André Marcelo Alvarenga bd12613bac Remove extra spaces
2013-01-15 23:05:26 -02:00

482 lines
22 KiB

#include "konq_aboutpage.h"
#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kpluginfactory.h>
#include <ksavefile.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ktoolinvocation.h>
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(KonqAboutPageFactory, registerPlugin<KonqAboutPage>();)
K_GLOBAL_STATIC(KonqAboutPageSingleton, s_staticData)
QString KonqAboutPageSingleton::loadFile( const QString& file )
QString res;
if ( file.isEmpty() )
return res;
QFile f( file );
if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
return res;
QTextStream t( &f );
res = t.readAll();
// otherwise all embedded objects are referenced as about:/...
QString basehref = QLatin1String("<BASE HREF=\"file:") +
file.left( file.lastIndexOf( '/' )) +
res.replace("<head>", "<head>\n\t" + basehref, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
return res;
QString KonqAboutPageSingleton::launch()
if (!m_launch_html.isEmpty())
return m_launch_html;
QString res = loadFile( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "konqueror/about/launch.html" ));
if ( res.isEmpty() )
return res;
KIconLoader *iconloader = KIconLoader::global();
int iconSize = iconloader->currentSize(KIconLoader::Desktop);
QString home_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath("user-home", KIconLoader::Desktop );
QString remote_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath("folder-remote", KIconLoader::Desktop );
QString wastebin_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath("user-trash-full", KIconLoader::Desktop );
QString bookmarks_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath("bookmarks", KIconLoader::Desktop );
QString home_folder = QDir::homePath();
QString continue_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? "go-previous" : "go-next", KIconLoader::Small );
res = res.arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css" ) );
if ( qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft )
res = res.arg( "@import \"%1\";" ).arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css" ) );
res = res.arg( "" );
res = res.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror" ) )
.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n("Konqueror is a web browser, file manager and universal document viewer.") )
.arg( i18nc( "Link that points to the first page of the Konqueror 'about page', Starting Points contains links to Home, Network Folders, Trash, etc.", "Starting Points" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Introduction" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Tips" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Specifications" ) )
.arg( home_folder )
.arg( home_icon_path )
.arg( home_folder )
.arg( i18n( "Home Folder" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Your personal files" ) )
.arg( wastebin_icon_path )
.arg( i18n( "Trash" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Browse and restore the trash" ) )
.arg( remote_icon_path )
.arg( i18n( "Network Folders" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Shared files and folders" ) )
.arg( bookmarks_icon_path )
.arg( i18n( "Bookmarks" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Quick access to your bookmarks" ) )
.arg( continue_icon_path )
.arg( KIconLoader::SizeSmall ).arg( KIconLoader::SizeSmall )
.arg( i18n( "Next: An Introduction to Konqueror" ) )
i18n("Search the Web");//i18n for possible future use
m_launch_html = res;
return res;
QString KonqAboutPageSingleton::intro()
if (!m_intro_html.isEmpty())
return m_intro_html;
QString res = loadFile( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "konqueror/about/intro.html" ));
if ( res.isEmpty() )
return res;
KIconLoader *iconloader = KIconLoader::global();
QString back_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? "go-next" : "go-previous", KIconLoader::Small );
QString gohome_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath("go-home", KIconLoader::Small );
QString continue_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? "go-previous" : "go-next", KIconLoader::Small );
res = res.arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css" ) );
if ( qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft )
res = res.arg( "@import \"%1\";" ).arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css" ) );
res = res.arg( "" );
res = res.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror" ) )
.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror is a web browser, file manager and universal document viewer.") )
.arg( i18nc( "Link that points to the first page of the Konqueror 'about page', Starting Points contains links to Home, Network Folders, Trash, etc.", "Starting Points" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Introduction" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Tips" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Specifications" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror makes working with and managing your files easy. You can browse "
"both local and networked folders while enjoying advanced features "
"such as the powerful sidebar and file previews."
