/* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libgimp/gimpprotocol.h" #include "libgimp/gimpwire.h" #include "app_procs.h" #include "appenv.h" #include "drawable.h" #include "datafiles.h" #include "errors.h" #include "gdisplay.h" #include "general.h" #include "gimage.h" #include "gimprc.h" #include "interface.h" #include "menus.h" #include "plug_in.h" #define SEPARATE_PROGRESS_BAR typedef struct _PlugInBlocked PlugInBlocked; typedef enum { RUN_INTERACTIVE = 0x0, RUN_NONINTERACTIVE = 0x1, RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS = 0x2 } RunModeType; struct _PlugInBlocked { PlugIn *plug_in; char *proc_name; }; static int plug_in_write (int fd, guint8 *buf, gulong count); static int plug_in_flush (int fd); static void plug_in_push (PlugIn *plug_in); static void plug_in_pop (void); static void plug_in_recv_message (gpointer data, gint id, GdkInputCondition cond); static void plug_in_handle_message (WireMessage *msg); static void plug_in_handle_quit (void); static void plug_in_handle_tile_req (GPTileReq *tile_req); static void plug_in_handle_proc_run (GPProcRun *proc_run); static void plug_in_handle_proc_return (GPProcReturn *proc_return); static void plug_in_handle_proc_install (GPProcInstall *proc_install); static void plug_in_handle_proc_uninstall (GPProcUninstall *proc_uninstall); static void plug_in_write_rc (char *filename); static void plug_in_init_file (char *filename); static void plug_in_query (char *filename, PlugInDef *plug_in_def); static void plug_in_add_to_db (void); static void plug_in_make_menu (void); static void plug_in_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data); static void plug_in_proc_def_insert (PlugInProcDef *proc_def); static void plug_in_proc_def_remove (PlugInProcDef *proc_def); static void plug_in_proc_def_destroy (PlugInProcDef *proc_def, int data_only); static Argument* plug_in_temp_run (ProcRecord *proc_rec, Argument *args); static Argument* plug_in_params_to_args (GPParam *params, int nparams, int full_copy); static GPParam* plug_in_args_to_params (Argument *args, int nargs, int full_copy); static void plug_in_params_destroy (GPParam *params, int nparams, int full_destroy); static void plug_in_args_destroy (Argument *args, int nargs, int full_destroy); static Argument* progress_init_invoker (Argument *args); static Argument* progress_update_invoker (Argument *args); static Argument* message_invoker (Argument *args); static Argument* message_handler_get_invoker (Argument *args); static Argument* message_handler_set_invoker (Argument *args); static GSList *plug_in_defs = NULL; static GSList *gimprc_proc_defs = NULL; static GSList *proc_defs = NULL; static GSList *open_plug_ins = NULL; static GSList *blocked_plug_ins = NULL; static GSList *plug_in_stack = NULL; static PlugIn *current_plug_in = NULL; static int current_readfd = 0; static int current_writefd = 0; static int current_write_buffer_index = 0; static char *current_write_buffer = NULL; static Argument *current_return_vals = NULL; static int current_return_nvals = 0; static ProcRecord *last_plug_in = NULL; static int shm_ID = -1; static guchar *shm_addr = NULL; static int write_pluginrc = FALSE; static ProcArg progress_init_args[] = { { PDB_STRING, "message", "Message to use in the progress dialog." }, { PDB_INT32, "gdisplay", "GDisplay to update progressbar in, or -1 for a seperate window" } }; static ProcRecord progress_init_proc = { "gimp_progress_init", "Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in", "Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in.", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1995-1996", PDB_INTERNAL, 2, progress_init_args, 0, NULL, { { progress_init_invoker } }, }; static ProcArg progress_update_args[] = { { PDB_FLOAT, "percentage", "Percentage of progress completed" } }; static ProcRecord progress_update_proc = { "gimp_progress_update", "Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in", "Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in.", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1995-1996", PDB_INTERNAL, 1, progress_update_args, 0, NULL, { { progress_update_invoker } }, }; static ProcArg message_args[] = { { PDB_STRING, "message", "Message to display in the dialog." } }; static ProcRecord message_proc = { "gimp_message", "Displays a dialog box with a message", "Displays a dialog box with a message. Useful for status or error reporting.", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1995-1996", PDB_INTERNAL, 1, message_args, 0, NULL, { { message_invoker } }, }; static ProcArg message_handler_get_out_args[] = { { PDB_INT32, "handler", "the current handler type: { MESSAGE_BOX (0), CONSOLE (1) }" } }; static ProcRecord message_handler_get_proc = { "gimp_message_handler_get", "Returns the current state of where warning messages are displayed.", "This procedure returns the way g_message warnings are displayed. They can be shown in a dialog box or printed on the console where gimp was started.", "Manish Singh", "Manish Singh", "1998", PDB_INTERNAL, 0, NULL, 1, message_handler_get_out_args, { { message_handler_get_invoker } }, }; static ProcArg message_handler_set_args[] = { { PDB_INT32, "handler", "the new handler type: { MESSAGE_BOX (0), CONSOLE (1) }" } }; static ProcRecord message_handler_set_proc = { "gimp_message_handler_set", "Controls where warning messages are displayed.", "This procedure controls how g_message warnings are displayed. They can be shown in a dialog box or printed on the console where gimp was started.", "Manish Singh", "Manish Singh", "1998", PDB_INTERNAL, 1, message_handler_set_args, 0, NULL, { { message_handler_set_invoker } }, }; void plug_in_init () { extern int use_shm; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; GSList *tmp, *tmp2; PlugInDef *plug_in_def; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; gfloat nplugins, nth; /* initialize the progress init and update procedure db calls. */ procedural_db_register (&progress_init_proc); procedural_db_register (&progress_update_proc); /* initialize the message box procedural db calls */ procedural_db_register (&message_proc); procedural_db_register (&message_handler_get_proc); procedural_db_register (&message_handler_set_proc); /* initialize the gimp protocol library and set the read and * write handlers. */ gp_init (); wire_set_writer (plug_in_write); wire_set_flusher (plug_in_flush); /* allocate a piece of shared memory for use in transporting tiles * to plug-ins. if we can't allocate a piece of shared memory then * we'll fall back on sending the data over the pipe. */ if (use_shm) { shm_ID = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, TILE_WIDTH * TILE_HEIGHT * 4, IPC_CREAT | 0777); if (shm_ID == -1) g_message ("shmget failed...disabling shared memory tile transport\n"); else { shm_addr = (guchar*) shmat (shm_ID, 0, 0); if (shm_addr == (guchar*) -1) { g_message ("shmat failed...disabling shared memory tile transport\n"); shm_ID = -1; } #ifdef IPC_RMID_DEFERRED_RELEASE if (shm_addr != (guchar*) -1) shmctl (shm_ID, IPC_RMID, 0); #endif } } /* search for binaries in the plug-in directory path */ datafiles_read_directories (plug_in_path, plug_in_init_file, MODE_EXECUTABLE); /* read the pluginrc file for cached data */ if (pluginrc_path) { if (*pluginrc_path == '/') strcpy(filename, pluginrc_path); else sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", gimp_directory(), pluginrc_path); } else sprintf (filename, "%s/pluginrc", gimp_directory ()); app_init_update_status("Resource configuration", filename, -1); parse_gimprc_file (filename); /* query any plug-ins that have changed since we last wrote out * the pluginrc file. */ tmp = plug_in_defs; app_init_update_status("Plug-ins", "", 0); nplugins = g_slist_length(tmp); nth = 0; while (tmp) { plug_in_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (plug_in_def->query) { write_pluginrc = TRUE; if ((be_verbose == TRUE) || (no_splash == TRUE)) g_print ("query plug-in: \"%s\"\n", plug_in_def->prog); plug_in_query (plug_in_def->prog, plug_in_def); } app_init_update_status(NULL, plug_in_def->prog, nth/nplugins); nth++; } /* insert