
779 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "toplevel.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kbookmarkdrag.h>
#include <kbookmarkmanager.h>
#include <kbookmarkimporter.h>
#include <kbookmarkexporter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kedittoolbar.h>
#include <kkeydialog.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kicondialog.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// toplevel item (there should be only one!)
KEBListViewItem::KEBListViewItem(QListView *parent, const KBookmark & group )
: QListViewItem(parent, i18n("Bookmarks") ), m_bookmark(group)
setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("bookmark"));
setExpandable(true); // Didn't know this was necessary :)
// bookmark (first of its group)
KEBListViewItem::KEBListViewItem(KEBListViewItem *parent, const KBookmark & bk )
: QListViewItem(parent, bk.fullText(), bk.url().prettyURL()), m_bookmark(bk)
// bookmark (after another)
KEBListViewItem::KEBListViewItem(KEBListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after, const KBookmark & bk )
: QListViewItem(parent, after, bk.fullText(), bk.url().prettyURL()), m_bookmark(bk)
// group
KEBListViewItem::KEBListViewItem(KEBListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after, const KBookmarkGroup & gp )
: QListViewItem(parent, after, gp.fullText()), m_bookmark(gp)
void KEBListViewItem::init( const KBookmark & bk )
setPixmap(0, SmallIcon( bk.icon() ) );
setText(2, bk.address());
void KEBListViewItem::setOpen( bool open )
m_bookmark.internalElement().setAttribute( "folded", open ? "no" : "yes" );
QListViewItem::setOpen( open );
void KEBListView::rename( QListViewItem *_item, int c )
KEBListViewItem * item = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(_item);
if ( !(item->bookmark().isGroup() && c == 1) && !item->bookmark().isSeparator() && ( firstChild() != item) )
KListView::rename( _item, c );
bool KEBListView::acceptDrag(QDropEvent * e) const
return e->source() == viewport() || KBookmarkDrag::canDecode( e );
QDragObject *KEBListView::dragObject() const
if (!currentItem())
return 0;
KBookmark bk = KEBTopLevel::self()->selectedBookmark();
KBookmarkDrag * drag = KBookmarkDrag::newDrag( bk, viewport() /*not sure why klistview does it this way*/ );
drag->setPixmap( SmallIcon(bk.icon()) );
return drag;
KEBTopLevel * KEBTopLevel::s_topLevel = 0L;
KEBTopLevel::KEBTopLevel( const QString & bookmarksFile )
: KMainWindow(), m_commandHistory( actionCollection() )
// Create the bookmark manager.
// It will be available in KBookmarkManager::self() from now.
(void) new KBookmarkManager( bookmarksFile, false );
// Create the list view
m_pListView = new KEBListView( this );
m_pListView->setDragEnabled( true );
m_pListView->addColumn( i18n("Bookmark"), 300 );
m_pListView->addColumn( i18n("URL"), 300 );
m_pListView->addColumn( "Address", 100 );
m_pListView->setRootIsDecorated( true );
m_pListView->setRenameable( 0 );
m_pListView->setRenameable( 1 );
m_pListView->setItemsRenameable( true );
m_pListView->setItemsMovable( false ); // We move items ourselves (for undo)
m_pListView->setAcceptDrops( true );
m_pListView->setDropVisualizer( true );
m_pListView->setDragEnabled( true );
m_pListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
m_pListView->setSorting(-1, false);
setCentralWidget( m_pListView );
resize( m_pListView->sizeHint().width(), 400 );
connect( m_pListView, SIGNAL(itemRenamed(QListViewItem *, const QString &, int)),
SLOT(slotItemRenamed(QListViewItem *, const QString &, int)) );
connect( m_pListView, SIGNAL(dropped (QDropEvent* , QListViewItem* , QListViewItem* )),
SLOT(slotDropped(QDropEvent* , QListViewItem* , QListViewItem* )) );
connect( m_pListView, SIGNAL(contextMenu( KListView *, QListViewItem *, const QPoint & )),
SLOT(slotContextMenu( KListView *, QListViewItem *, const QPoint & )) );
connect( m_pListView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged() ),
SLOT(slotSelectionChanged() ) );
connect( kapp->clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
SLOT(slotClipboardDataChanged() ) );
// If someone plays with konq's bookmarks while we're open, update.
