obj: application
website: https://dystroy.org/dysk
repo: https://github.com/Canop/dysk

# dysk
dysk is a [linux](../../linux/Linux.md) utility listing your [filesystems](../../linux/filesystems/Filesystems.md).

## Usage
Usage: `dysk [-a, --all] [PATH]`

### Table
The standard output of dysk is a table with a default set of columns and only the "normal looking" [filesystems](../../linux/filesystems/Filesystems.md). You can modify it easily.

#### Columns
You can run `dysk --list-cols` for the list of all columns.

**All columns:**

| name               | default | meaning                                        |
| ------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| id                 |         | mount point id                                 |
| dev                |         | device id                                      |
| filesystem         | ✓       | filesystem                                     |
| label              |         | label                                          |
| type               | ✓       | filesystem type                                |
| remote             |         | whether it's a remote filesystem               |
| disk               | ✓       | short tag of the underlying storage identified |
| used               | ✓       | cumulated size of the occupied blocks          |
| use                | ✓       | graphical view of the use share                |
| use_percent        |         | percentage of occupied blocks                  |
| free               | ✓       | cumulated size of the available blocks         |
| free_percent       |         | percentage of available blocks                 |
| size               | ✓       | size of the volume                             |
| inodesfree         |         | available inodes                               |
| inodesused         |         | inodes used                                    |
| inodes             |         | inodes use share, graphical                    |
| inodes_use_percent |         | inodes use share, in percents                  |
| inodescount        |         | total number of inodes in the filesystem       |
| mount              | ✓       | mounting path                                  |

#### Choose columns
With the `--cols` launch argument, shortened as `-c`, you can change the displayed columns or their order.

With `-c all`, you may see all available columns, but that's normally too much for convenience:

The most obvious use of the `--cols` argument is the explicit definition of the columns to display.
For example `dysk -c label+use+size+disk+mount` will show the label, use, size, disk, and mount columns, in that order.

#### Sort
With the `--sort` launch argument, shortened as `-s`, you can specify the order of displayed rows.

The argument's value must be either a column name, for example `dysk -s dev`, or a column name and a direction, for example `dysk --sort size-desc`.

The `desc` and `asc` directions can be abbreviated into `d` and `a`.

#### CSV
With the `--csv` argument, you can ask dysk to output the table in [CSV](../../files/CSV.md):

`dysk --csv > mounts.csv`

You may choose the separator with the `--csv-separator` argument.

Filters, sorting, and column selection work the same than for standard tables so you may do this:

`dysk --csv -f 'size>100G' -c remote+default+inodes > mounts.csv`

### [JSON](../../files/JSON.md)
Use `-j` or `--json`. The normal output is an array of all filesystem matching the filter.

`dysk -j | jq '.[0]' > disk.json`

  "bound": false,
  "dev": {
    "major": 8,
    "minor": 1
  "disk": {
    "crypted": false,
    "ram": false,
    "removable": false,
    "rotational": false,
    "type": "SSD"
  "fs": "/dev/sda1",
  "fs-label": null,
  "fs-type": "ext4",
  "id": 26,
  "mount-point": "/",
  "remote": false,
  "stats": {
    "available": "81G",
    "bavail": 19764035,
    "bfree": 22790364,
    "blocks": 59233748,
    "bsize": 4096,
    "inodes": {
      "avail": 13880393,
      "files": 15114240,
      "free": 13880393,
      "used-percent": "8%"
    "size": "243G",
    "used": "162G",
    "used-percent": "67%"
  "unreachable": false

The disk, stats, and stats.inodes structures, or the fs-label, may be null for some [filesystems](../../linux/filesystems/Filesystems.md).

### Filter
The `--filter` argument, shortened in `-f`, lets you specify a constraint, or combine several ones.

A constraint can be related to any column.

You can for example fetch the [filesystems](../../linux/filesystems/Filesystems.md) with a given type with `dysk -f 'type=xfs'`.

Or remote volumes with `dysk -f 'remote=true'`.

The operators you can apply to a column are the following ones:

| operator | meaning                                                  |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `<`      | lower                                                    |
| `<=`     | lower  or equal                                          |
| `>`      | greater                                                  |
| `>=`     | greater  or equal                                        |
| `<>`     | different                                                |
| `=`      | somehow equal - for example `fs=sda` matches `/dev/sda1` |
| `==`     | really  equal                                            |

You can combine several column conditions with boolean operators `|` (or), `&` (and) and `!` (not) and if needed you can use parenthesis.

For example you may want to select the volumes with not enough space with

`dysk -f 'free<100G | use>65%'`