/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2014 by Emmanuel Pescosta * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "dolphintabwidget.h" #include "dolphin_generalsettings.h" #include "dolphintabbar.h" #include "dolphintabpage.h" #include "dolphinviewcontainer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DolphinTabWidget::DolphinTabWidget(QWidget* parent) : QTabWidget(parent), m_placesSelectorVisible(true), m_lastViewedTab(0) { KAcceleratorManager::setNoAccel(this); connect(this, &DolphinTabWidget::tabCloseRequested, this, QOverload::of(&DolphinTabWidget::closeTab)); connect(this, &DolphinTabWidget::currentChanged, this, &DolphinTabWidget::currentTabChanged); DolphinTabBar* tabBar = new DolphinTabBar(this); connect(tabBar, &DolphinTabBar::openNewActivatedTab, this, QOverload::of(&DolphinTabWidget::openNewActivatedTab)); connect(tabBar, &DolphinTabBar::tabDropEvent, this, &DolphinTabWidget::tabDropEvent); connect(tabBar, &DolphinTabBar::tabDetachRequested, this, &DolphinTabWidget::detachTab); tabBar->hide(); setTabBar(tabBar); setDocumentMode(true); setElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); setUsesScrollButtons(true); } DolphinTabPage* DolphinTabWidget::currentTabPage() const { return tabPageAt(currentIndex()); } DolphinTabPage* DolphinTabWidget::nextTabPage() const { const int index = currentIndex() + 1; return tabPageAt(index < count() ? index : 0); } DolphinTabPage* DolphinTabWidget::prevTabPage() const { const int index = currentIndex() - 1; return tabPageAt(index >= 0 ? index : (count() - 1)); } DolphinTabPage* DolphinTabWidget::tabPageAt(const int index) const { return static_cast(widget(index)); } void DolphinTabWidget::saveProperties(KConfigGroup& group) const { const int tabCount = count(); group.writeEntry("Tab Count", tabCount); group.writeEntry("Active Tab Index", currentIndex()); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; ++i) { const DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(i); group.writeEntry("Tab Data " % QString::number(i), tabPage->saveState()); } } void DolphinTabWidget::readProperties(const KConfigGroup& group) { const int tabCount = group.readEntry("Tab Count", 0); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; ++i) { if (i >= count()) { openNewActivatedTab(); } if (group.hasKey("Tab Data " % QString::number(i))) { // Tab state created with Dolphin > 4.14.x const QByteArray state = group.readEntry("Tab Data " % QString::number(i), QByteArray()); tabPageAt(i)->restoreState(state); } else { // Tab state created with Dolphin <= 4.14.x const QByteArray state = group.readEntry("Tab " % QString::number(i), QByteArray()); tabPageAt(i)->restoreStateV1(state); } } const int index = group.readEntry("Active Tab Index", 0); setCurrentIndex(index); } void DolphinTabWidget::refreshViews() { // Left-elision is better when showing full paths, since you care most // about the current directory which is on the right if (GeneralSettings::showFullPathInTitlebar()) { setElideMode(Qt::ElideLeft); } else { setElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); } const int tabCount = count(); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; ++i) { tabBar()->setTabText(i, tabName(tabPageAt(i))); tabPageAt(i)->refreshViews(); } } bool DolphinTabWidget::isUrlOpen(const QUrl &url) const { return indexByUrl(url).first >= 0; } void DolphinTabWidget::openNewActivatedTab() { const DolphinViewContainer* oldActiveViewContainer = currentTabPage()->activeViewContainer(); Q_ASSERT(oldActiveViewContainer); const bool isUrlEditable = oldActiveViewContainer->urlNavigator()->isUrlEditable(); openNewActivatedTab(oldActiveViewContainer->url()); DolphinViewContainer* newActiveViewContainer = currentTabPage()->activeViewContainer(); Q_ASSERT(newActiveViewContainer); // The URL navigator of the new tab should have the same