1999-02-22 21:51:18 +00:00

337 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable file

# you can enable unix sockets, tcp sockets, or both (or neither...)
# enabling tcp sockets can be a security risk. If you don't understand why,
# you shouldn't enable it!
$use_unix = 1;
$use_tcp = 1; # tcp is enabled only when authorization is available
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
use vars qw($use_unix $use_tcp $trace_res $server_quit $max_pkt $unix $tcp $ps_flags
%object_dynamic $object_uid %objects $auth @authorized $exclusive
$rm $saved_rm);
# the '' might be required (i.e. no ())
use Gimp '';
use Gimp::Net qw(:server);
Gimp::ignore_functions(qw(gimp_progress_init gimp_progress_update));
# the protocol is quite easy ;)
# at connect() time the server returns
# PERL-SERVER protocolversion [AUTH]
# length_of_packet cmd
# cmd response description
# AUTH password ok [message] authorize yourself
# QUIT quit server
# EXEC in-args status out-args run simple command
# TRCE trace in-args trace status out-args run simple command (with tracing)
# TEST procname bool check for procedure existance
# DTRY in-args destroy all argument objects
# LOCK lock? shared? lock or unlock
# RSET reset server (NYI)
# args is "number of arguments" arguments preceded by length
# type is first character
# Sscalar-value
# Aelem1\0elem2...
# Rclass\0scalar-value
$server_quit = 0;
my $max_pkt = 1024*1024*8;
my $exclusive = 0;
sub slog {
return if $ps_flags & &Gimp::_PS_FLAG_QUIET;
print time(),": ",@_,"\n";
# which objects are dynamic and mustn't be destroyed at will
%object_dynamic = (
'Gimp::Tile' => 1,
'Gimp::PixelRgn' => 1,
'Gimp::GDrawable' => 1,
# convert objects to, well... networkable objects
sub deobjectify {
for(@args) {
if($object_dynamic{ref $_}) {
$_=bless \(my $x=$object_uid),ref $_;
# make real objects again
sub objectify {
for(@args) {
if($object_dynamic{ref $_}) {
sub destroy_objects {
delete @objects{map $$_,@_};
# this is hardcoded into handle_request!
sub reply {
my $fh=shift;
my $data=Gimp::Net::args2net(@_);
print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
sub handle_request($) {
$fh->timeout(6) unless $ps_flags & &Gimp::_PS_FLAG_BATCH;
$fh->read($length,4) == 4 or return 0;
$length>0 && $length<$max_pkt or return 0;
$fh->read($req,4) == 4 or return 0;
$fh->read($data,$length-4) == $length-4 or return 0;
if(!$auth or $authorized[fileno($fh)]) {
if($req eq "EXEC") {
no strict 'refs';
@args=deobjectify(eval { Gimp->$req(objectify(@args)) });
print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
} elsif ($req eq "TEST") {
no strict 'refs';
print $fh (defined(*{"Gimp::Lib::$data"}{CODE}) || Gimp::_gimp_procedure_available($data)) ? "1" : "0";
} elsif ($req eq "DTRY") {
destroy_objects Gimp::Net::net2args($data);
} elsif($req eq "TRCE") {
no strict 'refs';
@args=deobjectify(eval { Gimp->$req(objectify(@args)) });
print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
} elsif ($req eq "QUIT") {
slog "received QUIT request";
$server_quit = 1;
} elsif($req eq "AUTH") {
$data=Gimp::Net::args2net(1,"authorization unnecessary");
print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
} elsif($req eq "LOCK") {
slog "WARNING: shared locking requested but not implemented" if $shared;
if($lock) {
unless($exclusive) {
undef $rm; vec($rm,fileno($fh),1)=1;
} else {
if ($exclusive) {
$rm = $saved_rm unless $exclusive;
} else {
slog "WARNING: client tried to unlock without holding a lock";
} else {
print $fh pack("N",0);
slog "illegal command received, aborting connection";
return 0;
} else {
if($req eq "AUTH") {
if($req eq $auth) {
} else {
$msg="wrong authorization, aborting connection";
slog $msg;
sleep 10; # safety measure
print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
return $ok;
} else {
print $fh pack("N",0);
slog "unauthorized command received, aborting connection";
return 0;
return 1;
sub extension_perl_server {
my $run_mode=$_[0];
my $extra=$_[2];
if ($run_mode == &Gimp::RUN_NONINTERACTIVE) {
if ($ps_flags & &Gimp::_PS_FLAG_BATCH) {
my($fh)=new_from_fd IO::Handle $extra,"r+";
$fh or die "unable to open Gimp::Net communications socket\n";
$fh->autoflush(1); # compatibility for old perls
reply $fh,"PERL-SERVER",$Gimp::_PROT_VERSION;
while(!$server_quit and !eof($fh)) {
last unless handle_request($fh);
# Gimp::gimp_quit(0); # borken in libgimp #d#FIXME#
kill 'KILL',getppid(); # borken do not do this.. #d#FIXME#
# close $fh;
} else {
my $host = $ENV{'GIMP_HOST'};
$auth = $host=~s/^(.*)\@// ? $1 : undef; # get authorization
slog "server version $Gimp::VERSION started".($auth ? ", authorization required" : "");
$SIG{PIPE}='IGNORE'; # may not work, since libgimp (eech) overwrites it.
