/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 by Peter Penz * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "dolphinviewcontainer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dolphin_generalsettings.h" #include "dolphinmainwindow.h" #include "filterbar/filterbar.h" #include "search/dolphinsearchbox.h" #include "statusbar/dolphinstatusbar.h" #include "views/dolphinplacesmodel.h" #include "views/draganddrophelper.h" #include "views/viewmodecontroller.h" #include "views/viewproperties.h" DolphinViewContainer::DolphinViewContainer(const KUrl& url, QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), m_topLayout(0), m_urlNavigator(0), m_searchBox(0), m_view(0), m_filterBar(0), m_statusBar(0), m_statusBarTimer(0), m_statusBarTimestamp() { hide(); m_topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); m_topLayout->setSpacing(0); m_topLayout->setMargin(0); m_urlNavigator = new KUrlNavigator(DolphinPlacesModel::instance(), url, this); connect(m_urlNavigator, SIGNAL(urlsDropped(KUrl,QDropEvent*)), this, SLOT(dropUrls(KUrl,QDropEvent*))); connect(m_urlNavigator, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(activate())); connect(m_urlNavigator->editor(), SIGNAL(completionModeChanged(KGlobalSettings::Completion)), this, SLOT(saveUrlCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::Completion))); const GeneralSettings* settings = GeneralSettings::self(); m_urlNavigator->setUrlEditable(settings->editableUrl()); m_urlNavigator->setShowFullPath(settings->showFullPath()); m_urlNavigator->setHomeUrl(KUrl(settings->homeUrl())); KUrlComboBox* editor = m_urlNavigator->editor(); editor->setCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::Completion(settings->urlCompletionMode())); m_searchBox = new DolphinSearchBox(this); m_searchBox->hide(); connect(m_searchBox, SIGNAL(closeRequest()), this, SLOT(closeSearchBox())); connect(m_searchBox, SIGNAL(search(QString)), this, SLOT(startSearching(QString))); connect(m_searchBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QString)), this, SLOT(requestFocus())); m_view = new DolphinView(url, this); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(urlChanged(KUrl)), m_urlNavigator, SLOT(setUrl(KUrl))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(writeStateChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(writeStateChanged(bool))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(requestItemInfo(KFileItem)), this, SLOT(showItemInfo(KFileItem))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showErrorMessage(QString))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showInfoMessage(QString))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(itemActivated(KFileItem)), this, SLOT(slotItemActivated(KFileItem))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(redirection(KUrl,KUrl)), this, SLOT(redirect(KUrl,KUrl))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(dirLoadingStarted()), this, SLOT(slotDirLoadingStarted())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(dirLoadingCompleted()), this, SLOT(slotDirLoadingCompleted())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(itemCountChanged()), this, SLOT(delayedStatusBarUpdate())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(dirLoadingProgress(int)), this, SLOT(updateDirLoadingProgress(int))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(dirSortingProgress(int)), this, SLOT(updateSortingProgress(int))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(infoMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showInfoMessage(QString))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showErrorMessage(QString))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(KFileItemList)), this, SLOT(delayedStatusBarUpdate())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(operationCompletedMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showOperationCompletedMessage(QString))); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(urlAboutToBeChanged(KUrl)), this, SLOT(slotViewUrlAboutToBeChanged(KUrl))); connect(m_urlNavigator, SIGNAL(urlAboutToBeChanged(KUrl)), this, SLOT(slotUrlNavigatorLocationAboutToBeChanged(KUrl))); connect(m_urlNavigator, SIGNAL(urlChanged(KUrl)), this, SLOT(slotUrlNavigatorLocationChanged(KUrl))); connect(m_urlNavigator, SIGNAL(historyChanged()), this, SLOT(slotHistoryChanged())); // initialize status bar m_statusBar = new DolphinStatusBar(this, m_view); connect(m_statusBar, SIGNAL(stopPressed()), this, SLOT(stopLoading())); m_statusBarTimer = new QTimer(this); m_statusBarTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_statusBarTimer->setInterval(300); connect(m_statusBarTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatusBar())); KIO::FileUndoManager* undoManager = KIO::FileUndoManager::self(); connect(undoManager, SIGNAL(jobRecordingFinished(CommandType)), this, SLOT(delayedStatusBarUpdate())); // initialize filter bar m_filterBar = new FilterBar(this); m_filterBar->setVisible(settings->filterBar()); connect(m_filterBar, SIGNAL(filterChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(setNameFilter(QString))); connect(m_filterBar, SIGNAL(closeRequest()), this, SLOT(closeFilterBar())); connect(m_view, SIGNAL(urlChanged(KUrl)), m_filterBar, SLOT(clear())); m_topLayout->addWidget(m_urlNavigator); m_topLayout->addWidget(m_searchBox); m_topLayout->addWidget(m_view); m_topLayout->addWidget(m_filterBar); m_topLayout->addWidget(m_statusBar); setSearchModeEnabled(isSearchUrl(url)); } DolphinViewContainer::~DolphinViewContainer() { } KUrl DolphinViewContainer::url() const { return m_view->url(); } void DolphinViewContainer::setActive(bool active) { m_urlNavigator->setActive(active); m_view->setActive(active); } bool DolphinViewContainer::isActive() const { Q_ASSERT(m_view->isActive() == m_urlNavigator->isActive()); return m_view->isActive(); } const DolphinStatusBar* DolphinViewContainer::statusBar() const { return m_statusBar; } DolphinStatusBar* DolphinViewContainer::statusBar() { return m_statusBar; } const KUrlNavigator* DolphinViewContainer::urlNavigator() const { return m_urlNavigator; } KUrlNavigator* DolphinViewContainer::urlNavigator() { return m_urlNavigator; } const DolphinView* DolphinViewContainer::view() const { return m_view; } DolphinView* DolphinViewContainer::view() { return m_view; } const DolphinSearchBox* DolphinViewContainer::searchBox() const { return m_searchBox; } DolphinSearchBox* DolphinViewContainer::searchBox() { return m_searchBox; } void DolphinViewContainer::readSettings() { if (GeneralSettings::modifiedStartupSettings()) { // The startup settings should only get applied if they have been // modified by the user. Otherwise keep the (possibly) different current // settings of the URL navigator and the filterbar. m_urlNavigator->setUrlEditable(GeneralSettings::editableUrl()); m_urlNavigator->setShowFullPath(GeneralSettings::showFullPath()); m_urlNavigator->setHomeUrl(KUrl(GeneralSettings::homeUrl())); setFilterBarVisible(GeneralSettings::filterBar()); } m_view->readSettings(); m_statusBar->readSettings(); } bool DolphinViewContainer::isFilterBarVisible() const { return m_filterBar->isVisible(); } void DolphinViewContainer::setSearchModeEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled == isSearchModeEnabled()) { if (enabled && !m_searchBox->hasFocus()) { m_searchBox->setFocus(); m_searchBox->selectAll(); } return; } m_searchBox->setVisible(enabled); m_urlNavigator->setVisible(!enabled); if (enabled) { KUrl url = m_urlNavigator->locationUrl(); m_searchBox->setText(QString()); m_searchBox->setReadOnly(isSearchUrl(url), url); // Remember the most recent non-search URL as search path // of the search-box, so that it can be restored // when switching back to the URL navigator. int index = m_urlNavigator->historyIndex(); const int historySize = m_urlNavigator->historySize(); while (isSearchUrl(url) && (index < historySize)) { ++index; url = m_urlNavigator->locationUrl(index); } if (!isSearchUrl(url)) { m_searchBox->setSearchPath(url); } } else { // Restore the URL for the URL navigator. If Dolphin has been // started with a search-URL, the home URL is used as fallback. const KUrl url = m_searchBox->searchPath(); if (url.isValid() && !url.isEmpty()) { if (isSearchUrl(url)) { m_urlNavigator->goHome(); } else { m_urlNavigator->setLocationUrl(url); } } } emit searchModeChanged(enabled); } bool DolphinViewContainer::isSearchModeEnabled() const { return m_searchBox->isVisible(); } void DolphinViewContainer::setUrl(const KUrl& newUrl) { if (newUrl != m_urlNavigator->locationUrl()) { m_urlNavigator->setLocationUrl(newUrl); } } void DolphinViewContainer::setFilterBarVisible(bool visible) { Q_ASSERT(m_filterBar); if (visible) { m_filterBar->show(); m_filterBar->setFocus(); m_filterBar->selectAll(); } else { closeFilterBar(); } } void DolphinViewContainer::delayedStatusBarUpdate() { if (m_statusBarTimer->isActive() && (m_statusBarTimestamp.elapsed() > 2000)) { // No update of the statusbar has been done during the last 