) )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror is also a full featured and easy to use web browser which you "
"can use to explore the Internet. "
"Enter the address (e.g. <a href=\"\"></a>) "
"of a web page you would like to visit in the location bar and press Enter, "
"or choose an entry from the Bookmarks menu.") )
.arg( i18n( "To return to the previous "
"location, press the back button <img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\"></img> "
"in the toolbar. ", back_icon_path ) )
.arg( i18n( "To quickly go to your Home folder press the "
"home button <img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\"></img>." , gohome_icon_path) )
.arg( i18n( "For more detailed documentation on Konqueror click <a href=\"%1\">here</a>." ,
QString("exec:/khelpcenter help:/konqueror")) )
.arg( i18n( "<em>Tuning Tip:</em> If you want the Konqueror web browser to start faster,"
" you can turn off this information screen by clicking <a href=\"%1\">here</a>. You can re-enable it"
" by choosing the Help -> Konqueror Introduction menu option, and then pressing "
"Settings -> Save View Profile As... -> \"Web Browsing\".", QString("config:/disable_overview")) )
.arg( "<img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\">" ).arg( continue_icon_path )
.arg( i18n( "Next: Tips &amp; Tricks" ) )
m_intro_html = res;
return res;
QString KonqAboutPageSingleton::specs()
if (!m_specs_html.isEmpty())
return m_specs_html;
KIconLoader *iconloader = KIconLoader::global();
QString res = loadFile( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "konqueror/about/specs.html" ));
QString continue_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? "go-previous" : "go-next", KIconLoader::Small );
if ( res.isEmpty() )
return res;
res = res.arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css" ) );
if ( qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft )
res = res.arg( "@import \"%1\";" ).arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css" ) );
res = res.arg( "" );
res = res.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror" ) )
.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n("Konqueror is a web browser, file manager and universal document viewer.") )
.arg( i18nc( "Link that points to the first page of the Konqueror 'about page', Starting Points contains links to Home, Network Folders, Trash, etc.", "Starting Points" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Introduction" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Tips" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Specifications" ) )
.arg( i18n("Specifications") )
.arg( i18n("Konqueror is designed to embrace and support Internet standards. "
"The aim is to fully implement the officially sanctioned standards "
"from organizations such as the W3 and OASIS, while also adding "
"extra support for other common usability features that arise as "
"de facto standards across the Internet. Along with this support, "
"for such functions as favicons, Web Shortcuts, and <A HREF=\"%1\">XBEL bookmarks</A>, "
"Konqueror also implements:", QString("")) )
.arg( i18n("Web Browsing") )
.arg( i18n("Supported standards") )
.arg( i18n("Additional requirements*") )
.arg( i18n("<A HREF=\"%1\">DOM</A> (Level 1, partially Level 2) based "
"<A HREF=\"%2\">HTML 4.01</A>", QString(""), QString("")) )
.arg( i18n("built-in") )
.arg( i18n("<A HREF=\"%1\">Cascading Style Sheets</A> (CSS 1, partially CSS 2)", QString("")) )
.arg( i18n("built-in") )
.arg( i18n("<A HREF=\"%1\">ECMA-262</A> Edition 3 (roughly equals JavaScript 1.5)",
QString("")) )
.arg( i18n("JavaScript disabled (globally). Enable JavaScript <A HREF=\"%1\">here</A>.", QString("exec:/kcmshell4 khtml_java_js")) )
.arg( i18n("JavaScript enabled (globally). Configure JavaScript <A HREF=\\\"%1\\\">here</A>.", QString("exec:/kcmshell4 khtml_java_js")) ) // leave the double backslashes here, they are necessary for javascript !
.arg( i18n("Secure <A HREF=\"%1\">Java</A><SUP>&reg;</SUP> support", QString("")) )
.arg( i18n("JDK 1.2.0 (Java 2) compatible VM (<A HREF=\"%1\">IBM</A> or <A HREF=\"%2\">Sun/Oracle</A>)",
QString(""), QString("")) )
.arg( i18n("Enable Java (globally) <A HREF=\"%1\">here</A>.", QString("exec:/kcmshell4 khtml_java_js")) ) // TODO Maybe test if Java is enabled ?