if ($host ne "") {
if ($host=~s{^spawn/}{}) {
die "invalid GIMP_HOST: 'spawn' is not a valid connection method for the server";
} elsif ($host=~s{^unix/}{/}) {
$unix = new IO::Socket::UNIX (Local => $host, Listen => 5) or die "$!";
slog "accepting connections in $host";
} else {
my($host,$port)=split /:/,$host;
$port=$Gimp::Net::default_tcp_port unless $port;
$tcp = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalPort => $port, Listen => 5, Reuse => 1) or die "$!";
slog "accepting connections on port $port";
} else {
if ($use_unix) {
unlink $unix_path;
rmdir $Gimp::Net::default_unix_dir;
mkdir $Gimp::Net::default_unix_dir,0700 or die "$!";
$unix = new IO::Socket::UNIX (Local => $unix_path, Listen => 5) or die "$!";
slog "accepting connections on $unix_path";
if ($use_tcp && $auth) {
$tcp = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalPort => $Gimp::Net::default_tcp_port, Listen => 5,
Reuse => 1) or die "$!";
slog "accepting connections on port $Gimp::Net::default_tcp_port";
!$tcp || $auth or die "authorization required for tcp connections";
sub new_connection {
my $fh = shift;
$fh->autoflush (1); # for compatibility with old perls..
my @r = ("PERL-SERVER",$Gimp::_PROT_VERSION);
push(@r,"AUTH") if $auth;
reply $fh,@r;
while(!$server_quit) {
if(select($r=$rm,undef,undef,undef)>0) {
if ($tcp && vec($r,$tcp->fileno,1)) {
my $h=$tcp->accept;
slog("accepted tcp connection from ",$h->peerhost);
if ($unix && vec($r,$unix->fileno,1)) {
slog("accepted unix connection");
for $f (keys(%handles)) {
if(vec($r,$f,1)) {
unless(handle_request($fh)) {
slog "closing connection ",$f;
if ($exclusive) {
$rm = $saved_rm;
$exclusive = 0;
slog "WARNING: client disconnected while holding an active lock\n";
delete $handles{$f};
undef $fh;
last; # this is because the client might have called lock()
slog "server going down...";
if ($use_tcp) {
undef $tcp;
if ($use_unix) {
undef $unix;
unlink $unix_path;
rmdir $Gimp::Net::default_unix_dir;
sub query {
Gimp->install_procedure("extension_perl_server", "Start the Gimp-Perl Server",
"This is the server for plug-ins written using the Gimp::Net module",
"Marc Lehmann <pcg\>", "Marc Lehmann", "1998-07-22",
"<Toolbox>/Xtns/Perl Server", "*",&Gimp::PROC_EXTENSION,
[&Gimp::PARAM_INT32, "run_mode", "Interactive, [non-interactive]"],
[&Gimp::PARAM_INT32, "flags", "internal flags (must be 0)"],
[&Gimp::PARAM_INT32, "extra", "multi-purpose ;)"],
sub quit {
exit &Gimp::main;