/* Original Authors: Copyright (c) Kalle Dalheimer 1997 Copyright (c) David Faure 1998 Copyright (c) Dirk Mueller 2000 Completely re-written by: Copyright (C) 2000- Dawit Alemayehu This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Own #include "useragentdlg.h" // Local #include "ksaveioconfig.h" #include "useragentinfo.h" #include "useragentselectordlg.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DECLARATION(KioConfigFactory) typedef QList SiteList; typedef SiteList::iterator SiteListIterator; UserAgentDlg::UserAgentDlg(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &) :KCModule(KioConfigFactory::componentData(), parent), m_userAgentInfo(0), m_config(0) { ui.setupUi(this); ui.newButton->setIcon(KIcon("list-add")); ui.changeButton->setIcon(KIcon("edit-rename")); ui.deleteButton->setIcon(KIcon("list-remove")); ui.deleteAllButton->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); } UserAgentDlg::~UserAgentDlg() { delete m_userAgentInfo; delete m_config; } void UserAgentDlg::on_sendUACheckBox_clicked() { configChanged(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_newButton_clicked() { const QPointer pdlg( new UserAgentSelectorDlg( i18nc("@title:window", "Add Identification"), m_userAgentInfo, this ) ); if ( pdlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && pdlg ) { if ( !handleDuplicate( pdlg->siteName(), pdlg->identity(), pdlg->alias() ) ) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget); item->setText(0, pdlg->siteName()); item->setText(1, pdlg->identity()); item->setText(2, pdlg->alias()); ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); configChanged(); } } delete pdlg; } void UserAgentDlg::on_changeButton_clicked() { on_sitePolicyTreeWidget_itemDoubleClicked(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->currentItem(), -1); } void UserAgentDlg::on_deleteButton_clicked() { SiteList selectedItems = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->selectedItems(); SiteListIterator endIt = selectedItems.end(); QString siteName; for(SiteListIterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != endIt; ++it) delete (*it); updateButtons(); configChanged(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_deleteAllButton_clicked() { ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->clear(); updateButtons(); configChanged(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_osNameCheckBox_clicked() { changeDefaultUAModifiers(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_osVersionCheckBox_clicked() { changeDefaultUAModifiers(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_processorTypeCheckBox_clicked() { changeDefaultUAModifiers(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_languageCheckBox_clicked() { changeDefaultUAModifiers(); } void UserAgentDlg::on_sitePolicyTreeWidget_itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int) { if(item) { // Store the current site name... const QString currentSiteName = item->text(0); UserAgentSelectorDlg pdlg ( i18nc("@title:window", "Modify Identification"), m_userAgentInfo, this ); pdlg.setSiteName( currentSiteName ); pdlg.setIdentity( item->text(1) ); if ( pdlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { if ( pdlg.siteName() == currentSiteName || !handleDuplicate( pdlg.siteName(), pdlg.identity(), pdlg.alias() ) ) { item->setText( 0, pdlg.siteName() ); item->setText( 1, pdlg.identity() ); item->setText( 2, pdlg.alias() ); configChanged(); } } } } void UserAgentDlg::changeDefaultUAModifiers() { m_ua_keys = ':'; // Make sure it's not empty if ( ui.osNameCheckBox->isChecked() ) m_ua_keys += 'o'; if ( ui.osVersionCheckBox->isChecked() ) m_ua_keys += 'v'; if ( ui.processorTypeCheckBox->isChecked() ) m_ua_keys += 'm'; if ( ui.languageCheckBox->isChecked() ) m_ua_keys += 'l'; ui.osVersionCheckBox->setEnabled(m_ua_keys.contains('o')); QString modVal = KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent( m_ua_keys ); if ( ui.defaultIdLineEdit->text() != modVal ) { ui.defaultIdLineEdit->setText(modVal); configChanged(); } } bool UserAgentDlg::handleDuplicate( const QString& site, const QString& identity, const QString& alias ) { SiteList list = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->findItems(site, Qt::MatchExactly, 0); if (!list.isEmpty()) { QString msg = i18n("
Found an existing identification for" "
" "Do you want to replace it?
" "
", site); int res = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, msg, i18nc("@title:window", "Duplicate Identification"), KGuiItem(i18n("Replace"))); if ( res == KMessageBox::Continue ) { list[0]->setText(0, site); list[0]->setText(1, identity); list[0]->setText(2, alias); configChanged(); } return true; } return false; } void UserAgentDlg::configChanged(bool enable) { emit changed(enable); } void UserAgentDlg::updateButtons() { const int selectedItemCount = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->selectedItems().count(); const bool hasItems = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() > 0; ui.changeButton->setEnabled ((hasItems && selectedItemCount == 1)); ui.deleteButton->setEnabled ((hasItems && selectedItemCount > 0)); ui.deleteAllButton->setEnabled ( hasItems ); } void UserAgentDlg::on_sitePolicyTreeWidget_itemSelectionChanged() { updateButtons(); } void UserAgentDlg::load() { ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->clear(); if (!m_config) m_config = new KConfig("kio_httprc", KConfig::NoGlobals); else m_config->reparseConfiguration(); if (!m_userAgentInfo) m_userAgentInfo = new UserAgentInfo(); const QStringList list = m_config->groupList(); QStringList::ConstIterator endIt = list.end(); QString agentStr; for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != