Peter Penz e536466ac7 * Assure that the URL navigator is synchronized with the active column.
* Removed obsolete triggerUrlChangeRequest() method + signal in the DolphinController. This is not needed anymore because of the refactored column view.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/apps/; revision=1080351
2010-01-26 08:27:42 +00:00

446 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 by Peter Penz ( *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
#include <dolphinview.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <libdolphin_export.h>
class QAbstractItemView;
class DolphinView;
class KUrl;
class QPoint;
* @brief Acts as mediator between the abstract Dolphin view and the view
* implementations.
* The abstract Dolphin view (see DolphinView) represents the parent of the controller.
* The lifetime of the controller is equal to the lifetime of the Dolphin view.
* The controller is passed to the current view implementation
* (see DolphinIconsView, DolphinDetailsView and DolphinColumnView)
* by passing it in the constructor and informing the controller about the change
* of the view implementation:
* \code
* QAbstractItemView* view = new DolphinIconsView(parent, controller);
* controller->setItemView(view);
* \endcode
* The communication of the view implementations to the abstract view is done by:
* - triggerContextMenuRequest()
* - requestActivation()
* - indicateDroppedUrls()
* - indicateSortingChange()
* - indicateSortOrderChanged()
* - indicateSortFoldersFirstChanged()
* - triggerItem()
* - requestTab()
* - handleKeyPressEvent()
* - emitItemEntered()
* - emitViewportEntered()
* - replaceUrlByClipboard()
* - hideToolTip()
* - setVersionControlActions()
* The communication of the abstract view to the view implementations is done by:
* - setUrl()
* - indicateActivationChange()
* - setNameFilter()
* - setZoomLevel()
* - versionControlActions()
class LIBDOLPHINPRIVATE_EXPORT DolphinController : public QObject
explicit DolphinController(DolphinView* dolphinView);
virtual ~DolphinController();
* Allows read access for the view implementation to the abstract
* Dolphin view.
const DolphinView* dolphinView() const;
* Sets the URL to \a url and emits the signal urlChanged() if
* \a url is different for the current URL. This method should
* be invoked by the abstract Dolphin view whenever the current
* URL has been changed.
void setUrl(const KUrl& url);
const KUrl& url() const;
* Sets the URL to \a url and does nothing else. Called when
* a redirection happens.
void redirectToUrl(const KUrl& url);
* Changes the current item view where the controller is working. This
* is only necessary for views like the tree view, where internally
* several QAbstractItemView instances are used.
void setItemView(QAbstractItemView* view);
QAbstractItemView* itemView() const;
* Requests a context menu for the position \a pos. This method
* should be invoked by the view implementation when a context
* menu should be opened. The abstract Dolphin view itself
* takes care itself to get the selected items depending from
* \a pos. It is possible to define a custom list of actions for
* the context menu by \a customActions.
void triggerContextMenuRequest(const QPoint& pos,
const QList<QAction*>& customActions = QList<QAction*>());
* Requests an activation of the view and emits the signal
* activated(). This method should be invoked by the view implementation
* if e. g. a mouse click on the view has been done.
* After the activation has been changed, the view implementation
* might listen to the activationChanged() signal.
void requestActivation();
* Indicates that URLs are dropped above a destination. This method
* should be invoked by the view implementation. The abstract Dolphin view
* will start the corresponding action (copy, move, link).
* @param destItem Item of the destination (can be null, see KFileItem::isNull()).
* @param destPath Path of the destination.
