Sven Neumann 9eacb05fda added missing parameter to gimp-gradients-get-gradient-data call.
2003-12-09  Sven Neumann  <>

	* plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/spyrogimp.scm: added missing parameter
	to gimp-gradients-get-gradient-data call.
2003-12-09 11:12:46 +00:00

373 lines
13 KiB

;; spyrogimp.scm -*-scheme-*-
;; Draws Spirographs, Epitrochoids and Lissajous Curves.
;; More info at*spyrogimp
;; Version 1.2
;; Copyright (C) 2003 by Elad Shahar <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
; Internal function to draw the spyro.
(define (script-fu-spyrogimp-internal img drw
x1 y1 x2 y2 ; Bounding box.
type ; = 0 (Spirograph), 1 (Epitrochoid), 2(Lissajous) .
shape ; = 0 (Circle), 1 (Frame), >2 (Polygons) .
oteeth iteeth ; Outer and inner teeth.
margin hole-ratio
start-angle ; 0 <= start-angle < 360 .
tool ; = 0 (Pencil), 1 (Brush), 2 (Airbrush) .
color-method ; = 0 (Single color), 1 (Grad. Loop Sawtooth), 2 (Grad. Loop triangle) .
color ; Used when color-method = Single color .
grad ; Gradient used in Gradient color methods.
; Find minimum number n such that it is divisible by both a and b.
; (least common multiplier)
(define (calc-min-mult a b)
(let* ((c 1) (fac 2) (diva 0) (divb 0))
(while ( <= fac (max a b) )
(set! diva ( = 0 (fmod (/ a fac) 1) ) )
(set! divb ( = 0 (fmod (/ b fac) 1) ) )
(if diva (set! a (/ a fac)))
(if divb (set! b (/ b fac)))
(if (or diva divb)
(set! c (* c fac))
(set! fac (+ 1 fac)) )
; This function returns a list of samples according to the gradient.
(define (get-gradient steps color-method grad)
(if (= color-method 1)
; option 1
; Just return the gradient
(cdr (gimp-gradients-get-gradient-data grad (min steps 50) FALSE))
; option 2
; The returned list is such that the gradient appears two times, once
; in the normal order and once in reverse. This way there are no color
; jumps if we go beyond the edge
(let* (
; Sample the gradient into array "gr".
(gr (cdr (gimp-gradients-get-gradient-data grad (/ (min steps 50) 2) FALSE)))
(grn (car gr)) ; length of sample array.
(gra (cadr gr)) ; array of color samples (R1,G1,B1,A1, R2,....)
; Allocate array gra-new of size (2 * grn) - 8,
; but since each 4 items is actually one (RGBA) tuple,
; it contains 2x - 2 entries.
(grn-new (+ grn grn -8))
(gra-new (cons-array grn-new 'double))
(gr-index 0)
(gr-index2 0)
; Copy original array gra to gra_new.
(while (< gr-index grn)
(aset gra-new gr-index (aref gra gr-index))
(set! gr-index (+ 1 gr-index))
; Copy second time, but in reverse
(set! gr-index2 (- gr-index 8))
(while (< gr-index grn-new)
(aset gra-new gr-index (aref gra gr-index2))
(set! gr-index (+ 1 gr-index))
(set! gr-index2 (+ 1 gr-index2))
(if (= (fmod gr-index 4) 0)
(set! gr-index2 (- gr-index2 8))
; Return list.
(list grn-new gra-new)
(let* ((steps (+ 1 (calc-min-mult oteeth iteeth)))
(*points* (cons-array (* steps 2) 'double))
(ot 0) ; current outer tooth
(cx 0) ; Current x,y
(cy 0)
; Save old foreground color, brush, opacity and paint mode
(old-fg-color (car (gimp-palette-get-foreground)))
(old-brush (car (gimp-brushes-get-brush)))
(old-opacity (car (gimp-brushes-get-opacity)))
(old-paint-mode (car (gimp-brushes-get-paint-mode)))
; If its a polygon or frame, how many sides does it have.
(poly (if (= shape 1) 4 ; A frame has four sides.
(if (> shape 1) (+ shape 1) 0)))
(2pi (* 2 *pi*))
(drw-width (- x2 x1))
(drw-height (- y2 y1))
(half-width (/ drw-width 2))
(half-height (/ drw-height 2))
(midx (+ x1 half-width))
(midy (+ y1 half-height))
(hole (* hole-ratio
(- (/ (min drw-width drw-height) 2) margin)
(irad (+ hole margin))
(radx (- half-width irad)) ;
(rady (- half-height irad)) ;
(gradt (get-gradient steps color-method grad))
(grada (cadr gradt)) ; Gradient array.
(gradn (car gradt)) ; Number of entries of gradients.
; Indexes
(grad-index 0) ; for array: grada
(point-index 0) ; for array: *points*
(index 0)
; Do one step of the loop.
(define (calc-and-step!)
(let* (
(oangle (* 2pi (/ ot oteeth)) )
(shifted-oangle (+ oangle (* 2pi (/ start-angle 360))) )
(xfactor (cos shifted-oangle))
(yfactor (sin shifted-oangle))
(lenfactor 1)
