]> The &dolphin; Handbook Peter Penz
Orville Bennett
Michael Austin
David Edmundson
Alan Blanchflower Frank Reininghaus
2006 Peter Penz 2006 &Orville.Bennett; Michael Austin 2009 Frank Reininghaus &FDLNotice; 2016-06-01 Applications 16.04 &dolphin; is the default file manager by &kde;, designed with usability as a primary focus. KDE Dolphin Filemanager file management
Introduction &dolphin; is &plasma;'s default file manager. It aims to improve usability at the user interface level. &dolphin; focuses only on being a file manager whereas &konqueror;, which was &kde;'s default file manager in &kde; 3 and can still be used for file management, is a universal viewer for many file types. This design approach allows the developers to concentrate on optimizing the user interface for the specific task of file management. Please report any problems or feature requests to the &dolphin; author via the bug report dialog. This is accessible either from the Control button at the right of the toolbar in the default mode without menubar; or from HelpReport Bug... menu of the application, if the menubar is shown. Using &dolphin; &dolphin; User Interface The screenshot below shows &dolphin;'s default user interface: Screenshot of &dolphin;'s default user interface &dolphin;'s default user interface. &dolphin;'s default user interface. The elements of the default user interface are: The toolbar, which can be used for quick access to frequently used actions. The toolbar can be customized by clicking it with the &RMB; and choosing Configure Toolbars... from the context menu, with Configure Toolbars... from the Control button at the right of the toolbar or via Settings Configure Toolbars... from the main menu. Screenshot of &dolphin;'s toolbar The default toolbar. Toolbar items where the icon is sufficient for knowing the command do not have text alongside the icons. This can be changed by a &RMB; click and selecting the item text below Show Text. The Control button at the right side of the toolbar is only displayed if the menubar is hidden. The location bar, which always displays the path to the current folder. It can be switched between two different modes, see the section on the location bar for details. The view, which shows all files and folders in the current folder. The Places panel, which provides quick access to bookmarked locations and disks or other media. If desktop search and file indexing are enabled in the Desktop Search module in the &systemsettings; the panel provides Recently Saved items and allows you to search for Documents, Images, Audio Files and Video. The status bar. It displays the name, size and type of the file which is currently hovered over with the mouse, or the number and size of the files which are selected. At the right, there is a zoom slider that allows you to adjust the size of the icons in the view. The menubar (hidden by default), which provides access to all commands and configuration options. See the Command Reference for a list of all menu commands. The menubar can be toggled with Show Menubar (&Ctrl;M) from the Settings menu or the Control button. If the menubar is hidden, all its actions are available from the Control button. The additional Information, Folders and Terminal panels are hidden by default, for more information see Panels. The &dolphin; View Using the View The view displays all files and folders in the current folder. These items can be accessed or manipulated in different ways: A file or folder can be opened by clicking it with the &LMB; (or double-clicking, if Double-click to open files and folders is enabled in the &systemsettings; in the Input Devices Mouse module.. Clicking any item or the white area around the items with the &RMB; opens a context menu which provides access to many frequently used actions for the item or the current folder, respectively. If the &LMB; is pressed on an item, but not immediately released, the item can be dragged and dropped in another folder in the current view or in another &dolphin; view (in another &dolphin; window or in the same window if the view is split, see below) to move or copy it or to create a symbolic link. Items can even be dropped in another application to open them in that application. &dolphin; remembers the history of visited folders. To navigate backward or forward in the history, the corresponding buttons in the toolbar can be used: Screenshot of &dolphin;'s toolbar The Back and Forward buttons in the toolbar. The Back and Forward buttons in the toolbar can be used to navigate in the history. &dolphin; View Appearance The toolbar contains buttons to control the appearance of the view: Screenshot of &dolphin;'s toolbar The buttons in the toolbar which control the appearance of the view. The buttons in the toolbar which control the appearance of the view. All the settings discussed below and other options concerning, ⪚ the sorting of the files in the current folder, can also be modified in the View menu and in the View Properties