'''Simple interface to writing GIMP plugins in python. Instead of worrying about all the user interaction, saving last used values and everything, the gimpfu module can take care of it for you. It provides a simple register() function that will register your plugin if needed, and cause your plugin function to be called when needed. Gimpfu will also handle showing a user interface for editing plugin parameters if the plugin is called interactively, and will also save the last used parameters, so the RUN_WITH_LAST_VALUES run_type will work correctly. It will also make sure that the displays are flushed on completion if the plugin was run interactively. When registering the plugin, you do not need to worry about specifying the run_type parameter. And if the plugin is an image plugin (the menu path starts with /), the image and drawable parameters are also automatically added. A typical gimpfu plugin would look like this: from gimpfu import * def plugin_func(image, drawable, args): #do what plugins do best register( "plugin_func", "blurb", "help message", "author", "copyright", "year", "/Somewhere/My plugin", "*", [(PF_STRING, "arg", "The argument", "default-value")], [], plugin_func) main() The call to "from gimpfu import *" will import all the gimp constants into the plugin namespace, and also import the symbols gimp, pdb, register and main. This should be just about all any plugin needs. You can use any of the PF_* constants below as parameter types, and an appropriate user interface element will be displayed when the plugin is run in interactive mode. Note that the the PF_SPINNER and PF_SLIDER types expect a fifth element in their description tuple -- a 3-tuple of the form (lower,upper,step), which defines the limits for the slider or spinner.''' import string as _string import gimp from gimpenums import * pdb = gimp.pdb class error(RuntimeError):pass class CancelError(RuntimeError):pass PF_INT8 = PDB_INT8 PF_INT16 = PDB_INT16 PF_INT32 = PDB_INT32 PF_INT = PF_INT32 PF_FLOAT = PDB_FLOAT PF_STRING = PDB_STRING PF_VALUE = PF_STRING #PF_INT8ARRAY = PDB_INT8ARRAY #PF_INT16ARRAY = PDB_INT16ARRAY #PF_INT32ARRAY = PDB_INT32ARRAY #PF_INTARRAY = PF_INT32ARRAY #PF_FLOATARRAY = PDB_FLOATARRAY #PF_STRINGARRAY = PDB_STRINGARRAY PF_COLOR = PDB_COLOR PF_COLOUR = PF_COLOR PF_REGION = PDB_REGION #PF_DISPLAY = PDB_DISPLAY PF_IMAGE = PDB_IMAGE PF_LAYER = PDB_LAYER PF_CHANNEL = PDB_CHANNEL PF_DRAWABLE = PDB_DRAWABLE #PF_SELECTION = PDB_SELECTION #PF_BOUNDARY = PDB_BOUNDARY #PF_PATH = PDB_PATH #PF_STATUS = PDB_STATUS PF_TOGGLE = 1000 PF_BOOL = PF_TOGGLE PF_SLIDER = 1001 PF_SPINNER = 1002 PF_ADJUSTMENT = PF_SPINNER PF_FONT = 1003 PF_FILE = 1004 PF_BRUSH = 1005 PF_PATTERN = 1006 PF_GRADIENT = 1007 PF_RADIO = 1008 PF_TEXT = 1009 _type_mapping = { PF_INT8 : PDB_INT8, PF_INT16 : PDB_INT16, PF_INT32 : PDB_INT32, PF_FLOAT : PDB_FLOAT, PF_STRING : PDB_STRING, #PF_INT8ARRAY : PDB_INT8ARRAY, #PF_INT16ARRAY : PDB_INT16ARRAY, #PF_INT32ARRAY : PDB_INT32ARRAY, #PF_FLOATARRAY : PDB_FLOATARRAY, #PF_STRINGARRAY : PDB_STRINGARRAY, PF_COLOUR : PDB_COLOR, PF_REGION : PDB_REGION, PF_IMAGE : PDB_IMAGE, PF_LAYER : PDB_LAYER, PF_CHANNEL : PDB_CHANNEL, PF_DRAWABLE : PDB_DRAWABLE, PF_TOGGLE : PDB_INT32, PF_SLIDER : PDB_FLOAT, PF_SPINNER : PDB_INT32, PF_FONT : PDB_STRING, PF_FILE : PDB_STRING, PF_BRUSH : PDB_STRING, PF_PATTERN : PDB_STRING, PF_GRADIENT : PDB_STRING, PF_RADIO : PDB_STRING, PF_TEXT : PDB_STRING, } _registered_plugins_ = {} def register(func_name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes, params, results, function, on_query=None, on_run=None): '''This is called to register a new plugin.''' # First perform some sanity checks on the data def letterCheck(str): allowed = _string.letters + _string.digits + '_' for ch in str: if not ch in allowed: return 0 else: return 1 if not letterCheck(func_name): raise error, "function name contains illegal characters" for ent in params: if len(ent) < 4: raise error, ("parameter definition must contain at least 4 " "elements (%s given: %s)" % (len(ent), ent)) if type(ent[0]) != type(42): raise error, "parameter types must be integers" if not letterCheck(ent[1]): raise error, "parameter name contains illegal characters" for ent in results: if len(ent) < 3: raise error, ("result definition must contain at least 3 elements " "(%s given: %s)" % (len(ent), ent)) if type(ent[0]) != type(42): raise error, "result types must be integers" if not letterCheck(ent[1]): raise error, "result name contains illegal characters" if menupath[:8] == '/' or \ menupath[:7] == '/' or \ menupath[:7] == '/' or \ menupath[:10] == '/': plugin_type = PLUGIN else: raise error, "Invalid menu path" if not func_name[:7] == 'python_' and \ not func_name[:10] == 'extension_' and \ not