--- obj: application repo: https://github.com/zyedidia/micro website: https://micro-editor.github.io --- # micro **micro** is a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the capabilities of modern terminals. It comes as a single, batteries-included, static binary with no dependencies; you can download and use it right now! As its name indicates, micro aims to be somewhat of a successor to the nano editor by being easy to install and use. It strives to be enjoyable as a full-time editor for people who prefer to work in a terminal, or those who regularly edit files over [SSH](../network/SSH.md). ![Screenshot](./micro.png) ## Keybindings Micro has a plethora of hotkeys that make it easy and powerful to use and all hotkeys are fully customizable to your liking. Custom keybindings are stored internally in micro if changed with the > bind command or can also be added in the file `~/.config/micro/bindings.json` ### Rebinding keys The bindings may be rebound using the `~/.config/micro/bindings.json` file. Each key is bound to an action. For example, to bind Ctrl-y to undo and Ctrl-z to redo, you could put the following in the bindings.json file. ```json { "Ctrl-y": "Undo", "Ctrl-z": "Redo" } ``` ### Binding commands You can also bind a key to execute a command in command mode (see help commands). Simply prepend the binding with command:. For example: ```json { "Alt-p": "command:pwd" } ``` ### Bindables Actions: ``` CursorUp CursorDown CursorPageUp CursorPageDown CursorLeft CursorRight CursorStart CursorEnd SelectToStart SelectToEnd SelectUp SelectDown SelectLeft SelectRight SelectToStartOfText SelectToStartOfTextToggle WordRight WordLeft SelectWordRight SelectWordLeft MoveLinesUp MoveLinesDown DeleteWordRight DeleteWordLeft SelectLine SelectToStartOfLine SelectToEndOfLine InsertNewline InsertSpace Backspace Delete Center InsertTab Save SaveAll SaveAs Find FindLiteral FindNext FindPrevious DiffPrevious DiffNext Undo Redo Copy CopyLine Cut CutLine DuplicateLine DeleteLine IndentSelection OutdentSelection OutdentLine IndentLine Paste SelectAll OpenFile Start End PageUp PageDown SelectPageUp SelectPageDown HalfPageUp HalfPageDown StartOfLine EndOfLine StartOfText StartOfTextToggle ParagraphPrevious ParagraphNext ToggleHelp ToggleDiffGutter ToggleRuler JumpLine ClearStatus ShellMode CommandMode Quit QuitAll AddTab PreviousTab NextTab NextSplit Unsplit VSplit HSplit PreviousSplit ToggleMacro PlayMacro Suspend (Unix only) ScrollUp ScrollDown SpawnMultiCursor SpawnMultiCursorUp SpawnMultiCursorDown SpawnMultiCursorSelect RemoveMultiCursor RemoveAllMultiCursors SkipMultiCursor None JumpToMatchingBrace Autocomplete ``` Keys: ``` Up Down Right Left UpLeft UpRight DownLeft DownRight Center PageUp PageDown Home End Insert Delete Help Exit Clear Cancel Print Pause Backtab F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F45 F46 F47 F48 F49 F50 F51 F52 F53 F54 F55 F56 F57 F58 F59 F60 F61 F62 F63 F64 CtrlSpace Ctrl-a Ctrl-b Ctrl-c Ctrl-d Ctrl-e Ctrl-f Ctrl-g Ctrl-h Ctrl-i Ctrl-j Ctrl-k Ctrl-l Ctrl-m Ctrl-n Ctrl-o Ctrl-p Ctrl-q Ctrl-r Ctrl-s Ctrl-t Ctrl-u Ctrl-v Ctrl-w Ctrl-x Ctrl-y Ctrl-z CtrlLeftSq CtrlBackslash CtrlRightSq CtrlCarat CtrlUnderscore Backspace OldBackspace Tab Esc Escape Enter ``` Mouse ``` MouseLeft MouseMiddle MouseRight MouseWheelUp MouseWheelDown MouseWheelLeft MouseWheelRight ``` # Commands Micro provides the following commands that can be executed at the command-bar by pressing `Ctrl-e` and entering the command. Arguments are placed in single quotes here but these are not necessary when entering the command in micro. - `bind 'key' 'action'`: creates a keybinding from key to action. See the `keybindings` documentation for more information about binding keys. This command will modify `bindings.json` and overwrite any bindings to `key` that already exist. - `help 'topic'?`: opens the corresponding help topic. If no topic is provided opens the default help screen. Help topics are stored as `.md` files in the `runtime/help` directory of the source tree, which is embedded in the final binary. - `save 'filename'?`: saves the current buffer. If the file is provided it will 'save as' the filename. - `quit`: quits micro. - `goto 'line'`: jumps to the given line number. A negative number can be passed to jump inward from the end of the file; for example, -5 jumps to the 5th-last line in the file. - `replace 'search' 'value' 'flags'?