obj: application
website: https://docs.searxng.org
repo: https://github.com/searxng/searxng

# SearXNG
SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. Additionally, SearXNG can be used over Tor for online anonymity.

## Configuration
The initial settings.yml we be load from these locations:
- the full path specified in the `$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH` environment variable.
- `/etc/searxng/settings.yml`

  # Debug mode, only for development. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_DEBUG}
  debug: false
  # displayed name
  instance_name: "SearXNG"
  # For example: https://example.com/privacy
  privacypolicy_url: false
  # use true to use your own donation page written in searx/info/en/donate.md
  # use false to disable the donation link
  donation_url: false
  # mailto:contact@example.com
  contact_url: false
  # record stats
  enable_metrics: true

  new_issue_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues/new
  docs_url: https://docs.searxng.org/
  public_instances: https://searx.space
  wiki_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/wiki
  issue_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues
  # custom:
  #   maintainer: "Jon Doe"
  #   # Custom entries in the footer: [title]: [link]
  #   links:
  #     Uptime: https://uptime.searxng.org/history/darmarit-org
  #     About: "https://searxng.org"

  # Filter results. 0: None, 1: Moderate, 2: Strict
  safe_search: 0
  # Existing autocomplete backends: "dbpedia", "duckduckgo", "google", "yandex", "mwmbl",
  # "seznam", "startpage", "stract", "swisscows", "qwant", "wikipedia" - leave blank to turn it off
  # by default.
  autocomplete: ""
  # minimun characters to type before autocompleter starts
  autocomplete_min: 4
  # Default search language - leave blank to detect from browser information or
  # use codes from 'languages.py'
  default_lang: "auto"
  # max_page: 0  # if engine supports paging, 0 means unlimited numbers of pages
  # Available languages
  # languages:
  #   - all
  #   - en
  #   - en-US
  #   - de
  #   - it-IT
  #   - fr
  #   - fr-BE
  # ban time in seconds after engine errors
  ban_time_on_fail: 5
  # max ban time in seconds after engine errors
  max_ban_time_on_fail: 120
    # Engine suspension time after error (in seconds; set to 0 to disable)
    # For error "Access denied" and "HTTP error [402, 403]"
    SearxEngineAccessDenied: 86400
    # For error "CAPTCHA"
    SearxEngineCaptcha: 86400
    # For error "Too many request" and "HTTP error 429"
    SearxEngineTooManyRequests: 3600
    # Cloudflare CAPTCHA
    cf_SearxEngineCaptcha: 1296000
    cf_SearxEngineAccessDenied: 86400
    recaptcha_SearxEngineCaptcha: 604800

  # remove format to deny access, use lower case.
  # formats: [html, csv, json, rss]
    - html

  # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_PORT} and ${SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS}
  port: 8888
  bind_address: ""
  # public URL of the instance, to ensure correct inbound links. Is overwritten
  # by ${SEARXNG_URL}.
  base_url: false  # "http://example.com/location"
  # rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots.
  # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_LIMITER}
  limiter: false
  # enable features designed only for public instances.
  # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_PUBLIC_INSTANCE}
  public_instance: false

  # If your instance owns a /etc/searxng/settings.yml file, then set the following
  # values there.

  secret_key: "ultrasecretkey"  # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_SECRET}
  # Proxy image results through SearXNG. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_IMAGE_PROXY}
  image_proxy: false
  # 1.0 and 1.1 are supported
  http_protocol_version: "1.0"
  # POST queries are more secure as they don't show up in history but may cause
  # problems when using Firefox containers
  method: "POST"
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    X-Download-Options: noopen
    X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow
    Referrer-Policy: no-referrer

  # URL to connect redis database. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_REDIS_URL}.
  # https://docs.searxng.org/admin/settings/settings_redis.html#settings-redis
  url: false

  # Custom static path - leave it blank if you didn't change
  static_path: ""
  # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_STATIC_USE_HASH}.
  static_use_hash: false
  # Custom templates path - leave it blank if you didn't change
  templates_path: ""
  # query_in_title: When true, the result page's titles contains the query
  # it decreases the privacy, since the browser can records the page titles.
  query_in_title: false
  # infinite_scroll: When true, automatically loads the next page when scrolling to bottom of the current page.
  infinite_scroll: false
  # ui theme
  default_theme: simple
  # center the results ?
  center_alignment: false
  # URL prefix of the internet archive, don't forget trailing slash (if needed).
  # cache_url: "https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:"
  # Default interface locale - leave blank to detect from browser information or
  # use codes from the 'locales' config section
  default_locale: ""
  # Open result links in a new tab by default
  # results_on_new_tab: false
    # style of simple theme: auto, light, dark
    simple_style: auto
  # Perform search immediately if a category selected.
  # Disable to select multiple categories at once and start the search manually.
  search_on_category_select: true
  # Hotkeys: default or vim
  hotkeys: default

# Lock arbitrary settings on the preferences page.  To find the ID of the user
# setting you want to lock, check the ID of the form on the page "preferences".
# preferences:
#   lock:
#     - language
#     - autocomplete
#     - method
#     - query_in_title

# searx supports result proxification using an external service:
# https://github.com/asciimoo/morty uncomment below section if you have running
# morty proxy the key is base64 encoded (keep the !!binary notation)
# Note: since commit af77ec3, morty accepts a base64 encoded key.
# result_proxy:
#   url:
#   # the key is a base64 encoded string, the YAML !!binary prefix is optional
#   key: !!binary "your_morty_proxy_key"
#   # [true|false] enable the "proxy" button next to each result
#   proxify_results: true

# communication with search engines
  # default timeout in seconds, can be override by engine
  request_timeout: 3.0
  # the maximum timeout in seconds
  # max_request_timeout: 10.0
  # suffix of searx_useragent, could contain information like an email address
  # to the administrator
  useragent_suffix: ""
  # The maximum number of concurrent connections that may be established.
  pool_connections: 100
  # Allow the connection pool to maintain keep-alive connections below this
  # point.
  pool_maxsize: 20
  # See https://www.python-httpx.org/http2/
  enable_http2: true
  # uncomment below section if you want to use a custom server certificate
  # see https://www.python-httpx.org/advanced/#changing-the-verification-defaults
  # and https://www.python-httpx.org/compatibility/#ssl-configuration
  #  verify: ~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer
  # uncomment below section if you want to use a proxyq see: SOCKS proxies
  #   https://2.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#proxies
  # are also supported: see
  #   https://2.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#socks
  #  proxies:
  #    all://:
  #      - http://proxy1:8080
  #      - http://proxy2:8080
  #  using_tor_proxy: true
  # Extra seconds to add in order to account for the time taken by the proxy
  #  extra_proxy_timeout: 10
  # uncomment below section only if you have more than one network interface
  # which can be the source of outgoing search requests
  #  source_ips:
  #    -
  #    -
  #    - fe80::/126

# External plugin configuration, for more details see
#   https://docs.searxng.org/dev/plugins.html
# plugins:
#   - plugin1
#   - plugin2
#   - ...

