.\" Hey Emacs! This file is -*- nroff -*- source. .\" .\" This manpage is Copyright (C) 1999 Austin Donnelly .\" .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are .\" preserved on all copies. .\" .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a .\" permission notice identical to this one .\" .\" Since the gimp is constantly changing, this manual page may be .\" incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume no responsibility .\" for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of .\" the information contained herein. The author(s) may not .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual, .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working .\" professionally. .\" .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work. .\" .\" Sun Feb 7 22:22:38 GMT 1999 Austin Donnelly .\" * initial revision .\" .\" Sat Feb 13 23:47:36 GMT 1999 Austin Donnelly .\" * added section on path expansion, and renamed to gimprc.5.in .\" .\" Wed Mar 3 13:09:52 MET 1999 Sven Neumann .\" * reflect the changes that were made to the resolution stuff .\" .TH GIMPRC 5 "23 June 2000" "Version @GIMP_VERSION@" "GIMP Manual Pages" .SH NAME gimprc \- gimp configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION The .B gimprc file is a configuation file read by the gimp when it starts up. There are two of these: one system-wide one stored in @prefix@/share/gimp/gimprc and a per-user \fB$HOME\fP/@gimpdir@/gimprc which may override system settings. Comments are introduced by a hash sign (#), and continue until the end of the line. Blank lines are ignored. The .B gimprc file associates values with properties. These properties may be set by lisp-like assignments of the form: .IP \f3(\f2property-name\ \ \ value\f3)\f1 .TP where: .TP 10 .I property-name is one of the property names described below. .TP .I value is the value the property is to be set to. .PP Either spaces or tabs may be used to separate the name from the value. The values have an associated type, described below: .TP .I STRING A sequence of characters surrounded by double-quotes ("). A backslash (\\) may be used to escape either double-quote or itself to generate a literal double-quote or a literal backslash. .TP .I PATH Same as STRING, but path-expansion (see below) is also performed. .TP .I DOUBLE An optional minus sign (-) followed by zero or more decimal digits, and optionally a decimal-point (.) followed by zero or more decimal digits. .TP .I FLOAT Same as DOUBLE. .TP .I INT Same as DOUBLE, except the value is rounded to the next lowest integer. .TP .I BOOLEAN One of .BR true ", " on ", " yes ", " .BR false ", " off ", or " no "." Alternatively, the empty string is interpreted to mean .BR true "." .TP .I POSITION Same as two INTs separated by whitespace. .TP .I MEMSIZE An INT followed by a size specifier. A size specifier is one of .BR m ", " M ", " .BR k ", " K ", " .BR b ", or " B "." The size specified may be omitted, in which case it defaults to .BR k "." .TP .I IMAGETYPE One of .BR rgb ", " grey ", or " gray "." .TP .I COLORCUBE Four whitespace separated INTs, giving the number of shades of red, green, blue and grey (respectively) in the color cube. .TP .I PREVIEWSIZE One of .BR none ", "tiny ", " small ", " medium ", "large " or " huge ", " or an INT. tiny is 24x24, small is 32x32, medium is 48x48, large is 64x64 and huge is 128x128. .TP .I UNIT One of .BR inches ", " millimeters ", " picas ", or " points or the identifier of one of the units you have defined in your user units database. .PP .SH PROPERTIES Valid properties and their types: .TP .I temp-path PATH Set the temporary storage directory. Files will appear here during the course of running the gimp. Most files will disappear when the gimp exits, but some files are likely to remain, such as working palette files, so it is best if this directory not be one that is shared by other users or is cleared on machine reboot such as /tmp. .TP .I swap-path PATH Set the swap file location. The gimp uses a tile based memory allocation scheme. The swap file is used to quickly and easily swap tiles out to disk and back in. Be aware that the swap file can easily get very large if the gimp is used with large images. Also, things can get horribly slow if the swap file is created on a directory that is mounted over NFS. For these reasons, it may be desirable to put your swap file in "/tmp". .TP .I brush-path PATH Set the brush search path. This is a colon-separated list of directories to be searched for brushes. .TP .I pattern-path PATH Set the pattern search path. This is a colon-separated list of directories to be searched for patterns. .TP .I plug-in-path PATH Set the plug-in search path. This is a colon-separated list of directories which will be scanned at startup to register new plugins. .TP .I palette-path PATH Set the palette search path. This is a colon-separated list of directories to be searched for palettes. .TP .I gradient-path PATH Set the gradient search path. This is a colon-separated list of directories to be searched for gradients. .TP .I module-path PATH Set the module search path. This is a colon-separated list of directories which will be scanned at startup for modules to be loaded. .TP .I default-brush STRING Specify a default brush. This doesn't actually do anything any more, since the default brush is set as part of the saved device status. .TP .I default-pattern STRING Specify a default pattern. The pattern is searched for in the specified pattern path. .TP .I default-palette STRING Specify a default palette. The palette is searched for in the specified palette path. .TP .I default-gradient STRING Specify a default gradient. The gradient is searched for in the specified gradient path. .TP .I gamma-correction DOUBLE Set the gamma correction value for the display. 