* @param event Drop event
void indicateDroppedUrls(const KFileItem& destItem,
const KUrl& destPath,
QDropEvent* event);
* Informs the abstract Dolphin view about a sorting change done inside
* the view implementation. This method should be invoked by the view
* implementation (e. g. the details view uses this method in combination
* with the details header).
void indicateSortingChange(DolphinView::Sorting sorting);
* Informs the abstract Dolphin view about a sort order change done inside
* the view implementation. This method should be invoked by the view
* implementation (e. g. the details view uses this method in combination
* with the details header).
void indicateSortOrderChange(Qt::SortOrder order);
* Informs the abstract Dolphin view about a change between separate sorting
* (with folders first) and mixed sorting of files and folders done inside
* the view implementation. This method should be invoked by the view
* implementation (e. g. the details view uses this method in combination
* with the details header).
void indicateSortFoldersFirstChange(bool foldersFirst);
* Informs the abstract Dolphin view about an additional information change
* done inside the view implementation. This method should be invoked by the
* view implementation (e. g. the details view uses this method in combination
* with the details header).
void indicateAdditionalInfoChange(const KFileItemDelegate::InformationList& info);
* Informs the view implementation about a change of the activation
* state and is invoked by the abstract Dolphin view. The signal
* activationChanged() is emitted.
void indicateActivationChange(bool active);
* Sets the zoom level to \a level and emits the signal zoomLevelChanged().
* It must be assured that the used level is inside the range
* DolphinController::zoomLevelMinimum() and
* DolphinController::zoomLevelMaximum().
* Is invoked by the abstract Dolphin view.
void setZoomLevel(int level);
int zoomLevel() const;
* Sets the available version control actions. Is called by the view
* implementation as soon as the controller has send the signal
* requestVersionControlActions().
void setVersionControlActions(QList<QAction*> actions);
* Returns the version control actions that are provided for the items \p items.
* Is called by the abstract Dolphin view to show the version control actions
* inside the context menu.
QList<QAction*> versionControlActions(const KFileItemList& items);
* Sets the name filter to \a and emits the signal nameFilterChanged().
void setNameFilter(const QString& nameFilter);
QString nameFilter() const;
* Tells the view implementation to zoom out by emitting the signal zoomOut()
* and is invoked by the abstract Dolphin view.
void triggerZoomOut();
* Should be invoked in each view implementation whenever a key has been
* pressed. If the selection model of \a view is not empty and
* the return key has been pressed, the selected items will get triggered.
void handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
* Replaces the URL of the abstract Dolphin view with the content
* of the clipboard as URL. If the clipboard contains no text,
* nothing will be done.
void replaceUrlByClipboard();
/** Emits the signal hideToolTip(). */
void emitHideToolTip();
* Emits the signal itemTriggered() for the item \a item.
* The method can be used by the view implementations to
* trigger an item directly without mouse interaction.
* If the item triggering is done by the mouse, it is recommended
* to use QAbstractItemView::triggerItem(), as this will check
* the used mouse buttons to execute the correct action.
void emitItemTriggered(const KFileItem& item);
* Returns the file item for the proxy index \a index of the view \a view.
KFileItem itemForIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const;
public slots:
* Emits the signal itemTriggered() if the file item for the index \a index
* is not null and the left mouse button has been pressed. If the item is
* null, the signal itemEntered() is emitted.
* The method should be invoked by the view implementations whenever the
* user has triggered an item with the mouse (see
* QAbstractItemView::clicked() or QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked()).
void triggerItem(const QModelIndex& index);
* Emits the signal tabRequested(), if the file item for the index \a index
* represents a directory and when the middle mouse button has been pressed.
* The method should be invoked by the view implementation.
void requestTab(const QModelIndex& index);
* Emits the signal itemEntered() if the file item for the index \a index
* is not null. The method should be invoked by the view implementation
* whenever the mouse cursor is above an item.
void emitItemEntered(const QModelIndex& index);
* Emits the signal viewportEntered(). The method should be invoked by
* the view implementation whenever the mouse cursor is above the viewport.
void emitViewportEntered();
* Is emitted if the URL for the Dolphin controller has been changed
* to \a url.
void urlChanged(const KUrl& url);
* Is emitted if a context menu should be opened (see triggerContextMenuRequest()).
* The abstract Dolphin view connects to this signal and will open the context menu.
* @param pos Position relative to the view widget where the
* context menu should be opened. It is recommended
* to get the corresponding model index from
* this position.