dialog. By default, these settings are remembered for each folder separately. This behavior can be changed in the General section of the settings. View Modes The first three buttons in the above screenshot switch between &dolphin;'s view modes. In the Icons view, which is the default, files will be represented by an icon that visualizes the file type, and a folder icon will be shown for subfolders. The names of folders and files, and the items enabled in ViewAdditional Information, are displayed below the icons. The Compact view shows the folder contents as icons with the name beside it and the items enabled in ViewAdditional Information below the name. The items are grouped in columns similar to the Short View in the &kde; file dialog. In the Details view, the folder contents are displayed as a detailed list which contains the name, size and last modification time of each item. Additional columns can be added by clicking a column header with the &RMB;. In the context menu of the header line you can choose between custom or automatic column width. Automatic width adjusts the width of all columns once to display the longest item in the column completely, except for the Name column where the extension is replaced by ... The order of columns can be changed by drag and drop of column headers, except for the Name header, which is always the first column in this view. The details view allows you to view the current folder in a tree-like fashion if Expandable folders are enabled: Each subfolder of the current folder can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the + or - icon next to it. Grouped View Grouped View All view modes support grouping by the sort type selected in ViewSort by Information in the View In all view modes &dolphin; shows at least an icon and a name for each item. Using Additional Information in the View menu or the context menu of the header in Details mode, you can select more information for each item to be shown: Size, Date, Type, Rating, Tags or Comment. Depending on the file type, additionally, sorting criteria can be selected: Document: Number of words and lines Image: Size and orientation Audio: Artist, album, duration and track The Other submenu allows you to select Path, Link Destination, Copied From, Permissions, Owner or User Group. Preview If Preview is enabled, the icons are based on the actual file or folder contents; ⪚ for images a scaled down preview of the image is shown. Split If Split is clicked, two views are shown which can display the contents of different folders. This can be convenient for moving or copying files. Selecting Items in the View There are several ways to select items in the view. Once a group of items is selected, all actions, such as Cut, Copy, Move to Trash, and drag and drop operations, affect all selected items. Selecting Items Using the Mouse You can press the &LMB; somewhere in the view and draw a rectangle around a group of items before releasing the button. This will select all items in the rectangle and clear the previous selection. If the &Shift; key is pressed during the selection process, the previous selection is kept. If the &Ctrl; key is pressed while an item is clicked with the &LMB;, the selection state of this item is toggled. If the &Ctrl; key is pressed while a rectangle is drawn around a group of items as described above, the selection state of all items in the rectangle will be toggled. If the &Shift; key is pressed while an item is clicked with the &LMB;, all items between the previous current item and the clicked item will be selected. If Show selection marker is enabled in the Behavior tab of the General section of the settings, a small + or - button appears in the top left corner of the item which is currently hovered over with the mouse. Clicking this sign selects or deselects the item, respectively. Selecting Items Using the Keyboard If an arrow key, Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End is pressed, the new current item is selected, and the previous selection is cleared. If the &Ctrl; key is held while one of the above keys is pressed, the selection remains unchanged. If the &Shift; key is held while one of the above keys is pressed, all items between the previous current item and the new current item will be selected. If &Ctrl;Space is pressed, the selection state of the current item is toggled. &Ctrl;A selects all items in the view. &Ctrl;&Shift;A toggles the selection state of all items in the view. Select a file or folder by typing the first few letters of its name and the first matching item is selected. To clear the selection and cancel the keyboard search press &Esc; or wait longer than the timeout of 1 second. Location Bar The location bar, which can be found above &dolphin;'s view, displays the path to the current folder. The location bar has two modes. Bread Crumb Mode In the bread crumb mode, which is the default, each folder name in the path to the current folder is a button which can be clicked