func_name[:8] == 'plug_in_' and \ not func_name[:5] == 'file_': func_name = 'python_fu_' + func_name _registered_plugins_[func_name] = (blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes, plugin_type, params, results, function, on_query, on_run) file_params = [(PDB_STRING, "filename", "The name of the file"), (PDB_STRING, "raw_filename", "The name of the file")] def _query(): for plugin in _registered_plugins_.keys(): (blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes, plugin_type, params, results, function, on_query, on_run) = _registered_plugins_[plugin] fn = lambda x: (_type_mapping[x[0]], x[1], x[2]) params = map(fn, params) # add the run mode argument ... params.insert(0, (PDB_INT32, "run_mode", "Interactive, Non-Interactive")) if plugin_type == PLUGIN: if menupath[:7] == '/': params[1:1] = file_params elif menupath[:10] != '/': params.insert(1, (PDB_IMAGE, "image", "The image to work on")) params.insert(2, (PDB_DRAWABLE, "drawable", "The drawable to work on")) if menupath[:7] == '/': params[3:3] = file_params results = map(fn, results) gimp.install_procedure(plugin, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes, plugin_type, params, results) if on_query: on_query() def _get_defaults(func_name): import gimpshelf (blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes, plugin_type, params, results, function, on_query, on_run) = _registered_plugins_[func_name] key = "python-fu-save--" + func_name if gimpshelf.shelf.has_key(key): return gimpshelf.shelf[key] else: # return the default values return map(lambda x: x[3], params) def _set_defaults(func_name, defaults): import gimpshelf key = "python-fu-save--" + func_name gimpshelf.shelf[key] = defaults def _interact(func_name, start_params): (blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes, plugin_type, params, results, function, on_query, on_run) = _registered_plugins_[func_name] def run_script(run_params): params = start_params + tuple(run_params) return apply(function, params) # short circuit for no parameters ... if len(params) == 0: return run_script([]) import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gimpui gtk.rc_parse(gimp.gtkrc()) defaults = _get_defaults(func_name) class EntryValueError(Exception): pass def error_dialog(parent, msg): dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(parent, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, msg) dlg.run() dlg.destroy() # define a mapping of param types to edit objects ... class StringEntry(gtk.Entry): def __init__(self, default=''): gtk.Entry.__init__(self) self.set_text(str(default)) def get_value(self): return self.get_text() class TextEntry(gtk.ScrolledWindow): def __init__ (self, default=''): gtk.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self) self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.set_size_request(100, -1) self.view = gtk.TextView() self.add(self.view) self.view.show() self.buffer = self.view.get_buffer() self.set_value(str(default)) def set_value (self, text): self.buffer.set_text(text) def get_value(self): return self.buffer.get_text(self.buffer.get_start_iter(), self.buffer.get_end_iter()) class IntEntry(StringEntry): def get_value(self): try: return int(self.get_text()) except ValueError, e: raise EntryValueError, e.args class FloatEntry(StringEntry): def get_value(self): try: return float(self.get_text()) except ValueError, e: raise EntryValueError, e.args # class ArrayEntry(StringEntry): # def get_value(self): # return eval(self.get_text(), {}, {}) class SliderEntry(gtk.HScale): # bounds is (upper, lower, step) def __init__(self, default=0, bounds=(0, 100, 5)): self.adj = gtk.Adjustment(default, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[2], bounds[2]) gtk.HScale.__init__(self, self.adj) def get_value(self): return self.adj.value class SpinnerEntry(gtk.SpinButton): # bounds is (upper, lower, step) def __init__(self, default=0, bounds=(0, 100, 5)): self.adj = gtk.Adjustment(default, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[2], bounds[2]) gtk.SpinButton.__init__(self, self.adj, 1, 0) def get_value(self): try: return int(self.get_text()) except ValueError, e: raise EntryValueError, e.args class ToggleEntry(gtk.ToggleButton): def __init__(self, default=0): gtk.ToggleButton.__init__(self) self.label = gtk.Label("No") self.add(self.label) self.label.show() self.connect("toggled", self.changed) self.set_active(default) def changed(self, tog): if tog.get_active(): self.label.set_text("Yes") else: self.label.set_text("No") def get_value(self): return self.get_active() class RadioEntry(gtk.Frame): def __init__(self, default=0, items=(("Yes", 1), ("No", 0))): gtk.Frame.