# ansible.builtin.pause
Pauses playbook execution for a set amount of time, or until a prompt is acknowledged. All parameters are optional. The default behavior is to pause with a prompt.

## Parameter
| Parameter   | Type    | Default | Description                                                  |
| ----------- | ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **echo**    | boolean | true    | Controls whether or not keyboard input is shown when typing. |
| **minutes** | integer | -       | A positive number of minutes to pause for.                   |
| **prompt**  | string  | -       | Optional text to use for the prompt message.                 |
| **seconds** | integer | -       | A positive number of seconds to pause for.                   |

## Return Values
| Value          | Type   | When                   | Description                         |
| -------------- | ------ | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| **delta**      | string | always                 | Time paused in seconds              |
| **start**      | string | always                 | Time when started pausing           |
| **stop**       | string | always                 | Time when ended pausing             |
| **user_input** | string | if no waiting time set | User input from interactive console |

## Examples
- name: Pause for 5 minutes to build app cache
    minutes: 5

- name: Pause until you can verify updates to an application were successful

- name: A helpful reminder of what to look out for post-update
    prompt: "Make sure org.foo.FooOverload exception is not present"

- name: Pause to get some sensitive input
    prompt: "Enter a secret"
    echo: no