The [XDG Desktop Entry specification]( defines a standard for applications to integrate into application menus of desktop environments implementing the [XDG Desktop Menu]( specification.
Defines how to launch an application and what MIME types it supports (used by XDG MIME Applications. With XDG Autostart Application entries can be started automatically by placing them in specific directories. Application entries use the `.desktop` file extension.
Desktop entries for applications, or `.desktop` files, are generally a combination of meta information resources and a shortcut of an application. These files usually reside in `/usr/share/applications/` or `/usr/local/share/applications/` for applications installed system-wide, or `~/.local/share/applications/` for user-specific applications. User entries take precedence over system entries.
Following is an example of its structure with additional comments. The example is only meant to give a quick impression, and does not show how to utilize all possible entry keys. The complete list of keys can be found in the [freedesktop specification](