the proc defs */ tmp = gimprc_proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = g_new (PlugInProcDef, 1); *proc_def = *((PlugInProcDef*) tmp->data); plug_in_proc_def_insert (proc_def); tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = plug_in_defs; while (tmp) { plug_in_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; tmp2 = plug_in_def->proc_defs; while (tmp2) { proc_def = tmp2->data; tmp2 = tmp2->next; plug_in_proc_def_insert (proc_def); } } /* write the pluginrc file if necessary */ if (write_pluginrc) { if ((be_verbose == TRUE) || (no_splash == TRUE)) g_print ("writing \"%s\"\n", filename); plug_in_write_rc (filename); } /* add the plug-in procs to the procedure database */ plug_in_add_to_db (); /* make the menu */ plug_in_make_menu (); /* run the available extensions */ tmp = proc_defs; if ((be_verbose == TRUE) || (no_splash == TRUE)) g_print ("Starting extensions: "); app_init_update_status("Extensions", "", 0); nplugins = g_slist_length(tmp); nth = 0; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (proc_def->prog && (proc_def->db_info.num_args == 0) && (proc_def->db_info.proc_type == PDB_EXTENSION)) { if ((be_verbose == TRUE) || (no_splash == TRUE)) g_print ("%s ", proc_def->db_info.name); app_init_update_status(NULL, proc_def->db_info.name, nth/nplugins); plug_in_run (&proc_def->db_info, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, -1); } } if ((be_verbose == TRUE) || (no_splash == TRUE)) g_print ("\n"); /* free up stuff */ tmp = plug_in_defs; while (tmp) { plug_in_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; g_slist_free (plug_in_def->proc_defs); g_free (plug_in_def->prog); g_free (plug_in_def); } g_slist_free (plug_in_defs); } void plug_in_kill () { GSList *tmp; PlugIn *plug_in; #ifndef IPC_RMID_DEFERRED_RELEASE if (shm_ID != -1) { shmdt ((char*) shm_addr); shmctl (shm_ID, IPC_RMID, 0); } #else /* IPC_RMID_DEFERRED_RELEASE */ if (shm_ID != -1) shmdt ((char*) shm_addr); #endif tmp = open_plug_ins; while (tmp) { plug_in = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; plug_in_destroy (plug_in); } } void plug_in_add (char *prog, char *menu_path, char *accelerator) { PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp; if (strncmp ("plug_in_", prog, 8) != 0) { char *t = g_new (char, strlen (prog) + 9); sprintf (t, "plug_in_%s", prog); g_free (prog); prog = t; } tmp = gimprc_proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, prog) == 0) { if (proc_def->db_info.name) g_free (proc_def->db_info.name); if (proc_def->menu_path) g_free (proc_def->menu_path); if (proc_def->accelerator) g_free (proc_def->accelerator); if (proc_def->extensions) g_free (proc_def->extensions); if (proc_def->prefixes) g_free (proc_def->prefixes); if (proc_def->magics) g_free (proc_def->magics); if (proc_def->image_types) g_free (proc_def->image_types); proc_def->db_info.name = prog; proc_def->menu_path = menu_path; proc_def->accelerator = accelerator; proc_def->prefixes = NULL; proc_def->extensions = NULL; proc_def->magics = NULL; proc_def->image_types = NULL; return; } } proc_def = g_new0 (PlugInProcDef, 1); proc_def->db_info.name = prog; proc_def->menu_path = menu_path; proc_def->accelerator = accelerator; gimprc_proc_defs = g_slist_prepend (gimprc_proc_defs, proc_def); } char* plug_in_image_types (char *name) { PlugInDef *plug_in_def; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp; if (current_plug_in) { plug_in_def = current_plug_in->user_data; tmp = plug_in_def->proc_defs; } else { tmp = proc_defs; } while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, name) == 0) return proc_def->image_types; } return NULL; } GSList* plug_in_extensions_parse (char *extensions) { GSList *list; char *extension; list = NULL; /* EXTENSIONS can be NULL. Avoid calling strtok if it is. */ if (extensions) { extensions = g_strdup (extensions); extension = strtok (extensions, " \t,"); while (extension) { list = g_slist_prepend (list, g_strdup (extension)); extension = strtok (NULL, " \t,"); } g_free (extensions); } return g_slist_reverse (list); } void plug_in_add_internal (PlugInProcDef *proc_def) { proc_defs = g_slist_prepend (proc_defs, proc_def); } PlugInProcDef* plug_in_file_handler (char *name, char *extensions, char *prefixes, char *magics) { PlugInDef *plug_in_def; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp; if (current_plug_in) { plug_in_def = current_plug_in->user_data; tmp = plug_in_def->proc_defs; } else { tmp = proc_defs; } while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, name) == 0) { /* EXTENSIONS can be proc_def->extensions */ if (proc_def->extensions != extensions) { if (proc_def->extensions) g_free (proc_def->extensions); proc_def->extensions = g_strdup (extensions); } proc_def->extensions_list = plug_in_extensions_parse (proc_def->extensions); /* PREFIXES can be proc_def->prefixes */ if (proc_def->prefixes != prefixes) { if (proc_def->prefixes) g_free (proc_def->prefixes); proc_def->prefixes = g_strdup (prefixes); } proc_def->prefixes_list = plug_in_extensions_parse (proc_def->prefixes); /* MAGICS can be proc_def->magics */ if (proc_def->magics != magics) { if (proc_def->magics) g_free (proc_def->magics); proc_def->magics = g_strdup (magics); } proc_def->magics_list = plug_in_extensions_parse (proc_def->magics); return proc_def; } } return NULL; } void plug_in_def_add (PlugInDef *plug_in_def) { GSList *tmp; PlugInDef *tplug_in_def; char *t1, *t2; t1 = strrchr (plug_in_def->prog, '/'); if (t1) t1 = t1 + 1; else t1 = plug_in_def->prog; tmp = plug_in_defs; while (tmp) { tplug_in_def = tmp->data; t2 = strrchr (tplug_in_def->prog, '/'); if (t2) t2 = t2 + 1; else t2 = tplug_in_def->prog; if (strcmp (t1, t2) == 0) { if ((strcmp (plug_in_def->prog, tplug_in_def->prog) == 0) && (plug_in_def->mtime == tplug_in_def->mtime)) { /* Use cached plug-in entry */ tmp->data = plug_in_def; g_free (tplug_in_def->prog); g_free (tplug_in_def); } else { g_free (plug_in_def->prog); g_free (plug_in_def); } return; } tmp = tmp->next; } write_pluginrc = TRUE; g_print ("\"%s\" executable not found\n", plug_in_def->prog); g_free (plug_in_def->prog); g_free (plug_in_def); } char* plug_in_menu_path (char *name) { PlugInDef *plug_in_def; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp, *tmp2; tmp = plug_in_defs; while (tmp) { plug_in_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; tmp2 = plug_in_def->proc_defs; while (tmp2) { proc_def = tmp2->data; tmp2 = tmp2->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, name) == 0) return proc_def->menu_path; } } tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, name) == 0) return proc_def->menu_path; } return NULL; } PlugIn* plug_in_new (char *name) { PlugIn *plug_in; char *path; if (name[0] != '/') { path = search_in_path (plug_in_path, name); if (!path) { g_message ("unable to locate plug-in: \"%s\"", name); return NULL; } } else { path = name; } plug_in = g_new (PlugIn, 1); plug_in->open = FALSE; plug_in->destroy = FALSE; plug_in->query = FALSE; plug_in->synchronous = FALSE; plug_in->recurse = FALSE; plug_in->busy = FALSE; plug_in->pid = 0; plug_in->args[0] = g_strdup (path); plug_in->args[1] = g_strdup ("-gimp"); plug_in->args[2] = g_new (char, 16); plug_in->args[3] = g_new (char, 16); plug_in->args[4] = NULL; plug_in->args[5] = NULL; plug_in->args[6] = NULL; plug_in->my_read = 0; plug_in->my_write = 0; plug_in->his_read = 0; plug_in->his_write = 0; plug_in->input_id = 0; plug_in->write_buffer_index = 0; plug_in->temp_proc_defs = NULL; plug_in->progress = NULL; plug_in->progress_label = NULL; plug_in->progress_bar = NULL; plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID = -1; plug_in->user_data = NULL; return plug_in; } void plug_in_destroy (PlugIn *plug_in) { GDisplay *gdisp; guint c_id; if (plug_in) { plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); if (plug_in->args[0]) g_free (plug_in->args[0]); if (plug_in->args[1]) g_free (plug_in->args[1]); if (plug_in->args[2]) g_free (plug_in->args[2]); if (plug_in->args[3]) g_free (plug_in->args[3]); if (plug_in->args[4]) g_free (plug_in->args[4]); if (plug_in->args[5]) g_free (plug_in->args[5]); if (plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID > 0) { gdisp = gdisplay_get_ID(plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID); c_id = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id(GTK_STATUSBAR(gdisp->statusbar), "progress"); gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(gdisp->statusbar), c_id); gtk_progress_bar_update(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(gdisp->progressbar), 0.0); gdisp->progressid = 0; } if (plug_in == current_plug_in) plug_in_pop (); if (!plug_in->destroy) g_free (plug_in); } } int plug_in_open (PlugIn *plug_in) { int my_read[2]; int my_write[2]; if (plug_in) { /* Open two pipes. (Bidirectional communication). */ if ((pipe (my_read) == -1) || (pipe (my_write) == -1)) { g_message ("unable to open pipe"); return 0; } plug_in->my_read = my_read[0]; plug_in->my_write = my_write[1]; plug_in->his_read = my_write[0]; plug_in->his_write = my_read[1]; /* Remember the file descriptors for the pipes. */ sprintf (plug_in->args[2], "%d", plug_in->his_read); sprintf (plug_in->args[3], "%d", plug_in->his_write); /* Set the rest of the command line arguments. */ if (plug_in->query) { plug_in->args[4] = g_strdup ("-query"); } else { plug_in->args[4] = g_new (char, 16); plug_in->args[5] = g_new (char, 16); sprintf (plug_in->args[4], "%d", TILE_WIDTH); sprintf (plug_in->args[5], "%d", TILE_WIDTH); } /* Fork another process. We'll remember the process id * so that we can later use it to kill the filter if * necessary. */ plug_in->pid = fork (); if (plug_in->pid == 0) { close(plug_in->my_read); close(plug_in->my_write); /* Execute the filter. The "_exit" call should never * be reached, unless some strange error condition * exists. */ execvp (plug_in->args[0], plug_in->args); _exit (1); } else if (plug_in->pid == -1) { g_message ("unable to run plug-in: %s\n", plug_in->args[0]); plug_in_destroy (plug_in); return 0; } close(plug_in->his_read); plug_in->his_read = -1; close(plug_in->his_write); plug_in->his_write = -1; if (!plug_in->synchronous) { plug_in->input_id = gdk_input_add (plug_in->my_read, GDK_INPUT_READ, plug_in_recv_message, plug_in); open_plug_ins = g_slist_prepend (open_plug_ins, plug_in); } plug_in->open = TRUE; return 1; } return 0; } void plug_in_close (PlugIn *plug_in, int kill_it) { int status; struct timeval tv; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { plug_in->open = FALSE; /* Ask the filter to exit gracefully */ if (kill_it && plug_in->pid) { plug_in_push (plug_in); gp_quit_write (current_writefd); plug_in_pop (); /* give the plug-in some time (10 ms) */ tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100; select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); } /* If necessary, kill the filter. */ if (kill_it && plug_in->pid) status = kill (plug_in->pid, SIGKILL); /* Wait for the process to exit. This will happen * immediately if it was just killed. */ if (plug_in->pid) waitpid (plug_in->pid, &status, 0); /* Remove the input handler. */ if (plug_in->input_id) gdk_input_remove (plug_in->input_id); /* Close the pipes. */ if (plug_in->my_read) close (plug_in->my_read); if (plug_in->my_write) close (plug_in->my_write); if (plug_in->his_read) close (plug_in->his_read); if (plug_in->his_write) close (plug_in->his_write); wire_clear_error(); /* Destroy the progress dialog if it exists */ #ifdef SEPARATE_PROGRESS_BAR if (plug_in->progress) { gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data (GTK_OBJECT (plug_in->progress), plug_in); gtk_widget_destroy (plug_in->progress); plug_in->progress = NULL; plug_in->progress_label = NULL; plug_in->progress_bar = NULL; } #else if (plug_in->progress) { progress_end (); plug_in->progress = NULL; } #endif /* Set the fields to null values. */ plug_in->pid = 0; plug_in->input_id = 0; plug_in->my_read = 0; plug_in->my_write = 0; plug_in->his_read = 0; plug_in->his_write = 0; if (plug_in->recurse) gtk_main_quit (); plug_in->synchronous = FALSE; plug_in->recurse = FALSE; /* Unregister any temporary procedures */ if (plug_in->temp_proc_defs) { GSList *list; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; list = plug_in->temp_proc_defs; while (list) { proc_def = (PlugInProcDef *) list->data; plug_in_proc_def_remove (proc_def); list = list->next; } g_slist_free (plug_in->temp_proc_defs); plug_in->temp_proc_defs = NULL; } open_plug_ins = g_slist_remove (open_plug_ins, plug_in); } } static Argument * plug_in_get_current_return_vals (ProcRecord *proc_rec) { Argument *return_vals; int nargs; /* Return the status code plus the current return values. */ nargs = proc_rec->num_values + 1; if (current_return_vals && current_return_nvals == nargs) return_vals = current_return_vals; else if (current_return_vals) { /* Allocate new return values of the correct size. */ return_vals = procedural_db_return_args (proc_rec, FALSE); /* Copy all of the arguments we can. */ memcpy (return_vals, current_return_vals, sizeof (Argument) * MIN (current_return_nvals, nargs)); /* Free the old argument pointer. This will cause a memory leak only if there were more values returned than we need (which shouldn't ever happen). */ g_free (current_return_vals); } else { /* Just return a dummy set of values. */ return_vals = procedural_db_return_args (proc_rec, FALSE); } /* We have consumed any saved values, so clear them. */ current_return_nvals = 0; current_return_vals = NULL; return return_vals; } Argument* plug_in_run (ProcRecord *proc_rec, Argument *args, int synchronous, int destroy_values, int gdisp_ID) { GPConfig config; GPProcRun proc_run; Argument *return_vals; PlugIn *plug_in; return_vals = NULL; if (proc_rec->proc_type == PDB_TEMPORARY) { return_vals = plug_in_temp_run (proc_rec, args); goto done; } plug_in = plug_in_new (proc_rec->exec_method.plug_in.filename); if (plug_in) { if (plug_in_open (plug_in)) { plug_in->recurse = synchronous; plug_in_push (plug_in); config.version = GP_VERSION; config.tile_width = TILE_WIDTH; config.tile_height = TILE_HEIGHT; config.shm_ID = shm_ID; config.gamma = gamma_val; config.install_cmap = install_cmap; config.use_xshm = gdk_get_use_xshm (); config.color_cube[0] = color_cube_shades[0]; config.color_cube[1] = color_cube_shades[1]; config.color_cube[2] = color_cube_shades[2]; config.color_cube[3] = color_cube_shades[3]; config.gdisp_ID = gdisp_ID; proc_run.name = proc_rec->name; proc_run.nparams = proc_rec->num_args; proc_run.params = plug_in_args_to_params (args, proc_rec->num_args, FALSE); if (!gp_config_write (current_writefd, &config) || !gp_proc_run_write (current_writefd, &proc_run) || !wire_flush (current_writefd)) { return_vals = procedural_db_return_args (proc_rec, FALSE); goto done; } plug_in_pop (); plug_in_params_destroy (proc_run.params, proc_run.nparams, FALSE); /* * If this is an automatically installed extension, wait for an * installation-confirmation message */ if ((proc_rec->proc_type == PDB_EXTENSION) && (proc_rec->num_args == 0)) gtk_main (); if (plug_in->recurse) { gtk_main (); return_vals = plug_in_get_current_return_vals (proc_rec); } } } done: if (return_vals && destroy_values) { procedural_db_destroy_args (return_vals, proc_rec->num_values); return_vals = NULL; } return return_vals; } void plug_in_repeat (int with_interface) { GDisplay *gdisplay; Argument *args; int i; if (last_plug_in) { gdisplay = gdisplay_active (); /* construct the procedures arguments */ args = g_new (Argument, last_plug_in->num_args); memset (args, 0, (sizeof (Argument) * last_plug_in->num_args)); /* initialize the argument types */ for (i = 0; i < last_plug_in->num_args; i++) args[i].arg_type = last_plug_in->args[i].arg_type; /* initialize the first 3 plug-in arguments */ args[0].value.pdb_int = (with_interface ? RUN_INTERACTIVE : RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS); args[1].value.pdb_int = gdisplay->gimage->ID; args[2].value.pdb_int = drawable_ID (gimage_active_drawable (gdisplay->gimage)); /* run the plug-in procedure */ plug_in_run (last_plug_in, args, FALSE, TRUE, gdisplay->ID); g_free (args); } } void plug_in_set_menu_sensitivity (int base_type) { PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp; int