--- obj: application source: https://www.kali.org/tools/crunch/ repo: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/crunch --- # crunch wordlist generator Usage: `crunch <min-len> <max-len> [<charset string>] [options]` ## Options | Option | Description | | -------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `-c number` | Specifies the number of lines to write to output file, only works if -o START is used | | `-d numbersymbol` | Limits the number of duplicate characters. `-d 2@` limits the lower case alphabet to output like aab and aac. aaa would not be generated as that is 3 consecutive letters of a. | | `-e string` | Specifies when crunch should stop early | | `-f /path/to/charset.lst charset-name` | Specifies a character set from the charset.lst | | `-i` | Inverts the output so instead of aaa,aab,aac,aad, etc you get aaa,baa,caa,daa,aba,bba | | `-o wordlist.txt` | Specifies the file to write the output to, eg: wordlist.txt | | `-s startblock` | Specifies a starting string, eg: 03god22fs | | `-t @,%^` | Specifies a pattern, eg: @@god@@@@ where the only the @'s, ,'s, %'s, and ^'s will change. <br>`@` will insert lower case characters<br>`,` will insert upper case characters<br>`%` will insert numbers<br>`^` will insert symbols | | `-z gzip, bzip2, lzma, and 7z` | Compresses the output from the -o option. Valid parameters are gzip, bzip2, lzma, and [7z](p7zip.md). |