to quickly open that folder. Moreover, clicking the > sign to the right of a folder opens a menu which allows you to quickly open a subfolder of that folder. Screenshot of the location bar in bread crumb mode Location bar in bread crumb mode. Location bar in bread crumb mode. Editable Mode When in bread crumb mode, clicking in the gray area to the right of the path with the &LMB; switches the location bar to editable mode, in which the path can be edited using the keyboard. To switch back to bread crumb mode, click the check mark at the right of the location bar with the &LMB;. Screenshot of the location bar in editable mode Location bar in editable mode. Location bar in editable mode. Using Kioslaves If the location bar is empty in editable mode, a drop down box appears in front of the bar listing all available kioslaves on your system. Kioslaves are programs built into &kde; which add support for many different protocols to &dolphin; and other &kde; applications. For example with the fish kioslave &dolphin; can be used to manage files and folders on a remote host that is accessible via SSH. To do this you would type fish://username@remotehost into the location bar. Similar remote file management can be done on remote hosts accessible via the &FTP;, NFS, SFTP, SMB (CIFS) or webdav protocols. It is also possible to use the kioslaves drop down list to access &systemsettings;, fonts, trash, other programs and devices attached to your computer. See the drop down list for the full list of capabilities available from kioslaves on your system. Screenshot of the list of kioslaves Location bar showing list of available kioslaves. List of available kioslaves. Places and Context If the Places panel is hidden; in both modes an additional icon in front of the path is displayed. This icon can be clicked with the &LMB; to open a menu which offers quick access to places and storage media. See the section about the Places Panel for details. Location bar with Places icon Location bar with Places icon The context menu of the location bar offers actions to switch between the modes and to copy and paste the path using the clipboard. Check the last option in this context menu to display either the full path starting with the root folder of the file system or to display the path starting with the current places entry. Location bar context menu Location bar context menu Panels &dolphin; allows a number of panels to be placed next to the view. These can be enabled in ViewPanels. By unlocking the panels and clicking and dragging a panel title, the panel can be moved to a different position, even outside the window. Places The Places panel is located at the left of the window by default. The Places panel shows any locations you have bookmarked. It also shows any disk or media attached to the computer, recently accessed items and allows you to search for certain type of files. The order of these entries can be changed by drag and drop. The easiest way to add a folder to the Places panel is to drag it and drop it in the panel. Moreover, you can click inside the panel with the &RMB; and choose Add Entry... from the context menu. The first procedure creates a system wide bookmark, the second procedure can be used to add the current path of the location bar or any desired folder or device. A dialog opens where label, location and icon can be edited and the usage of this entry can be restricted to &dolphin;. A &RMB; click opens the context menu to edit, add, hide or remove entries and change the icon size to one of the predefined values or lock/unlock the panels. The context menu has an action to open the entry in a new tab. Devices can be unmounted using the context menu. Information The Information panel shows extended information about the selected items(s) or about the current folder or the file which is currently hovered over with the mouse, including size, type, and date of last modification. It also features a large preview of the selected item and allows you to assign a rating, tags, and comments to it. Folders The Folders panel shows a tree view structure of the file system. It only shows folders. Clicking a folder with the &LMB; opens this folder in the &dolphin; view. Terminal This panel contains a terminal. The terminal will open at the folder currently shown in the &dolphin; view. Changing the folder in the active &dolphin; view will update the working folder of the terminal. Changing the directory in the terminal will update the working folder in the &dolphin; view. The terminal only works with local media. Quick Tips The following are a number of tips to save time when using &dolphin;. Quick Bookmarking To quickly create a bookmark in the Places panel for the current folder, &RMB; click in the work space and click Add to Places in the context menu. Finding Files and Searching in Files &dolphin; is capable of searching for files and for content in files. If &Ctrl;F is pressed or Edit Find... is used, the Find bar will open already