sensitive = FALSE; tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (proc_def->image_types_val && proc_def->menu_path) { switch (base_type) { case -1: sensitive = FALSE; break; case RGB_GIMAGE: sensitive = proc_def->image_types_val & RGB_IMAGE; break; case RGBA_GIMAGE: sensitive = proc_def->image_types_val & RGBA_IMAGE; break; case GRAY_GIMAGE: sensitive = proc_def->image_types_val & GRAY_IMAGE; break; case GRAYA_GIMAGE: sensitive = proc_def->image_types_val & GRAYA_IMAGE; break; case INDEXED_GIMAGE: sensitive = proc_def->image_types_val & INDEXED_IMAGE; break; case INDEXEDA_GIMAGE: sensitive = proc_def->image_types_val & INDEXEDA_IMAGE; break; } menus_set_sensitive (proc_def->menu_path, sensitive); if (last_plug_in && (last_plug_in == &(proc_def->db_info))) { menus_set_sensitive ("/Filters/Repeat last", sensitive); menus_set_sensitive ("/Filters/Re-show last", sensitive); } } } } static void plug_in_recv_message (gpointer data, gint id, GdkInputCondition cond) { WireMessage msg; plug_in_push ((PlugIn*) data); memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (WireMessage)); if (!wire_read_msg (current_readfd, &msg)) plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); else { plug_in_handle_message (&msg); wire_destroy (&msg); } if (!current_plug_in->open) plug_in_destroy (current_plug_in); else plug_in_pop (); } static void plug_in_handle_message (WireMessage *msg) { switch (msg->type) { case GP_QUIT: plug_in_handle_quit (); break; case GP_CONFIG: g_message ("plug_in_handle_message(): received a config message (should not happen)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_TILE_REQ: plug_in_handle_tile_req (msg->data); break; case GP_TILE_ACK: g_message ("plug_in_handle_message(): received a config message (should not happen)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_TILE_DATA: g_message ("plug_in_handle_message(): received a config message (should not happen)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_PROC_RUN: plug_in_handle_proc_run (msg->data); break; case GP_PROC_RETURN: plug_in_handle_proc_return (msg->data); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, FALSE); break; case GP_TEMP_PROC_RUN: g_message ("plug_in_handle_message(): received a temp proc run message (should not happen)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_TEMP_PROC_RETURN: plug_in_handle_proc_return (msg->data); gtk_main_quit (); break; case GP_PROC_INSTALL: plug_in_handle_proc_install (msg->data); break; case GP_PROC_UNINSTALL: plug_in_handle_proc_uninstall (msg->data); break; case GP_EXTENSION_ACK: gtk_main_quit (); break; } } static void plug_in_handle_quit () { plug_in_close (current_plug_in, FALSE); } static void plug_in_handle_tile_req (GPTileReq *tile_req) { GPTileData tile_data; GPTileData *tile_info; WireMessage msg; TileManager *tm; Tile *tile; if (tile_req->drawable_ID == -1) { tile_data.drawable_ID = -1; tile_data.tile_num = 0; tile_data.shadow = 0; tile_data.bpp = 0; tile_data.width = 0; tile_data.height = 0; tile_data.use_shm = (shm_ID == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE; tile_data.data = NULL; if (!gp_tile_data_write (current_writefd, &tile_data)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (!wire_read_msg (current_readfd, &msg)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (msg.type != GP_TILE_DATA) { g_message ("expected tile data and received: %d\n", msg.type); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_info = msg.data; if (tile_info->shadow) tm = drawable_shadow (drawable_get_ID (tile_info->drawable_ID)); else tm = drawable_data (drawable_get_ID (tile_info->drawable_ID)); if (!tm) { g_message ("plug-in requested invalid drawable (killing)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile = tile_manager_get (tm, tile_info->tile_num, 0); if (!tile) { g_message ("plug-in requested invalid tile (killing)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_ref (tile); if (tile_data.use_shm) memcpy (tile->data, shm_addr, tile_size (tile)); else memcpy (tile->data, tile_info->data, tile_size (tile)); tile_unref (tile, TRUE); wire_destroy (&msg); if (!gp_tile_ack_write (current_writefd)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } } else { if (tile_req->shadow) tm = drawable_shadow (drawable_get_ID (tile_req->drawable_ID)); else tm = drawable_data (drawable_get_ID (tile_req->drawable_ID)); if (!tm) { g_message ("plug-in requested invalid drawable (killing)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile = tile_manager_get (tm, tile_req->tile_num, 0); if (!tile) { g_message ("plug-in requested invalid tile (killing)\n"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_data.drawable_ID = tile_req->drawable_ID; tile_data.tile_num = tile_req->tile_num; tile_data.shadow = tile_req->shadow; tile_data.bpp = tile->bpp; tile_data.width = tile->ewidth; tile_data.height = tile->eheight; tile_data.use_shm = (shm_ID == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE; tile_ref (tile); if (tile_data.use_shm) memcpy (shm_addr, tile->data, tile_size (tile)); else tile_data.data = tile->data; if (!gp_tile_data_write (current_writefd, &tile_data)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_unref (tile, FALSE); if (!wire_read_msg (current_readfd, &msg)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (msg.type != GP_TILE_ACK) { g_message ("expected tile ack and received: %d\n", msg.type); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } wire_destroy (&msg); } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_run (GPProcRun *proc_run) { GPProcReturn proc_return; ProcRecord *proc_rec; Argument *args; Argument *return_vals; PlugInBlocked *blocked; args = plug_in_params_to_args (proc_run->params, proc_run->nparams, FALSE); proc_rec = procedural_db_lookup (proc_run->name); if (!proc_rec) { /* THIS IS PROBABLY NOT CORRECT -josh */ g_message ("PDB lookup failed on %s\n", proc_run->name); plug_in_args_destroy (args, proc_run->nparams, FALSE); return; } return_vals = procedural_db_execute (proc_run->name, args); if (return_vals) { proc_return.name = proc_run->name; if (proc_rec) { proc_return.nparams = proc_rec->num_values + 1; proc_return.params = plug_in_args_to_params (return_vals, proc_rec->num_values + 1, FALSE); } else { proc_return.nparams = 1; proc_return.params = plug_in_args_to_params (return_vals, 1, FALSE); } if (!gp_proc_return_write (current_writefd, &proc_return)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_proc_run: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } plug_in_args_destroy (args, proc_run->nparams, FALSE); plug_in_args_destroy (return_vals, (proc_rec ? (proc_rec->num_values + 1) : 1), TRUE); plug_in_params_destroy (proc_return.params, proc_return.nparams, FALSE); } else { blocked = g_new (PlugInBlocked, 1); blocked->plug_in = current_plug_in; blocked->proc_name = g_strdup (proc_run->name); blocked_plug_ins = g_slist_prepend (blocked_plug_ins, blocked); } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_return (GPProcReturn *proc_return) { PlugInBlocked *blocked; GSList *tmp; if (current_plug_in->recurse) { current_return_vals = plug_in_params_to_args (proc_return->params, proc_return->nparams, TRUE); current_return_nvals = proc_return->nparams; } else { tmp = blocked_plug_ins; while (tmp) { blocked = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (blocked->proc_name, proc_return->name) == 0) { plug_in_push (blocked->plug_in); if (!gp_proc_return_write (current_writefd, proc_return)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_proc_run: ERROR"); plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); return; } plug_in_pop (); blocked_plug_ins = g_slist_remove (blocked_plug_ins, blocked); g_free (blocked->proc_name); g_free (blocked); break; } } } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_install (GPProcInstall *proc_install) { PlugInDef *plug_in_def = NULL; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; ProcRecord *proc = NULL; GSList *tmp = NULL; GtkMenuEntry entry; char *prog = NULL; int add_proc_def; int i; /* * Argument checking * --only sanity check arguments