# Comment or un-comment plugin to activate / deactivate by default.
# enabled_plugins:
#   # these plugins are enabled if nothing is configured ..
#   - 'Hash plugin'
#   - 'Self Information'
#   - 'Tracker URL remover'
#   - 'Ahmia blacklist'  # activation depends on outgoing.using_tor_proxy
#   # these plugins are disabled if nothing is configured ..
#   - 'Hostnames plugin'  # see 'hostnames' configuration below
#   - 'Basic Calculator'
#   - 'Open Access DOI rewrite'
#   - 'Tor check plugin'
#   # Read the docs before activate: auto-detection of the language could be
#   # detrimental to users expectations / users can activate the plugin in the
#   # preferences if they want.
#   - 'Autodetect search language'

# Configuration of the "Hostnames plugin":
# hostnames:
#   replace:
#     '(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': 'invidious.example.com'
#     '(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': 'invidious.example.com'
#     '(.*\.)?reddit\.com$': 'teddit.example.com'
#     '(.*\.)?redd\.it$': 'teddit.example.com'
#     '(www\.)?twitter\.com$': 'nitter.example.com'
#   remove:
#     - '(.*\.)?facebook.com$'
#   low_priority:
#     - '(.*\.)?google(\..*)?$'
#   high_priority:
#     - '(.*\.)?wikipedia.org$'
# Alternatively you can use external files for configuring the "Hostnames plugin":
# hostnames:
#  replace: 'rewrite-hosts.yml'
# Content of 'rewrite-hosts.yml' (place the file in the same directory as 'settings.yml'):
# '(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': 'invidious.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': 'invidious.example.com'

  # disable checker when in debug mode
  off_when_debug: true

  # use "scheduling: false" to disable scheduling
  # scheduling: interval or int

  # to activate the scheduler:
  # * uncomment "scheduling" section
  # * add "cache2 = name=searxngcache,items=2000,blocks=2000,blocksize=4096,bitmap=1"
  #   to your uwsgi.ini

  # scheduling:
  #   start_after: [300, 1800]  # delay to start the first run of the checker
  #   every: [86400, 90000]     # how often the checker runs

  # additional tests: only for the YAML anchors (see the engines section)
    rosebud: &test_rosebud
        query: rosebud
        lang: en
        - not_empty
        - ['one_title_contains', 'citizen kane']
        - unique_results

    android: &test_android
        query: ['android']
        lang: ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'zh-CN']
        - not_empty
        - ['one_title_contains', 'google']
        - unique_results

  # tests: only for the YAML anchors (see the engines section)
    infobox: &tests_infobox
          query: ["linux", "new york", "bbc"]
          - has_infobox

  social media:

  - name: 9gag
    engine: 9gag
    shortcut: 9g
    disabled: true

  - name: annas archive
    engine: annas_archive
    disabled: true
    shortcut: aa

  # - name: annas articles
  #   engine: annas_archive
  #   shortcut: aaa
  #   # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/annas_archive.html
  #   aa_content: 'magazine' # book_fiction, book_unknown, book_nonfiction, book_comic
  #   aa_ext: 'pdf'  # pdf, epub, ..
  #   aa_sort: oldest'  # newest, oldest, largest, smallest

  - name: apk mirror
    engine: apkmirror
    timeout: 4.0
    shortcut: apkm
    disabled: true

  - name: apple app store
    engine: apple_app_store
    shortcut: aps
    disabled: true

  # Requires Tor
  - name: ahmia
    engine: ahmia
    categories: onions
    enable_http: true
    shortcut: ah

  - name: anaconda
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    first_page_num: 0
    search_url: https://anaconda.org/search?q={query}&page={pageno}
    results_xpath: //tbody/tr
    url_xpath: ./td/h5/a[last()]/@href
    title_xpath: ./td/h5
    content_xpath: ./td[h5]/text()
    categories: it
    timeout: 6.0
    shortcut: conda
    disabled: true

  - name: arch linux wiki
    engine: archlinux
    shortcut: al

  - name: artic
    engine: artic
    shortcut: arc
    timeout: 4.0

  - name: arxiv
    engine: arxiv
    shortcut: arx
    timeout: 4.0

  - name: ask
    engine: ask
    shortcut: ask
    disabled: true

  # tmp suspended:  dh key too small
  # - name: base
  #   engine: base
  #   shortcut: bs

  - name: bandcamp
    engine: bandcamp
    shortcut: bc
    categories: music

  - name: wikipedia
    engine: wikipedia
    shortcut: wp
    # add "list" to the array to get results in the results list
    display_type: ["infobox"]
    base_url: 'https://{language}.wikipedia.org/'
    categories: [general]

  - name: bilibili
    engine: bilibili
    shortcut: bil
    disabled: true

  - name: bing
    engine: bing
    shortcut: bi
    disabled: true

  - name: bing images
    engine: bing_images
    shortcut: bii

  - name: bing news
    engine: bing_news
    shortcut: bin

  - name: bing videos
    engine: bing_videos
    shortcut: biv

  - name: bitbucket
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://bitbucket.org/repo/all/{pageno}?name={query}
    url_xpath: //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]/@href
    title_xpath: //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]
    content_xpath: //article[@class="repo-summary"]/p
    categories: [it, repos]
    timeout: 4.0
    disabled: true
    shortcut: bb
      website: https://bitbucket.org/
      wikidata_id: Q2493781
      official_api_documentation: https://developer.atlassian.com/bitbucket
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: bpb
    engine: bpb
    shortcut: bpb
    disabled: true

  - name: btdigg
    engine: btdigg
    shortcut: bt
    disabled: true

  - name: openverse
    engine: openverse
    categories: images
    shortcut: opv

  - name: media.ccc.de
    engine: ccc_media
    shortcut: c3tv
    # We don't set language: de here because media.ccc.de is not just
    # for a German audience. It contains many English videos and many
    # German videos have English subtitles.
    disabled: true

  - name: chefkoch
    engine: chefkoch
    shortcut: chef
    # to show premium or plus results too:
    # skip_premium: false

  # - name: core.ac.uk
  #   engine: core
  #   categories: science
  #   shortcut: cor
  #   # get your API key from: https://core.ac.uk/api-keys/register/
  #   api_key: 'unset'

  - name: cppreference
    engine: cppreference
    shortcut: cpp
    paging: false
    disabled: true

  - name: crossref
    engine: crossref
    shortcut: cr
    timeout: 30
    disabled: true

  - name: crowdview
    engine: json_engine
    shortcut: cv
    categories: general
    paging: false
    search_url: https://crowdview-next-js.onrender.com/api/search-v3?query={query}
    results_query: results
    url_query: link
    title_query: title
    content_query: snippet
    disabled: true
      website: https://crowdview.ai/

  - name: yep
    engine: yep
    shortcut: yep
    categories: general
    search_type: web
    timeout: 5
    disabled: true

  - name: yep images
    engine: yep
    shortcut: yepi
    categories: images
    search_type: images
    disabled: true

  - name: yep news
    engine: yep
    shortcut: yepn
    categories: news
    search_type: news
    disabled: true

  - name: curlie
    engine: xpath
    shortcut: cl
    categories: general
    disabled: true
    paging: true
    lang_all: ''
    search_url: https://curlie.org/search?q={query}&lang={lang}&start={pageno}&stime=92452189
    page_size: 20
    results_xpath: //div[@id="site-list-content"]/div[@class="site-item"]
    url_xpath: ./div[@class="title-and-desc"]/a/@href
    title_xpath: ./div[@class="title-and-desc"]/a/div
    content_xpath: ./div[@class="title-and-desc"]/div[@class="site-descr"]
      website: https://curlie.org/
      wikidata_id: Q60715723
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: currency
    engine: currency_convert
    categories: general
    shortcut: cc