(ofactor (/ (+ oteeth iteeth) iteeth))
; The direction of the factor changes according
; to whether the type is a sypro or an epitcorhoid.
(mfactor (if (= type 0) (- ofactor) ofactor))
; If we are drawing a polygon then compute a contortion
; factor "lenfactor" which deforms the standard circle.
(if (> poly 2)
(let* (
(pi4 (/ *pi* poly))
(pi2 (* pi4 2))
(oanglemodpi2 (fmod (+ oangle
(if (= 1 (fmod poly 2))
0 ;(/ pi4 2)
(set! lenfactor (/ ( if (= shape 1) 1 (cos pi4) )
(if (< oanglemodpi2 pi4)
(- pi2 oanglemodpi2)
(if (= type 2)
(begin ; Lissajous
(set! cx (+ midx
(* half-width (cos shifted-oangle)) ))
(set! cy (+ midy
(* half-height (cos (* mfactor oangle))) ))
(begin ; Spyrograph or Epitrochoid
(set! cx (+ midx
(* radx xfactor lenfactor)
(* hole (cos (* mfactor oangle) ) ) ))
(set! cy (+ midy
(* rady yfactor lenfactor)
(* hole (sin (* mfactor oangle) ) ) ))
;; Advance teeth
(set! ot (+ ot 1))
;; Draw all the points in *points* with appropriate tool.
(define (flush-points len)
(if (= tool 0)
(gimp-pencil drw len *points*) ; Use pencil
(if (= tool 1)
(gimp-paintbrush-default drw len *points*); use paintbrush
(gimp-airbrush-default drw len *points*) ; use airbrush
; Reset points array, but copy last point to first
; position so it will connect the next time.
(aset *points* 0 (aref *points* (- point-index 2)))
(aset *points* 1 (aref *points* (- point-index 1)))
(set! point-index 2)
;; Execution starts here.
(gimp-image-undo-group-start img)
; Set new color, brush, opacity, paint mode.
(gimp-palette-set-foreground color)
(gimp-brushes-set-brush (car brush))
(gimp-brushes-set-opacity (* 100 (car (cdr brush))))
(gimp-brushes-set-paint-mode (car (cdr (cdr (cdr brush)))))
(while (< index steps)
(aset *points* point-index cx)
(aset *points* (+ point-index 1) cy)
(set! point-index (+ point-index 2))
; Change color and draw points if using gradient.
(if (< 0 color-method) ; use gradient.
(if (< (/ (+ grad-index 4) gradn) (/ index steps))
(* 255 (aref grada grad-index))
(* 255 (aref grada (+ 1 grad-index)) )
(* 255 (aref grada (+ 2 grad-index)) )
(gimp-brushes-set-opacity (* 100 (aref grada (+ 3 grad-index) ) ) )
(set! grad-index (+ 4 grad-index))
; Draw points
(flush-points point-index)
(set! index (+ index 1))
; Draw remaining points.
(flush-points point-index)
; Restore foreground color, brush and opacity
(gimp-palette-set-foreground old-fg-color)
(gimp-brushes-set-brush old-brush)
(gimp-brushes-set-opacity old-opacity)
(gimp-brushes-set-paint-mode old-paint-mode)
(gimp-image-undo-group-end img)
; This routine is invoked by a dialog.
; It is the main routine in this file.
(define (script-fu-spyrogimp img drw
type shape
oteeth iteeth
margin hole-ratio start-angle
tool brush
color-method color grad)
; Get current selection to determine where to draw.
(bounds (cdr (gimp-selection-bounds img)))
(x1 (car bounds))
(y1 (cadr bounds))
(x2 (caddr bounds))
(y2 (car (cdddr bounds)))
(script-fu-spyrogimp-internal img drw
x1 y1 x2 y2
type shape
oteeth iteeth
margin hole-ratio start-angle
tool brush
color-method color grad)
(script-fu-register "script-fu-spyrogimp"
_"Draws Spirographs, Epitrochoids and Lissajous Curves. More info at*spyrogimp"
"Elad Shahar <>"
"Elad Shahar"
"June 2003"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0
SF-OPTION _"Type" '(_"Spyrograph"
SF-OPTION _"Shape" '(_"Circle"
_"Polygon: 7 sides"
_"Polygon: 8 sides"
_"Polygon: 9 sides"
_"Polygon: 10 sides")
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Outer Teeth" '(90 1 120 1 10 0 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Inner Teeth" '(70 1 120 1 10 0 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Margin (pixels)" '(0 -10000 10000 1 10 0 1)
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Hole Ratio" '(0.4 0.0 1.0 0.01 0.1 2 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Start Angle" '(0 0 359 1 10 0 0)
SF-OPTION _"Tool" '(_"Pencil"
SF-BRUSH _"Brush" '("Circle (01)" 1.0 -1 0)
SF-OPTION _"Color Method" '(_"Solid Color"
_"Gradient: Loop Sawtooth"
_"Gradient: Loop Triangle")
SF-COLOR _"Color" '(0 0 0)
SF-GRADIENT _"Gradient" "Deep Sea"
;; End of syprogimp.scm