2 seconds, // although an update has been requested. Trigger an immediate update. m_statusBarTimer->stop(); updateStatusBar(); } else { // Invoke updateStatusBar() with a small delay. This assures that // when a lot of delayedStatusBarUpdates() are done in a short time, // no bottleneck is given. m_statusBarTimer->start(); } } void DolphinViewContainer::updateStatusBar() { m_statusBarTimestamp.start(); const QString newMessage = m_view->statusBarText(); m_statusBar->setDefaultText(newMessage); // We don't want to override errors. Other messages are only protected by // the Statusbar itself depending on timings (see DolphinStatusBar::setMessage). if (m_statusBar->type() != DolphinStatusBar::Error) { m_statusBar->setMessage(newMessage, DolphinStatusBar::Default); } } void DolphinViewContainer::updateDirLoadingProgress(int percent) { if (m_statusBar->progressText().isEmpty()) { m_statusBar->setProgressText(i18nc("@info:progress", "Loading folder...")); } m_statusBar->setProgress(percent); } void DolphinViewContainer::updateSortingProgress(int percent) { if (m_statusBar->progressText().isEmpty()) { m_statusBar->setProgressText(i18nc("@info:progress", "Sorting...")); } m_statusBar->setProgress(percent); } void DolphinViewContainer::slotDirLoadingStarted() { if (isSearchUrl(url())) { // Search KIO-slaves usually don't provide any progress information. Give // a hint to the user that a searching is done: updateStatusBar(); m_statusBar->setProgressText(i18nc("@info", "Searching...")); m_statusBar->setProgress(-1); } else { // Trigger an undetermined progress indication. The progress // information in percent will be triggered by the percent() signal // of the directory lister later. updateDirLoadingProgress(-1); } } void DolphinViewContainer::slotDirLoadingCompleted() { if (!m_statusBar->progressText().isEmpty()) { m_statusBar->setProgressText(QString()); m_statusBar->setProgress(100); } if (isSearchUrl(url()) && m_view->itemsCount() == 0) { // The dir lister has been completed on a Nepomuk-URI and no items have been found. Instead // of showing the default status bar information ("0 items") a more helpful information is given: m_statusBar->setMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "No items found."), DolphinStatusBar::Information); } else { updateStatusBar(); } } void DolphinViewContainer::slotItemActivated(const KFileItem& item) { // It is possible to activate items on inactive views by // drag & drop operations. Assure that activating an item always // results in an active view. m_view->setActive(true); KUrl url = item.targetUrl(); if (item.isDir()) { m_view->setUrl(url); return; } if (GeneralSettings::browseThroughArchives() && item.isFile() && url.isLocalFile()) { // Generic mechanism for redirecting to tar:// when clicking on a tar file, // zip:// when clicking on a zip file, etc. // The .protocol file specifies the mimetype that the kioslave handles. // Note that we don't use mimetype inheritance since we don't want to // open OpenDocument files as zip folders... const QString protocol = KProtocolManager::protocolForArchiveMimetype(item.mimetype()); if (!protocol.isEmpty()) { url.setProtocol(protocol); m_view->setUrl(url); return; } } if (item.mimetype() == QLatin1String("application/x-desktop")) { // Redirect to the URL in Type=Link desktop files KDesktopFile desktopFile(url.toLocalFile()); if (desktopFile.hasLinkType()) { url = desktopFile.readUrl(); m_view->setUrl(url); return; } } item.run(); } void DolphinViewContainer::showItemInfo(const KFileItem& item) { if (item.isNull()) { // Only clear the status bar if unimportant messages are shown. // This prevents that information- or error-messages get hidden // by moving the mouse above the viewport or when closing the // context menu. if (m_statusBar->type() == DolphinStatusBar::Default) { m_statusBar->clear(); } } else { const QString message = item.isDir() ? item.text() : item.getStatusBarInfo(); m_statusBar->setMessage(message, DolphinStatusBar::Default); } } void DolphinViewContainer::showInfoMessage(const QString& msg) { m_statusBar->setMessage(msg, DolphinStatusBar::Information); } void DolphinViewContainer::showErrorMessage(const QString& msg) { m_statusBar->setMessage(msg, DolphinStatusBar::Error); } void DolphinViewContainer::showOperationCompletedMessage(const QString& msg) { m_statusBar->setMessage(msg, DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); } void DolphinViewContainer::closeFilterBar() { m_filterBar->hide(); m_filterBar->clear(); m_view->setFocus(); emit