  - name: bahnhof
    engine: json_engine
    search_url: https://www.bahnhof.de/api/stations/search/{query}
    url_prefix: https://www.bahnhof.de/
    url_query: slug
    title_query: name
    content_query: state
    shortcut: bf
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.bahn.de
      wikidata_id: Q22811603
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON
      language: de
          query: berlin
          lang: en
          - not_empty
          - ['one_title_contains', 'Berlin Hauptbahnhof']
          - unique_results

  - name: deezer
    engine: deezer
    shortcut: dz
    disabled: true

  - name: destatis
    engine: destatis
    shortcut: destat
    disabled: true

  - name: deviantart
    engine: deviantart
    shortcut: da
    timeout: 3.0

  - name: ddg definitions
    engine: duckduckgo_definitions
    shortcut: ddd
    weight: 2
    disabled: true
    tests: *tests_infobox

  # cloudflare protected
  # - name: digbt
  #   engine: digbt
  #   shortcut: dbt
  #   timeout: 6.0
  #   disabled: true

  - name: docker hub
    engine: docker_hub
    shortcut: dh
    categories: [it, packages]

  - name: erowid
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    first_page_num: 0
    page_size: 30
    search_url: https://www.erowid.org/search.php?q={query}&s={pageno}
    url_xpath: //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/@href
    title_xpath: //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/text()
    content_xpath: //dl[@class="results-list"]/dd[@class="result-details"]
    categories: []
    shortcut: ew
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.erowid.org/
      wikidata_id: Q1430691
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  # - name: elasticsearch
  #   shortcut: es
  #   engine: elasticsearch
  #   base_url: http://localhost:9200
  #   username: elastic
  #   password: changeme
  #   index: my-index
  #   # available options: match, simple_query_string, term, terms, custom
  #   query_type: match
  #   # if query_type is set to custom, provide your query here
  #   #custom_query_json: {"query":{"match_all": {}}}
  #   #show_metadata: false
  #   disabled: true

  - name: wikidata
    engine: wikidata
    shortcut: wd
    timeout: 3.0
    weight: 2
    # add "list" to the array to get results in the results list
    display_type: ["infobox"]
    tests: *tests_infobox
    categories: [general]

  - name: duckduckgo
    engine: duckduckgo
    shortcut: ddg

  - name: duckduckgo images
    engine: duckduckgo_extra
    categories: [images, web]
    ddg_category: images
    shortcut: ddi
    disabled: true

  - name: duckduckgo videos
    engine: duckduckgo_extra
    categories: [videos, web]
    ddg_category: videos
    shortcut: ddv
    disabled: true

  - name: duckduckgo news
    engine: duckduckgo_extra
    categories: [news, web]
    ddg_category: news
    shortcut: ddn
    disabled: true

  - name: duckduckgo weather
    engine: duckduckgo_weather
    shortcut: ddw
    disabled: true

  - name: apple maps
    engine: apple_maps
    shortcut: apm
    disabled: true
    timeout: 5.0

  - name: emojipedia
    engine: emojipedia
    timeout: 4.0
    shortcut: em
    disabled: true

  - name: tineye
    engine: tineye
    shortcut: tin
    timeout: 9.0
    disabled: true

  - name: etymonline
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://etymonline.com/search?page={pageno}&q={query}
    url_xpath: //a[contains(@class, "word__name--")]/@href
    title_xpath: //a[contains(@class, "word__name--")]
    content_xpath: //section[contains(@class, "word__defination")]
    first_page_num: 1
    shortcut: et
    categories: [dictionaries]
      website: https://www.etymonline.com/
      wikidata_id: Q1188617
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  # - name: ebay
  #   engine: ebay
  #   shortcut: eb
  #   base_url: 'https://www.ebay.com'
  #   disabled: true
  #   timeout: 5

  - name: 1x
    engine: www1x
    shortcut: 1x
    timeout: 3.0
    disabled: true

  - name: fdroid
    engine: fdroid
    shortcut: fd
    disabled: true

  - name: findthatmeme
    engine: findthatmeme
    shortcut: ftm
    disabled: true

  - name: flickr
    categories: images
    shortcut: fl
    # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API
    # key, see: https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/
    # engine: flickr
    # api_key: 'apikey' # required!
    # Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
    engine: flickr_noapi

  - name: free software directory
    engine: mediawiki
    shortcut: fsd
    categories: [it, software wikis]
    base_url: https://directory.fsf.org/
    search_type: title
    timeout: 5.0
    disabled: true
      website: https://directory.fsf.org/
      wikidata_id: Q2470288

  # - name: freesound
  #   engine: freesound
  #   shortcut: fnd
  #   disabled: true
  #   timeout: 15.0
  # API key required, see: https://freesound.org/docs/api/overview.html
  #   api_key: MyAPIkey

  - name: frinkiac
    engine: frinkiac
    shortcut: frk
    disabled: true

  - name: fyyd
    engine: fyyd
    shortcut: fy
    timeout: 8.0
    disabled: true

  - name: genius
    engine: genius
    shortcut: gen

  - name: gentoo
    engine: mediawiki
    shortcut: ge
    categories: ["it", "software wikis"]
    base_url: "https://wiki.gentoo.org/"
    api_path: "api.php"
    search_type: text
    timeout: 10

  - name: gitlab
    engine: json_engine
    paging: true
    search_url: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects?search={query}&page={pageno}
    url_query: web_url
    title_query: name_with_namespace
    content_query: description
    page_size: 20
    categories: [it, repos]
    shortcut: gl
    timeout: 10.0
    disabled: true
      website: https://about.gitlab.com/
      wikidata_id: Q16639197
      official_api_documentation: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: github
    engine: github
    shortcut: gh

  - name: codeberg
    # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/gitea.html
    engine: gitea
    base_url: https://codeberg.org
    shortcut: cb
    disabled: true

  - name: gitea.com
    engine: gitea
    base_url: https://gitea.com
    shortcut: gitea
    disabled: true

  - name: goodreads
    engine: goodreads
    shortcut: good
    timeout: 4.0
    disabled: true

  - name: google
    engine: google
    shortcut: go
    # additional_tests:
    #   android: *test_android

  - name: google images
    engine: google_images
    shortcut: goi
    # additional_tests:
    #   android: *test_android
    #   dali:
    #     matrix:
    #       query: ['Dali Christ']
    #       lang: ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'zh-CN']
    #     result_container:
    #       - ['one_title_contains', 'Salvador']

  - name: google news
    engine: google_news
    shortcut: gon
    # additional_tests:
    #   android: *test_android

  - name: google videos
    engine: google_videos
    shortcut: gov
    # additional_tests:
    #   android: *test_android

  - name: google scholar
    engine: google_scholar
    shortcut: gos

  - name: google play apps
    engine: google_play
    categories: [files, apps]
    shortcut: gpa
    play_categ: apps
    disabled: true

  - name: google play movies
    engine: google_play
    categories: videos
    shortcut: gpm
    play_categ: movies
    disabled: true

  - name: material icons
    engine: material_icons
    categories: images
    shortcut: mi
    disabled: true