when the procedure requests a menu path */ if (proc_install->menu_path) { if (strncmp (proc_install->menu_path, "", 9) == 0) { if ((proc_install->nparams < 1) || (proc_install->params[0].type != PDB_INT32)) { g_message ("plug-in \"%s\" attempted to install procedure \"%s\" which " "does not take the standard plug-in args", current_plug_in->args[0], proc_install->name); return; } } else if (strncmp (proc_install->menu_path, "", 7) == 0) { if ((proc_install->nparams < 3) || (proc_install->params[0].type != PDB_INT32) || (proc_install->params[1].type != PDB_IMAGE) || (proc_install->params[2].type != PDB_DRAWABLE)) { g_message ("plug-in \"%s\" attempted to install procedure \"%s\" which " "does not take the standard plug-in args", current_plug_in->args[0], proc_install->name); return; } } else if (strncmp (proc_install->menu_path, "", 6) == 0) { if ((proc_install->nparams < 3) || (proc_install->params[0].type != PDB_INT32) || (proc_install->params[1].type != PDB_STRING) || (proc_install->params[2].type != PDB_STRING)) { g_message ("plug-in \"%s\" attempted to install procedure \"%s\" which " "does not take the standard plug-in args", current_plug_in->args[0], proc_install->name); return; } } else if (strncmp (proc_install->menu_path, "", 6) == 0) { if ((proc_install->nparams < 5) || (proc_install->params[0].type != PDB_INT32) || (proc_install->params[1].type != PDB_IMAGE) || (proc_install->params[2].type != PDB_DRAWABLE) || (proc_install->params[3].type != PDB_STRING) || (proc_install->params[4].type != PDB_STRING)) { g_message ("plug-in \"%s\" attempted to install procedure \"%s\" which " "does not take the standard plug-in args", current_plug_in->args[0], proc_install->name); return; } } else { g_message ("plug-in \"%s\" attempted to install procedure \"%s\" in " "an invalid menu location. Use either \"\", \"\", " "\"\", or \"\".", current_plug_in->args[0], proc_install->name); return; } } /* * Sanity check for array arguments */ for (i = 1; i < proc_install->nparams; i++) { if ((proc_install->params[i].type == PDB_INT32ARRAY || proc_install->params[i].type == PDB_INT8ARRAY || proc_install->params[i].type == PDB_FLOATARRAY || proc_install->params[i].type == PDB_STRINGARRAY) && proc_install->params[i-1].type != PDB_INT32) { g_message ("plug_in \"%s\" attempted to install procedure \"%s\" " "which fails to comply with the array parameter " "passing standard. Argument %d is noncompliant.", current_plug_in->args[0], proc_install->name, i); return; } } /* * Initialization */ proc_def = NULL; switch (proc_install->type) { case PDB_PLUGIN: case PDB_EXTENSION: plug_in_def = current_plug_in->user_data; prog = plug_in_def->prog; tmp = plug_in_def->proc_defs; break; case PDB_TEMPORARY: prog = "none"; tmp = current_plug_in->temp_proc_defs; break; } while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, proc_install->name) == 0) { if (proc_install->type == PDB_TEMPORARY) plug_in_proc_def_remove (proc_def); else plug_in_proc_def_destroy (proc_def, TRUE); break; } proc_def = NULL; } add_proc_def = FALSE; if (!proc_def) { add_proc_def = TRUE; proc_def = g_new (PlugInProcDef, 1); } proc_def->prog = g_strdup (prog); proc_def->menu_path = g_strdup (proc_install->menu_path); proc_def->accelerator = NULL; proc_def->extensions = NULL; proc_def->prefixes = NULL; proc_def->magics = NULL; proc_def->image_types = g_strdup (proc_install->image_types); proc_def->image_types_val = plug_in_image_types_parse (proc_def->image_types); proc = &proc_def->db_info; /* * The procedural database procedure */ proc->name = g_strdup (proc_install->name); proc->blurb = g_strdup (proc_install->blurb); proc->help = g_strdup (proc_install->help); proc->author = g_strdup (proc_install->author); proc->copyright = g_strdup (proc_install->copyright); proc->date = g_strdup (proc_install->date); proc->proc_type = proc_install->type; proc->num_args = proc_install->nparams; proc->num_values = proc_install->nreturn_vals; proc->args = g_new (ProcArg, proc->num_args); proc->values = g_new (ProcArg, proc->num_values); for (i = 0; i < proc->num_args; i++) { proc->args[i].arg_type = proc_install->params[i].type; proc->args[i].name = g_strdup (proc_install->params[i].name); proc->args[i].description = g_strdup (proc_install->params[i].description); } for (i = 0; i < proc->num_values; i++) { proc->values[i].arg_type = proc_install->return_vals[i].type; proc->values[i].name = g_strdup (proc_install->return_vals[i].name); proc->values[i].description = g_strdup (proc_install->return_vals[i].description); } switch (proc_install->type) { case PDB_PLUGIN: case PDB_EXTENSION: if (add_proc_def) plug_in_def->proc_defs = g_slist_prepend (plug_in_def->proc_defs, proc_def); break; case PDB_TEMPORARY: if (add_proc_def) current_plug_in->temp_proc_defs = g_slist_prepend (current_plug_in->temp_proc_defs, proc_def); proc_defs = g_slist_append (proc_defs, proc_def); proc->exec_method.temporary.plug_in = (void *) current_plug_in; procedural_db_register (proc); /* If there is a menu path specified, create a menu entry */ if (proc_install->menu_path) { entry.path = proc_install->menu_path; entry.accelerator = NULL; entry.callback = plug_in_callback; entry.callback_data = proc; menus_create (&entry, 1); } break; } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_uninstall (GPProcUninstall *proc_uninstall) { PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp; tmp = current_plug_in->temp_proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, proc_uninstall->name) == 0) { current_plug_in->temp_proc_defs = g_slist_remove (current_plug_in->temp_proc_defs, proc_def); plug_in_proc_def_remove (proc_def); break; } } } static int plug_in_write (int fd, guint8 *buf, gulong count) { gulong bytes; while (count > 0) { if ((current_write_buffer_index + count) >= WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) { bytes = WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE - current_write_buffer_index; memcpy (¤t_write_buffer[current_write_buffer_index], buf, bytes); current_write_buffer_index += bytes; if (!wire_flush (fd)) return FALSE; } else { bytes = count; memcpy (¤t_write_buffer[current_write_buffer_index], buf, bytes); current_write_buffer_index += bytes; } buf += bytes; count -= bytes; } return TRUE; } static int plug_in_flush (int fd) { int count; int bytes; if (current_write_buffer_index > 0) { count = 0; while (count != current_write_buffer_index) { do { bytes = write (fd, ¤t_write_buffer[count], (current_write_buffer_index - count)); } while ((bytes == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN)); if (bytes == -1) return FALSE; count += bytes; } current_write_buffer_index = 0; } return TRUE; } static void plug_in_push (PlugIn *plug_in) { if (plug_in) { current_plug_in = plug_in; plug_in_stack = g_slist_prepend (plug_in_stack, current_plug_in); current_readfd = current_plug_in->my_read; current_writefd = current_plug_in->my_write; current_write_buffer_index = current_plug_in->write_buffer_index; current_write_buffer = current_plug_in->write_buffer; } else { current_readfd = 0; current_writefd = 0; current_write_buffer_index = 0; current_write_buffer = NULL; } } static void plug_in_pop () { GSList *tmp; if (current_plug_in) { current_plug_in->write_buffer_index = current_write_buffer_index; tmp = plug_in_stack; plug_in_stack = plug_in_stack->next; tmp->next = NULL; g_slist_free (tmp); } if (plug_in_stack) { current_plug_in = plug_in_stack->data; current_readfd = current_plug_in->my_read; current_writefd = current_plug_in->my_write; current_write_buffer_index = current_plug_in->write_buffer_index; current_write_buffer = current_plug_in->write_buffer; } else { current_plug_in = NULL; current_readfd = 0; current_writefd = 0; current_write_buffer_index = 0; current_write_buffer = NULL; } } static void plug_in_write_rc_string (FILE *fp, char *str) { fputc ('"', fp); if (str) while (*str) { if ((*str == '"') || (*str == '\\')) fputc ('\\', fp); fputc (*str, fp); str += 1; } fputc ('"', fp); } static void plug_in_write_rc (char *filename) { FILE *fp; PlugInDef *plug_in_def; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp, *tmp2; int