set up to search for files within the current folder and any sub-folders. Start to type into the find input box and the search starts immediately. Search files and for content in files Search files and for content in files &dolphin; searching files and for content in files. The search is case insensitive, and does not require surrounding wildcards (*foo* and foo are equivalent), but you can use wildcards inside the search term. * will match zero or more characters, ? only one single character. This feature can be used with running Baloo services; without these services a KIOSlave is launched to provide the search results. The option from Everywhere with activated Baloo services searches in all indexed folders, without Baloo this option starts the search from the user's Home folder. Search with More Options Search with More Options &dolphin; searching with More Options. Use the More Options button to extend the Find bar. This provides a very comfortable way for the user to shrink the number of search results. To start a search select one or more file types (Documents, Audio, Video, Images), a time period and rating Alternatively you can use these options in the Places panel together with the Filter bar to find files using Baloo or limit the search to files matching the filter expression. Mounting Storage Media A quick way to mount Storage Media is to click on the device in the Places panel. This will mount and open the device in &dolphin;. Undo Actions &dolphin; is capable of undoing changes you have made to files. For example if you moved a file to the Trash, &dolphin; can undo this and move it back to its original location. To undo an action, press &Ctrl;Z or select Edit Undo: (action name) in the menu, ⪚ Undo: Rename. Renaming A Batch Of Files &dolphin; is capable of renaming a number of files at the same time. Each file will have the file name specified, including a number, ⪚, Image1.jpg, Image2.jpg, Image3.jpg. This can be useful, ⪚, for pictures taken with a digital camera. If you wish to rename a batch of files, first select the files to be renamed. This can be done by pressing the &LMB; and drawing a rectangle around the files to be renamed before releasing it, or by holding &Ctrl; and clicking each file to be renamed (see Selecting Items in the View for more details on item selection). Then open the batch-rename dialog by pressing F2 or via the File menu: File Rename... Then enter the name you wish to give the files. The # character must be present within the name. The files will then be renamed, where the # character is replaced by a different consecutive number for each file. If all file extensions in your selection are different, the name of all files can be changed without using a # placeholder while preserving the file extensions. This is ⪚ useful to rename a video file and all associated subtitle files, which have the same filename, but different extensions. Comparing A Selection Of Files or Folders If the &kompare; application is installed, you can use it to see the differences between two files or folders. First select the two files or folders to be compared. Then launch the &kompare; application via the Tools menu: Tools Compare Files . &kompare; will then open showing the differences between the files or folders. Filtering Files &dolphin; is capable of filtering files, &ie; showing only those items in the view whose name contains a given text. For example, if you wish to show only the MP3 files within a folder, you could filter for .mp3. This would then filter out all files whose name does not contain .mp3. To filter files, first enable the filter bar, either by pressing &Ctrl;I or via the menu: Tools Show Filter Bar . You can then enter the text to be filtered for in the filter bar. The filter bar can be disabled either by pressing &Esc;, or with a &LMB; click on the Hide Filter Bar icon. Configuring &dolphin; &dolphin; distinguishes two different kinds of settings: Settings which affect the general behavior of &dolphin;. These can be configured using the Preferences Dialog. Settings which determine how the contents of a folder are displayed in &dolphin;. These settings are called View Properties and can be controlled with toolbar buttons, via the View menu, and with the View Properties Dialog. In the default configuration, the view properties are remembered for each folder, but &dolphin; can also be configured to use common view properties for all folders in the General section of the settings. The &dolphin; Preferences Dialog The Preferences Dialog is opened via Settings Configure &dolphin;... in the menu in &dolphin;'s main window. The settings are divided into several groups which can be accessed by clicking the corresponding icon on the left of the dialog. All settings except for the Startup page and the Status Bar tab on the General page are shared with &konqueror; in filemanager mode. Startup This group contains settings which control the appearance of &dolphin; on startup. Screenshot of