  - name: gpodder
    engine: json_engine
    shortcut: gpod
    timeout: 4.0
    paging: false
    search_url: https://gpodder.net/search.json?q={query}
    url_query: url
    title_query: title
    content_query: description
    page_size: 19
    categories: music
    disabled: true
      website: https://gpodder.net
      wikidata_id: Q3093354
      official_api_documentation: https://gpoddernet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/
      use_official_api: false
      requires_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: habrahabr
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://habr.com/en/search/page{pageno}/?q={query}
    results_xpath: //article[contains(@class, "tm-articles-list__item")]
    url_xpath: .//a[@class="tm-title__link"]/@href
    title_xpath: .//a[@class="tm-title__link"]
    content_xpath: .//div[contains(@class, "article-formatted-body")]
    categories: it
    timeout: 4.0
    disabled: true
    shortcut: habr
      website: https://habr.com/
      wikidata_id: Q4494434
      official_api_documentation: https://habr.com/en/docs/help/api/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: hackernews
    engine: hackernews
    shortcut: hn
    disabled: true

  - name: hex
    engine: hex
    shortcut: hex
    disabled: true
    # Valid values: name inserted_at updated_at total_downloads recent_downloads
    sort_criteria: "recent_downloads"
    page_size: 10

  - name: crates.io
    engine: crates
    shortcut: crates
    disabled: true
    timeout: 6.0

  - name: hoogle
    engine: xpath
    search_url: https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle={query}
    results_xpath: '//div[@class="result"]'
    title_xpath: './/div[@class="ans"]//a'
    url_xpath: './/div[@class="ans"]//a/@href'
    content_xpath: './/div[@class="from"]'
    page_size: 20
    categories: [it, packages]
    shortcut: ho
      website: https://hoogle.haskell.org/
      wikidata_id: Q34010
      official_api_documentation: https://hackage.haskell.org/api
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: imdb
    engine: imdb
    shortcut: imdb
    timeout: 6.0
    disabled: true

  - name: imgur
    engine: imgur
    shortcut: img
    disabled: true

  - name: ina
    engine: ina
    shortcut: in
    timeout: 6.0
    disabled: true

  - name: invidious
    engine: invidious
    # Instanes will be selected randomly, see https://api.invidious.io/ for
    # instances that are stable (good uptime) and close to you.
      - https://invidious.io.lol
      - https://invidious.fdn.fr
      - https://yt.artemislena.eu
      - https://invidious.tiekoetter.com
      - https://invidious.flokinet.to
      - https://vid.puffyan.us
      - https://invidious.privacydev.net
      - https://inv.tux.pizza
    shortcut: iv
    timeout: 3.0
    disabled: true

  - name: jisho
    engine: jisho
    shortcut: js
    timeout: 3.0
    disabled: true

  - name: kickass
    engine: kickass
      - https://kickasstorrents.to
      - https://kickasstorrents.cr
      - https://kickasstorrent.cr
      - https://kickass.sx
      - https://kat.am
    shortcut: kc
    timeout: 4.0

  - name: lemmy communities
    engine: lemmy
    lemmy_type: Communities
    shortcut: leco

  - name: lemmy users
    engine: lemmy
    network: lemmy communities
    lemmy_type: Users
    shortcut: leus

  - name: lemmy posts
    engine: lemmy
    network: lemmy communities
    lemmy_type: Posts
    shortcut: lepo

  - name: lemmy comments
    engine: lemmy
    network: lemmy communities
    lemmy_type: Comments
    shortcut: lecom

  - name: library genesis
    engine: xpath
    # search_url: https://libgen.is/search.php?req={query}
    search_url: https://libgen.rs/search.php?req={query}
    url_xpath: //a[contains(@href,"book/index.php?md5")]/@href
    title_xpath: //a[contains(@href,"book/")]/text()[1]
    content_xpath: //td/a[1][contains(@href,"=author")]/text()
    categories: files
    timeout: 7.0
    disabled: true
    shortcut: lg
      website: https://libgen.fun/
      wikidata_id: Q22017206
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: z-library
    engine: zlibrary
    shortcut: zlib
    categories: files
    timeout: 7.0

  - name: library of congress
    engine: loc
    shortcut: loc
    categories: images

  - name: libretranslate
    engine: libretranslate
    # https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate?tab=readme-ov-file#mirrors
      - https://translate.terraprint.co
      - https://trans.zillyhuhn.com
    # api_key: abc123
    shortcut: lt
    disabled: true

  - name: lingva
    engine: lingva
    shortcut: lv
    # set lingva instance in url, by default it will use the official instance
    # url: https://lingva.thedaviddelta.com

  - name: lobste.rs
    engine: xpath
    search_url: https://lobste.rs/search?q={query}&what=stories&order=relevance
    results_xpath: //li[contains(@class, "story")]
    url_xpath: .//a[@class="u-url"]/@href
    title_xpath: .//a[@class="u-url"]
    content_xpath: .//a[@class="domain"]
    categories: it
    shortcut: lo
    timeout: 5.0
    disabled: true
      website: https://lobste.rs/
      wikidata_id: Q60762874
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: mastodon users
    engine: mastodon
    mastodon_type: accounts
    base_url: https://mastodon.social
    shortcut: mau

  - name: mastodon hashtags
    engine: mastodon
    mastodon_type: hashtags
    base_url: https://mastodon.social
    shortcut: mah

  # - name: matrixrooms
  #   engine: mrs
  #   # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/mrs.html
  #   # base_url: https://mrs-api-host
  #   shortcut: mtrx
  #   disabled: true

  - name: mdn
    shortcut: mdn
    engine: json_engine
    categories: [it]
    paging: true
    search_url: https://developer.mozilla.org/api/v1/search?q={query}&page={pageno}
    results_query: documents
    url_query: mdn_url
    url_prefix: https://developer.mozilla.org
    title_query: title
    content_query: summary
      website: https://developer.mozilla.org
      wikidata_id: Q3273508
      official_api_documentation: null
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: metacpan
    engine: metacpan
    shortcut: cpan
    disabled: true
    number_of_results: 20

  # - name: meilisearch
  #   engine: meilisearch
  #   shortcut: mes
  #   enable_http: true
  #   base_url: http://localhost:7700
  #   index: my-index

  - name: mixcloud
    engine: mixcloud
    shortcut: mc

  # MongoDB engine
  # Required dependency: pymongo
  # - name: mymongo
  #   engine: mongodb
  #   shortcut: md
  #   exact_match_only: false
  #   host: ''
  #   port: 27017
  #   enable_http: true
  #   results_per_page: 20
  #   database: 'business'
  #   collection: 'reviews'  # name of the db collection
  #   key: 'name'  # key in the collection to search for

  - name: mozhi
    engine: mozhi
      - https://mozhi.aryak.me
      - https://translate.bus-hit.me
      - https://nyc1.mz.ggtyler.dev
    # mozhi_engine: google - see https://mozhi.aryak.me for supported engines
    timeout: 4.0
    shortcut: mz
    disabled: true

  - name: mwmbl
    engine: mwmbl
    # api_url: https://api.mwmbl.org
    shortcut: mwm
    disabled: true

  - name: npm
    engine: npm
    shortcut: npm
    timeout: 5.0
    disabled: true