i; fp = fopen (filename, "w"); if (!fp) return; tmp = plug_in_defs; while (tmp) { plug_in_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (plug_in_def->proc_defs) { fprintf (fp, "(plug-in-def \"%s\" %ld", plug_in_def->prog, (long) plug_in_def->mtime); tmp2 = plug_in_def->proc_defs; if (tmp2) fprintf (fp, "\n"); while (tmp2) { proc_def = tmp2->data; tmp2 = tmp2->next; fprintf (fp, " (proc-def \"%s\" %d\n", proc_def->db_info.name, proc_def->db_info.proc_type); fprintf (fp, " "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.blurb); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.help); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.author); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.copyright); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.date); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->menu_path); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->extensions); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->prefixes); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->magics); fprintf (fp, "\n "); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->image_types); fprintf (fp, "\n %d %d\n", proc_def->db_info.num_args, proc_def->db_info.num_values); for (i = 0; i < proc_def->db_info.num_args; i++) { fprintf (fp, " (proc-arg %d ", proc_def->db_info.args[i].arg_type); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.args[i].name); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.args[i].description); fprintf (fp, ")%s", (proc_def->db_info.num_values || (i < (proc_def->db_info.num_args - 1))) ? "\n" : ""); } for (i = 0; i < proc_def->db_info.num_values; i++) { fprintf (fp, " (proc-arg %d ", proc_def->db_info.values[i].arg_type); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.values[i].name); plug_in_write_rc_string (fp, proc_def->db_info.values[i].description); fprintf (fp, ")%s", (i < (proc_def->db_info.num_values - 1)) ? "\n" : ""); } fprintf (fp, ")"); if (tmp2) fprintf (fp, "\n"); } fprintf (fp, ")\n"); if (tmp) fprintf (fp, "\n"); } } fclose (fp); } static void plug_in_init_file (char *filename) { GSList *tmp; PlugInDef *plug_in_def; char *plug_in_name; char *name; name = strrchr (filename, '/'); if (name) name = name + 1; else name = filename; plug_in_def = NULL; tmp = plug_in_defs; while (tmp) { plug_in_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; plug_in_name = strrchr (plug_in_def->prog, '/'); if (plug_in_name) plug_in_name = plug_in_name + 1; else plug_in_name = plug_in_def->prog; if (strcmp (name, plug_in_name) == 0) { g_print ("duplicate plug-in: \"%s\" (skipping)\n", filename); return; } plug_in_def = NULL; } plug_in_def = g_new (PlugInDef, 1); plug_in_def->prog = g_strdup (filename); plug_in_def->proc_defs = NULL; plug_in_def->mtime = datafile_mtime (); plug_in_def->query = TRUE; plug_in_defs = g_slist_append (plug_in_defs, plug_in_def); } static void plug_in_query (char *filename, PlugInDef *plug_in_def) { PlugIn *plug_in; WireMessage msg; plug_in = plug_in_new (filename); if (plug_in) { plug_in->query = TRUE; plug_in->synchronous = TRUE; plug_in->user_data = plug_in_def; if (plug_in_open (plug_in)) { plug_in_push (plug_in); while (plug_in->open) { if (!wire_read_msg (current_readfd, &msg)) plug_in_close (current_plug_in, TRUE); else { plug_in_handle_message (&msg); wire_destroy (&msg); } } plug_in_pop (); plug_in_destroy (plug_in); } } } static void plug_in_add_to_db () { PlugInProcDef *proc_def; Argument args[4]; Argument *return_vals; GSList *tmp; tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (proc_def->prog && (proc_def->db_info.proc_type != PDB_INTERNAL)) { proc_def->db_info.exec_method.plug_in.filename = proc_def->prog; procedural_db_register (&proc_def->db_info); } } for (tmp = proc_defs; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { proc_def = tmp->data; if (proc_def->extensions || proc_def->prefixes || proc_def->magics) { args[0].arg_type = PDB_STRING; args[0].value.pdb_pointer = proc_def->db_info.name; args[1].arg_type = PDB_STRING; args[1].value.pdb_pointer = proc_def->extensions; args[2].arg_type = PDB_STRING; args[2].value.pdb_pointer = proc_def->prefixes; args[3].arg_type = PDB_STRING; args[3].value.pdb_pointer = proc_def->magics; if (proc_def->image_types) { return_vals = procedural_db_execute ("gimp_register_save_handler", args); g_free (return_vals); } else { return_vals = procedural_db_execute ("gimp_register_magic_load_handler", args); g_free (return_vals); } } } } static void plug_in_make_menu () { GtkMenuEntry entry; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp; tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (proc_def->prog && proc_def->menu_path && (!proc_def->extensions && !proc_def->prefixes && !proc_def->magics)) { entry.path = proc_def->menu_path; entry.accelerator = proc_def->accelerator; entry.callback = plug_in_callback; entry.callback_data = &proc_def->db_info; menus_create (&entry, 1); } } } static void plug_in_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) { GDisplay *gdisplay; ProcRecord *proc_rec; Argument *args; int i; int gdisp_ID = -1; /* get the active gdisplay */ gdisplay = gdisplay_active (); proc_rec = (ProcRecord*) client_data; /* construct the procedures arguments */ args = g_new (Argument, proc_rec->num_args); memset (args, 0, (sizeof (Argument) * proc_rec->num_args)); /* initialize the argument types */ for (i = 0; i < proc_rec->num_args; i++) args[i].arg_type = proc_rec->args[i].arg_type; switch (proc_rec->proc_type) { case PDB_EXTENSION: /* initialize the first argument */ args[0].value.pdb_int = RUN_INTERACTIVE; break; case PDB_PLUGIN: if (gdisplay) { gdisp_ID = gdisplay->ID; /* initialize the first 3 plug-in arguments */ args[0].value.pdb_int = RUN_INTERACTIVE; args[1].value.pdb_int = gdisplay->gimage->ID; args[2].value.pdb_int = drawable_ID (gimage_active_drawable (gdisplay->gimage)); } else { g_message ("Uh-oh, no active gdisplay for the plug-in!"); g_free (args); return; } break; case PDB_TEMPORARY: args[0].value.pdb_int = RUN_INTERACTIVE; if (proc_rec->num_args >= 3 && proc_rec->args[1].arg_type == PDB_IMAGE && proc_rec->args[2].arg_type == PDB_DRAWABLE) { if (gdisplay) { gdisp_ID = gdisplay->ID; args[1].value.pdb_int = gdisplay->gimage->ID; args[2].value.pdb_int = drawable_ID (gimage_active_drawable (gdisplay->gimage)); } else { g_message ("Uh-oh, no active gdisplay for the temporary procedure!"); g_free (args); return; } } break; default: g_error ("Unknown procedure type."); break; } /* run the plug-in procedure */ plug_in_run (proc_rec, args, FALSE, TRUE, gdisp_ID); if (proc_rec->proc_type == PDB_PLUGIN) last_plug_in = proc_rec; g_free (args); } static void plug_in_proc_def_insert (PlugInProcDef *proc_def) { PlugInProcDef *tmp_proc_def; GSList *tmp, *prev; GSList *list; prev = NULL; tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { tmp_proc_def = tmp->data; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, tmp_proc_def->db_info.name) == 0) { tmp->data = proc_def; if (proc_def->menu_path) g_free (proc_def->menu_path); if (proc_def->accelerator) g_free (proc_def->accelerator); proc_def->menu_path = tmp_proc_def->menu_path; proc_def->accelerator = tmp_proc_def->accelerator; tmp_proc_def->menu_path = NULL; tmp_proc_def->accelerator = NULL; plug_in_proc_def_destroy (tmp_proc_def, FALSE); return; } else if (!proc_def->menu_path || (tmp_proc_def->menu_path && (strcmp (proc_def->menu_path, tmp_proc_def->menu_path) < 0))) { list = g_slist_alloc (); list->data = proc_def; list->next = tmp; if (prev) prev->next = list; else proc_defs = list; return; } prev = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } proc_defs = g_slist_append (proc_defs, proc_def); } static void plug_in_proc_def_remove (PlugInProcDef *proc_def) { /* Destroy the menu item */ if (proc_def->menu_path) menus_destroy (proc_def->menu_path); /* Unregister the procedural database entry */ procedural_db_unregister (proc_def->db_info.name); /* Remove the defintion from the global list */ proc_defs = g_slist_remove (proc_defs, proc_def); /* Destroy the definition */ plug_in_proc_def_destroy (proc_def, TRUE); } static