.arg( i18n("Netscape Communicator<SUP>&reg;</SUP> <A HREF=\"%4\">plugins</A> (for viewing <A HREF=\"%1\">Flash<SUP>&reg;</SUP></A>, <A HREF=\"%2\">Real<SUP>&reg;</SUP></A>Audio, <A HREF=\"%3\">Real<SUP>&reg;</SUP></A>Video, etc.)",
QString(""), QString(""),
QString("about:plugins")) )
.arg( i18n("built-in") )
.arg( i18n("Secure Sockets Layer") )
.arg( i18n("(TLS/SSL v2/3) for secure communications up to 168bit") )
.arg( i18n("OpenSSL") )
.arg( i18n("Bidirectional 16bit unicode support") )
.arg( i18n("built-in") )
.arg( i18n("AutoCompletion for forms") )
.arg( i18n("built-in") )
.arg( i18nc("Title of an html 'group box' explaining konqueror features", "General") )
.arg( i18n("Feature") )
.arg( i18n("Details") )
.arg( i18n("Image formats") )
.arg( i18n("PNG<br />JPG<br />GIF") )
.arg( i18n("Transfer protocols") )
.arg( i18n("HTTP 1.1 (including gzip/bzip2 compression)") )
.arg( i18n("FTP") )
.arg( i18n("and <A HREF=\"%1\">many more (see Kioslaves in KHelpcenter)...</A>", QString("exec:/khelpcenter")) )
.arg( i18nc("A feature of Konqueror", "URL-Completion") )
.arg( i18n("Manual"))
.arg( i18n("Popup"))
.arg( i18n("(Short-) Automatic"))
.arg( "<img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\">" ).arg( continue_icon_path )
.arg( i18nc("Link that points to the first page of the Konqueror 'about page', Starting Points contains links to Home, Network Folders, Trash, etc.", "<a href=\"%1\">Return to Starting Points</a>", QString("about:konqueror")) )
m_specs_html = res;
return res;
QString KonqAboutPageSingleton::tips()
if (!m_tips_html.isEmpty())
return m_tips_html;
QString res = loadFile( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "konqueror/about/tips.html" ));
if ( res.isEmpty() )
return res;
KIconLoader *iconloader = KIconLoader::global();
QString viewmag_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("format-font-size-more", KIconLoader::Small );
QString history_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("view-history", KIconLoader::Small );
QString openterm_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("utilities-terminal", KIconLoader::Small );
QString locationbar_erase_rtl_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("edit-clear-locationbar-ltr", KIconLoader::Small );
QString locationbar_erase_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("edit-clear-locationbar-rtl", KIconLoader::Small );
QString window_fullscreen_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("view-fullscreen", KIconLoader::Small );
QString view_left_right_icon_path =
iconloader->iconPath("view-split-left-right", KIconLoader::Small );
QString continue_icon_path = iconloader->iconPath(QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? "go-previous" : "go-next", KIconLoader::Small );
res = res.arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css" ) );
if ( qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft )
res = res.arg( "@import \"%1\";" ).arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css" ) );
res = res.arg( "" );
res = res.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n( "Konqueror" ) )
.arg( i18nc("KDE 4 tag line, see", "Be free.") )
.arg( i18n("Konqueror is a web browser, file manager and universal document viewer.") )
.arg( i18nc( "Link that points to the first page of the Konqueror 'about page', Starting Points contains links to Home, Network Folders, Trash, etc.", "Starting Points" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Introduction" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Tips" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Specifications" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Tips &amp; Tricks" ) )
.arg( i18n( "Use Web-Shortcuts: by typing \"gg: KDE\" one can search the Internet, "
"using Google, for the search phrase \"KDE\". There are a lot of "
"Web-Shortcuts predefined to make searching for software or looking "
"up certain words in an encyclopedia a breeze. You can even "
"<a href=\"%1\">create your own</a> Web-Shortcuts." , QString("exec:/kcmshell4 ebrowsing")) )
.arg( i18n( "Use the magnifier button <img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\"></img> in the HTML"
" toolbar to increase the font size on your web page.", viewmag_icon_path) )
.arg( i18n( "When you want to paste a new address into the Location toolbar you might want to "
"clear the current entry by pressing the black arrow with the white cross "
"<img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\"></img> in the toolbar.",
QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? locationbar_erase_rtl_icon_path : locationbar_erase_icon_path))
.arg( i18n( "To create a link on your desktop pointing to the current page, "
"simply drag the icon (favicon) that is to the left of the Location toolbar, drop it on to "
"the desktop, and choose \"Icon\"." ) )
.arg( i18n( "You can also find <img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\" /> \"Full-Screen Mode\" "