`: This will replace `search` with `value`. The `flags` are optional. Possible flags are: - `-a`: Replace all occurrences at once - `-l`: Do a literal search instead of a [regex](../../tools/Regex.md) search Note that `search` must be a valid [regex](../../tools/Regex.md) (unless `-l` is passed). If one of the arguments does not have any spaces in it, you may omit the quotes. - `replaceall 'search' 'value'`: this will replace all occurrences of `search` with `value` without user confirmation. See `replace` command for more information. - `set 'option' 'value'`: sets the option to value. See the `options` help topic for a list of options you can set. This will modify your `settings.json` with the new value. - `setlocal 'option' 'value'`: sets the option to value locally (only in the current buffer). This will _not_ modify `settings.json`. - `show 'option'`: shows the current value of the given option. - `run 'sh-command'`: runs the given [shell](Shell.md) command in the background. The command's output will be displayed in one line when it finishes running. - `vsplit 'filename'`: opens a vertical split with `filename`. If no filename is provided, a vertical split is opened with an empty buffer. - `hsplit 'filename'`: same as `vsplit` but opens a horizontal split instead of a vertical split. - `tab 'filename'`: opens the given file in a new tab. - `tabmove '[-+]?n'`: Moves the active tab to another slot. `n` is an integer. If `n` is prefixed with `-` or `+`, then it represents a relative position (e.g. `tabmove +2` moves the tab to the right by `2`). If `n` has no prefix, it represents an absolute position (e.g. `tabmove 2` moves the tab to slot `2`). - `tabswitch 'tab'`: This command will switch to the specified tab. The `tab` can either be a tab number, or a name of a tab. - `textfilter 'sh-command'`: filters the current selection through a [shell](Shell.md) command as standard input and replaces the selection with the stdout of the [shell](Shell.md) command. For example, to sort a list of numbers, first select them, and then execute `> textfilter sort -n`. - `log`: opens a log of all messages and debug statements. - `plugin list`: lists all installed plugins. - `plugin install 'pl'`: install a plugin. - `plugin remove 'pl'`: remove a plugin. - `plugin update 'pl'`: update a plugin (if no arguments are provided updates all plugins). - `plugin search 'pl'`: search available plugins for a keyword. - `plugin available`: show available plugins that can be installed. - `reload`: reloads all runtime files. - `cd 'path'`: Change the working directory to the given `path`. - `pwd`: Print the current working directory. - `open 'filename'`: Open a file in the current buffer. - `reset 'option'`: resets the given option to its default value - `retab`: Replaces all leading tabs with spaces or leading spaces with tabs depending on the value of `tabstospaces`. - `raw`: micro will open a new tab and show the escape sequence for every event it receives from the terminal. This shows you what micro actually sees from the terminal and helps you see which bindings aren't possible and why. This is most useful for debugging keybindings. - `showkey`: Show the action(s) bound to a given key. For example running `> showkey Ctrl-c` will display `Copy`. - `term exec?`: Open a terminal emulator running the given executable. If no executable is given, this will open the default [shell](Shell.md) in the terminal emulator. ## Settings Micro stores all of the user configuration in its configuration directory. Micro uses `$MICRO_CONFIG_HOME` as the configuration directory. If this environment variable is not set, it uses `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/micro` instead. If that environment variable is not set, it uses `~/.config/micro` as the configuration directory. In the documentation, we use `~/.config/micro` to refer to the configuration directory (even if it may in fact be somewhere else if you have set either of the above environment variables). Settings are stored in `settings.json` Here are the available options: * `autoindent`: when creating a new line, use the same indentation as the previous line. default value: `true` * `autosave`: automatically save the buffer every n seconds, where n is the value of the autosave option. Also when quitting on a modified buffer, micro will automatically save and quit. Be warned, this option saves the buffer without prompting the user, so data may be overwritten. If this option is set to `0`, no autosaving is performed. default value: `0` * `autosu`: When a file is saved that the user doesn't have permission to modify, micro will ask if the user would like to use super user privileges to save the file. If this option is enabled, micro will automatically attempt to use super user privileges to save without asking the user. default value: `false` * `backup`: micro will automatically keep backups of all open buffers. Backups are stored in `~/.config/micro/backups` and are removed when the buffer is closed cleanly. In the case of a system crash or a micro crash, the contents of the buffer can be recovered automatically by opening the file that was being edited before the crash, or manually by searching for the backup in the backup directory. Backups are made in the background for newly modified buffers every 8 seconds, or when micro detects a crash. default value: `true` * `backupdir`: the directory micro should place backups in. For the default value of `""` (empty string), the backup directory will be `ConfigDir/backups`, which is `~/.config/micro/backups` by default. The directory specified for backups will be created if it does not exist. default value: `""` (empty string) * `basename`: in the infobar and tabbar, show only the basename of the file being edited rather than the full path. default value: `false` * `clipboard`: specifies how micro should access the system clipboard. Possible values are: * `external`: accesses clipboard via an external tool, such as xclip/xsel or wl-clipboard on [Linux](../../linux/Linux.md), pbcopy/pbpaste on [MacOS](../../macos/macOS.md), and system calls on [Windows](../../windows/Windows.md). On Linux, if you do not have one of the tools installed, or if they are not working, micro will throw an error and use an internal clipboard. * `terminal`: accesses the clipboard via your terminal emulator. Note that there is limited support among terminal emulators for this feature (called OSC 52). Terminals that are known to work are Kitty (enable reading with `clipboard_control` setting), iTerm2 (only copying), st, rxvt-unicode and xterm if enabled (see `> help copypaste` for details). Note that Gnome-terminal does not support this feature. With this setting, copy-paste **will** work over [ssh](../network/SSH.md). See `> help copypaste` for details. * `internal`: micro will use an internal clipboard. default value: `external` * `colorcolumn`: if this is not set to 0, it will display a column at the specified column. This is useful if you want column 80 to be highlighted special for example. default value: `0` * `colorscheme`: loads the colorscheme stored in $(configDir)/colorschemes/`option`.micro, This setting is `global only`. default value: `default` Note that the default colorschemes (default, solarized, and solarized-tc) are not located in configDir, because they are embedded in the micro binary. The colorscheme can be selected from all the files in the ~/.config/micro/colorschemes/ directory. Micro comes by default with three colorschemes: You can read more about micro's colorschemes in the `colors` help topic (`help colors`). * `cursorline`: highlight the line that the cursor is on in a different color (the color is defined by the colorscheme you are using). default value: `true` * `diffgutter`: display [diff](diff.md) indicators before lines. default value: `false` * `divchars`: specifies the "divider" characters used for the dividing line between vertical/horizontal splits. The first character is for vertical dividers, and the second is for horizontal dividers. By default, for horizontal splits the statusline serves as a divider, but if the statusline is disabled the horizontal divider character will be used. default value: `|-` * `divreverse`: colorschemes provide the color (foreground and background) for the characters displayed in split dividers. With this option enabled, the colors specified by the colorscheme will be reversed (foreground and background colors swapped). default value: `true` * `encoding`: the encoding to open and save files with. Supported encodings are listed at https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/. default value: `utf-8` * `eofnewline`: micro will automatically add a newline to the end of the file if one does not exist. default value: `true` * `fakecursor`: forces micro to render the cursor using terminal colors rather than the actual terminal cursor. This is useful when the terminal's cursor is slow or otherwise unavailable/undesirable to use. default value: `false` * `fastdirty`: this determines what kind of algorithm micro uses to determine if a buffer is modified or not. When `fastdirty` is on, micro just uses a boolean `modified` that is set to `true` as soon as the user makes an edit. This is fast, but can be inaccurate. If `fastdirty` is off, then micro will hash the current buffer against a hash of the original file (created when the buffer was loaded). This is more accurate but obviously more resource intensive. This option will be automatically disabled if the file size exceeds 50KB. default value: `false` * `fileformat`: this determines what kind of line endings micro will use for the file. Unix line endings are just `\n` (linefeed) whereas dos line endings are `\r\n` (carriage return + linefeed). The two possible values for this option are `unix` and `dos`. The fileformat will be automatically detected (when you open an existing file) and displayed on the statusline, but this option is useful if you would like to change the line endings or if you are starting a new file. Changing this option while editing a file will change its line endings. Opening a file with this option set will only have an effect if the file is empty/newly created, because otherwise the fileformat will be automatically detected from the existing line endings. default value: `unix` * `filetype`: sets the filetype for the current buffer. Set this option to `off` to completely disable filetype detection. default value: `unknown`. This will be automatically overridden depending on the file you open. * `hlsearch`: highlight all instances of the searched text after a successful search. This highlighting can be temporarily turned off via the `UnhighlightSearch` action (triggered by the Esc key by default) or toggled on/off via the `ToggleHighlightSearch` action. Note that these actions don't change the `hlsearch` setting. As long as `hlsearch` is set to true, the next search