connect( KBookmarkManager::self(), SIGNAL( changed(const QString &, const QString &) ),
SLOT( slotBookmarksChanged(const QString &, const QString &) ) );
// Update GUI after executing command
connect( &m_commandHistory, SIGNAL( commandExecuted() ), SLOT( slotCommandExecuted() ) );
connect( &m_commandHistory, SIGNAL( documentRestored() ), SLOT( slotDocumentRestored() ) );
// Create the actions
KAction * act = new KAction( i18n( "Import Netscape Bookmarks" ), "netscape", 0, this, SLOT( slotImportNS() ), actionCollection(), "importNS" );
act->setEnabled( QFile::exists( KNSBookmarkImporter::netscapeBookmarksFile() ) );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "Export To Netscape Bookmarks" ), "netscape", 0, this, SLOT( slotExportNS() ), actionCollection(), "exportNS" );
act = new KAction( i18n( "Import Mozilla Bookmarks" ), "mozilla", 0, this, SLOT( slotImportMoz() ), actionCollection(), "importMoz" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "Export To Mozilla Bookmarks" ), "mozilla", 0, this, SLOT( slotExportMoz() ), actionCollection(), "exportMoz" );
(void) KStdAction::save( this, SLOT( slotSave() ), actionCollection() );
(void) KStdAction::quit( this, SLOT( close() ), actionCollection() );
(void) KStdAction::cut( this, SLOT( slotCut() ), actionCollection() );
(void) KStdAction::copy( this, SLOT( slotCopy() ), actionCollection() );
(void) KStdAction::paste( this, SLOT( slotPaste() ), actionCollection() );
(void) KStdAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT( slotConfigureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection() );
(void) KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT( slotConfigureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Delete" ), "editdelete", Key_Delete, this, SLOT( slotDelete() ), actionCollection(), "delete" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Rename" ), "text", Key_F2, this, SLOT( slotRename() ), actionCollection(), "rename" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "Change &URL" ), "text", Key_F3, this, SLOT( slotChangeURL() ), actionCollection(), "changeurl" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "Chan&ge Icon" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotChangeIcon() ), actionCollection(), "changeicon" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Create New Folder" ), "folder_new", CTRL+Key_N, this, SLOT( slotNewFolder() ), actionCollection(), "newfolder" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Create New Bookmark" ), "www", 0, this, SLOT( slotNewBookmark() ), actionCollection(), "newbookmark" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Insert separator" ), CTRL+Key_I, this, SLOT( slotInsertSeparator() ), actionCollection(), "insertseparator" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Sort alphabetically" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSort() ), actionCollection(), "sort" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "Set As &Toolbar Folder" ), "bookmark_toolbar", 0, this, SLOT( slotSetAsToolbar() ), actionCollection(), "setastoolbar" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "&Open In Konqueror" ), "fileopen", 0, this, SLOT( slotOpenLink() ), actionCollection(), "openlink" );
(void) new KAction( i18n( "Test &Link" ), "bookmark", 0, this, SLOT( slotTestLink() ), actionCollection(), "testlink" );
m_taShowNS = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Netscape Bookmarks in Konqueror windows" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotShowNS() ), actionCollection(), "settings_showNS" );
m_taShowNS->setChecked( KBookmarkManager::self()->showNSBookmarks() );
actionCollection()->action("testlink")->setEnabled(false); // not implemented
setModified(false); // for a nice caption
s_topLevel = this;
s_topLevel = 0L;
void KEBTopLevel::slotConfigureKeyBindings()
KKeyDialog::configureKeys(actionCollection(), xmlFile());
void KEBTopLevel::slotConfigureToolbars()
saveMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), "MainWindow" );
KEditToolbar dlg(actionCollection());
if (dlg.exec())
void KEBTopLevel::slotNewToolbarConfig() // This is called when OK or Apply is clicked
applyMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), "MainWindow" );
void KEBTopLevel::slotSelectionChanged()
QListViewItem * item = m_pListView->selectedItem();
if (item) {
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotSelectionChanged " << (static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(item))->bookmark().address() << endl;
bool itemSelected = (item != 0L);
bool group = false;
bool root = false;
bool separator = false;
bool urlIsEmpty = false;
if ( itemSelected )
KEBListViewItem * kebItem = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(item);
group = kebItem->bookmark().isGroup();
separator = kebItem->bookmark().isSeparator();
root = (m_pListView->firstChild() == item);
urlIsEmpty= kebItem->bookmark().url().isEmpty();
KActionCollection * coll = actionCollection();