* @param customActions List of actions that is added to the context menu when
* the menu is opened above the viewport.
void requestContextMenu(const QPoint& pos, QList<QAction*> customActions);
* Is emitted if the view has been activated by e. g. a mouse click.
* The abstract Dolphin view connects to this signal to know the
* destination view for the menu actions.
void activated();
* Is emitted if URLs have been dropped to the destination
* path \a destPath. If the URLs have been dropped above an item of
* the destination path, the item is indicated by \a destItem
* (can be null, see KFileItem::isNull()).
void urlsDropped(const KFileItem& destItem,
const KUrl& destPath,
QDropEvent* event);
* Is emitted if the sorting has been changed to \a sorting by
* the view implementation (see indicateSortingChanged().
* The abstract Dolphin view connects to
* this signal to update its menu action.
void sortingChanged(DolphinView::Sorting sorting);
* Is emitted if the sort order has been changed to \a order
* by the view implementation (see indicateSortOrderChanged().
* The abstract Dolphin view connects
* to this signal to update its menu actions.
void sortOrderChanged(Qt::SortOrder order);
* Is emitted if 'sort folders first' has been changed to \a foldersFirst
* by the view implementation (see indicateSortOrderChanged().
* The abstract Dolphin view connects
* to this signal to update its menu actions.
void sortFoldersFirstChanged(bool foldersFirst);
* Is emitted if the additional info has been changed to \a info
* by the view implementation. The abstract Dolphin view connects
* to this signal to update its menu actions.
void additionalInfoChanged(const KFileItemDelegate::InformationList& info);
* Is emitted if the activation state has been changed to \a active
* by the abstract Dolphin view.
* The view implementation might connect to this signal if custom
* updates are required in this case.
void activationChanged(bool active);
* Is emitted if the item \a item should be triggered. The abstract
* Dolphin view connects to this signal. If the item represents a directory,
* the directory is opened. On a file the corresponding application is opened.
* The item is null (see KFileItem::isNull()), when clicking on the viewport itself.
void itemTriggered(const KFileItem& item);
* Is emitted if the mouse cursor has entered the item
* given by \a index (see emitItemEntered()).
* The abstract Dolphin view connects to this signal.
void itemEntered(const KFileItem& item);
* Is emitted if a new tab should be opened for the URL \a url.
void tabRequested(const KUrl& url);
* Is emitted if the mouse cursor has entered
* the viewport (see emitViewportEntered()).
* The abstract Dolphin view connects to this signal.
void viewportEntered();
* Is emitted if the view should respect the name filter \a nameFilter. The view
* implementation must connect to this signal if it supports name filters.
void nameFilterChanged(const QString& nameFilter);
* Is emitted if the view should change the zoom to \a level. The view implementation
* must connect to this signal if it supports zooming.
void zoomLevelChanged(int level);
* Is emitted if the abstract view should hide an open tooltip.
void hideToolTip();
* Is emitted if pending previews should be canceled (e. g. because of an URL change).
void cancelPreviews();
* Requests the view implementation to invoke DolphinController::setVersionControlActions(),
* so that they can be returned with DolphinController::versionControlActions() for
* the abstract Dolphin view.
void requestVersionControlActions(const KFileItemList& items);
private slots:
void updateMouseButtonState();
int m_zoomLevel;
QString m_nameFilter;
static Qt::MouseButtons m_mouseButtons; // TODO: this is a workaround until Qt-issue 176832 has been fixed
KUrl m_url;
DolphinView* m_dolphinView;
QAbstractItemView* m_itemView;
QList<QAction*> m_versionControlActions;
inline const DolphinView* DolphinController::dolphinView() const
return m_dolphinView;
inline const KUrl& DolphinController::url() const
return m_url;
inline QAbstractItemView* DolphinController::itemView() const
return m_itemView;
inline int DolphinController::zoomLevel() const
return m_zoomLevel;