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XPath (XML Path Language) is a powerful query language used to navigate and select elements from XML documents. It is commonly employed in web scraping, XML processing, and testing scenarios.

XPath Syntax

XPath expressions use a path notation to identify and navigate XML elements. The basic syntax includes:

  • Node Selection: / is used to select the root node. element selects all child elements of the current node with the specified name: /root/element
  • Wildcards: The * symbol is used as a wildcard for any element. /root/*
  • Predicates: Square brackets [] are used to specify conditions for node selection. /root/element[@attribute='value']

Absolute XPath

Absolute XPath provides the complete path from the root node to the desired element. It starts with a single forward slash /.

Relative XPath

Relative XPath selects elements based on their relationship to other elements. It does not start from the root, allowing for more flexible and adaptable expressions.

XPath Functions

XPath provides various functions for more complex queries. Examples include text(), contains(), and position().

Some functions include:

  • text(): The text() function is used to select the text content of an element.
  • contains(element, value): The contains() function is used to check if a string contains a specific substring.
  • starts-with(element, value): The starts-with() function is used to check if a string starts with a specified prefix.
  • concat(elements...): The concat() function concatenates two or more strings.
  • not(element): The not() function negates a given expression.
  • position(): The position() function returns the position of the current node in the selection.
  • last(): The last() function returns the position of the last node in the selection.