  - name: nyaa
    engine: nyaa
    shortcut: nt
    disabled: true

  - name: mankier
    engine: json_engine
    search_url: https://www.mankier.com/api/v2/mans/?q={query}
    results_query: results
    url_query: url
    title_query: name
    content_query: description
    categories: it
    shortcut: man
      website: https://www.mankier.com/
      official_api_documentation: https://www.mankier.com/api
      use_official_api: true
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  # read https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/mullvad_leta.html
  # - name: mullvadleta
  #   engine: mullvad_leta
  #   leta_engine: google # choose one of the following: google, brave
  #   use_cache: true  # Only 100 non-cache searches per day, suggested only for private instances
  #   search_url: https://leta.mullvad.net
  #   categories: [general, web]
  #   shortcut: ml

  - name: odysee
    engine: odysee
    shortcut: od
    disabled: true

  - name: openairedatasets
    engine: json_engine
    paging: true
    search_url: https://api.openaire.eu/search/datasets?format=json&page={pageno}&size=10&title={query}
    results_query: response/results/result
    url_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
    title_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
    content_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
    content_html_to_text: true
    categories: "science"
    shortcut: oad
    timeout: 5.0
      website: https://www.openaire.eu/
      wikidata_id: Q25106053
      official_api_documentation: https://api.openaire.eu/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: openairepublications
    engine: json_engine
    paging: true
    search_url: https://api.openaire.eu/search/publications?format=json&page={pageno}&size=10&title={query}
    results_query: response/results/result
    url_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
    title_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
    content_query: metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
    content_html_to_text: true
    categories: science
    shortcut: oap
    timeout: 5.0
      website: https://www.openaire.eu/
      wikidata_id: Q25106053
      official_api_documentation: https://api.openaire.eu/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: openmeteo
    engine: open_meteo
    shortcut: om
    disabled: true

  # - name: opensemanticsearch
  #   engine: opensemantic
  #   shortcut: oss
  #   base_url: 'http://localhost:8983/solr/opensemanticsearch/'

  - name: openstreetmap
    engine: openstreetmap
    shortcut: osm

  - name: openrepos
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://openrepos.net/search/node/{query}?page={pageno}
    url_xpath: //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a/@href
    title_xpath: //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a
    content_xpath: //li[@class="search-result"]//div[@class="search-snippet-info"]//p[@class="search-snippet"]
    categories: files
    timeout: 4.0
    disabled: true
    shortcut: or
      website: https://openrepos.net/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: packagist
    engine: json_engine
    paging: true
    search_url: https://packagist.org/search.json?q={query}&page={pageno}
    results_query: results
    url_query: url
    title_query: name
    content_query: description
    categories: [it, packages]
    disabled: true
    timeout: 5.0
    shortcut: pack
      website: https://packagist.org
      wikidata_id: Q108311377
      official_api_documentation: https://packagist.org/apidoc
      use_official_api: true
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: pdbe
    engine: pdbe
    shortcut: pdb
    # Hide obsolete PDB entries.  Default is not to hide obsolete structures
    #  hide_obsolete: false

  - name: photon
    engine: photon
    shortcut: ph

  - name: pinterest
    engine: pinterest
    shortcut: pin

  - name: piped
    engine: piped
    shortcut: ppd
    categories: videos
    piped_filter: videos
    timeout: 3.0

    # URL to use as link and for embeds
    frontend_url: https://srv.piped.video
    # Instance will be selected randomly, for more see https://piped-instances.kavin.rocks/
      - https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks
      - https://pipedapi-libre.kavin.rocks
      - https://pipedapi.adminforge.de

  - name: piped.music
    engine: piped
    network: piped
    shortcut: ppdm
    categories: music
    piped_filter: music_songs
    timeout: 3.0

  - name: piratebay
    engine: piratebay
    shortcut: tpb
    # You may need to change this URL to a proxy if piratebay is blocked in your
    # country
    url: https://thepiratebay.org/
    timeout: 3.0

  - name: pixiv
    shortcut: pv
    engine: pixiv
    disabled: true
    inactive: true
      - https://pximg.example.org
      # A proxy is required to load the images. Hosting an image proxy server
      # for Pixiv:
      #    --> https://pixivfe.pages.dev/hosting-image-proxy-server/
      # Proxies from public instances.  Ask the public instances owners if they
      # agree to receive traffic from SearXNG!
      #    --> https://codeberg.org/VnPower/PixivFE#instances
      #    --> https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/3192#issuecomment-1941095047
      # image proxy of https://pixiv.cat
      # - https://i.pixiv.cat
      # image proxy of https://www.pixiv.pics
      # - https://pximg.cocomi.eu.org
      # image proxy of https://pixivfe.exozy.me
      # - https://pximg.exozy.me
      # image proxy of https://pixivfe.ducks.party
      # - https://pixiv.ducks.party
      # image proxy of https://pixiv.perennialte.ch
      # - https://pximg.perennialte.ch

  - name: podcastindex
    engine: podcastindex
    shortcut: podcast

  # Required dependency: psychopg2
  #  - name: postgresql
  #    engine: postgresql
  #    database: postgres
  #    username: postgres
  #    password: postgres
  #    limit: 10
  #    query_str: 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
  #    shortcut : psql

  - name: presearch
    engine: presearch
    search_type: search
    categories: [general, web]
    shortcut: ps
    timeout: 4.0
    disabled: true

  - name: presearch images
    engine: presearch
    network: presearch
    search_type: images
    categories: [images, web]
    timeout: 4.0
    shortcut: psimg
    disabled: true

  - name: presearch videos
    engine: presearch
    network: presearch
    search_type: videos
    categories: [general, web]
    timeout: 4.0
    shortcut: psvid
    disabled: true

  - name: presearch news
    engine: presearch
    network: presearch
    search_type: news
    categories: [news, web]
    timeout: 4.0
    shortcut: psnews
    disabled: true

  - name: pub.dev
    engine: xpath
    shortcut: pd
    search_url: https://pub.dev/packages?q={query}&page={pageno}
    paging: true
    results_xpath: //div[contains(@class,"packages-item")]
    url_xpath: ./div/h3/a/@href
    title_xpath: ./div/h3/a
    content_xpath: ./div/div/div[contains(@class,"packages-description")]/span
    categories: [packages, it]
    timeout: 3.0
    disabled: true
    first_page_num: 1
      website: https://pub.dev/
      official_api_documentation: https://pub.dev/help/api
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: pubmed
    engine: pubmed
    shortcut: pub
    timeout: 3.0

  - name: pypi
    shortcut: pypi
    engine: pypi

  - name: qwant
    qwant_categ: web
    engine: qwant
    shortcut: qw
    categories: [general, web]
      rosebud: *test_rosebud

  - name: qwant news
    qwant_categ: news
    engine: qwant
    shortcut: qwn
    categories: news
    network: qwant

  - name: qwant images
    qwant_categ: images
    engine: qwant
    shortcut: qwi
    categories: [images, web]
    network: qwant

  - name: qwant videos
    qwant_categ: videos
    engine: qwant
    shortcut: qwv
    categories: [videos, web]
    network: qwant

  # - name: library
  #   engine: recoll
  #   shortcut: lib
  #   base_url: 'https://recoll.example.org/'
  #   search_dir: ''
  #   mount_prefix: /export
  #   dl_prefix: 'https://download.example.org'
  #   timeout: 30.0
  #   categories: files
  #   disabled: true

  # - name: recoll library reference
  #   engine: recoll
  #   base_url: 'https://recoll.example.org/'
  #   search_dir: reference
  #   mount_prefix: /export
  #   dl_prefix: 'https://download.example.org'
  #   shortcut: libr
  #   timeout: 30.0
  #   categories: files
  #   disabled: true