will have the highlighting turned on again. default value: `false` * `incsearch`: enable incremental search in "Find" prompt (matching as you type). default value: `true` * `ignorecase`: perform case-insensitive searches. default value: `true` * `indentchar`: sets the indentation character. This will not be inserted into files; it is only a visual indicator that whitespace is present. If set to a printing character, it functions as a subset of the "show invisibles" setting available in many other text editors. The color of this character is determined by the `indent-char` field in the current theme rather than the default text color. default value: ` ` (space) * `infobar`: enables the line at the bottom of the editor where messages are printed. This option is `global only`. default value: `true` * `keepautoindent`: when using autoindent, whitespace is added for you. This option determines if when you move to the next line without any insertions the whitespace that was added should be deleted to remove trailing whitespace. By default, the autoindent whitespace is deleted if the line was left empty. default value: `false` * `keymenu`: display the nano-style key menu at the bottom of the screen. Note that ToggleKeyMenu is bound to `Alt-g` by default and this is displayed in the statusline. To disable the key binding, bind `Alt-g` to `None`. default value: `false` * `matchbrace`: underline matching braces for '()', '{}', '[]' when the cursor is on a brace character. default value: `true` * `mkparents`: if a file is opened on a path that does not exist, the file cannot be saved because the parent directories don't exist. This option lets micro automatically create the parent directories in such a situation. default value: `false` * `mouse`: mouse support. When mouse support is disabled, usually the terminal will be able to access mouse events which can be useful if you want to copy from the terminal instead of from micro (if over [ssh](../network/SSH.md) for example, because the terminal has access to the local clipboard and micro does not). default value: `true` * `multiopen`: specifies how to layout multiple files opened at startup. Most useful as a command-line option, like `-multiopen vsplit`. Possible values correspond to commands (see `> help commands`) that open files: * `tab`: open each file in a separate tab. * `vsplit`: open files side-by-side. * `hsplit`: open files stacked top to bottom. default value: `tab` * `paste`: treat characters sent from the terminal in a single chunk as a paste event rather than a series of manual key presses. If you are pasting using the terminal keybinding (not Ctrl-v, which is micro's default paste keybinding) then it is a good idea to enable this option during the paste and disable once the paste is over. See `> help copypaste` for details about copying and pasting in a terminal environment. default value: `false` * `parsecursor`: if enabled, this will cause micro to parse filenames such as file.txt:10:5 as requesting to open `file.txt` with the cursor at line 10 and column 5. The column number can also be dropped to open the file at a given line and column 0. Note that with this option enabled it is not possible to open a file such as `file.txt:10:5`, where `:10:5` is part of the filename. It is also possible to open a file with a certain cursor location by using the `+LINE:COL` flag syntax. See `micro -help` for the command line options. default value: `false` * `permbackup`: this option causes backups (see `backup` option) to be permanently saved. With permanent backups, micro will not remove backups when files are closed and will never apply them to existing files. Use this option if you are interested in manually managing your backup files. default value: `false` * `pluginchannels`: list of URLs pointing to plugin channels for downloading and installing plugins. A plugin channel consists of a [json](../../files/JSON.md) file with links to plugin repos, which store information about plugin versions and download URLs. By default, this option points to the official plugin channel hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/micro-editor/plugin-channel. default value: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro-editor/plugin-channel/master/channel.json` * `pluginrepos`: a list of links to plugin repositories. default value: `` * `readonly`: when enabled, disallows edits to the buffer. It is recommended to only ever set this option locally using `setlocal`. default value: `false` * `reload`: controls the reload behavior of the current buffer in case the file has changed. The available options are `prompt`, `auto` & `disabled`. default value: `prompt` * `rmtrailingws`: micro will automatically trim trailing whitespaces at ends of lines. Note: This setting overrides `keepautoindent` default value: `false` * `ruler`: display line numbers. default value: `true` * `relativeruler`: make line numbers display relatively. If set to true, all lines except for the line that the cursor is located will display the distance from the cursor's line. default value: `false` * `savecursor`: remember