/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2012 by Peter Penz * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KSTANDARDITEMLISTWIDGET_H #define KSTANDARDITEMLISTWIDGET_H #include #include #include #include #include class KItemListRoleEditor; class KItemListStyleOption; class KItemListView; class LIBDOLPHINPRIVATE_EXPORT KStandardItemListWidgetInformant : public KItemListWidgetInformant { public: KStandardItemListWidgetInformant(); virtual ~KStandardItemListWidgetInformant(); virtual void calculateItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const; virtual qreal preferredRoleColumnWidth(const QByteArray& role, int index, const KItemListView* view) const; protected: /** * @return The value of the "text" role. The default implementation returns * view->model()->data(index)["text"]. If a derived class can * prevent the (possibly expensive) construction of the * QHash returned by KItemModelBase::data(int), * it can reimplement this function. */ virtual QString itemText(int index, const KItemListView* view) const; /** * @return The value of the "isLink" role. The default implementation returns false. * The derived class should reimplement this function, when information about * links is available and in usage. */ virtual bool itemIsLink(int index, const KItemListView* view) const; /** * @return String representation of the role \a role. The representation of * a role might depend on other roles, so the values of all roles * are passed as parameter. */ virtual QString roleText(const QByteArray& role, const QHash& values) const; /** * @return A font based on baseFont which is customized for symlinks. */ virtual QFont customizedFontForLinks(const QFont& baseFont) const; void calculateIconsLayoutItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const; void calculateCompactLayoutItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const; void calculateDetailsLayoutItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const; friend class KStandardItemListWidget; // Accesses roleText() }; /** * @brief Itemlist widget implementation for KStandardItemView and KStandardItemModel. */ class LIBDOLPHINPRIVATE_EXPORT KStandardItemListWidget : public KItemListWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum Layout { IconsLayout, CompactLayout, DetailsLayout }; KStandardItemListWidget(KItemListWidgetInformant* informant, QGraphicsItem* parent); virtual ~KStandardItemListWidget(); void setLayout(Layout layout); Layout layout() const; void setSupportsItemExpanding(bool supportsItemExpanding); bool supportsItemExpanding() const; virtual void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget = 0); virtual QRectF iconRect() const; virtual QRectF textRect() const; virtual QRectF textFocusRect() const; virtual QRectF expansionToggleRect() const; virtual QRectF selectionToggleRect() const; virtual QPixmap createDragPixmap(const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget = 0); static KItemListWidgetInformant* createInformant(); protected: /** * Invalidates the cache which results in calling KStandardItemListWidget::refreshCache() as * soon as the item need to gets repainted. */ void invalidateCache(); /** * Is called if the cache got invalidated by KStandardItemListWidget::invalidateCache(). * The default implementation is empty. */ virtual void refreshCache(); /** * @return True if the give role should be right aligned when showing it inside a column. * Per default false is returned. */ virtual bool isRoleRightAligned(const QByteArray& role) const; /** * @return True if the item should be visually marked as hidden item. Per default * false is returned. */ virtual bool isHidden() const; /** * @return A font based on baseFont which is customized according to the data shown in the widget. */ virtual QFont customizedFont(const QFont& baseFont) const; virtual QPalette::ColorRole normalTextColorRole() const; void setTextColor(const QColor& color); QColor textColor() const; void setOverlay(const QPixmap& overlay); QPixmap overlay() const; /** * @see KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::roleText(). */ QString roleText(const QByteArray& role, const QHash& values) const; /** * Fixes: * Select the text without MIME-type extension * This is file-item-specific and should be moved * into KFileItemListWidget. * * Inherited classes can define, if the MIME-type extension * should be selected or not. * * @return Selection length (with or without MIME-type extension) */ virtual int selectionLength(const QString& text) const; virtual void dataChanged(const QHash& current, const QSet& roles = QSet()); virtual void visibleRolesChanged(const QList& current, const QList& previous); virtual void columnWidthChanged(const QByteArray& role, qreal current, qreal previous); virtual void styleOptionChanged(const KItemListStyleOption& current, const KItemListStyleOption& previous); virtual void hoveredChanged(bool hovered); virtual void selectedChanged(bool selected); virtual void siblingsInformationChanged(const QBitArray& current, const QBitArray& previous); virtual void editedRoleChanged(const QByteArray& current, const QByteArray& previous); virtual void resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent* event); virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent* event); virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event); private slots: void slotCutItemsChanged(); void slotRoleEditingCanceled(const QByteArray& role, const QVariant& value); void slotRoleEditingFinished(const QByteArray& role, const QVariant& value); private: void triggerCacheRefreshing(); void updateExpansionArea(); void updatePixmapCache(); void updateTextsCache(); void updateIconsLayoutTextCache(); void updateCompactLayoutTextCache(); void updateDetailsLayoutTextCache(); void updateAdditionalInfoTextColor(); void drawPixmap(QPainter* painter, const QPixmap& pixmap); void drawSiblingsInformation(QPainter* painter); QRectF roleEditingRect(const QByteArray &role) const; /** * Closes the role editor and returns the focus back * to the KItemListContainer. */ void closeRoleEditor(); static QPixmap pixmapForIcon(const QString& name, const QStringList& overlays, int size); /** * @return Preferred size of the rating-image based on the given * style-option. The height of the font is taken as * reference. */ static QSizeF preferredRatingSize(const KItemListStyleOption& option); /** * @return Horizontal padding in pixels that is added to the required width of * a column to display the content. */ static qreal columnPadding(const KItemListStyleOption& option); private: bool m_isCut; bool m_isHidden; QFont m_customizedFont; QFontMetrics m_customizedFontMetrics; bool m_isExpandable; bool m_supportsItemExpanding; bool m_dirtyLayout; bool m_dirtyContent; QSet m_dirtyContentRoles; Layout m_layout; QPointF m_pixmapPos; QPixmap m_pixmap; QSize m_scaledPixmapSize; QRectF m_iconRect; // Cache for KItemListWidget::iconRect() QPixmap m_hoverPixmap; // Cache for modified m_pixmap when hovering the item struct TextInfo { QPointF pos; QStaticText staticText; }; QHash m_textInfo; QRectF m_textRect; QList m_sortedVisibleRoles; QRectF m_expansionArea; QColor m_customTextColor; QColor m_additionalInfoTextColor; QPixmap m_overlay; QPixmap m_rating; KItemListRoleEditor* m_roleEditor; KItemListRoleEditor* m_oldRoleEditor; friend class KStandardItemListWidgetInformant; // Accesses private static methods to be able to // share a common layout calculation }; #endif