the Startup settings in &dolphin;'s preferences dialog Startup Settings. Startup Settings in &dolphin;'s Preferences Dialog. The Home Folder is the folder which is opened on startup. The location of the folder can be entered directly or chosen in a dialog which can be opened by clicking the button showing a folder icon. Moreover, the current location or the default location (which is the user's home folder) can be used as the Home Folder by clicking the corresponding button. Split View Mode controls if the &dolphin; view is split on startup or not. Editable location bar controls if the location bar is in editable mode on startup. The bread crumb mode of the location bar is used otherwise. See the section about the location bar for details about the two modes. If Show full path inside location bar is enabled, the full path of the current location is shown in the bread crumb mode of the location bar. Otherwise, a shortened version of the path is shown if it begins with the path of one of the places in the Places panel. Show filter bar controls if the filter bar is shown on startup or not. See the section on the filter bar for details. View Modes This group contains settings which control the behavior of &dolphin;'s view modes. The three view modes (Icons, Compact, and Details) are accessible via the tab bar at the top. Screenshot of the Icons View settings in &dolphin;'s preferences dialog View Modes Settings. View Modes Settings in &dolphin;'s Preferences Dialog. Common settings for all view modes All three view modes have some common settings: Sliders which control the size of the icons. The Default or Preview sizes are used if previews are disabled or enabled, respectively. Note that the icon size can be changed easily with the zoom slider in the status bar if the corresponding option is enabled in the General section of the settings. A setting for the font used in the view mode: either the system font or a custom font can be chosen. The other settings in the Text section which apply to only one of the view modes are discussed below. Icons Width controls the minimum width that is reserved for the text of a file item. Maximum lines means maximum number of text lines below the icon. Compact Maximum width controls the maximum width that is reserved for the text of a file item. Details Expandable folders determines whether any folders that have subfolders are displayed in a tree view, where the sub items can be expanded by &LMB; clicking the > icon and collapsed by clicking the v icon. Navigation This group contains settings which control how navigation in the folder structure and in archives works. Screenshot of the Navigation settings in &dolphin;'s preferences dialog Navigation Settings. Navigation Settings in &dolphin;'s Preferences Dialog. The option to open items with a single or double mouse click is a system wide setting and can be changed in the &systemsettings; in the Input Devices Mouse module. Archives will be opened inside &dolphin;, and not in an external application, if Open Archives as folder is enabled. If Open folders during drag operations is enabled, dragging an item with the mouse and hovering over a folder with it for a short time will open that folder. This allows you to move or copy items quickly to folders which are several levels deeper in the folder hierarchy. Services This group offers a selection of services that can be shown in the Actions submenu of &dolphin;'s context menu which appears when clicking a file or folder with the &RMB;. Screenshot of the Services settings in &dolphin;'s preferences dialog Services Settings. Services Settings in &dolphin;'s Preferences Dialog. Using the Download New Services you can fetch additional services for the context menu. If you have installed &dolphin;'s plugins for Bazaar, Mercurial, Git or Subversion from the kdesdk module these services are shown in the list. If these plugins are enabled and you enter a folder which is under version control, the version state (locally changed, up to date &etc;) is indicated by icons and you have additional entries in the context menu like commit, update, add, remove &etc; In the service list you can also choose if the Delete, Copy To, and Move To commands are shown in the context menu. &dolphin; has to be restarted to activate the changes for some of these settings. Trash This group contains settings which control the behavior of the trash. Screenshot of the Trash settings in &dolphin;'s preferences dialog Trash Settings. Trash Settings in &dolphin;'s Preferences Dialog. Files which are older than a configurable number of days can be deleted automatically. The size of the trash can be limited to a configurable percentage of the disk size. If this limit is reached, a warning can be issued, or the oldest or largest files can be deleted automatically. General This group contains settings which control the general behavior of &dolphin;. The group is divided further into four subgroups which can be accessed using the