editable state // as the current tab newActiveViewContainer->urlNavigator()->setUrlEditable(isUrlEditable); // Always focus the new tab's view newActiveViewContainer->view()->setFocus(); } void DolphinTabWidget::openNewActivatedTab(const QUrl& primaryUrl, const QUrl& secondaryUrl) { openNewTab(primaryUrl, secondaryUrl); setCurrentIndex(count() - 1); } void DolphinTabWidget::openNewTab(const QUrl& primaryUrl, const QUrl& secondaryUrl, TabPlacement tabPlacement) { QWidget* focusWidget = QApplication::focusWidget(); DolphinTabPage* tabPage = new DolphinTabPage(primaryUrl, secondaryUrl, this); tabPage->setActive(false); tabPage->setPlacesSelectorVisible(m_placesSelectorVisible); connect(tabPage, &DolphinTabPage::activeViewChanged, this, &DolphinTabWidget::activeViewChanged); connect(tabPage, &DolphinTabPage::activeViewUrlChanged, this, &DolphinTabWidget::tabUrlChanged); int newTabIndex = -1; if (tabPlacement == AfterCurrentTab) { newTabIndex = currentIndex() + 1; } insertTab(newTabIndex, tabPage, QIcon() /* loaded in tabInserted */, tabName(tabPage)); if (focusWidget) { // The DolphinViewContainer grabbed the keyboard focus. As the tab is opened // in background, assure that the previous focused widget gets the focus back. focusWidget->setFocus(); } } void DolphinTabWidget::openDirectories(const QList& dirs, bool splitView) { Q_ASSERT(dirs.size() > 0); QList::const_iterator it = dirs.constBegin(); while (it != dirs.constEnd()) { const QUrl& primaryUrl = *(it++); const QPair indexInfo = indexByUrl(primaryUrl); const int index = indexInfo.first; const bool isInPrimaryView = indexInfo.second; if (index >= 0) { setCurrentIndex(index); const auto tabPage = tabPageAt(index); if (isInPrimaryView) { tabPage->primaryViewContainer()->setActive(true); } else { tabPage->secondaryViewContainer()->setActive(true); } continue; } if (splitView && (it != dirs.constEnd())) { const QUrl& secondaryUrl = *(it++); openNewActivatedTab(primaryUrl, secondaryUrl); } else { openNewActivatedTab(primaryUrl); } } } void DolphinTabWidget::openFiles(const QList& files, bool splitView) { Q_ASSERT(files.size() > 0); // Get all distinct directories from 'files' and open a tab // for each directory. If the "split view" option is enabled, two // directories are shown inside one tab (see openDirectories()). QList dirs; foreach (const QUrl& url, files) { const QUrl dir(url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); if (!dirs.contains(dir)) { dirs.append(dir); } } const int oldTabCount = count(); openDirectories(dirs, splitView); const int tabCount = count(); // Select the files. Although the files can be split between several // tabs, there is no need to split 'files' accordingly, as // the DolphinView will just ignore invalid selections. for (int i = oldTabCount; i < tabCount; ++i) { DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(i); tabPage->markUrlsAsSelected(files); tabPage->markUrlAsCurrent(files.first()); } } void DolphinTabWidget::closeTab() { closeTab(currentIndex()); } void DolphinTabWidget::closeTab(const int index) { Q_ASSERT(index >= 0); Q_ASSERT(index < count()); if (count() < 2) { // Close Dolphin when closing the last tab. parentWidget()->close(); return; } DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(index); emit rememberClosedTab(tabPage->activeViewContainer()->url(), tabPage->saveState()); removeTab(index); tabPage->deleteLater(); } void DolphinTabWidget::activateTab(const int index) { if (index < count()) { setCurrentIndex(index); } } void DolphinTabWidget::activateLastTab() { setCurrentIndex(count() - 1); } void DolphinTabWidget::activateNextTab() { const int index = currentIndex() + 1; setCurrentIndex(index < count() ? index : 0); } void DolphinTabWidget::activatePrevTab() { const int index = currentIndex() - 1; setCurrentIndex(index >= 0 ? index : (count() - 1)); } void