  - name: radio browser
    engine: radio_browser
    shortcut: rb

  - name: reddit
    engine: reddit
    shortcut: re
    page_size: 25
    disabled: true

  - name: rottentomatoes
    engine: rottentomatoes
    shortcut: rt
    disabled: true

  # Required dependency: redis
  # - name: myredis
  #   shortcut : rds
  #   engine: redis_server
  #   exact_match_only: false
  #   host: ''
  #   port: 6379
  #   enable_http: true
  #   password: ''
  #   db: 0

  # tmp suspended: bad certificate
  #  - name: scanr structures
  #    shortcut: scs
  #    engine: scanr_structures
  #    disabled: true

  - name: searchmysite
    engine: xpath
    shortcut: sms
    categories: general
    paging: true
    search_url: https://searchmysite.net/search/?q={query}&page={pageno}
    results_xpath: //div[contains(@class,'search-result')]
    url_xpath: .//a[contains(@class,'result-link')]/@href
    title_xpath: .//span[contains(@class,'result-title-txt')]/text()
    content_xpath: ./p[@id='result-hightlight']
    disabled: true
      website: https://searchmysite.net

  - name: sepiasearch
    engine: sepiasearch
    shortcut: sep

  - name: soundcloud
    engine: soundcloud
    shortcut: sc

  - name: stackoverflow
    engine: stackexchange
    shortcut: st
    api_site: 'stackoverflow'
    categories: [it, q&a]

  - name: askubuntu
    engine: stackexchange
    shortcut: ubuntu
    api_site: 'askubuntu'
    categories: [it, q&a]

  - name: internetarchivescholar
    engine: internet_archive_scholar
    shortcut: ias
    timeout: 15.0

  - name: superuser
    engine: stackexchange
    shortcut: su
    api_site: 'superuser'
    categories: [it, q&a]

  - name: discuss.python
    engine: discourse
    shortcut: dpy
    base_url: 'https://discuss.python.org'
    categories: [it, q&a]
    disabled: true

  - name: caddy.community
    engine: discourse
    shortcut: caddy
    base_url: 'https://caddy.community'
    categories: [it, q&a]
    disabled: true

  - name: pi-hole.community
    engine: discourse
    shortcut: pi
    categories: [it, q&a]
    base_url: 'https://discourse.pi-hole.net'
    disabled: true

  - name: searchcode code
    engine: searchcode_code
    shortcut: scc
    disabled: true

  # - name: searx
  #   engine: searx_engine
  #   shortcut: se
  #   instance_urls :
  #       -
  #       - ...
  #   disabled: true

  - name: semantic scholar
    engine: semantic_scholar
    disabled: true
    shortcut: se

  # Spotify needs API credentials
  # - name: spotify
  #   engine: spotify
  #   shortcut: stf
  #   api_client_id: *******
  #   api_client_secret: *******

  # - name: solr
  #   engine: solr
  #   shortcut: slr
  #   base_url: http://localhost:8983
  #   collection: collection_name
  #   sort: '' # sorting: asc or desc
  #   field_list: '' # comma separated list of field names to display on the UI
  #   default_fields: '' # default field to query
  #   query_fields: '' # query fields
  #   enable_http: true

  # - name: springer nature
  #   engine: springer
  #   # get your API key from: https://dev.springernature.com/signup
  #   # working API key, for test & debug: "a69685087d07eca9f13db62f65b8f601"
  #   api_key: 'unset'
  #   shortcut: springer
  #   timeout: 15.0

  - name: startpage
    engine: startpage
    shortcut: sp
    timeout: 6.0
    disabled: true
      rosebud: *test_rosebud

  - name: tokyotoshokan
    engine: tokyotoshokan
    shortcut: tt
    timeout: 6.0
    disabled: true

  - name: solidtorrents
    engine: solidtorrents
    shortcut: solid
    timeout: 4.0
      - https://solidtorrents.to
      - https://bitsearch.to

  # For this demo of the sqlite engine download:
  #   https://liste.mediathekview.de/filmliste-v2.db.bz2
  # and unpack into searx/data/filmliste-v2.db
  # Query to test: "!demo concert"
  # - name: demo
  #   engine: sqlite
  #   shortcut: demo
  #   categories: general
  #   result_template: default.html
  #   database: searx/data/filmliste-v2.db
  #   query_str:  >-
  #     SELECT title || ' (' || time(duration, 'unixepoch') || ')' AS title,
  #            COALESCE( NULLIF(url_video_hd,''), NULLIF(url_video_sd,''), url_video) AS url,
  #            description AS content
  #       FROM film
  #      WHERE title LIKE :wildcard OR description LIKE :wildcard
  #      ORDER BY duration DESC

  - name: tagesschau
    engine: tagesschau
    # when set to false, display URLs from Tagesschau, and not the actual source
    # (e.g. NDR, WDR, SWR, HR, ...)
    use_source_url: true
    shortcut: ts
    disabled: true

  - name: tmdb
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    categories: movies
    search_url: https://www.themoviedb.org/search?page={pageno}&query={query}
    results_xpath: //div[contains(@class,"movie") or contains(@class,"tv")]//div[contains(@class,"card")]
    url_xpath: .//div[contains(@class,"poster")]/a/@href
    thumbnail_xpath: .//img/@src
    title_xpath: .//div[contains(@class,"title")]//h2
    content_xpath: .//div[contains(@class,"overview")]
    shortcut: tm
    disabled: true

  # Requires Tor
  - name: torch
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    results_xpath: //table//tr
    url_xpath: ./td[2]/a
    title_xpath: ./td[2]/b
    content_xpath: ./td[2]/small
    categories: onions
    enable_http: true
    shortcut: tch

  # torznab engine lets you query any torznab compatible indexer.  Using this
  # engine in combination with Jackett opens the possibility to query a lot of
  # public and private indexers directly from SearXNG. More details at:
  # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/torznab.html
  # - name: Torznab EZTV
  #   engine: torznab
  #   shortcut: eztv
  #   base_url: http://localhost:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/eztv/results/torznab
  #   enable_http: true  # if using localhost
  #   api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  #   show_magnet_links: true
  #   show_torrent_files: false
  #   # https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/wiki/Jackett-Categories
  #   torznab_categories:  # optional
  #     - 2000
  #     - 5000

  # tmp suspended - too slow, too many errors
  #  - name: urbandictionary
  #    engine      : xpath
  #    search_url  : https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term={query}
  #    url_xpath   : //*[@class="word"]/@href
  #    title_xpath : //*[@class="def-header"]
  #    content_xpath: //*[@class="meaning"]
  #    shortcut: ud

  - name: unsplash
    engine: unsplash
    shortcut: us

  - name: yandex music
    engine: yandex_music
    shortcut: ydm
    disabled: true
    # https://yandex.com/support/music/access.html
    inactive: true

  - name: yahoo
    engine: yahoo
    shortcut: yh
    disabled: true

  - name: yahoo news
    engine: yahoo_news
    shortcut: yhn

  - name: youtube
    shortcut: yt
    # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API
    # key See: https://console.developers.google.com/project
    # engine: youtube_api
    # api_key: 'apikey' # required!
    # Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
    engine: youtube_noapi

  - name: dailymotion
    engine: dailymotion
    shortcut: dm

  - name: vimeo
    engine: vimeo
    shortcut: vm

  - name: wiby
    engine: json_engine
    paging: true
    search_url: https://wiby.me/json/?q={query}&p={pageno}
    url_query: URL
    title_query: Title
    content_query: Snippet
    categories: [general, web]
    shortcut: wib
    disabled: true
      website: https://wiby.me/

