The GIMP: the GNU Image Manipulation Program -------------------------------------------- The main difference between v1.0 and much earlier versions is the use of a tile based memory management for images. This allows the GIMP to work with images much larger than physical memory in a usable fashion. Before such memory management, the GIMP was nearly unusable for large images. (Large being something on the order of 4000x3000). With the tile memory management, image size is effectively limited by disk space. It is due to the switch to a tile based memory management system that old plug-ins will not work with this version of the GIMP. The plug-in API has changed drastically from previous versions. The result is that it is now possible to access much of the GIMP's internals through a database of procedures aptly named the procedure database. Plug-ins fit into the procedure database by inserting themselves into it. The result is that plug-ins can call GIMP internal procedures and other plug-ins. Most plug-ins now fully support the procedural database, so that you can call them from scripts and other places as well. The procedure database is self-documenting. To add a procedure to the procedure database the programmer must specify a help string and help strings for the arguments and return values. This allows us to automatically create documentation for the procedures in the procedure database. The documentation resides in "docs" and is provided in texinfo format. A new type of plug-in called an extension has been created. Extensions are similar to plug-ins in that they are external program, but they differ in when and how they are run. The essential difference is that plug-ins are associated with a particular image/drawable, while extensions are not. A good example of a complex extension is Script-fu, which resides in the "plug-ins/script-fu" directory. Script-fu is a simple Scheme interpreter that provides bindings to the GIMP's procedural database. This way you can write useful scripts that call the GIMP's functions and plug-ins, thus allowing automatization of repetitive tasks. Many scripts are included for your enjoyment in the "plug-ins/script-fu/scripts" directory. Another extension is the "dbbrowser" utility, which lets you interactively browse through the procedures installed in the procedural database. This will mainly be of use to Script-fu programmers. Dbbrowser is also nicely integrated in the interactive Script-fu console. Lastly, there is new file format (xcf) designed specifically for saving GIMP images. It handles layers, channels and tiles as well as saving all of the state information about the image, such as the active channel, the selection, etc. It also will probably change sometime in the future to implement some form of compression for the tiles. The GIMP's home page is at Please be sure to visit this site for information, documentation, tutorials, news, etc. All things GIMP-ish are available from there. The automated plug-in registry is located at There you can get the latest versions of plug-ins using a convenient forms-based interface. We have several mailing lists dedicated to GIMP user and development discussion. To subscribe, send mail to and in the body of the message put subscribe your@email.address substituting for "gimp-user" or "gimp-developer" (without the quotes, of course) depending on the list you want to subscribe to. The mailing list archives can be found at Gimp-user is a mailing list dedicated to user problems, hints and tips, discussion of cool effects, etc. Gimp-developer is oriented to GIMP core and plug-in developers. Most people will only want to be subscribed to gimp-user. And finally, for the real junkies, there is an IRC channel devoted to the GIMP :-) On Byxnet (a private mostly-GIMP network) there is #gimp. Many of the developers hang out there. Some of the Byxnet servers are: You can customize the look of the interface quite a bit my editing the ~/.gimp/gtkrc file. A sample file, gtkrc.forest, is included (Thanks to Tuomas Kuosmanen) Included is a set of keybindings similar to those in Adobe Photoshop (tm). You can find them in the ps-menurc file. To use them, copy this file to ~/.gimp/menurc We sincerely hope you enjoy the program. Please report problems to Before reporting a problem, you may want to see if someone else has already did (check the for this). Have fun, Spencer Kimball Peter Mattis Federico Mena Manish Singh