# ansible.builtin.file
This lookup returns the contents from a file on the Ansible controller’s file system.

## Parameters
| Parameter  | Type              | Description                                                                  |
| ---------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **Input**  | string / required | path(s) of files to read                                                     |
| **lstrip** | boolean           | whether or not to remove whitespace from the beginning of the looked-up file |
| **rstrip** | boolean           | whether or not to remove whitespace from the ending of the looked-up file    |

## Examples
- ansible.builtin.debug:
    msg: "the value of foo.txt is {{ lookup('ansible.builtin.file', '/etc/foo.txt') }}"

- name: display multiple file contents
  ansible.builtin.debug: var=item
    - "/path/to/foo.txt"
    - "bar.txt"  # will be looked in files/ dir relative to play or in role
    - "/path/to/biz.txt"