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concept 2024-02-08

SI Units

The International System of Units (SI) is a modern metric system that is widely used in science, technology, and engineering. It was developed to provide a consistent and coherent framework for measuring physical quantities, and it includes seven base units and several derived units.

Base Units:

The seven base units of the SI system are:


The SI system uses prefixes to represent multiples and submultiples of the base units. Here are some common prefixes used in the SI system:

Prefix Symbol Multiple
atto a 10^{-18}
femto f 10^{-15}
pico p 10^{-12}
nano n 10^{-9}
micro μ 10^{-6}
milli m 10^{-3}
centi c 10^{-2}
deci d 10^{-1}
Base - 10^{0}
deca da 10^{1}
hecto h 10^{2}
kilo k 10^{3}
mega M 10^{6}
giga G 10^{9}
tera T 10^{12}
peta P 10^{15}
exa E 10^{18}
zetta Z 10^{21}

Derived Units

#refactor #notnow -> add more units