coll->action("edit_cut")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !root);
coll->action("edit_copy")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !root);
coll->action("edit_paste")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !root && m_bCanPaste);
coll->action("rename")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !separator && !root);
coll->action("changeurl")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !group && !separator && !root);
coll->action("delete")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !root);
coll->action("changeicon")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !root && !separator);
coll->action("openlink")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !group && !separator && !urlIsEmpty);
//coll->action("testlink")->setEnabled(itemSelected && !group && !separator); // not implemented
void KEBTopLevel::slotClipboardDataChanged()
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotClipboardDataChanged" << endl;
QMimeSource *data = QApplication::clipboard()->data();
m_bCanPaste = KBookmarkDrag::canDecode( data );
void KEBTopLevel::slotSave()
bool KEBTopLevel::save()
bool ok = KBookmarkManager::self()->save();
if (ok)
QString data( kapp->name() );
kapp->dcopClient()->send( "*", "KBookmarkManager", "notifyCompleteChange(QString)", data );
setModified( false );
return ok;
QString KEBTopLevel::insertionAddress() const
KBookmark current = selectedBookmark();
if (current.isGroup())
// In a group, we insert as first child
return current.address() + "/0";
// Otherwise, as next sibling
return KBookmark::nextAddress( current.address() );
KEBListViewItem * KEBTopLevel::findByAddress( const QString & address ) const
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::findByAddress " << address << endl;
QListViewItem * item = m_pListView->firstChild();
// The address is something like /5/10/2
QStringList addresses = QStringList::split('/',address);
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = addresses.begin() ; it != addresses.end() ; ++it )
uint number = (*it).toUInt();
//kdDebug() << "KBookmarkManager::findByAddress " << number << endl;
item = item->firstChild();
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < number ; ++i )
item = item->nextSibling();
return static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(item);
void KEBTopLevel::slotRename()
Q_ASSERT( m_pListView->selectedItem() );
if ( m_pListView->selectedItem() )
m_pListView->rename( m_pListView->selectedItem(), 0 );
void KEBTopLevel::slotChangeURL()
Q_ASSERT( m_pListView->selectedItem() );
if ( m_pListView->selectedItem() )
m_pListView->rename( m_pListView->selectedItem(), 1 );
void KEBTopLevel::slotDelete()
if( !m_pListView->selectedItem() )
kdWarning() << "KEBTopLevel::slotDelete no selected item !" << endl;
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
DeleteCommand * cmd = new DeleteCommand( i18n("Delete item"), bk.address() );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotNewFolder()
if( !m_pListView->selectedItem() )
kdWarning() << "KEBTopLevel::slotNewFolder no selected item !" << endl;
// We need to ask for the folder name before creating the command, in case of "Cancel".
// But in message-freeze time, impossible to add i18n()s. So... we have to call the existing code :
QDomDocument doc("xbel"); // Dummy document
QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("xbel");
doc.appendChild( elem );
KBookmarkGroup grp( elem ); // Dummy group
KBookmark bk = grp.createNewFolder( QString::null ); // Asks for the name
if ( !bk.fullText().isEmpty() ) // Not canceled
CreateCommand * cmd = new CreateCommand( i18n("Create Folder"), insertionAddress(), bk.fullText(),bk.icon() , true /*open*/ );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotNewBookmark()
if( !m_pListView->selectedItem() )
kdWarning() << "KEBTopLevel::slotNewBookmark no selected item !" << endl;
CreateCommand * cmd = new CreateCommand( i18n("Create bookmark" ), insertionAddress(), QString::null, QString::null, KURL() );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotInsertSeparator()
CreateCommand * cmd = new CreateCommand( i18n("Insert separator"), insertionAddress() );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotImportNS()
// Hmm, there's no questionYesNoCancel...
int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("Import as a new subfolder or replace all the current bookmarks ?"),
i18n("Netscape Import"), i18n("As New Folder"), i18n("Replace") );
bool subFolder = (answer==KMessageBox::Yes);
ImportCommand * cmd = new ImportCommand( i18n("Import Netscape Bookmarks"), KNSBookmarkImporter::netscapeBookmarksFile(),
subFolder ? i18n("Netscape Bookmarks") : QString::null, "netscape", false);
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
// Ok, we don't need the dynamic menu anymore
if ( m_taShowNS->isChecked() )
void KEBTopLevel::slotImportMoz()
// Hmm, there's no questionYesNoCancel...
