2020-09-26 17:12:39 +02:00

369 lines
13 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Peter Penz <>
* Based on the Itemviews NG project from Trolltech Labs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "dolphin_export.h"
#include "kitemset.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QScroller>
class QTimer;
class KItemModelBase;
class KItemListKeyboardSearchManager;
class KItemListSelectionManager;
class KItemListView;
class KItemListWidget;
class QGestureEvent;
class QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent;
class QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent;
class QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent;
class QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent;
class QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent;
class QInputMethodEvent;
class QKeyEvent;
class QTapGesture;
class QTransform;
class QTouchEvent;
* @brief Controls the view, model and selection of an item-list.
* For a working item-list it is mandatory to set a compatible view and model
* with KItemListController::setView() and KItemListController::setModel().
* @see KItemListView
* @see KItemModelBase
* @see KItemListSelectionManager
class DOLPHIN_EXPORT KItemListController : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(KItemModelBase* model READ model WRITE setModel)
Q_PROPERTY(KItemListView *view READ view WRITE setView)
Q_PROPERTY(SelectionBehavior selectionBehavior READ selectionBehavior WRITE setSelectionBehavior)
Q_PROPERTY(AutoActivationBehavior autoActivationBehavior READ autoActivationBehavior WRITE setAutoActivationBehavior)
Q_PROPERTY(MouseDoubleClickAction mouseDoubleClickAction READ mouseDoubleClickAction WRITE setMouseDoubleClickAction)
enum SelectionBehavior {
enum AutoActivationBehavior {
enum MouseDoubleClickAction {
* @param model Model of the controller. The ownership is passed to the controller.
* @param view View of the controller. The ownership is passed to the controller.
* @param parent Optional parent object.
KItemListController(KItemModelBase* model, KItemListView* view, QObject* parent = nullptr);
~KItemListController() override;
void setModel(KItemModelBase* model);
KItemModelBase* model() const;
void setView(KItemListView* view);
KItemListView* view() const;
KItemListSelectionManager* selectionManager() const;
void setSelectionBehavior(SelectionBehavior behavior);
SelectionBehavior selectionBehavior() const;
void setAutoActivationBehavior(AutoActivationBehavior behavior);
AutoActivationBehavior autoActivationBehavior() const;
void setMouseDoubleClickAction(MouseDoubleClickAction action);
MouseDoubleClickAction mouseDoubleClickAction() const;
int indexCloseToMousePressedPosition() const;
* Sets the delay in milliseconds when dragging an object above an item
* until the item gets activated automatically. A value of -1 indicates
* that no automatic activation will be done at all (= default value).
* The hovered item must support dropping (see KItemModelBase::supportsDropping()),
* otherwise the automatic activation is not available.
* After activating the item the signal itemActivated() will be
* emitted. If the view supports the expanding of items
* (KItemListView::supportsItemExpanding() returns true) and the item
* itself is expandable (see KItemModelBase::isExpandable()) then instead
* of activating the item it gets expanded instead (see
* KItemModelBase::setExpanded()).
void setAutoActivationDelay(int delay);
int autoActivationDelay() const;
* If set to true, the signals itemActivated() and itemsActivated() are emitted
* after a single-click of the left mouse button. If set to false (the default),
* the setting from style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick) is used.
void setSingleClickActivationEnforced(bool singleClick);
bool singleClickActivationEnforced() const;
bool processEvent(QEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
* Is emitted if exactly one item has been activated by e.g. a mouse-click
* or by pressing Return/Enter.
void itemActivated(int index);
* Is emitted if more than one item has been activated by pressing Return/Enter
* when having a selection.
void itemsActivated(const KItemSet& indexes);
void itemMiddleClicked(int index);
* Emitted if a context-menu is requested for the item with
* the index \a index. It is assured that the index is valid.
void itemContextMenuRequested(int index, const QPointF& pos);
* Emitted if a context-menu is requested for the KItemListView.
void viewContextMenuRequested(const QPointF& pos);
* Emitted if a context-menu is requested for the header of the KItemListView.
void headerContextMenuRequested(const QPointF& pos);
* Is emitted if the item with the index \p index gets hovered.
void itemHovered(int index);
* Is emitted if the item with the index \p index gets unhovered.
* It is assured that the signal itemHovered() for this index
* has been emitted before.
void itemUnhovered(int index);
* Is emitted if a mouse-button has been pressed above an item.
* If the index is smaller than 0, the mouse-button has been pressed
* above the viewport.
void mouseButtonPressed(int itemIndex, Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
* Is emitted if a mouse-button has been released above an item.
* It is assured that the signal mouseButtonPressed() has been emitted before.
* If the index is smaller than 0, the mouse-button has been pressed
* above the viewport.
void mouseButtonReleased(int itemIndex, Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
void itemExpansionToggleClicked(int index);
* Is emitted if a drop event is done above the item with the index
* \a index. If \a index is < 0 the drop event is done above an
* empty area of the view.
