Expand DolphinQuery to support different Url schemes

This commit is contained in:
Ismael Asensio 2020-06-22 12:33:29 +00:00
parent aea6128fe6
commit f57ee4b64d
4 changed files with 135 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
namespace {
/** Checks if a given term in the Baloo::Query::searchString() is a special search term
* @return: the specific search token of the term, or an empty QString() if none is found
@ -67,20 +68,40 @@ namespace {
return textParts;
DolphinQuery DolphinQuery::fromBalooSearchUrl(const QUrl& searchUrl)
DolphinQuery DolphinQuery::fromSearchUrl(const QUrl& searchUrl)
DolphinQuery model;
model.m_searchUrl = searchUrl;
const Baloo::Query query = Baloo::Query::fromSearchUrl(searchUrl);
if (searchUrl.scheme() == QLatin1String("baloosearch")) {
model.m_includeFolder = query.includeFolder();
return model;
bool DolphinQuery::supportsScheme(const QString& urlScheme)
static const QStringList supportedSchemes = {
return supportedSchemes.contains(urlScheme);
void DolphinQuery::parseBalooQuery()
const Baloo::Query query = Baloo::Query::fromSearchUrl(m_searchUrl);
m_includeFolder = query.includeFolder();
const QStringList types = query.types();
model.m_fileType = types.isEmpty() ? QString() : types.first();
m_fileType = types.isEmpty() ? QString() : types.first();
QStringList textParts;
QString fileName;
@ -93,34 +114,33 @@ DolphinQuery DolphinQuery::fromBalooSearchUrl(const QUrl& searchUrl)
if (token == QLatin1String("filename:")) {
if (!value.isEmpty()) {
fileName = value;
model.m_hasFileName = true;
m_hasFileName = true;
} else if (!token.isEmpty()) {
model.m_searchTerms << token + value;
m_searchTerms << token + value;
} else if (subTerm == QLatin1String("AND") && subTerm != subTerms.at(0) && subTerm != subTerms.back()) {
} else if (!value.isEmpty()) {
textParts << value;
model.m_hasContentSearch = true;
m_hasContentSearch = true;
if (model.m_hasFileName) {
if (model.m_hasContentSearch) {
if (m_hasFileName) {
if (m_hasContentSearch) {
textParts << QStringLiteral("filename:\"%1\"").arg(fileName);
} else {
textParts << fileName;
model.m_searchText = textParts.join(QLatin1Char(' '));
m_searchText = textParts.join(QLatin1Char(' '));
return model;
QUrl DolphinQuery::searchUrl() const
return m_searchUrl;

View file

@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
class DolphinQuery
/** Calls Baloo::Query::fromSearchUrl() with the given @p searchUrl
* and parses the result to extract its separate components */
static DolphinQuery fromBalooSearchUrl(const QUrl& searchUrl);
/** Parses the components of @p searchUrl for the supported schemes */
static DolphinQuery fromSearchUrl(const QUrl& searchUrl);
/** Checks whether the DolphinQuery supports the given @p urlScheme */
static bool supportsScheme(const QString& urlScheme);
/** @return the \a searchUrl passed to Baloo::Query::fromSearchUrl() */
QUrl searchUrl() const;
@ -53,6 +54,11 @@ public:
/** @return whether the query includes a filter by fileName */
bool hasFileName() const;
/** Calls Baloo::Query::fromSearchUrl() on the current searchUrl
* and parses the result to extract its separate components */
void parseBalooQuery();
QUrl m_searchUrl;
QString m_searchText;

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@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ QUrl DolphinSearchBox::urlForSearching() const
void DolphinSearchBox::fromSearchUrl(const QUrl& url)
if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("baloosearch")) {
const DolphinQuery query = DolphinQuery::fromBalooSearchUrl(url);
if (DolphinQuery::supportsScheme(url.scheme())) {
const DolphinQuery query = DolphinQuery::fromSearchUrl(url);
} else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("filenamesearch")) {
const QUrlQuery query(url);