int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("Import as a new subfolder or replace all the current bookmarks ?"),
i18n("Mozilla Import"), i18n("As New Folder"), i18n("Replace") );
bool subFolder = (answer==KMessageBox::Yes);
ImportCommand * cmd = new ImportCommand( i18n("Import Mozilla Bookmarks"), KNSBookmarkImporter::mozillaBookmarksFile(),
subFolder ? i18n("Mozilla Bookmarks") : QString::null, "mozilla", true);
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotExportNS()
QString path = KNSBookmarkImporter::netscapeBookmarksFile(true);
if (!path.isEmpty())
KNSBookmarkExporter exporter( path );
exporter.write( false );
void KEBTopLevel::slotExportMoz()
QString path = KNSBookmarkImporter::mozillaBookmarksFile(true);
if (!path.isEmpty())
KNSBookmarkExporter exporter( path );
exporter.write( true );
void KEBTopLevel::slotCut()
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
// Very much like slotDelete, except for the name
DeleteCommand * cmd = new DeleteCommand( i18n("Cut item"), bk.address() );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotCopy()
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
// This is not a command, because it can't be undone
KBookmarkDrag* data = KBookmarkDrag::newDrag( bk, 0L /* not this ! */ );
QApplication::clipboard()->setData( data );
slotClipboardDataChanged(); // don't ask
void KEBTopLevel::slotPaste()
pasteData( i18n("Paste"), QApplication::clipboard()->data(), insertionAddress() );
void KEBTopLevel::pasteData( const QString & cmdName, QMimeSource * data, const QString & insertionAddress )
if ( KBookmarkDrag::canDecode( data ) )
KBookmark bk = KBookmarkDrag::decode( data );
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotPaste url=" << bk.url().prettyURL() << endl;
CreateCommand * cmd = new CreateCommand( cmdName, insertionAddress, bk );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotSort()
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
SortCommand * cmd = new SortCommand("Sort alphabetically", bk.address());
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotSetAsToolbar()
KMacroCommand * cmd = new KMacroCommand("Set as Bookmark Toolbar");
KBookmarkGroup oldToolbar = KBookmarkManager::self()->toolbar();
if (!oldToolbar.isNull())
QValueList<EditCommand::Edition> lst;
lst.append(EditCommand::Edition( "toolbar", "no" ));
lst.append(EditCommand::Edition( "icon", "" ));
EditCommand * cmd1 = new EditCommand("", oldToolbar.address(), lst);
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
Q_ASSERT( bk.isGroup() );
QValueList<EditCommand::Edition> lst;
lst.append(EditCommand::Edition( "toolbar", "yes" ));
lst.append(EditCommand::Edition( "icon", "bookmark_toolbar" ));
EditCommand * cmd2 = new EditCommand("", bk.address(), lst);
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotOpenLink()
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
Q_ASSERT( !bk.isGroup() );
(void) new KRun( bk.url() );
void KEBTopLevel::slotTestLink()
void KEBTopLevel::slotShowNS()
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotShowNS" << endl;
QDomElement rootElem = KBookmarkManager::self()->root().internalElement();
QString attr = "hide_nsbk";
rootElem.setAttribute(attr, rootElem.attribute(attr) == "yes" ? "no" : "yes");
setModified(); // one will need to save, to get konq to notice the change
// If that's bad, then we need to put this flag in a KConfig.
void KEBTopLevel::setModified( bool modified )
m_bModified = modified;
setCaption( i18n("Bookmark Editor"), m_bModified );
actionCollection()->action("file_save")->setEnabled( m_bModified );
void KEBTopLevel::slotDocumentRestored()
setModified( false );
KBookmark KEBTopLevel::selectedBookmark() const
QListViewItem * item = m_pListView->selectedItem();
KEBListViewItem * kebItem = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(item);
return kebItem->bookmark();
void KEBTopLevel::slotItemRenamed(QListViewItem * item, const QString & newText, int column)
KEBListViewItem * kebItem = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(item);
KBookmark bk = kebItem->bookmark();
switch (column) {
case 0:
if ( (bk.fullText() != newText) && !newText.isEmpty())
RenameCommand * cmd = new RenameCommand( i18n("Renaming"), bk.address(), newText );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
else if(newText.isEmpty())
item->setText ( 0, bk.fullText() );
case 1:
if ( bk.url() != newText )
EditCommand * cmd = new EditCommand( i18n("URL change"), bk.address(),
EditCommand::Edition("href", newText) );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
kdWarning() << "No such column " << column << endl;
void KEBTopLevel::slotChangeIcon()
KBookmark bk = selectedBookmark();
if (bk.isNull()) return;
KIconDialog dlg(this);
QString newIcon = dlg.selectIcon(KIcon::Small, KIcon::FileSystem);
if ( !newIcon.isEmpty() ) {
EditCommand * cmd = new EditCommand( i18n("Icon change"), bk.address(),
EditCommand::Edition("icon", newIcon) );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotDropped (QDropEvent* e, QListViewItem * _newParent, QListViewItem * _afterNow)
// Calculate the address given by parent+afterme
KEBListViewItem * newParent = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(_newParent);
KEBListViewItem * afterNow = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(_afterNow);
if (!_newParent) // Not allowed to drop something before the root item !