DolphinTabWidget::slotPlacesPanelVisibilityChanged(bool visible) { // The places-selector from the URL navigator should only be shown // if the places dock is invisible m_placesSelectorVisible = !visible; const int tabCount = count(); for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; ++i) { DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(i); tabPage->setPlacesSelectorVisible(m_placesSelectorVisible); } } void DolphinTabWidget::restoreClosedTab(const QByteArray& state) { openNewActivatedTab(); currentTabPage()->restoreState(state); } void DolphinTabWidget::detachTab(int index) { Q_ASSERT(index >= 0); QStringList args; const DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(index); args << tabPage->primaryViewContainer()->url().url(); if (tabPage->splitViewEnabled()) { args << tabPage->secondaryViewContainer()->url().url(); args << QStringLiteral("--split"); } args << QStringLiteral("--new-window"); const QString command = QStringLiteral("dolphin %1").arg(KShell::joinArgs(args)); KRun::runCommand(command, this); closeTab(index); } void DolphinTabWidget::openNewActivatedTab(int index) { Q_ASSERT(index >= 0); const DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(index); openNewActivatedTab(tabPage->activeViewContainer()->url()); } void DolphinTabWidget::tabDropEvent(int index, QDropEvent* event) { if (index >= 0) { DolphinView* view = tabPageAt(index)->activeViewContainer()->view(); view->dropUrls(view->url(), event, view); } } void DolphinTabWidget::tabUrlChanged(const QUrl& url) { const int index = indexOf(qobject_cast(sender())); if (index >= 0) { tabBar()->setTabText(index, tabName(tabPageAt(index))); if (tabBar()->isVisible()) { tabBar()->setTabIcon(index, QIcon::fromTheme(KIO::iconNameForUrl(url))); } else { // Mark as dirty, actually load once the tab bar actually gets shown tabBar()->setTabIcon(index, QIcon()); } // Emit the currentUrlChanged signal if the url of the current tab has been changed. if (index == currentIndex()) { emit currentUrlChanged(url); } } } void DolphinTabWidget::currentTabChanged(int index) { // last-viewed tab deactivation if (DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(m_lastViewedTab)) { tabPage->setActive(false); } DolphinTabPage* tabPage = tabPageAt(index); DolphinViewContainer* viewContainer = tabPage->activeViewContainer(); emit activeViewChanged(viewContainer); emit currentUrlChanged(viewContainer->url()); tabPage->setActive(true); m_lastViewedTab = index; } void DolphinTabWidget::tabInserted(int index) { QTabWidget::tabInserted(index); if (count() > 1) { // Resolve all pending tab icons for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) { if (tabBar()->tabIcon(i).isNull()) { tabBar()->setTabIcon(i, QIcon::fromTheme(KIO::iconNameForUrl(tabPageAt(i)->activeViewContainer()->url()))); } } tabBar()->show(); } emit tabCountChanged(count()); } void DolphinTabWidget::tabRemoved(int index) { QTabWidget::tabRemoved(index); // If only one tab is left, then remove the tab entry so that // closing the last tab is not possible. if (count() < 2) { tabBar()->hide(); } emit tabCountChanged(count()); } QString DolphinTabWidget::tabName(DolphinTabPage* tabPage) const { if (!tabPage) { return QString(); } QString name = tabPage->activeViewContainer()->caption(); // Make sure that a '&' inside the directory name is displayed correctly // and not misinterpreted as a keyboard shortcut in QTabBar::setTabText() return name.replace('&', QLatin1String("&&")); } QPair DolphinTabWidget::indexByUrl(const QUrl& url) const { for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { const auto tabPage = tabPageAt(i); if (url == tabPage->primaryViewContainer()->url()) { return qMakePair(i, true); } if (tabPage->splitViewEnabled() && url == tabPage->secondaryViewContainer()->url()) { return qMakePair(i, false); } } return qMakePair(-1, false); }