endIt; ++it ) { if ( (*it) == "") continue; KConfigGroup cg(m_config, *it); agentStr = cg.readEntry("UserAgent"); if (!agentStr.isEmpty()) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget); item->setText(0, (*it).toLower()); item->setText(1, m_userAgentInfo->aliasStr(agentStr)); item->setText(2, agentStr); } } // Update buttons and checkboxes... KConfigGroup cg2(m_config, QString()); bool b = cg2.readEntry("SendUserAgent", true); ui.sendUACheckBox->setChecked( b ); m_ua_keys = cg2.readEntry("UserAgentKeys", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_KEYS).toLower(); ui.defaultIdLineEdit->setText( KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent( m_ua_keys ) ); ui.osNameCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('o') ); ui.osVersionCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('v') ); ui.processorTypeCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('m') ); ui.languageCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('l') ); updateButtons(); configChanged(false); } void UserAgentDlg::defaults() { ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->clear(); m_ua_keys = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_KEYS; ui.defaultIdLineEdit->setText( KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent(m_ua_keys) ); ui.osNameCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('o') ); ui.osVersionCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('v') ); ui.processorTypeCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('m') ); ui.languageCheckBox->setChecked( m_ua_keys.contains('l') ); ui.sendUACheckBox->setChecked( true ); updateButtons(); configChanged(); } void UserAgentDlg::save() { Q_ASSERT(m_config); // Put all the groups except the default into the delete list. QStringList deleteList = m_config->groupList(); //Remove all the groups that DO NOT contain a "UserAgent" entry... QStringList::ConstIterator endIt = deleteList.constEnd(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) { if ( (*it) == QLatin1String("") ) continue; KConfigGroup cg(m_config, *it); if (!cg.hasKey("UserAgent")) deleteList.removeAll(*it); } QString domain; QTreeWidgetItem* item; int itemCount = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); // Save and remove from the delete list all the groups that were // not deleted by the end user. for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { item = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i); domain = item->text(0); KConfigGroup cg(m_config, domain); cg.writeEntry("UserAgent", item->text(2)); deleteList.removeAll(domain); qDebug("UserAgentDlg::save: Removed [%s] from delete list", domain.toLatin1().constData()); } // Write the global configuration information... KConfigGroup cg(m_config, QString()); cg.writeEntry("SendUserAgent", ui.sendUACheckBox->isChecked()); cg.writeEntry("UserAgentKeys", m_ua_keys ); // Sync up all the changes so far... m_config->sync(); // If delete list is not empty, delete the specified domains. if (!deleteList.isEmpty()) { // Remove entries from local file. endIt = deleteList.constEnd(); KConfig cfg ("kio_httprc", KConfig::SimpleConfig); for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it ) { KConfigGroup cg(&cfg, *it); cg.deleteEntry("UserAgent"); qDebug("UserAgentDlg::save: Deleting UserAgent of group [%s]", (*it).toLatin1().constData()); if (cg.keyList().count() < 1) cg.deleteGroup(); } // Sync up the configuration... cfg.sync(); // Check everything is gone, reset to blank otherwise. m_config->reparseConfiguration(); endIt = deleteList.constEnd(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it ) { KConfigGroup cg(m_config, *it); if (cg.hasKey("UserAgent")) cg.writeEntry("UserAgent", QString()); } // Sync up the configuration... m_config->sync(); } KSaveIOConfig::updateRunningIOSlaves (this); configChanged( false ); } QString UserAgentDlg::quickHelp() const { return i18n( "

Browser Identification

" "The browser-identification module allows you to have full " "control over how Konqueror will identify itself to web " "sites you browse.

" "

This ability to fake identification is necessary because " "some web sites do not display properly when they detect that " "they are not talking to current versions of either Netscape " "Navigator or Internet Explorer, even if the browser actually " "supports all the necessary features to render those pages " "properly. " "For such sites, you can use this feature to try to browse " "them. Please understand that this might not always work, since " "such sites might be using non-standard web protocols and or " "specifications.

" "

NOTE: To obtain specific help on a particular section " "of the dialog box, simply click on the quick help button on " "the window title bar, then click on the section " "for which you are seeking help.

" ); } #include "useragentdlg.moc"