where the cursor was last time the file was opened and put it there when you open the file again. Information is saved to `~/.config/micro/buffers/` default value: `false` * `savehistory`: remember command history between closing and re-opening micro. Information is saved to `~/.config/micro/buffers/history`. default value: `true` * `saveundo`: when this option is on, undo is saved even after you close a file so if you close and reopen a file, you can keep undoing. Information is saved to `~/.config/micro/buffers/`. default value: `false` * `scrollbar`: display a scroll bar default value: `false` * `scrollbarchar`: specifies the character used for displaying the scrollbar default value: `|` * `scrollmargin`: margin at which the view starts scrolling when the cursor approaches the edge of the view. default value: `3` * `scrollspeed`: amount of lines to scroll for one scroll event. default value: `2` * `smartpaste`: add leading whitespace when pasting multiple lines. This will attempt to preserve the current indentation level when pasting an unindented block. default value: `true` * `softwrap`: wrap lines that are too long to fit on the screen. default value: `false` * `splitbottom`: when a horizontal split is created, create it below the current split. default value: `true` * `splitright`: when a vertical split is created, create it to the right of the current split. default value: `true` * `statusformatl`: format string definition for the left-justified part of the statusline. Special directives should be placed inside `$()`. Special directives include: `filename`, `modified`, `line`, `col`, `lines`, `percentage`, `opt`, `bind`. The `opt` and `bind` directives take either an option or an action afterward and fill in the value of the option or the key bound to the action. default value: `$(filename) $(modified)($(line),$(col)) $(status.paste)| ft:$(opt:filetype) | $(opt:fileformat) | $(opt:encoding)` * `statusformatr`: format string definition for the right-justified part of the statusline. default value: `$(bind:ToggleKeyMenu): bindings, $(bind:ToggleHelp): help` * `statusline`: display the status line at the bottom of the screen. default value: `true` * `sucmd`: specifies the super user command. On most systems this is "sudo" but on BSD it can be "[doas](system/doas.md)." This option can be customized and is only used when saving with su. default value: `sudo` * `syntax`: enables syntax highlighting. default value: `true` * `tabmovement`: navigate spaces at the beginning of lines as if they are tabs (e.g. move over 4 spaces at once). This option only does anything if `tabstospaces` is on. default value: `false` * `tabhighlight`: inverts the tab characters' (filename, save indicator, etc) colors with respect to the tab bar. default value: false * `tabreverse`: reverses the tab bar colors when active. default value: true * `tabsize`: the size in spaces that a tab character should be displayed with. default value: `4` * `tabstospaces`: use spaces instead of tabs. Note: This option will be overridden by [the `ftoptions` plugin](https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/blob/master/runtime/plugins/ftoptions/ftoptions.lua) for certain filetypes. To disable this behavior, add `"ftoptions": false` to your config. See [issue #2213](https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/issues/2213) for more details. default value: `false` * `useprimary` (only useful on unix): defines whether or not micro will use the primary clipboard to copy selections in the background. This does not affect the normal clipboard using Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v. default value: `true` * `wordwrap`: wrap long lines by words, i.e. break at spaces. This option only does anything if `softwrap` is on. default value: `false` * `xterm`: micro will assume that the terminal it is running in conforms to `xterm-256color` regardless of what the `$TERM` variable actually contains. Enabling this option may cause unwanted effects if your terminal in fact does not conform to the `xterm-256color` standard. Default value: `false` ### Global and local settings You can set these settings either globally or locally. Locally means that the setting won't be saved to `~/.config/micro/settings.json` and that it will only be set in the current buffer. Setting an option globally is the default, and will set the option in all buffers. Use the `setlocal` command to set an option locally rather than globally. The `colorscheme` option is global only, and the `filetype` option is local only. To set an option locally, use `setlocal` instead of `set`. In the `settings.json` file you can also put set options locally by specifying either a glob or a filetype. Here is an example which has `tabstospaces` on for all files except Go files, and `tabsize` 4 for all files except Ruby files: ```json { "ft:go": { "tabstospaces": false }, "ft:ruby": { "tabsize": 2 }, "tabstospaces": true, "tabsize": 4 } ``` Or similarly you can match with globs: ```json { "*.go": { "tabstospaces": false }, "*.rb": { "tabsize": 2 }, "tabstospaces": true, "tabsize": 4 } ```