  - name: alexandria
    engine: json_engine
    shortcut: alx
    categories: general
    paging: true
    search_url: https://api.alexandria.org/?a=1&q={query}&p={pageno}
    results_query: results
    title_query: title
    url_query: url
    content_query: snippet
    timeout: 1.5
    disabled: true
      website: https://alexandria.org/
      official_api_documentation: https://github.com/alexandria-org/alexandria-api/raw/master/README.md
      use_official_api: true
      require_api_key: false
      results: JSON

  - name: wikibooks
    engine: mediawiki
    weight: 0.5
    shortcut: wb
    categories: [general, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wikibooks.org/"
    search_type: text
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.wikibooks.org/
      wikidata_id: Q367

  - name: wikinews
    engine: mediawiki
    shortcut: wn
    categories: [news, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wikinews.org/"
    search_type: text
    srsort: create_timestamp_desc
      website: https://www.wikinews.org/
      wikidata_id: Q964

  - name: wikiquote
    engine: mediawiki
    weight: 0.5
    shortcut: wq
    categories: [general, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wikiquote.org/"
    search_type: text
    disabled: true
      rosebud: *test_rosebud
      website: https://www.wikiquote.org/
      wikidata_id: Q369

  - name: wikisource
    engine: mediawiki
    weight: 0.5
    shortcut: ws
    categories: [general, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wikisource.org/"
    search_type: text
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.wikisource.org/
      wikidata_id: Q263

  - name: wikispecies
    engine: mediawiki
    shortcut: wsp
    categories: [general, science, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://species.wikimedia.org/"
    search_type: text
    disabled: true
      website: https://species.wikimedia.org/
      wikidata_id: Q13679
          query: "Campbell, L.I. et al. 2011: MicroRNAs"
          lang: en
          - not_empty
          - ['one_title_contains', 'Tardigrada']
          - unique_results

  - name: wiktionary
    engine: mediawiki
    shortcut: wt
    categories: [dictionaries, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wiktionary.org/"
    search_type: text
      website: https://www.wiktionary.org/
      wikidata_id: Q151

  - name: wikiversity
    engine: mediawiki
    weight: 0.5
    shortcut: wv
    categories: [general, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wikiversity.org/"
    search_type: text
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.wikiversity.org/
      wikidata_id: Q370

  - name: wikivoyage
    engine: mediawiki
    weight: 0.5
    shortcut: wy
    categories: [general, wikimedia]
    base_url: "https://{language}.wikivoyage.org/"
    search_type: text
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.wikivoyage.org/
      wikidata_id: Q373

  - name: wikicommons.images
    engine: wikicommons
    shortcut: wc
    categories: images
    search_type: images
    number_of_results: 10

  - name: wikicommons.videos
    engine: wikicommons
    shortcut: wcv
    categories: videos
    search_type: videos
    number_of_results: 10

  - name: wikicommons.audio
    engine: wikicommons
    shortcut: wca
    categories: music
    search_type: audio
    number_of_results: 10

  - name: wikicommons.files
    engine: wikicommons
    shortcut: wcf
    categories: files
    search_type: files
    number_of_results: 10

  - name: wolframalpha
    shortcut: wa
    # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API
    # key.  See: https://products.wolframalpha.com/api/
    # engine: wolframalpha_api
    # api_key: ''
    # Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
    engine: wolframalpha_noapi
    timeout: 6.0
    categories: general
    disabled: true

  - name: dictzone
    engine: dictzone
    shortcut: dc

  - name: mymemory translated
    engine: translated
    shortcut: tl
    timeout: 5.0
    # You can use without an API key, but you are limited to 1000 words/day
    # See: https://mymemory.translated.net/doc/usagelimits.php
    # api_key: ''

  # Required dependency: mysql-connector-python
  #  - name: mysql
  #    engine: mysql_server
  #    database: mydatabase
  #    username: user
  #    password: pass
  #    limit: 10
  #    query_str: 'SELECT * from mytable WHERE fieldname=%(query)s'
  #    shortcut: mysql

  - name: 1337x
    engine: 1337x
    shortcut: 1337x
    disabled: true

  - name: duden
    engine: duden
    shortcut: du
    disabled: true

  - name: seznam
    shortcut: szn
    engine: seznam
    disabled: true

  # - name: deepl
  #   engine: deepl
  #   shortcut: dpl
  #   # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key
  #   # See: https://www.deepl.com/pro-api?cta=header-pro-api
  #   api_key: ''  # required!
  #   timeout: 5.0
  #   disabled: true

  - name: mojeek
    shortcut: mjk
    engine: mojeek
    categories: [general, web]
    disabled: true

  - name: mojeek images
    shortcut: mjkimg
    engine: mojeek
    categories: [images, web]
    search_type: images
    paging: false
    disabled: true

  - name: mojeek news
    shortcut: mjknews
    engine: mojeek
    categories: [news, web]
    search_type: news
    paging: false
    disabled: true

  - name: moviepilot
    engine: moviepilot
    shortcut: mp
    disabled: true

  - name: naver
    shortcut: nvr
    categories: [general, web]
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=webkr&sm=osp_hty&ie=UTF-8&query={query}&start={pageno}
    url_xpath: //a[@class="link_tit"]/@href
    title_xpath: //a[@class="link_tit"]
    content_xpath: //div[@class="total_dsc_wrap"]/a
    first_page_num: 1
    page_size: 10
    disabled: true
      website: https://www.naver.com/
      wikidata_id: Q485639
      official_api_documentation: https://developers.naver.com/docs/nmt/examples/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML
      language: ko

  - name: rubygems
    shortcut: rbg
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://rubygems.org/search?page={pageno}&query={query}
    results_xpath: /html/body/main/div/a[@class="gems__gem"]
    url_xpath: ./@href
    title_xpath: ./span/h2
    content_xpath: ./span/p
    suggestion_xpath: /html/body/main/div/div[@class="search__suggestions"]/p/a
    first_page_num: 1
    categories: [it, packages]
    disabled: true
      website: https://rubygems.org/
      wikidata_id: Q1853420
      official_api_documentation: https://guides.rubygems.org/rubygems-org-api/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: peertube
    engine: peertube
    shortcut: ptb
    paging: true
    # alternatives see: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
    # base_url: https://tube.4aem.com
    categories: videos
    disabled: true
    timeout: 6.0

  - name: mediathekviewweb
    engine: mediathekviewweb
    shortcut: mvw
    disabled: true

  - name: yacy
    engine: yacy
    categories: general
    search_type: text
      - https://yacy.searchlab.eu
      - https://search.lomig.me
      - https://yacy.ecosys.eu
      - https://search.webproject.link
    shortcut: ya
    disabled: true
    # required if you aren't using HTTPS for your local yacy instance
    # https://docs.searxng.org/dev/engines/online/yacy.html
    # enable_http: true
    # timeout: 3.0
    # search_mode: 'global'

  - name: yacy images
    engine: yacy
    categories: images
    search_type: image
    shortcut: yai
    disabled: true

  - name: rumble
    engine: rumble
    shortcut: ru
    base_url: https://rumble.com/
    paging: true
    categories: videos
    disabled: true

