obj: application
wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenRC
repo: https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc
arch-wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/OpenRC
source: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/OpenRC

# openRC
OpenRC is a dependency-based init system that works with the system-provided init program

[Service scripts](openrc%20Service%20Script.md) are located at `/etc/init.d`.

The following commands are available to manage the init system:

- Basics:
rc-update add <service> <runlevel>

rc-update del <service> <runlevel>

rc-service <service> <start stop restart>
- To check services and their set runlevels:

## rc-update usage
Usage: rc-update [options] add service <runlevel>
       rc-update [options] del service <runlevel>
       rc-update [options] show

Options: [suChqv]
  -s, --stack                       Stack a runlevel instead of a service
  -u, --update                      Force an update of the dependency tree
  -h, --help                        Display this help output
  -C, --nocolor                     Disable color output
  -v, --verbose                     Run verbosely
  -q, --quiet                       Run quietly

## rc-status usage
Usage: rc-status [options] [runlevel1] [runlevel2] ...

Options: [aclrsuChqv]
  -a, --all                         Show services from all run levels
  -c, --crashed                     Show crashed services
  -l, --list                        Show list of run levels
  -r, --runlevel                    Show the name of the current runlevel
  -s, --servicelist                 Show service list
  -u, --unused                      Show services not assigned to any runlevel
  -h, --help                        Display this help output
  -C, --nocolor                     Disable color output
  -v, --verbose                     Run verbosely
  -q, --quiet                       Run quietly

## rc-service usage
Usage: rc-service [options]

Options: [e:ilr:ChqVv]
  -e, --exists <arg>                tests if the service exists or not
  -i, --ifexists                    if the service exists then run the command
  -l, --list                        list all available services
  -r, --resolve <arg>               resolve the service name to an init script
  -h, --help                        Display this help output
  -C, --nocolor                     Disable color output
  -V, --version                     Display software version
  -v, --verbose                     Run verbosely
  -q, --quiet                       Run quietly

## rc usage
Usage: rc [options]

Options: [a:o:s:SChqVv]
  -a, --applet <arg>                runs the applet specified by the next argument
  -o, --override <arg>              override the next runlevel to change into
                                    when leaving single user or boot runlevels
  -s, --service <arg>               runs the service specified with the rest
                                    of the arguments
  -S, --sys                         output the RC system type, if any
  -h, --help                        Display this help output
  -C, --nocolor                     Disable color output
  -V, --version                     Display software version
  -v, --verbose                     Run verbosely
  -q, --quiet                       Run quietly