.end();
AttrList::Iterator background = attrList.end();
AttrList::Iterator invalid = attrList.end();
for (AttrList::Iterator i = attrList.begin(); i != attrList.end(); ++i) {
QString attrName = (*i).name.toUpper();
if (attrName == "REL")
rel = i;
else if (attrName == "HREF")
href = i;
else if (attrName == "BACKGROUND")
background = i;
else if (attrName == "SRC")
src = i;
else if (attrName == "NAME")
name = i;
// Check attributes
transURL =
absURL =
frameURL =
frameName =
cssURL = attrList.end();
if ((nodeName == "A") && (href != invalid)) {
absURL = href;
} else if ((nodeName == "LINK") && (rel != invalid) && (href != invalid)) {
QString relUp = (*rel).value.toUpper();
if (relUp == "STYLESHEET") {
cssURL = href;
} else if (relUp == "SHORTCUT ICON") {
transURL = href;
} else {
absURL = href;
} else if (nodeName == "FRAME" || nodeName == "IFRAME") {
if (src != invalid)
frameURL = src;
if (name != invalid)
frameName = name;
} else if ( (nodeName == "IMG" || nodeName == "INPUT" || nodeName == "SCRIPT") && (src != invalid) ) {
transURL = src;
} else if ( (nodeName == "BODY" || nodeName == "TABLE" || nodeName == "TH" || nodeName == "TD") &&
(background != invalid))
kDebug() << "found background URL " << (*background).value;
transURL = background;
bool ArchiveDialog::hasAttrWithValue(const DOM::Element &elem, const QString &attrName, const QString &attrValue)
DOM::Attr attr = const_cast<DOM::Element &>(elem).getAttributeNode( attrName );
if ( !attr.isNull() ) {
return attr.value().string().toUpper() == attrValue;
} else
return false;
bool ArchiveDialog::hasChildNode(const DOM::Node &pNode, const QString &nodeName)
DOM::Node child;
try {
// We might throw a DOM exception
child = pNode.firstChild();
} catch (...) {
// No children, stop recursion here
child = DOM::Node();
while(!child.isNull()) {
if (child.nodeName().string().toUpper() == nodeName)
return true;
child = child.nextSibling();
return false;
ArchiveDialog::AttrList::Iterator ArchiveDialog::getAttribute(AttrList &attrList, const QString &attr) {
FOR_ITER(AttrList, attrList, it) {
if ( (*it).name == attr )
return it;
return attrList.end();
KUrl ArchiveDialog::absoluteURL( const QString &partURL, RecurseData &data ) {
if ( data.baseSeen ) {
return KUrl( data.document.completeURL( partURL ).string() );
} else {
return KUrl( data.part->url(), partURL );
// TODO Should be khtml::parseURL
QString ArchiveDialog::parseURL(const QString &rawurl) {
QString result = rawurl;
return result.replace( QRegExp( "[\\x0000-\\x000D]" ), "" );
QString ArchiveDialog::uniqTarName(const QString &suggestion, KHTMLPart *part) {
QString result = suggestion;
// Name clash -> add unique id
while (result.isEmpty() || m_tarName2part.contains(result))
result = QString::number(m_uniqId++) + suggestion;
m_tarName2part.insert( result, part );
return result;
bool ArchiveDialog::urlCheckFailed(KHTMLPart *part, const KUrl &fullURL) {
if (!fullURL.isValid())
return true;
// kDebug() << fullURL.prettyUrl() << " hasSubURL()=" << fullURL.hasSubUrl();
if (fullURL.hasSubUrl())
return true;
QString prot = fullURL.protocol();
bool protFile = (prot == "file");
if (part->onlyLocalReferences() && !protFile)
return true;
bool protHttp = (prot == "http") || (prot == "https");
if (!protFile && !protHttp)
return true;
if (! KAuthorized::authorizeUrlAction("redirect", part->url(), fullURL) ||
! KAuthorized::authorizeUrlAction("open", part->url(), fullURL))
return true;
return false;
QString ArchiveDialog::escapeHTML(QString in) {
return Qt::escape(in).replace('"', "&quot;");
QString ArchiveDialog::appendMimeTypeSuffix(QString filename, const QString &mimetype) {
KMimeType::Ptr mimeType = KMimeType::mimeType(mimetype, KMimeType::ResolveAliases);
if (mimeType.isNull() || (mimeType == KMimeType::defaultMimeTypePtr())) {
kDebug(90110) << "mimetype" << mimetype << "unknown here, returning unchanged";
return filename;
const QStringList &patterns = mimeType->patterns();
FOR_CONST_ITER(QStringList, patterns, pat_it) {
// Lets hope all patterns are '*.xxx'
QString suffix( *pat_it );
int pos = suffix.lastIndexOf('*');
if (pos < 0) {
kDebug(90110) << "Illegal mime pattern '" << suffix << "for" << mimeType;
suffix = suffix.mid(pos + 1);
if (filename.endsWith(suffix, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
// kDebug(90110) << filename << "has already good suffix" << suffix;
return filename; // already has good suffix
// @c filename has no known suffix, append one
if (! patterns.isEmpty()) {
QString suffix( *patterns.constBegin() );
suffix.replace('*', QString::null);
filename += suffix;
kDebug(90110) << "appended missing mimetype suffix, returning" << filename;
} else {
kDebug(90110) << "mimetype" << mimetype << " has no pattern list, this is bad";
return filename;
#include "archivedialog.moc"