View file

@ -36,91 +36,10 @@ private slots:
void testBalooSearchParsing();
* Defines the parameters for the test cases in testBalooSearchParsing()
void DolphinSearchBoxTest::testBalooSearchParsing_data()
const QString text = QStringLiteral("abc");
const QString textS = QStringLiteral("abc xyz");
const QString filename = QStringLiteral("filename:\"%1\"").arg(text);
const QString filenameS = QStringLiteral("filename:\"%1\"").arg(textS);
const QString rating = QStringLiteral("rating>=2");
const QString modified = QStringLiteral("modified>=2019-08-07");
const QString tag = QStringLiteral("tag:tagA");
const QString tagS = QStringLiteral("tag:\"tagB with spaces\""); // in search url
const QString tagR = QStringLiteral("tag:tagB with spaces"); // in result term
// Test for "Content"
QTest::newRow("content") << text << text << QStringList() << true << false;
QTest::newRow("content/space") << textS << textS << QStringList() << true << false;
QTest::newRow("content/empty") << "" << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
QTest::newRow("content/single_quote") << "\"" << "\"" << QStringList() << true << false;
QTest::newRow("content/double_quote") << "\"\"" << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
// Test for "FileName"
QTest::newRow("filename") << filename << text << QStringList() << false << true;
QTest::newRow("filename/space") << filenameS << textS << QStringList() << false << true;
QTest::newRow("filename/empty") << "filename:" << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
QTest::newRow("filename/single_quote") << "filename:\"" << "\"" << QStringList() << false << true;
QTest::newRow("filename/double_quote") << "filename:\"\"" << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
// Combined content and filename search
<< text + " " + filename
<< text + " " + filename << QStringList() << true << true;
// Test for rating
QTest::newRow("rating") << rating << "" << QStringList({rating}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("rating+content") << rating + " " + text << text << QStringList({rating}) << true << false;
QTest::newRow("rating+filename") << rating + " " + filename << text << QStringList({rating}) << false << true;
// Test for modified date
QTest::newRow("modified") << modified << "" << QStringList({modified}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("modified+content") << modified + " " + text << text << QStringList({modified}) << true << false;
QTest::newRow("modified+filename") << modified + " " + filename << text << QStringList({modified}) << false << true;
// Test for tags
QTest::newRow("tag") << tag << "" << QStringList({tag}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("tag/space" ) << tagS << "" << QStringList({tagR}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("tag/double") << tag + " " + tagS << "" << QStringList({tag, tagR}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("tag+content") << tag + " " + text << text << QStringList({tag}) << true << false;
QTest::newRow("tag+filename") << tag + " " + filename << text << QStringList({tag}) << false << true;
// Combined search terms
<< rating + " AND " + modified + " AND " + tag + " AND " + tagS
<< "" << QStringList({modified, rating, tag, tagR}) << false << false;
<< rating + " AND " + modified + " " + text + " " + tag + " AND " + tagS
<< text << QStringList({modified, rating, tag, tagR}) << true << false;
<< rating + " AND " + modified + " " + filename + " " + tag + " AND " + tagS
<< text << QStringList({modified, rating, tag, tagR}) << false << true;
<< text + " " + filename + " " + rating + " AND " + modified + " AND " + tag
<< text + " " + filename << QStringList({modified, rating, tag}) << true << true;
<< textS + " " + filenameS + " " + rating + " AND " + modified + " AND " + tagS
<< textS + " " + filenameS << QStringList({modified, rating, tagR}) << true << true;
* Helper function to compose the baloo query URL used for searching
QUrl composeQueryUrl(const QString& searchString)
QUrl balooQueryUrl(const QString& searchString)
const QJsonObject jsonObject {
{"searchString", searchString}
@ -140,28 +59,112 @@ QUrl composeQueryUrl(const QString& searchString)
* The test verifies whether the different terms of a Baloo search URL ("baloosearch:") are
* Defines the parameters for the test cases in testBalooSearchParsing()
void DolphinSearchBoxTest::testBalooSearchParsing_data()
const QString text = QStringLiteral("abc");
const QString textS = QStringLiteral("abc xyz");
const QString filename = QStringLiteral("filename:\"%1\"").arg(text);
const QString filenameS = QStringLiteral("filename:\"%1\"").arg(textS);
const QString rating = QStringLiteral("rating>=2");
const QString modified = QStringLiteral("modified>=2019-08-07");
const QString tag = QStringLiteral("tag:tagA");