__init__(self) box = gtk.HBox(gtk.FALSE, 5) self.add(box) box.show() button = None for (label, value) in items: button = gtk.RadioButton(button, label) button.connect("toggled", self.changed, value) box.pack_start(button) button.show() if value == default: button.set_active(gtk.TRUE) self.active_value = value def changed(self, radio, value): if radio.get_active(): self.active_value = value def get_value(self): return self.active_value _edit_mapping = { PF_INT8 : IntEntry, PF_INT16 : IntEntry, PF_INT32 : IntEntry, PF_FLOAT : FloatEntry, PF_STRING : StringEntry, #PF_INT8ARRAY : ArrayEntry, #PF_INT16ARRAY : ArrayEntry, #PF_INT32ARRAY : ArrayEntry, #PF_FLOATARRAY : ArrayEntry, #PF_STRINGARRAY : ArrayEntry, PF_COLOUR : gimpui.ColourSelector, PF_REGION : IntEntry, # should handle differently ... PF_IMAGE : gimpui.ImageSelector, PF_LAYER : gimpui.LayerSelector, PF_CHANNEL : gimpui.ChannelSelector, PF_DRAWABLE : gimpui.DrawableSelector, PF_TOGGLE : ToggleEntry, PF_SLIDER : SliderEntry, PF_SPINNER : SpinnerEntry, PF_RADIO : RadioEntry, PF_FONT : gimpui.FontSelector, PF_FILE : gimpui.FileSelector, PF_BRUSH : gimpui.BrushSelector, PF_PATTERN : gimpui.PatternSelector, PF_GRADIENT : gimpui.GradientSelector, PF_TEXT : TextEntry } if on_run: on_run() need_progress = menupath[:8] != '/' tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() dialog = gtk.Dialog(func_name, None, 0, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) table = gtk.Table(len(params), 3, gtk.FALSE) table.set_border_width(5) table.set_row_spacings(2) table.set_col_spacings(10) dialog.vbox.pack_start(table) table.show() vbox = gtk.VBox(gtk.FALSE, 15) table.attach(vbox, 0,1, 0,len(params), xoptions=gtk.FILL) vbox.show() pix = _get_logo(vbox.get_colormap()) vbox.pack_start(pix, expand=gtk.FALSE) pix.show() label = gtk.Label(blurb) label.set_line_wrap(gtk.TRUE) label.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_LEFT) label.set_size_request(100, -1) vbox.pack_start(label, expand=gtk.FALSE) label.show() progress_callback = None def response(dlg, id): if id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: params = [] try: for wid in edit_wids: params.append(wid.get_value()) except EntryValueError: error_dialog(dialog, 'Invalid input for "%s"' % wid.desc) else: _set_defaults(func_name, params) dialog.res = run_script(params) if progress_callback: gimp.progress_uninstall(progress_callback) gtk.main_quit() dialog.connect("response", response) edit_wids = [] for i in range(len(params)): pf_type = params[i][0] name = params[i][1] desc = params[i][2] def_val = defaults[i] label = gtk.Label(desc) label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) table.attach(label, 1,2, i,i+1, xoptions=gtk.FILL) label.show() if pf_type in (PF_SPINNER, PF_SLIDER, PF_RADIO): wid = _edit_mapping[pf_type](def_val, params[i][4]) else: wid = _edit_mapping[pf_type](def_val) table.attach(wid, 2,3, i,i+1) if pf_type != PF_TEXT: tooltips.set_tip(wid, desc, None) else: #Attach tip to TextView, not to ScrolledWindow tooltips.set_tip(wid.view, desc, None) wid.show() wid.desc = desc edit_wids.append(wid) if need_progress: frame = gtk.Frame("Script Progress") frame.set_border_width(5) dialog.vbox.pack_start(frame) frame.show() vbox = gtk.VBox(gtk.FALSE, 5) vbox.set_border_width(5) frame.add(vbox) vbox.show() progress_label = gtk.Label("(none)") progress_label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) vbox.pack_start(progress_label) progress_label.show() progress = gtk.ProgressBar() progress.set_text(" ") vbox.pack_start(progress) progress.show() def progress_update(message=-1, fraction=None): if message == -1: pass elif message: progress.set_text(message) else: progress.set_text(" ") if fraction is not None: progress.set_fraction(fraction) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() def progress_start(message, cancelable): progress_update(message, 0.0) def progress_end(): progress_update(None, 0.0) def progress_text(message): progress_update(message) def progress_value(percentage): progress_update(fraction=percentage) progress_callback = gimp.progress_install(progress_start, progress_end, progress_text, progress_value) tooltips.enable() dialog.show() gtk.main() if hasattr(dialog, 'res'): res = dialog.res dialog.destroy() return res else: dialog.destroy() raise CancelError def _run(func_name, params): run_mode = params[0] plugin_type = _registered_plugins_[func_name][7] menupath = _registered_plugins_[func_name][5] func = _registered_plugins_[func_name][10] if plugin_type == PLUGIN and menupath[:10] != '/': if menupath[:7] == '/': end = 5 else: end = 3 start_params = params[1:end] extra_params = params[end:] else: start_params = () extra_params = params[1:] if run_mode == RUN_INTERACTIVE: try: res = _interact(func_name, start_params) except CancelError: return else: if run_mode == RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS: extra_params = _get_defaults(func_name) params = start_params + tuple(extra_params) res = apply(func, params) if run_mode != RUN_NONINTERACTIVE: gimp.displays_flush() return res def main(): '''This should be called after registering the plugin.''' gimp.main(None, None, _query, _run) def fail(msg): '''Display and error message and quit''' gimp.message(msg) raise error, msg _python_image = [ "64 64 7 1", " c #000000", ". c #00FF00", "X c None", "o c #FF0000", "O c #FFFF00", "+ c #808000", "@ c #0000FF", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX ++++ ++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX ++++ ++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX ++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX ++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OOOO OOOOOO ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OOOO OOOOOO ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OO@@ OO@@@@ ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OO@@ OO@@@@ ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OO@@ OO@@@@ ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OO@@ OO@@@@ ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OOOO OOOOOO ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX OOOO OOOOOO ++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXX ++ ++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXX ++ ++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XX ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XX ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " ++++++++++++++++++++++.+.+..++++ ++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " ++ ++++ ++++++++++.+........++ ++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " ++ ++++ ++++++++.+...........+ ++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " ++++++++++++++++++.+.. ...... ++++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " 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XX +......+++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ooooo ++..... XX .......+++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ooooo ++...... XXXX ++....++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ooooo ++....... XXXX ++...+++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ooooo.++...... XXXX +......+++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX ooooo..+....... XXXX ......++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXooooo....... XXXX +++++....+++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXooooo........ XXXX +++++..+++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXoooo XXXXXX +.......++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "Xooooo XXXXXX .......+++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "oooXooXXXXXXXXXXXX +++++....+++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ", "ooXXooXXXXXXXXXXXX +++++...++++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ", "XXXXooXXXXXXXX ++.......+++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ", "XXXXooXXXXXXXX +.......++++++++++ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ", "XXXXXXXXXXXX ++++++.....+++++++++ XXXXXX XXXX ++ ", "XXXXXXXXXXXX ++++++....++++++++++ XXXXXX XXXX ++ ", "XXXXXXXXXXXX +........+++++++++ ++++++++ XX ++++++ ++++ ", "XXXXXXXXXXXX ........++++++++++ ++++++++ XX ++++++ ++++ ", "XXXXXXXXXX ..........++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ", "XXXXXXXXXX .........+++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ", "XXXXXXXXXX ++++....++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX", "XXXXXXXXXX +++++...++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX", "XXXXXXXXXX ++++....++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ..... XXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX ........++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... XXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX .........+++++++++++..++++++++++++++ XXXX XXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX .............+++++++..++++++++++++++ XXXX XXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX +++++............ ............ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX ++++++.......... .......... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX +.....++.. XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX .....++++. XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ] def _get_logo(colormap): import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk pix, mask = gtk.gdk.pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d(None, colormap, None, _python_image) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_pixmap(pix, mask) return image