tab bar at the top. Screenshot of the General settings in &dolphin;'s preferences dialog General Settings. General Settings in &dolphin;'s Preferences Dialog. Behavior Tab In the View section, you can configure whether the view properties are stored for each folder or if common view properties are to be used for all folders. Sorting Mode controls how items are sorted in the view. If Natural sorting is enabled, the sort order of three example files will be File1, File2, File10. If this option is disabled, the normal alphabetical sorting case sensitive or case insensitive will be used, which leads to the sort order File1, File10, File2. When hovering over a file or folder with the mouse, a small window with relevant information is shown if Show tooltips is enabled. Show selection marker shows a small + or - button above an item's icon if the item is hovered over with the mouse. These can be used to select or deselect the item. Enable Rename inline to use this mode if only one item is currently selected. If this option is disabled or several items are selected, a dialog will be displayed for renaming. Previews Tab In this tab, you can configure for which file types previews are shown. Moreover, the maximum size of remote files for which previews are generated can be chosen. If previews are enabled for folders, previews of some files in the folder will be shown inside a folder's icon. Confirmations Tab In the ask for confirmation section, you can enable warning dialogs that are shown before potentially harmful actions . The confirmation settings for Moving files or folders to trash and Deleting files or folders affect file operations in &dolphin;, &konqueror;, Gwenview and all &kde; applications using the default &kde; file dialog, whereas Closing Dolphin windows with multiple tabs is a &dolphin; specific setting. Status Bar Tab In this tab, some additional items can be enabled for the status bar, provided the status bar is wide enough: A zoom slider which can be used to change the icon size quickly. A bar that shows how much space is free on the current drive. Folder View Properties The following settings control how the contents of a folder are displayed in the &dolphin; view, and are stored on a per-folder basis by default: The view mode (Icons, Compact, Details) The sorting of items, which is determined by the sort order (ascending, descending) and the attribute (such as name, size,...) that the items are sorted by Sorting of folders and files – are folders shown first or not? Previews – are they shown instead of icons (based on the settings made in Previews tab of &dolphin;'s General settings) or not? Are items shown in groups in the views? Are hidden files shown? What additional information (besides the name) is shown in the Icons or Details view? The view properties can be configured in the View menu, some (such as the view mode) can also be changed using toolbar buttons. The View Properties Dialog Screenshot of the View Properties dialog The View Properties dialog. The View Properties Dialog. The View Properties dialog can be used to quickly modify several view properties at once. This is done for the current folder, for the current folder including all subfolders, or even for all folders, depending on the choice made in the Apply View Properties To section. If Use these view properties as default is enabled, the chosen view properties will also be used for all folders which do not have customized view properties yet. Command Reference By default the menubar is not shown. All actions described here either can be accessed with toolbar buttons or with items in the menu of the Control toolbar button. The Menubar in &dolphin;'s Main Window The File Menu File Create New Creates a new object (such as a folder or a text file) in the current folder. You will find an explanation of all available objects in &konqueror;'s handbook in the chapter Create New. &Ctrl;N File New Window Opens a new &dolphin; window. &Ctrl;T File New Tab Opens a new tab. &Ctrl;W File Close Tab Closes the current tab. &Ctrl;&Shift;T File Undo close tab Reopens the last closed tab. F2 File Rename Renames one currently selected item inline. Opens the batch rename dialog if several items are selected. Del File Move to Trash Moves the currently selected item(s) to the trash. &Shift;Del File Delete Permanently deletes the currently selected item(s). The items are not moved to the trash and cannot be restored. &Alt;Return File Properties Shows the properties dialog for the currently selected item(s). &Ctrl;Q File Quit Exits &dolphin;. The Edit Menu &Ctrl;Z Edit Undo Undoes the last action performed by &dolphin;. &Ctrl;X Edit Cut Cuts the currently selected item(s). &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copies the currently selected item(s). &Ctrl;V Edit Paste Clipboard Contents... or EditPaste one File or EditPaste one Folder or EditPaste x Items Pastes the currently copied/cut items to the current folder. If the clipboard does not contain