1.0 corresponds to no gamma correction. For most displays, gamma correction should be set to between 2.0 and 2.6 Run the utility "gamma_correct" to determine appropriate values for your display. XXX is this valid info? One important item to keep in mind: Many images that you might get from outside sources will in all likelihood already be gamma-corrected. In these cases, the image will look washed-out if the gimp has gamma-correction turned on. If you are going to work with images of this sort, turn gamma correction off by setting the value to 1.0. .TP .I color-cube COLORCUBE Set the displays color cube. No longer used in gimp-1.1.x since the introduction of GdkRgb. .TP .I install-colormap BOOLEAN Install a private colormap by default - not actually used anymore since the introduction of GdkRgb. .TP .I tile-cache-size MEMSIZE The tile cache is used to make sure the gimp doesn't thrash tiles between memory and disk. Setting this value higher will cause the gimp to use less swap space, but will also cause the gimp to use more memory. Conversely, a smaller cache size causes the gimp to use more swap space and less memory. Note: the gimp will still run even if `tile-cache-size' is set to 0. The actual size can contain a suffix of 'm', 'M', 'k', 'K', 'b' or 'B', which makes the gimp interpret the size as being specified in megabytes, kilobytes and bytes respectively. If no suffix is specified the size defaults to being specified in kilobytes. .TP .I marching-ants-speed INT Speed of marching ants in the selection outline. This value is in milliseconds (less time indicates faster marching). .TP .I last-opened-size INT How many recently opened image filenames to keep on the File menu. .TP .I undo-levels INT Set the number of operations kept on the undo stack. .TP .I transparency-type INT Set the manner in which transparency is displayed in images. Transparency type can be one of 0 - Light Checks, 1 - Mid-Tone Checks, 2 - Dark Checks, 3 - White Only, 4 - Gray Only, or 5 - Black Only. .TP .I transparency-size INT Check size can be one of 0 - Small, 1 - Medium, or 2 - Large .TP .I perfect-mouse BOOLEAN If set to true, the X server is queried for the mouse's current position on each motion event, rather than relying on the position hint. This means painting with large brushes should be more accurate, but it may be slower. Perversely, on some X servers turning on this option results in faster painting. .TP .I colormap-cycling BOOLEAN Specify that marching ants for selected regions will be drawn with colormap cycling as oposed to redrawing with different stipple masks. This color cycling option works only with 8-bit displays. .TP .I default-threshold INT Tools such as fuzzy-select and bucket fill find regions based on a seed-fill algorithm. The seed fill starts at the intially selected pixel and progresses in all directions until the difference of pixel intensity from the original is greater than a specified threshold. This value represents the default threshold. .TP .I stingy-memory-use BOOLEAN There is always a tradeoff between memory usage and speed. In most cases, the GIMP opts for speed over memory. However, if memory is a big issue, set stingy-memory-use. .TP .I allow-resize-windows BOOLEAN When zooming into and out of images, this option enables the automatic resizing of windows. .TP .I dont-allow-resize-windows BOOLEAN Negated version of allow-resize-windows. .TP .I cursor-updating BOOLEAN Context-dependent cursors are cool. They are enabled by default. However, they require overhead that you may want to do without. .TP .I no-cursor-updating BOOLEAN Negated version of cursor-updating. .TP .I preview-size PREVIEWSIZE Set the layer preview size. .TP .I show-rulers BOOLEAN Set the ruler visibility. The default behavior is for rulers to be on. This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Rulers command or shift+control+r. .TP .I dont-show-rulers BOOLEAN Negated version of show-rulers. .TP .I show-statusbar BOOLEAN Controlling statusbar visibility. The default behavior is to show the statusbar. This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Statusbar command or shift+control+s. .TP .I dont-show-statusbar BOOLEAN Negated version of show-statusbar. .TP .I auto-save BOOLEAN Auto saving is not yet implemented! Nothing will be auto-saved, no matter how you set this. .TP .I dont-auto-save BOOLEAN Negated