obj: concept
source: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Creating_an_Alpine_package

# Alpine Package
Alpine Packages are packages for [Alpine Linux](../../../linux/Alpine%20Linux.md) and installable via [apk](apk.md).

## Setup
The alpine-sdk is a metapackage that pulls in the most essential packages used to build new packages. Also install and configure a way to elevate privileges, such as sudo or [doas](../../cli/system/doas.md), and an editor, such as vi, nano, [micro](../../cli/micro.md).
apk add alpine-sdk
addgroup user abuild

Generate a key for package creation:
abuild-keygen -a -i

## Build
For you build you need a [APKBUILD](APKBUILD.md) file and `abuild` as a packaging tool.

- `abuild checksum`: updates the checksums for source files.
- `abuild -r`: builds the package.

### Building in a chroot
Install package `abuild-rootbld`:
apk add abuild-rootbld

You may now build your packages from source in an unprivileged sandbox based on bubblewrap with the command:
abuild rootbld

If the build process needs network access there has to bet set the **net** option in [APKBUILD](APKBUILD.md).

## Bumping a package version
The tool `abump` is a utility to bump pkgver in [APKBUILD](APKBUILD.md) files if the package gets an update to a newer upstream release. `abump` will update the package's `pkgver`, rebuild it and create a new commit with the resulting changes.
abump [-hR]

**abump options**
- **-h** Show this help
- **-R** Run abuild with -R for recursive building
- **-k** Keep existing packages

## Updating a package release
If you want to bump or reset the pkgrel value of your [APKBUILD](APKBUILD.md) or test your [APKBUILD](APKBUILD.md) files, apkgrel can assist you.
apkgrel -a|-h|-s NUM|-t|-z [-f] FILE...

**apkgrel options**
- **-a** Add 1 to current pkgrel
- **-f** Force, even if given files are not in proper format
- **-h** Show this help
- **-s** Set pkgrel to NUM
- **-t** Only verify that files are in proper format
- **-z** Set pkgrel to 0