QString newAddress =
afterNow ?
// We move as the next child of afterNow
KBookmark::nextAddress( afterNow->bookmark().address() )
// We move as first child of newParent
newParent->bookmark().address() + "/0";
if (e->source() == m_pListView->viewport())
// Now a simplified version of movableDropEvent
//movableDropEvent (parent, afterme);
QListViewItem * i = m_pListView->selectedItem();
if (i && i != _afterNow)
// sanity check - don't move a item into it's own child structure
QListViewItem *chk = _newParent;
if(chk == i)
chk = chk->parent();
itemMoved(i, newAddress, e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy);
} else
// Drop from the outside
pasteData( i18n("Drop items"), e, newAddress );
void KEBTopLevel::itemMoved(QListViewItem *_item, const QString & newAddress, bool copy)
KEBListViewItem * item = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(_item);
if ( copy )
CreateCommand * cmd = new CreateCommand( i18n("Copy %1").arg(item->bookmark().text()), newAddress,
item->bookmark().internalElement().cloneNode( true ).toElement() );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
QString oldAddress = item->bookmark().address();
if ( oldAddress != newAddress )
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotMoved moving " << oldAddress << " to " << newAddress << endl;
MoveCommand * cmd = new MoveCommand( i18n("Move %1").arg(item->bookmark().text()),
oldAddress, newAddress );
m_commandHistory.addCommand( cmd );
void KEBTopLevel::slotContextMenu( KListView *, QListViewItem * _item, const QPoint &p )
if (_item)
KEBListViewItem * item = static_cast<KEBListViewItem *>(_item);
if ( item->bookmark().isGroup() )
QWidget* popup = factory()->container("popup_folder", this);
if ( popup )
QWidget* popup = factory()->container("popup_bookmark", this);
if ( popup )
void KEBTopLevel::slotBookmarksChanged( const QString &, const QString & caller )
// This is called when someone changes bookmarks in konqueror....
if ( caller != kapp->name() )
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotBookmarksChanged" << endl;
slotSelectionChanged(); // to disable everything, because no more current item
void KEBTopLevel::update()
QListViewItem * item = m_pListView->selectedItem();
if (item)
QString address = static_cast<KEBListViewItem*>(item)->bookmark().address();
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::update item=" << address << endl;
KEBListViewItem * newItem = findByAddress( address );
if (newItem)
void KEBTopLevel::fillListView()
KBookmarkGroup root = KBookmarkManager::self()->root();
// Create root item
KEBListViewItem * rootItem = new KEBListViewItem( m_pListView, root );
fillGroup( rootItem, root );
void KEBTopLevel::fillGroup( KEBListViewItem * parentItem, KBookmarkGroup group )
KEBListViewItem * lastItem = 0L;
for ( KBookmark bk = group.first() ; !bk.isNull() ; bk = )
//kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::fillGroup group=" << group.text() << " bk=" << bk.text() << endl;
if ( bk.isGroup() )
KBookmarkGroup grp = bk.toGroup();
KEBListViewItem * item = new KEBListViewItem( parentItem, lastItem, grp );
fillGroup( item, grp );
if (grp.isOpen())
item->QListViewItem::setOpen(true); // no need to save it again :)
lastItem = item;
lastItem = new KEBListViewItem( parentItem, lastItem, bk );
bool KEBTopLevel::queryClose()
if (m_bModified)
switch ( KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this,
i18n("The bookmarks have been modified.\nSave changes ?")) ) {
case KMessageBox::Yes :
return save();
case KMessageBox::No :
return true;
default: // cancel
return false;
return true;
void KEBTopLevel::slotCommandExecuted()
kdDebug() << "KEBTopLevel::slotCommandExecuted" << endl;
KEBTopLevel::self()->update(); // Update GUI
#include "toplevel.moc"