"in the Settings menu. This feature is very useful for \"Talk\" "
"sessions.", window_fullscreen_icon_path) )
.arg( i18n( "Divide et impera (lat. \"Divide and conquer\") - by splitting a window "
"into two parts (e.g. Window -> <img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\" /> Split View "
"Left/Right) you can make Konqueror appear the way you like. You"
" can even load some example view-profiles (e.g. Midnight Commander)"
", or create your own ones." , view_left_right_icon_path))
.arg( i18n( "Use the <a href=\"%1\">user-agent</a> feature if the website you are visiting "
"asks you to use a different browser "
"(and do not forget to send a complaint to the webmaster!)" , QString("exec:/kcmshell4 useragent")) )
.arg( i18n( "The <img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\"></img> History in your Sidebar ensures "
"that you can keep track of the pages you have visited recently.", history_icon_path) )
.arg( i18n( "Use a caching <a href=\"%1\">proxy</a> to speed up your"
" Internet connection.", QString("exec:/kcmshell4 proxy")) )
.arg( i18n( "Advanced users will appreciate the Konsole which you can embed into "
"Konqueror (Settings -> <img width='16' height='16' SRC=\"%1\"></img> Show "
"Terminal Emulator).", openterm_icon_path))
.arg( "<img width='16' height='16' src=\"%1\">" ).arg( continue_icon_path )
.arg( i18n( "Next: Specifications" ) )
m_tips_html = res;
return res;
QString KonqAboutPageSingleton::plugins()
if (!m_plugins_html.isEmpty())
return m_plugins_html;
QString res = loadFile( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft ? "konqueror/about/plugins_rtl.html" : "konqueror/about/plugins.html" ))
.arg(i18n("Installed Plugins"))
.arg(i18n("<td>Mime Type</td><td>Description</td><td>Suffixes</td><td>Plugin</td>"));
if ( res.isEmpty() )
return res;
m_plugins_html = res;
return res;
KonqAboutPage::KonqAboutPage(QWidget *parentWidget, QObject *parent, const QVariantList& args)
: KHTMLPart( parentWidget, parent, BrowserViewGUI )
QTextCodec* codec = KGlobal::locale()->codecForEncoding();
if (codec)
setEncoding(codec->name(), true);
setEncoding("iso-8859-1", true);
#if 0
// about:blah isn't a kioslave -> disable View source
QAction * act = actionCollection()->action("viewDocumentSource");
if ( act )
act->setEnabled( false );
bool KonqAboutPage::openUrl(const KUrl &u)
emit started(0);
if (u.url() == "about:plugins")
serve(s_staticData->plugins(), "plugins");
else if (u.url() == "about:konqueror/intro")
serve(s_staticData->intro(), "konqueror/intro");
else if (u.url() == "about:konqueror/specs")
serve(s_staticData->specs(), "konqueror/specs");
else if (u.url() == "about:konqueror/tips")
serve(s_staticData->tips(), "konqueror/tips");
serve(s_staticData->launch(), "konqueror");
emit completed();
return true;
bool KonqAboutPage::openFile()
return true;
void KonqAboutPage::saveState( QDataStream &stream )
stream << m_htmlDoc;
stream << m_what;
void KonqAboutPage::restoreState( QDataStream &stream )
stream >> m_htmlDoc;
stream >> m_what;
serve( m_htmlDoc, m_what );
void KonqAboutPage::serve( const QString& html, const QString& what )
m_what = what;
begin( KUrl( QString("about:%1").arg(what) ) );
write( html );
m_htmlDoc = html;
bool KonqAboutPage::urlSelected( const QString &url, int button, int state, const QString &target,
const KParts::OpenUrlArguments& args,
const KParts::BrowserArguments& browserArgs )
KUrl u( url );
if ( u.protocol() == "exec" )
QStringList execArgs = url.mid( 6 ).split(QChar( ' ' ), QString::SkipEmptyParts );
QString executable = execArgs.first();
execArgs.erase( execArgs.begin() );
KToolInvocation::kdeinitExec( executable, execArgs );
return true;
if ( url == QLatin1String("about:konqueror") )
emit browserExtension()->openUrlNotify();
serve(s_staticData->launch(), "konqueror");
return true;
else if ( url == QLatin1String("about:konqueror/intro") )
emit browserExtension()->openUrlNotify();
serve(s_staticData->intro(), "konqueror/intro");
return true;
else if ( url == QLatin1String("about:konqueror/specs") )
emit browserExtension()->openUrlNotify();
serve(s_staticData->specs(), "konqueror/specs");
return true;
else if ( url == QLatin1String("about:konqueror/tips") )
emit browserExtension()->openUrlNotify();
serve(s_staticData->tips(), "konqueror/tips");
return true;
else if ( url == QLatin1String("config:/disable_overview") )
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( widget(),
i18n("Do you want to disable showing "
"the introduction in the webbrowsing profile?"),
i18nc("@title:window", "Faster Startup?"),KGuiItem(i18n("Disable")),KGuiItem(i18n("Keep")) )
== KMessageBox::Yes )
QString profile = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data", "konqueror/profiles/webbrowsing");
KSaveFile file( profile );
if ( ) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
stream << "[Profile]\n"
return true;
return KHTMLPart::urlSelected( url, button, state, target, args, browserArgs );
#include "konq_aboutpage.moc"