2011-02-07 12:58:14 -08:00

279 lines
8.9 KiB

Copyright (C) 2003 Antonio Larrosa <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Grimrath <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <qlinkedlist.h>
#include <dom/dom_core.h>
#include <dom/html_document.h>
#include "ui_archiveviewbase.h"
class QWidget;
class KHTMLPart;
class ArchiveViewBase;
class KUrl;
class KTar;
class QTextStream;
class ArchiveViewBase : public QWidget, public Ui::ArchiveViewBase
ArchiveViewBase( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) {
setupUi( this );
/// Does all the hard work of downloading, manipulating and storing of
/// HTML files and inlined images, stylesheets ...
class ArchiveDialog : public KDialog
ArchiveDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString &targetFilename, KHTMLPart *part);
void archive();
/// Holds attributes that are not #CDATA
class NonCDataAttr : public QSet<QString> {
static NonCDataAttr non_cdata_attr;
KIO::Job *startDownload( const KUrl &url, KHTMLPart *part );
// Frame handling
typedef QHash<QString, KHTMLPart *> Name2Part;
typedef QHash<KUrl, KHTMLPart *> URL2Part;
struct PartFrameData {
Name2Part framesWithName;
URL2Part framesWithURLOnly;
typedef QHash< KHTMLPart *, PartFrameData > FramesInPart;
typedef QHash< QString, KHTMLPart * > TarName2Part;
typedef QHash< KHTMLPart *, QString > Part2TarName;
// Stylesheets
typedef QHash< KUrl, DOM::CSSStyleSheet > CSSURLSet;
typedef QHash< QString, KUrl > RawHRef2FullURL;
typedef QHash< DOM::CSSStyleSheet, RawHRef2FullURL > URLsInStyleSheet;
typedef QHash< DOM::Element, RawHRef2FullURL > URLsInStyleElement;
typedef QHash< DOM::Node, DOM::CSSStyleSheet > Node2StyleSheet;
// Recursive parsing and processing
/// Databag to hold information that is gathered during recursive traversal of the DOM tree
struct RecurseData {
KHTMLPart *const part;
QTextStream *const textStream;
PartFrameData *const partFrameData;
DOM::HTMLDocument document;
bool baseSeen;
RecurseData(KHTMLPart *_part, QTextStream *_textStream, PartFrameData *pfd);
struct DownloadInfo {
QString tarName;
KHTMLPart *part;
DownloadInfo(const QString &_tarName = QString::null, KHTMLPart *_part = 0)
: tarName(_tarName), part(_part) { }
typedef QMap< KUrl, DownloadInfo > UrlTarMap;
typedef QList< UrlTarMap::Iterator > DownloadList;
struct AttrElem {
QString name;
QString value;
AttrElem() { }
AttrElem(const QString &_n, const QString &_v) : name(_n), value(_v) { }
typedef QLinkedList< AttrElem > AttrList;
* Looks for URL contained in attributes.
struct ExtractURLs {
ExtractURLs(const QString &nodeName, const DOM::Element &element);
AttrList attrList; /// copy of the attribute of @p element
AttrList::iterator absURL; /// for links ala &lt;a href= ... &gt;
AttrList::iterator transURL; /// for embedded objects like &lt;img src=...&gt;, favicons, background-images...