files or folders, the clipboard contents (such as text or image data) will be pasted into a new file. The name of this file has to be entered in a dialog. &Ctrl;F Edit Find... Opens the find bar. Enter a search term into the edit box and select to search for filename or in contents of files starting from the current folder or everywhere. &Ctrl;A Edit Select All Selects all files and folders in the current folder. &Ctrl;&Shift;A Edit Invert Selection Selects all unselected items and deselects all selected items in the current folder. The View Menu &Ctrl;+ View Zoom In Increases the size of icons in the view. &Ctrl;- View Zoom Out Decreases the size of icons in the view. View View Mode Changes the view mode to Icons (&Ctrl;1), Compact (&Ctrl;2) or Details (&Ctrl;3). View Sort By Changes whether items are sorted by Name or other criteria described in Information in the View. Descending reverses the sort order. Folders First sorts folders before files. View Additional Information Displays additional information described in Information in the View. View Preview Displays a symbolic preview of the file contents in the different view modes. View Show in Groups Displays the content of the current folder grouped by the option selected in Sort By. &Alt;. View Hidden Files Shows all the hidden files and sub-folders within the current folder. F3 View Split Enables and disables the split view mode. F5 View Reload Reloads the current folder. View Stop Stops loading/reading the contents of the current folder. View Panels Enables and disables the different panels: Places (F9), Information (F11), Folders (F7), Terminal (F4). With Lock Panels the panel header with caption and two buttons is hidden to save space and the panels are immutable, with Unlock Panels the header is visible and the panel can be moved to the right or left or even outside the main window. F6 View Location Bar Editable Location Changes the location bar between the two modes; the bread crumb mode and the editable mode. &Ctrl;L View Location Bar Replace Location Switches the location bar to editable mode, if necessary, and selects the location such that it can be replaced quickly. View Adjust View Properties... Opens the View Properties Dialog. The Go Menu &Alt;Up Go Up Changes to the folder above the current folder. &Alt;Left Go Back Changes to the previously viewed folder. &Alt;Right Go Forward Undoes a Go Back action. &Alt;Home Go Home Changes to the users home folder, ⪚ /home/Peter/. Go Recently Closed Tabs Shows a list of recently closed tabs which can be reopened. The Tools Menu &Ctrl;I Tools Show Filter Bar Enables and disables the filter bar. &Shift;F4 Tools Open Terminal Opens &konsole; within the current folder. Tools Compare Files Compare the currently selected files or folders with &kompare;. This action is only enabled if two files or folders are selected. Tools Select Remote Charset Allows you to choose the charset used by a remote connection manually. The Settings and Help Menu &dolphin; has the common &kde; Settings and Help menu items, for more information read the sections about the Settings Menu and Help Menu of the &kde; Fundamentals. Miscellaneous Questions Has &dolphin; replaced &konqueror;? &dolphin; is not intended to be a competitor to &konqueror;: &konqueror; acts as a universal viewer being able to show &HTML; pages, text documents, folders and a lot more, whereas &dolphin; focuses on being only a file manager. This approach allows the optimization of the user interface for the task of file management. How can I get involved with the development of &dolphin;? The easiest way to get involved with &dolphin; is to subscribe to the developer mailing list kfm-devel and drop an email to the developer mailing list. Email what you can do, how much time you can devote &etc;, the developers will let you know what you can do in the project. If you wish to contribute to the documentation please email the &kde; Documentation Team list. How can I submit bug reports? The official channel for submitting bug reports is via the &kde; bug tracking system. The &kde; bug tracker can be found at http://bugs.kde.org. How can I submit feature requests? The official channel for submitting feature requests is via the &kde; bug tracking system. The &kde; bug tracker can be found at http://bugs.kde.org. Credits and License &dolphin; Program copyright 2006–2014 Peter Penz peter.penz@gmx.at, Frank Reininghaus frank78ac@googlemail.com and Emmanuel Pescosta emmanuelpescosta099@gmail.com Contributors: Cvetoslav Ludmiloff ludmiloff@gmail.com Stefan Monov logixoul@gmail.com Michael Austin tuxedup@users.sourceforge.net &Orville.Bennett; &Orville.Bennett.mail; Documentation copyright 2005 Peter Penz peter.penz@gmx.at Documentation copyright 2006 &Orville.Bennett; &Orville.Bennett.mail; Documentation copyright 2006 Michael Austin tuxedup@users.sourceforge.net Documentation copyright 2009 Frank Reininghaus frank78ac@googlemail.com &underFDL; &underGPL; &documentation.index;