const QString tagS = QStringLiteral("tag:\"tagB with spaces\""); // in search url
const QString tagR = QStringLiteral("tag:tagB with spaces"); // in result term
// Test for "Content"
QTest::newRow("content") << balooQueryUrl(text) << text << QStringList() << true << false;
QTest::newRow("content/space") << balooQueryUrl(textS) << textS << QStringList() << true << false;
QTest::newRow("content/empty") << balooQueryUrl("") << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
QTest::newRow("content/single_quote") << balooQueryUrl("\"") << "\"" << QStringList() << true << false;
QTest::newRow("content/double_quote") << balooQueryUrl("\"\"") << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
// Test for "FileName"
QTest::newRow("filename") << balooQueryUrl(filename) << text << QStringList() << false << true;
QTest::newRow("filename/space") << balooQueryUrl(filenameS) << textS << QStringList() << false << true;
QTest::newRow("filename/empty") << balooQueryUrl("filename:") << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
QTest::newRow("filename/single_quote") << balooQueryUrl("filename:\"") << "\"" << QStringList() << false << true;
QTest::newRow("filename/double_quote") << balooQueryUrl("filename:\"\"") << "" << QStringList() << false << false;
// Combined content and filename search
<< balooQueryUrl(text + " " + filename)
<< text + " " + filename << QStringList() << true << true;
// Test for rating
QTest::newRow("rating") << balooQueryUrl(rating) << "" << QStringList({rating}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("rating+content") << balooQueryUrl(rating + " " + text) << text << QStringList({rating}) << true << false;
QTest::newRow("rating+filename") << balooQueryUrl(rating + " " + filename) << text << QStringList({rating}) << false << true;
// Test for modified date
QTest::newRow("modified") << balooQueryUrl(modified) << "" << QStringList({modified}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("modified+content") << balooQueryUrl(modified + " " + text) << text << QStringList({modified}) << true << false;
QTest::newRow("modified+filename") << balooQueryUrl(modified + " " + filename) << text << QStringList({modified}) << false << true;
// Test for tags
QTest::newRow("tag") << balooQueryUrl(tag) << "" << QStringList({tag}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("tag/space" ) << balooQueryUrl(tagS) << "" << QStringList({tagR}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("tag/double") << balooQueryUrl(tag + " " + tagS) << "" << QStringList({tag, tagR}) << false << false;
QTest::newRow("tag+content") << balooQueryUrl(tag + " " + text) << text << QStringList({tag}) << true << false;
QTest::newRow("tag+filename") << balooQueryUrl(tag + " " + filename) << text << QStringList({tag}) << false << true;
// Combined search terms
<< balooQueryUrl(rating + " AND " + modified + " AND " + tag + " AND " + tagS)
<< "" << QStringList({modified, rating, tag, tagR}) << false << false;
<< balooQueryUrl(rating + " AND " + modified + " " + text + " " + tag + " AND " + tagS)
<< text << QStringList({modified, rating, tag, tagR}) << true << false;
<< balooQueryUrl(rating + " AND " + modified + " " + filename + " " + tag + " AND " + tagS)
<< text << QStringList({modified, rating, tag, tagR}) << false << true;
<< balooQueryUrl(text + " " + filename + " " + rating + " AND " + modified + " AND " + tag)
<< text + " " + filename << QStringList({modified, rating, tag}) << true << true;
<< balooQueryUrl(textS + " " + filenameS + " " + rating + " AND " + modified + " AND " + tagS)
<< textS + " " + filenameS << QStringList({modified, rating, tagR}) << true << true;
* The test verifies whether the different terms search URL (e.g. "baloosearch:/") are
* properly handled by the searchbox, and only "user" or filename terms are added to the
* text bar of the searchbox.
void DolphinSearchBoxTest::testBalooSearchParsing()
QFETCH(QString, searchString);
QFETCH(QUrl, searchUrl);
QFETCH(QString, expectedText);
QFETCH(QStringList, expectedTerms);
QFETCH(bool, hasContent);
QFETCH(bool, hasFileName);
const QUrl testUrl = composeQueryUrl(searchString);
const DolphinQuery query = DolphinQuery::fromBalooSearchUrl(testUrl);
const DolphinQuery query = DolphinQuery::fromSearchUrl(searchUrl);
QStringList searchTerms = query.searchTerms();
// Checkt that the URL is supported
// Check for parsed text (would be displayed on the input search bar)
QCOMPARE(query.text(), expectedText);
// Check for parsed search terms (would be displayed by the facetsWidget)
QStringList searchTerms = query.searchTerms();
QCOMPARE(searchTerms.count(), expectedTerms.count());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedTerms.count(); i++) {
QCOMPARE(searchTerms.at(i), expectedTerms.at(i));