AttrList::iterator frameURL; /// if @p element contains a frameURL
AttrList::iterator frameName; /// if it is frame tag with a name element
AttrList::iterator cssURL; /// for URLs that specify CSS
void downloadObjects();
void downloadStyleSheets();
void saveWebpages();
void finishedArchiving(bool tarerror);
void endProgressInfo(bool error);
void obtainURLs();
void obtainURLsLower(KHTMLPart *part, int level);
void obtainPartURLsLower(const DOM::Node &pNode, int level, RecurseData &data);
void obtainStyleSheetURLsLower(DOM::CSSStyleSheet styleSheet, RecurseData &data);
bool insertTranslateURL( const KUrl &fullURL, RecurseData &data );
bool insertHRefFromStyleSheet( const QString &hrefRaw, RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full,
const KUrl &fullURL, RecurseData &data );
void parseStyleDeclaration(const KUrl &baseURL, DOM::CSSStyleDeclaration decl,
RawHRef2FullURL &urls, RecurseData &data /*, bool verbose = false*/);
bool saveTopFrame();
bool saveFrame(KHTMLPart *part, int level);
void saveHTMLPart(RecurseData &data);
void saveHTMLPartLower(const DOM::Node &pNode, int indent, RecurseData &data);
QString extractCSSURL(const QString &text);
QString &changeCSSURLs(QString &text, const RawHRef2FullURL &raw2full);
static bool hasAttrWithValue(const DOM::Element &elem, const QString &attrName, const QString &attrValue);
static bool hasChildNode(const DOM::Node &pNode, const QString &nodeName);
static AttrList::Iterator getAttribute(AttrList &attrList, const QString &attr);
* completes a potentially partial URL in a HTML document (like &lt;img href="...")
* to a fully qualified one.
* It uses the URL of the document or the URL given in the &lt;base ...&gt;
* element, depending on if and where a &ltbase ...&gt; appears on the document.
* Always use this method to get full URLs from href's or similar.
* Suppose the URL of the webpage is http://host.nowhere/. The head looks like this
* <pre>
* &lt;head&gt;
* &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="style1.css" type="text/css" /&gt;
* &lt;base href="" /&gt;
* &lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="style2.css" type="text/css" /&gt;
* &lt;/head&gt;
* </pre>
* The full URL of "style1.css" is http://host.nowhere/style1.css, whereas
* "style2.css" will become
* @return fully qualified URL of @p partURL relative to the HTML document in @c data.part
static KUrl absoluteURL( const QString &partURL, RecurseData &data );
* TODO KDE4 is this in KHTML function available now?
* Functionality taken from khtml/css/csshelper.cpp:parseURL
* Filters a href in an element inside the HTML body. This handles
* quirks in browsers that filter out \\n, \\r in URLs.
static QString parseURL(const QString &rawurl);
* Creates unique filenames to be used in the tar archive
QString uniqTarName(const QString &suggestion, KHTMLPart *part);
* Taken from khtml/misc/loader.cpp DOCLOAD_SECCHECK
* Would be better on the public interface of KHTMLPart (or similar)
* Checks if an embedded link like &lt;img src=&quot;...&quot; should be loaded
static bool urlCheckFailed(KHTMLPart *part, const KUrl &fullURL);
* Escapes HTML characters. Does not forget " as @ref Qt::escape() does.
QString escapeHTML(QString in);
* Adds a suffix that hints at the mimetypes if such a suffix is not
* present already. If there is no such mimetype in the KDE database
* @p filename is returned unchanged.
* 'filename' -> 'filename.gif'
* 'picture.jpg' -> 'picture.jpg'
* NOTE This function is rather slow
QString appendMimeTypeSuffix(QString filename, const QString &mimetype);
KHTMLPart * m_top;
FramesInPart m_framesInPart;
UrlTarMap m_url2tar;
TarName2Part m_tarName2part;
Part2TarName m_part2tarName;
CSSURLSet m_cssURLs;
URLsInStyleSheet m_URLsInStyleSheet;
URLsInStyleElement m_URLsInStyleElement;
Node2StyleSheet m_topStyleSheets;
KIO::Job * m_job;
CSSURLSet::Iterator m_styleSheets_it;
DownloadList m_objects;
DownloadList::Iterator m_objects_it;
UrlTarMap::Iterator m_dlurl2tar_it;
int m_uniqId;
KTar * m_tarBall;
time_t m_archiveTime;
QString m_filename;
ArchiveViewBase * m_widget;
private slots:
void slotObjectFinished(KJob *job);
void slotStyleSheetFinished(KJob *job);
void slotButtonClicked(int button);