arch-wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ZFS
website: https://openzfs.org/wiki/Main_Page
repo: https://github.com/openzfs/zfs
obj: filesystem

[ZFS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS "wikipedia:ZFS") is an advanced filesystem.

## ZPool
**Create a pool***
zpool create -f -m <mount> <pool> [raidz(2|3)|mirror] <ids>

**Pool Status**
zpool list
zpool status -v

**Import Pool**
zpool import -l -d /dev/disk/by-id <pool> # Import pool
zpool import -a # Import all available pools
zpool import -a -f # Import all available pools with force option

**Export Pool**
zpool export <pool>

**Extend Pool**
zpool add <pool> <device-id>

**Destroy pool / dataset**
zpool destroy <pool>
zfs destroy <pool>/<dataset>

**Rename a pool**
zpool export oldname
zpool import oldname newname

**Upgrade pool**
zpool upgrade <pool>

### Automount
Specify this for `zfs-import-cache.service` to pick up the pool
zpool set cachefile=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache <pool>

## Datasets
### Dataset Managment
**Create Dataset**
zfs create <nameofzpool>/<nameofdataset>

**Create encrypted dataset:**
openssl rand 32 > /path/to/key # Generate key

zfs create -o encryption=on -o keyformat=raw -o keylocation=file://$KEYLOCATION "$DATASET"

**Change encryption keys:**
zfs change-key -l [-o keylocation=value] [-o keyformat=value] [-o pbkdf2iters=value] filesystem

**Load all encryption keys**
zfs load-key -a

**Load all keys at boot with systemd**
``` ini
Description=Load encryption keys

ExecStart=/usr/bin/zfs load-key -a


**Destroy dataset:**
# Destroy dataset
zfs destroy <pool>/<dataset>

# Destroy Dataset recursively with all subdatasets
zfs destroy -r <pool>/<dataset>

**Mount dataset:**
zfs mount <pool>/<dataset>
zfs unmount <pool>/<dataset>

### Snapshots
**Create snapshot:**
zfs snapshot <pool>/<dataset>@<snapshot>

**Rollback snapshot:**
# Rollback to snapshot and destroy any newer snapshots
zfs rollback -r <pool>/<dataset>@<snapshot>

**Show differences between snapshots:**
zfs diff -F tank/test@before tank/test

The `-F` flag shows more information about the type of files that have changed:

| Symbol | Meaning          |
| ------ | ---------------- |
| `B`    | Block device     |
| `C`    | Character device |
| `/`    | Directory        |
| `>`    | Door             |
| `|`    | Named pipe       |
| `@`    | Symbolic link    |
| `P`    | Event port       |
| `=`    | Socket           |
| `F`    | Regular file     |

**Send and receive:**
zfs send -v -w <pool>/<dataset>@<snapshot> | zfs recv <pool>/<newdataset>

### Properties
**Get properties:**
zfs get <property> <pool>/<dataset>

**Set properties**
zfs set <property>=<value> <pool>/<dataset>

### Available Properties
| PROPERTY               | EDIT | INHERIT | VALUES                                                                                                                                                         |
| ---------------------- | ---- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `available`            | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `clones`               | NO   | NO      | `<dataset>[,...]`                                                                                                                                              |
| `compressratio`        | NO   | NO      | `<1.00x or higher if compressed>`                                                                                                                              |
| `createtxg`            | NO   | NO      | `<uint64>`                                                                                                                                                     |
| `creation`             | NO   | NO      | `<date>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `encryptionroot`       | NO   | NO      | `<filesystem \| volume>`                                                                                                                                       |
| `filesystem_count`     | NO   | NO      | `<count>`                                                                                                                                                      |
| `guid`                 | NO   | NO      | `<uint64>`                                                                                                                                                     |
| `keystatus`            | NO   | NO      | `none` / `unavailable` / `available`                                                                                                                           |
| `logicalreferenced`    | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `logicalused`          | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `mounted`              | NO   | NO      | `yes` / `no`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `origin`               | NO   | NO      | `<snapshot>`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `redact_snaps`         | NO   | NO      | `<snapshot>[,...]`                                                                                                                                             |
| `referenced`           | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `snapshot_count`       | NO   | NO      | `<count>`                                                                                                                                                      |
| `type`                 | NO   | NO      | `filesystem` / `volume` / `snapshot` / `bookmark`                                                                                                              |
| `used`                 | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `usedbychildren`       | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `usedbydataset`        | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `usedbyrefreservation` | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `usedbysnapshots`      | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `written`              | NO   | NO      | `<size>`                                                                                                                                                       |
| `atime`                | YES  | YES     | `on` / `off`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `casesensitivity`      | NO   | YES     | `sensitive` / `insensitive` / `mixed`                                                                                                                          |
| `checksum`             | YES  | YES     | `on` / `off` / `fletcher2` / `fletcher4` / `sha256` / `sha512` / `skein` / `edonr` / `blake3`                                                                  |
| `compression`          | YES  | YES     | `on` / `off` / `lzjb` / `gzip` / `gzip-[1-9]` / `zle` / `lz4` / `zstd` / `zstd-[1-19]` / `zstd-fast` / `zstd-fast-[1-10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,500,1000]` |
| `copies`               | YES  | YES     | `1` / `2` / `3`                                                                                                                                                |
| `dedup`                | YES  | YES     | `on` / `off` / `verify` / `sha256[,verify]` / `sha512[,verify]` / `skein[,verify]` / `edonr,verify` / `blake3[,verify]`                                        |
| `encryption`           | NO   | YES     | `on` / `off` / `aes-128-ccm` / `aes-192-ccm` / `aes-256-ccm` / `aes-128-gcm` / `aes-192-gcm` / `aes-256-gcm`                                                   |
| `keyformat`            | NO   | NO      | `none` / `raw` / `hex` / `passphrase`                                                                                                                          |
| `keylocation`          | YES  | NO      | `prompt` / `<file URI>` / `<https URL>` / `<http URL>`                                                                                                         |
| `mountpoint`           | YES  | YES     | `<path>` / `legacy` / `none`                                                                                                                                   |
| `pbkdf2iters`          | NO   | NO      | `<iters>`                                                                                                                                                      |
| `quota`                | YES  | NO      | `<size>` / `none`                                                                                                                                              |
| `readonly`             | YES  | YES     | `on` / `off`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `relatime`             | YES  | YES     | `on` / `off`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `reservation`          | YES  | NO      | `<size>` / `none`                                                                                                                                              |
| `snapdir`              | YES  | YES     | `hidden` / `visible`                                                                                                                                           |

### Scrub
Like [Btrfs](Btrfs.md) ZFS can heal itself with scrubbing

**Start a scrub:**
zpool scrub <pool>

**Cancel a scrub:**
zpool scrub -s <pool>

**Autoscrubbing with systemd:**

Description=Monthly zpool scrub on %i



Description=zpool scrub on %i

ExecStart=/usr/bin/zpool scrub %i