showFilterBarChanged(false); } void DolphinViewContainer::setNameFilter(const QString& nameFilter) { m_view->setNameFilter(nameFilter); delayedStatusBarUpdate(); } void DolphinViewContainer::activate() { setActive(true); } void DolphinViewContainer::slotViewUrlAboutToBeChanged(const KUrl& url) { // URL changes of the view can happen in two ways: // 1. The URL navigator gets changed and will trigger the view to update its URL // 2. The URL of the view gets changed and will trigger the URL navigator to update // its URL (e.g. by clicking on an item) // In this scope the view-state may only get saved in case 2: if (url != m_urlNavigator->locationUrl()) { saveViewState(); } } void DolphinViewContainer::slotUrlNavigatorLocationAboutToBeChanged(const KUrl& url) { // URL changes of the view can happen in two ways: // 1. The URL navigator gets changed and will trigger the view to update its URL // 2. The URL of the view gets changed and will trigger the URL navigator to update // its URL (e.g. by clicking on an item) // In this scope the view-state may only get saved in case 1: if (url != m_view->url()) { saveViewState(); } } void DolphinViewContainer::slotUrlNavigatorLocationChanged(const KUrl& url) { if (KProtocolManager::supportsListing(url)) { setSearchModeEnabled(isSearchUrl(url)); m_view->setUrl(url); if (isActive() && !isSearchUrl(url)) { // When an URL has been entered, the view should get the focus. // The focus must be requested asynchronously, as changing the URL might create // a new view widget. QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(requestFocus())); } } else if (KProtocolManager::isSourceProtocol(url)) { QString app = "konqueror"; if (url.protocol().startsWith(QLatin1String("http"))) { showErrorMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Dolphin does not support web pages, the web browser has been launched")); const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals"), "General"); const QString browser = config.readEntry("BrowserApplication"); if (!browser.isEmpty()) { app = browser; if (app.startsWith('!')) { // a literal command has been configured, remove the '!' prefix app = app.mid(1); } } } else { showErrorMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Protocol not supported by Dolphin, Konqueror has been launched")); } const QString secureUrl = KShell::quoteArg(url.pathOrUrl()); const QString command = app + ' ' + secureUrl; KRun::runCommand(command, app, app, this); } else { showErrorMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Invalid protocol")); } } void DolphinViewContainer::dropUrls(const KUrl& destination, QDropEvent* event) { DragAndDropHelper::dropUrls(KFileItem(), destination, event); } void DolphinViewContainer::redirect(const KUrl& oldUrl, const KUrl& newUrl) { Q_UNUSED(oldUrl); const bool block = m_urlNavigator->signalsBlocked(); m_urlNavigator->blockSignals(true); // Assure that the location state is reset for redirection URLs. This // allows to skip redirection URLs when going back or forward in the // URL history. m_urlNavigator->saveLocationState(QByteArray()); m_urlNavigator->setLocationUrl(newUrl); setSearchModeEnabled(isSearchUrl(newUrl)); m_urlNavigator->blockSignals(block); } void DolphinViewContainer::requestFocus() { m_view->setFocus(); } void DolphinViewContainer::saveUrlCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::Completion completion) { GeneralSettings::setUrlCompletionMode(completion); } void DolphinViewContainer::slotHistoryChanged() { QByteArray locationState = m_urlNavigator->locationState(); if (!locationState.isEmpty()) { QDataStream stream(&locationState, QIODevice::ReadOnly); m_view->restoreState(stream); } } void DolphinViewContainer::startSearching(const QString &text) { Q_UNUSED(text); const KUrl url = m_searchBox->urlForSearching(); if (url.isValid() && !url.isEmpty()) { m_urlNavigator->setLocationUrl(url); } } void DolphinViewContainer::closeSearchBox() { setSearchModeEnabled(false); } void DolphinViewContainer::stopLoading() { m_view->stopLoading(); m_statusBar->setProgress(100); } bool DolphinViewContainer::isSearchUrl(const KUrl& url) const { const QString protocol = url.protocol(); return protocol.contains("search") || (protocol == QLatin1String("nepomuk")); } void DolphinViewContainer::saveViewState() { QByteArray locationState; QDataStream stream(&locationState, QIODevice::WriteOnly); m_view->saveState(stream); m_urlNavigator->saveLocationState(locationState); } #include "dolphinviewcontainer.moc"