* TODO: Introduce a new signal viewDropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent),
* which is emitted if the drop event occurs on an empty area in
* the view, and make sure that index is always >= 0 in itemDropEvent().
void itemDropEvent(int index, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* event);
* Is emitted if a drop event is done between the item with the index
* \a index and the previous item.
void aboveItemDropEvent(int index, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* event);
* Is emitted if the Escape key is pressed.
void escapePressed();
void modelChanged(KItemModelBase* current, KItemModelBase* previous);
void viewChanged(KItemListView* current, KItemListView* previous);
void selectedItemTextPressed(int index);
void scrollerStop();
void increaseZoom();
void decreaseZoom();
void swipeUp();
public slots:
void slotStateChanged(QScroller::State newState);
private slots:
void slotViewScrollOffsetChanged(qreal current, qreal previous);
* Is invoked when the rubberband boundaries have been changed and will select
* all items that are touched by the rubberband.
void slotRubberBandChanged();
void slotChangeCurrentItem(const QString& text, bool searchFromNextItem);
void slotAutoActivationTimeout();
* Creates a QDrag object and initiates a drag-operation.
void startDragging();
* @return Widget that is currently in the hovered state. 0 is returned
* if no widget is marked as hovered.
KItemListWidget* hoveredWidget() const;
* @return Widget that is below the position \a pos. 0 is returned
* if no widget is below the position.
KItemListWidget* widgetForPos(const QPointF& pos) const;
* Updates m_keyboardAnchorIndex and m_keyboardAnchorPos. If no anchor is
* set, it will be adjusted to the current item. If it is set it will be
* checked whether it is still valid, otherwise it will be reset to the
* current item.
void updateKeyboardAnchor();
* @return Index for the next row based on \a index.
* If there is no next row \a index will be returned.
int nextRowIndex(int index) const;
* @return Index for the previous row based on \a index.
* If there is no previous row \a index will be returned.
int previousRowIndex(int index) const;
* Helper method for updateKeyboardAnchor(), previousRowIndex() and nextRowIndex().
* @return The position of the keyboard anchor for the item with the index \a index.
* If a horizontal scrolling is used the y-position of the item will be returned,
* for the vertical scrolling the x-position will be returned.
qreal keyboardAnchorPos(int index) const;
* Dependent on the selection-behavior the extendedSelectionRegion-property
* of the KItemListStyleOption from the view should be adjusted: If no
* rubberband selection is used the property should be enabled.
void updateExtendedSelectionRegion();
bool keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
bool inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent* event);
bool mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool gestureEvent(QGestureEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool touchBeginEvent(QTouchEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
void tapTriggered(QTapGesture* tap, const QTransform& transform);
void tapAndHoldTriggered(QGestureEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
void pinchTriggered(QGestureEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
void swipeTriggered(QGestureEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
void twoFingerTapTriggered(QGestureEvent* event, const QTransform& transform);
bool onPress(const QPoint& screenPos, const QPointF& pos, const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, const Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
bool onRelease(const QPointF& pos, const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, const Qt::MouseButtons buttons, bool touch);
void startRubberBand();
bool m_singleClickActivationEnforced;
bool m_selectionTogglePressed;
bool m_clearSelectionIfItemsAreNotDragged;
bool m_isSwipeGesture;
bool m_dragActionOrRightClick;
bool m_scrollerIsScrolling;
bool m_pinchGestureInProgress;
bool m_mousePress;
bool m_isTouchEvent;
SelectionBehavior m_selectionBehavior;
AutoActivationBehavior m_autoActivationBehavior;
MouseDoubleClickAction m_mouseDoubleClickAction;
KItemModelBase* m_model;
KItemListView* m_view;
KItemListSelectionManager* m_selectionManager;
KItemListKeyboardSearchManager* m_keyboardManager;
int m_pressedIndex;
QPointF m_pressedMousePos;
QTimer* m_autoActivationTimer;
Qt::GestureType m_swipeGesture;
Qt::GestureType m_twoFingerTapGesture;
* When starting a rubberband selection during a Shift- or Control-key has been
* pressed the current selection should never be deleted. To be able to restore
* the current selection it is remembered in m_oldSelection before the
* rubberband gets activated.
KItemSet m_oldSelection;
* Assuming a view is given with a vertical scroll-orientation, grouped items and
* a maximum of 4 columns:
* 1 2 3 4
* 5 6 7
* 8 9 10 11
* 12 13 14
* If the current index is on 4 and key-down is pressed, then item 7 gets the current
* item. Now when pressing key-down again item 11 should get the current item and not
* item 10. This makes it necessary to keep track of the requested column to have a
* similar behavior like in a text editor:
int m_keyboardAnchorIndex;
qreal m_keyboardAnchorPos;