version of auto-save. .TP .I cubic-interpolation BOOLEAN Set the level of interpolation. If set, this option enables cubic interpolation when scaling or transforming. By default, GIMP uses linear interpolation, which is faster, but has poorer quality. .TP .I confirm-on-close BOOLEAN Ask for confirmation before closing an image without saving. This is the default. .TP .I dont-confirm-on-close BOOLEAN Negated version of confirm-on-close. .TP .I save-session-info BOOLEAN Remember the positions and sizes of the main dialogs and asks your window-manager to place them there again the next time you use the GIMP. .TP .I dont-save-session-info BOOLEAN Negated version of save-session-info. .TP .I save-device-status BOOLEAN Remember the current tool, pattern, color, and brush across GIMP sessions. .TP .I dont-save-device-status BOOLEAN Negated version of save-device-status. .TP .I always-restore-session BOOLEAN Let GIMP try to restore your last saved session. .TP .I show-tips BOOLEAN Set to display a handy GIMP tip on startup. .TP .I dont-show-tips BOOLEAN Negated version of show-tips. .TP .I show-tool-tips BOOLEAN Set to display tooltips in the toolbox. .TP .I dont-show-tool-tips BOOLEAN Negated version of show-tool-tips. .TP .I default-image-size POSITION Set the default image size in the File/New dialog. .TP .I default-image-type IMAGETYPE Set the default image type in the File/New dialog. .TP .I default-units UNIT Set the default units for new images and for the File/New dialog. This units will be used for coordinate display when not in dot-for-dot mode. The default units can be one of inches , millimeters, points or picas or the identifier of one of the units defined in your user units database. The default is inches. .TP .I default-xresolution FLOAT Set the default horizontal resolution for new images and for the File/New dialog. This value is always in dpi (dots per inch). .TP .I default-yresolution FLOAT Set the default vertical resolution for new images and for the File/New dialog. This value is always in dpi (dots per inch). .TP .I default-resolution-units UNIT Set the units for the display of the default resolution in the File/New dialog. The default resolution units can be one of inches, millimeters, points or picas or the identifier of one of the units defined in your user unit database. The default is inches. .TP .I monitor-xresolution FLOAT Set the monitor's horizontal resolution, in dots per inch. If set to 0, forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical resolution information. .TP .I monitor-yresolution FLOAT Set the monitor's vertical resolution, in dots per inch. If set to 0, forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical resolution information. .TP .I num-processors INT On multiprocessor machines, if GIMP has been compiled with --enable-mp this sets how many processors GIMP should use simultaneously. .TP .I image-title-format STRING Set the text to appear in image window titles. Certain % character sequences are recognised and expanded as follows: %% literal percent sign .br %f bare filename, or "Untitled" .br %F full path to file, or "Untitled" .br %p PDB image id .br %i view instance number .br %t image type (RGB, indexed, greyscale) .br %z zoom factor as a percentage .br %s source scale factor .br %d destination scale factor .br %Dx expands to x if the image is dirty, the empty string otherwise. The x can be any character, eg %D*. The default format string is "%f-%p.%i (%t)". .PP .SH PATH EXPANSION Strings of type PATH are expanded in a manner similar to .BR bash (1). Specifically: tilde (~) is expanded to the user's home directory, and ${variable} is expanded to the current value of the variable. Note that the bash feature of being able to refer to other user's home directories by writing ~userid/ is not valid in this file. The only variable initially defined is .I gimp_dir , which is set to either the interned value .B @gimpdir@ or the environment variable GIMP_DIRECTORY. If the path in GIMP_DIRECTORY is relative, it is considered relative to your home directory. The same variable expansion syntax can be used to refer to environment variables. New variables may be defined so long as their name does not shadow one of the property names given in the previous section. Variables are set using the following syntax: .IP \f3(\f2variable-name\ \ \ PATH\f3)\f1 .PP Note that the right hand side of this assignment is itself path expanded before setting the value of the variable. Typically, the system-wide gimprc file will set a few convenience variables: .TP .I prefix The installation prefix for this build, @prefix@. .TP .I exec_prefix The path to architecture-specific executables, @exec_prefix@. .TP .I gimp_data_dir Path to sharable data, @gimpdatadir@. .TP .I gimp_plugin_dir Base for paths to architecture-specific plugins and modules, @gimpplugindir@. .PP .SH FILES .TP .I $PREFIX/share/gimp/gimprc System-wide configuration file .TP .I $HOME/.gimp-1.1/gimprc Per-user configuration file .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gimp (1), .BR gimptool (1), .BR gimp-remote (1)