  - name: livespace
    engine: livespace
    shortcut: ls
    categories: videos
    disabled: true
    timeout: 5.0

  - name: wordnik
    engine: wordnik
    shortcut: def
    base_url: https://www.wordnik.com/
    categories: [dictionaries]
    timeout: 5.0

  - name: woxikon.de synonyme
    engine: xpath
    shortcut: woxi
    categories: [dictionaries]
    timeout: 5.0
    disabled: true
    search_url: https://synonyme.woxikon.de/synonyme/{query}.php
    url_xpath: //div[@class="upper-synonyms"]/a/@href
    content_xpath: //div[@class="synonyms-list-group"]
    title_xpath: //div[@class="upper-synonyms"]/a
    no_result_for_http_status: [404]
      website: https://www.woxikon.de/
      wikidata_id:  # No Wikidata ID
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML
      language: de

  - name: seekr news
    engine: seekr
    shortcut: senews
    categories: news
    seekr_category: news
    disabled: true

  - name: seekr images
    engine: seekr
    network: seekr news
    shortcut: seimg
    categories: images
    seekr_category: images
    disabled: true

  - name: seekr videos
    engine: seekr
    network: seekr news
    shortcut: sevid
    categories: videos
    seekr_category: videos
    disabled: true

  - name: sjp.pwn
    engine: sjp
    shortcut: sjp
    base_url: https://sjp.pwn.pl/
    timeout: 5.0
    disabled: true

  - name: stract
    engine: stract
    shortcut: str
    disabled: true

  - name: svgrepo
    engine: svgrepo
    shortcut: svg
    timeout: 10.0
    disabled: true

  - name: tootfinder
    engine: tootfinder
    shortcut: toot

  - name: voidlinux
    engine: voidlinux
    shortcut: void
    disabled: true

  - name: wallhaven
    engine: wallhaven
    # api_key: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
    shortcut: wh

    # wikimini: online encyclopedia for children
    # The fulltext and title parameter is necessary for Wikimini because
    # sometimes it will not show the results and redirect instead
  - name: wikimini
    engine: xpath
    shortcut: wkmn
    search_url: https://fr.wikimini.org/w/index.php?search={query}&title=Sp%C3%A9cial%3ASearch&fulltext=Search
    url_xpath: //li/div[@class="mw-search-result-heading"]/a/@href
    title_xpath: //li//div[@class="mw-search-result-heading"]/a
    content_xpath: //li/div[@class="searchresult"]
    categories: general
    disabled: true
      website: https://wikimini.org/
      wikidata_id: Q3568032
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML
      language: fr

  - name: wttr.in
    engine: wttr
    shortcut: wttr
    timeout: 9.0

  - name: yummly
    engine: yummly
    shortcut: yum
    disabled: true

  - name: brave
    engine: brave
    shortcut: br
    time_range_support: true
    paging: true
    categories: [general, web]
    brave_category: search
    # brave_spellcheck: true

  - name: brave.images
    engine: brave
    network: brave
    shortcut: brimg
    categories: [images, web]
    brave_category: images

  - name: brave.videos
    engine: brave
    network: brave
    shortcut: brvid
    categories: [videos, web]
    brave_category: videos

  - name: brave.news
    engine: brave
    network: brave
    shortcut: brnews
    categories: news
    brave_category: news

  # - name: brave.goggles
  #   engine: brave
  #   network: brave
  #   shortcut: brgog
  #   time_range_support: true
  #   paging: true
  #   categories: [general, web]
  #   brave_category: goggles
  #   Goggles: # required! This should be a URL ending in .goggle

  - name: lib.rs
    shortcut: lrs
    engine: lib_rs
    disabled: true

  - name: sourcehut
    shortcut: srht
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://sr.ht/projects?page={pageno}&search={query}
    results_xpath: (//div[@class="event-list"])[1]/div[@class="event"]
    url_xpath: ./h4/a[2]/@href
    title_xpath: ./h4/a[2]
    content_xpath: ./p
    first_page_num: 1
    categories: [it, repos]
    disabled: true
      website: https://sr.ht
      wikidata_id: Q78514485
      official_api_documentation: https://man.sr.ht/
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML

  - name: goo
    shortcut: goo
    engine: xpath
    paging: true
    search_url: https://search.goo.ne.jp/web.jsp?MT={query}&FR={pageno}0
    url_xpath: //div[@class="result"]/p[@class='title fsL1']/a/@href
    title_xpath: //div[@class="result"]/p[@class='title fsL1']/a
    content_xpath: //p[contains(@class,'url fsM')]/following-sibling::p
    first_page_num: 0
    categories: [general, web]
    disabled: true
    timeout: 4.0
      website: https://search.goo.ne.jp
      wikidata_id: Q249044
      use_official_api: false
      require_api_key: false
      results: HTML
      language: ja

  - name: bt4g
    engine: bt4g
    shortcut: bt4g

  - name: pkg.go.dev
    engine: pkg_go_dev
    shortcut: pgo
    disabled: true

# Doku engine lets you access to any Doku wiki instance:
# A public one or a privete/corporate one.
#  - name: ubuntuwiki
#    engine: doku
#    shortcut: uw
#    base_url: 'https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org'

# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
#  - name: git grep
#    engine: command
#    command: ['git', 'grep', '{{QUERY}}']
#    shortcut: gg
#    tokens: []
#    disabled: true
#    delimiter:
#        chars: ':'
#        keys: ['filepath', 'code']

# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
#  - name: locate
#    engine: command
#    command: ['locate', '{{QUERY}}']
#    shortcut: loc
#    tokens: []
#    disabled: true
#    delimiter:
#        chars: ' '
#        keys: ['line']

# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
#  - name: find
#    engine: command
#    command: ['find', '.', '-name', '{{QUERY}}']
#    query_type: path
#    shortcut: fnd
#    tokens: []
#    disabled: true
#    delimiter:
#        chars: ' '
#        keys: ['line']

# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
#  - name: pattern search in files
#    engine: command
#    command: ['fgrep', '{{QUERY}}']
#    shortcut: fgr
#    tokens: []
#    disabled: true
#    delimiter:
#        chars: ' '
#        keys: ['line']

# Be careful when enabling this engine if you are
# running a public instance. Do not expose any sensitive
# information. You can restrict access by configuring a list
# of access tokens under tokens.
#  - name: regex search in files
#    engine: command
#    command: ['grep', '{{QUERY}}']
#    shortcut: gr
#    tokens: []
#    disabled: true
#    delimiter:
#        chars: ' '
#        keys: ['line']

  oadoi.org: 'https://oadoi.org/'
  doi.org: 'https://doi.org/'
  doai.io: 'https://dissem.in/'
  sci-hub.se: 'https://sci-hub.se/'
  sci-hub.st: 'https://sci-hub.st/'
  sci-hub.ru: 'https://sci-hub.ru/'

default_doi_resolver: 'oadoi.org'

## Docker-Compose
version: '3.7'

    container_name: redis
    image: "redis:alpine"
    command: redis-server --save "" --appendonly "no"
      - /var/lib/redis
      - ALL
      - SETGID
      - SETUID
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: searxng
    image: searxng/searxng:latest
     - "8042:8080"
      - ./data:/etc/searxng:rw
      - SEARXNG_BASE_URL=https://search.hydrar.de/
      - ALL
      - CHOWN
      - SETGID
      - SETUID
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "1"
    restart: unless-stopped