void plug_in_proc_def_destroy (PlugInProcDef *proc_def, int data_only) { int i; if (proc_def->prog) g_free (proc_def->prog); if (proc_def->menu_path) g_free (proc_def->menu_path); if (proc_def->accelerator) g_free (proc_def->accelerator); if (proc_def->extensions) g_free (proc_def->extensions); if (proc_def->prefixes) g_free (proc_def->prefixes); if (proc_def->magics) g_free (proc_def->magics); if (proc_def->image_types) g_free (proc_def->image_types); if (proc_def->db_info.name) g_free (proc_def->db_info.name); if (proc_def->db_info.blurb) g_free (proc_def->db_info.blurb); if (proc_def->db_info.help) g_free (proc_def->db_info.help); if (proc_def->db_info.author) g_free (proc_def->db_info.author); if (proc_def->db_info.copyright) g_free (proc_def->db_info.copyright); if (proc_def->db_info.date) g_free (proc_def->db_info.date); for (i = 0; i < proc_def->db_info.num_args; i++) { if (proc_def->db_info.args[i].name) g_free (proc_def->db_info.args[i].name); if (proc_def->db_info.args[i].description) g_free (proc_def->db_info.args[i].description); } for (i = 0; i < proc_def->db_info.num_values; i++) { if (proc_def->db_info.values[i].name) g_free (proc_def->db_info.values[i].name); if (proc_def->db_info.values[i].description) g_free (proc_def->db_info.values[i].description); } if (proc_def->db_info.args) g_free (proc_def->db_info.args); if (proc_def->db_info.values) g_free (proc_def->db_info.values); if (!data_only) g_free (proc_def); } static Argument * plug_in_temp_run (ProcRecord *proc_rec, Argument *args) { Argument *return_vals; PlugIn *plug_in; GPProcRun proc_run; gint old_recurse; return_vals = NULL; plug_in = (PlugIn *) proc_rec->exec_method.temporary.plug_in; if (plug_in) { if (plug_in->busy) { return_vals = procedural_db_return_args (proc_rec, FALSE); goto done; } plug_in->busy = TRUE; plug_in_push (plug_in); proc_run.name = proc_rec->name; proc_run.nparams = proc_rec->num_args; proc_run.params = plug_in_args_to_params (args, proc_rec->num_args, FALSE); if (!gp_temp_proc_run_write (current_writefd, &proc_run) || !wire_flush (current_writefd)) { return_vals = procedural_db_return_args (proc_rec, FALSE); goto done; } plug_in_pop (); plug_in_params_destroy (proc_run.params, proc_run.nparams, FALSE); old_recurse = plug_in->recurse; plug_in->recurse = TRUE; gtk_main (); return_vals = plug_in_get_current_return_vals (proc_rec); plug_in->recurse = old_recurse; plug_in->busy = FALSE; } done: return return_vals; } static Argument* plug_in_params_to_args (GPParam *params, int nparams, int full_copy) { Argument *args; gchar **stringarray; guchar *colorarray; int count; int i, j; if (nparams == 0) return NULL; args = g_new (Argument, nparams); for (i = 0; i < nparams; i++) { args[i].arg_type = params[i].type; switch (args[i].arg_type) { case PDB_INT32: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_int32; break; case PDB_INT16: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_int16; break; case PDB_INT8: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_int8; break; case PDB_FLOAT: args[i].value.pdb_float = params[i].data.d_float; break; case PDB_STRING: if (full_copy) args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_strdup (params[i].data.d_string); else args[i].value.pdb_pointer = params[i].data.d_string; break; case PDB_INT32ARRAY: if (full_copy) { count = args[i-1].value.pdb_int; args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_new (gint32, count); memcpy (args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i].data.d_int32array, count * 4); } else { args[i].value.pdb_pointer = params[i].data.d_int32array; } break; case PDB_INT16ARRAY: if (full_copy) { count = args[i-1].value.pdb_int; args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_new (gint16, count); memcpy (args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i].data.d_int16array, count * 2); } else { args[i].value.pdb_pointer = params[i].data.d_int16array; } break; case PDB_INT8ARRAY: if (full_copy) { count = args[i-1].value.pdb_int; args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_new (gint8, count); memcpy (args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i].data.d_int8array, count); } else { args[i].value.pdb_pointer = params[i].data.d_int8array; } break; case PDB_FLOATARRAY: if (full_copy) { count = args[i-1].value.pdb_int; args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_new (gdouble, count); memcpy (args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i].data.d_floatarray, count * 8); } else { args[i].value.pdb_pointer = params[i].data.d_floatarray; } break; case PDB_STRINGARRAY: if (full_copy) { args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_new (gchar*, args[i-1].value.pdb_int); stringarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; for (j = 0; j < args[i-1].value.pdb_int; j++) stringarray[j] = g_strdup (params[i].data.d_stringarray[j]); } else { args[i].value.pdb_pointer = params[i].data.d_stringarray; } break; case PDB_COLOR: args[i].value.pdb_pointer = g_new (guchar, 3); colorarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; colorarray[0] = params[i].data.d_color.red; colorarray[1] = params[i].data.d_color.green; colorarray[2] = params[i].data.d_color.blue; break; case PDB_REGION: g_message ("the \"region\" arg type is not currently supported"); break; case PDB_DISPLAY: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_display; break; case PDB_IMAGE: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_image; break; case PDB_LAYER: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_layer; break; case PDB_CHANNEL: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_channel; break; case PDB_DRAWABLE: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_drawable; break; case PDB_SELECTION: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_selection; break; case PDB_BOUNDARY: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_boundary; break; case PDB_PATH: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_path; break; case PDB_STATUS: args[i].value.pdb_int = params[i].data.d_status; break; case PDB_END: break; } } return args; } static GPParam* plug_in_args_to_params (Argument *args, int nargs, int full_copy) { GPParam *params; gchar **stringarray; guchar *colorarray; int i, j; if (nargs == 0) return NULL; params = g_new (GPParam, nargs); for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { params[i].type = args[i].arg_type; switch (args[i].arg_type) { case PDB_INT32: params[i].data.d_int32 = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_INT16: params[i].data.d_int16 = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_INT8: params[i].data.d_int8 = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_FLOAT: params[i].data.d_float = args[i].value.pdb_float; break; case PDB_STRING: if (full_copy) params[i].data.d_string = g_strdup (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); else params[i].data.d_string = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; break; case PDB_INT32ARRAY: if (full_copy) { params[i].data.d_int32array = g_new (gint32, params[i-1].data.d_int32); memcpy (params[i].data.d_int32array, args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i-1].data.d_int32 * 4); } else { params[i].data.d_int32array = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; } break; case PDB_INT16ARRAY: if (full_copy) { params[i].data.d_int16array = g_new (gint16, params[i-1].data.d_int32); memcpy (params[i].data.d_int16array, args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i-1].data.d_int32 * 2); } else { params[i].data.d_int16array = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; } break; case PDB_INT8ARRAY: if (full_copy) { params[i].data.d_int8array = g_new (gint8, params[i-1].data.d_int32); memcpy (params[i].data.d_int8array, args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i-1].data.d_int32); } else { params[i].data.d_int8array = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; } break; case PDB_FLOATARRAY: if (full_copy) { params[i].data.d_floatarray = g_new (gdouble, params[i-1].data.d_int32); memcpy (params[i].data.d_floatarray, args[i].value.pdb_pointer, params[i-1].data.d_int32 * 8); } else { params[i].data.d_floatarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; } break; case PDB_STRINGARRAY: if (full_copy) { params[i].data.d_stringarray = g_new (gchar*, params[i-1].data.d_int32); stringarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; for (j = 0; j < params[i-1].data.d_int32; j++) params[i].data.d_stringarray[j] = g_strdup (stringarray[j]); } else { params[i].data.d_stringarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; } break; case PDB_COLOR: colorarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; if( colorarray ) { params[i].data.d_color.red = colorarray[0]; params[i].data.d_color.green = colorarray[1]; params[i].data.d_color.blue = colorarray[2]; } else { params[i].data.d_color.red = 0; params[i].data.d_color.green = 0; params[i].data.d_color.blue = 0; } break; case PDB_REGION: g_message ("the \"region\" arg type is not currently supported"); break; case PDB_DISPLAY: params[i].data.d_display = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_IMAGE: params[i].data.d_image = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_LAYER: params[i].data.d_layer = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_CHANNEL: params[i].data.d_channel = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_DRAWABLE: params[i].data.d_drawable = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_SELECTION: params[i].data.d_selection = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_BOUNDARY: params[i].data.d_boundary = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_PATH: params[i].data.d_path = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_STATUS: params[i].data.d_status = args[i].value.pdb_int; break; case PDB_END: break; } } return params; } static void plug_in_params_destroy (GPParam *params, int nparams, int full_destroy) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < nparams; i++) { switch (params[i].type) { case PDB_INT32: case PDB_INT16: case PDB_INT8: case PDB_FLOAT: break; case PDB_STRING: if (full_destroy) g_free (params[i].data.d_string); break; case PDB_INT32ARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (params[i].data.d_int32array); break; case PDB_INT16ARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (params[i].data.d_int16array); break; case PDB_INT8ARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (params[i].data.d_int8array); break; case PDB_FLOATARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (params[i].data.d_floatarray); break; case PDB_STRINGARRAY: if (full_destroy) { for (j = 0; j < params[i-1].data.d_int32; j++) g_free (params[i].data.d_stringarray[j]); g_free (params[i].data.d_stringarray); } break; case PDB_COLOR: break; case PDB_REGION: g_message ("the \"region\" arg type is not currently supported"); break; case PDB_DISPLAY: case PDB_IMAGE: case PDB_LAYER: case PDB_CHANNEL: case PDB_DRAWABLE: case PDB_SELECTION: case PDB_BOUNDARY: case PDB_PATH: case PDB_STATUS: break; case PDB_END: break; } } g_free (params); } static void plug_in_args_destroy (Argument *args, int nargs, int full_destroy) { gchar **stringarray; int count; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { switch (args[i].arg_type) { case PDB_INT32: case PDB_INT16: case PDB_INT8: case PDB_FLOAT: break; case PDB_STRING: if (full_destroy) g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); break; case PDB_INT32ARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); break; case PDB_INT16ARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); break; case PDB_INT8ARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); break; case PDB_FLOATARRAY: if (full_destroy) g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); break; case PDB_STRINGARRAY: if (full_destroy) { count = args[i-1].value.pdb_int; stringarray = args[i].value.pdb_pointer; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) g_free (stringarray[j]); g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); } break; case PDB_COLOR: g_free (args[i].value.pdb_pointer); break; case PDB_REGION: g_message ("the \"region\" arg type is not currently supported"); break; case PDB_DISPLAY: case PDB_IMAGE: case PDB_LAYER: case PDB_CHANNEL: case PDB_DRAWABLE: case PDB_SELECTION: case PDB_BOUNDARY: case PDB_PATH: case PDB_STATUS: break; case PDB_END: break; } } g_free (args); } int plug_in_image_types_parse (char *image_types) { int types; if (!image_types) return (RGB_IMAGE | GRAY_IMAGE | INDEXED_IMAGE); types = 0; while (*image_types) { while (*image_types && ((*image_types == ' ') || (*image_types == '\t') || (*image_types == ','))) image_types++; if (*image_types) { if (strncmp (image_types, "RGBA", 4) == 0) { types |= RGBA_IMAGE; image_types += 4; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "RGB*", 4) == 0) { types |= RGB_IMAGE | RGBA_IMAGE; image_types += 4; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "RGB", 3) == 0) { types |= RGB_IMAGE; image_types += 3; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "GRAYA", 5) == 0) { types |= GRAYA_IMAGE; image_types += 5; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "GRAY*", 5) == 0) { types |= GRAY_IMAGE | GRAYA_IMAGE; image_types += 5; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "GRAY", 4) == 0) { types |= GRAY_IMAGE; image_types += 4; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "INDEXEDA", 8) == 0) { types |= INDEXEDA_IMAGE; image_types += 8; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "INDEXED*", 8) == 0) { types |= INDEXED_IMAGE | INDEXEDA_IMAGE; image_types += 8; } else if (strncmp (image_types, "INDEXED", 7) == 0) { types |= INDEXED_IMAGE; image_types += 7; } else { while (*image_types && (*image_types != 'R') && (*image_types != 'G') && (*image_types != 'I')) image_types++; } } } return types; } static void plug_in_progress_cancel (GtkWidget *widget, PlugIn *plug_in) { plug_in->progress = NULL; plug_in_destroy (plug_in); } static void plug_in_progress_init (PlugIn *plug_in, char *message, gint gdisp_ID) { GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *button; GDisplay *gdisp = NULL; guint context_id; if (!message) message = plug_in->args[0]; if (gdisp_ID > 0) gdisp = gdisplay_get_ID(gdisp_ID); if (gdisp_ID > 0 && (gdisp->progressid == 0 || plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID > 0)) { context_id = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id(GTK_STATUSBAR(gdisp->statusbar), "progress"); if (plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID > 0) gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(gdisp->statusbar), context_id); gdisp->progressid = gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(gdisp->statusbar), context_id, message); plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID = gdisp_ID; } #ifdef SEPARATE_PROGRESS_BAR else if (!plug_in->progress) { plug_in->progress = gtk_dialog_new (); gtk_window_set_wmclass (GTK_WINDOW (plug_in->progress), "plug_in_progress", "Gimp"); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (plug_in->progress), prune_filename (plug_in->args[0])); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (plug_in->progress), "destroy", (GtkSignalFunc) plug_in_progress_cancel, plug_in); gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (plug_in->progress)->action_area), 2); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 2); gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 2); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (plug_in->progress)->vbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (vbox); plug_in->progress_label = gtk_label_new (message); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (plug_in->progress_label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), plug_in->progress_label, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (plug_in->progress_label); plug_in->progress_bar = gtk_progress_bar_new (); gtk_widget_set_usize (plug_in->progress_bar, 150, 20); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), plug_in->progress_bar, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (plug_in->progress_bar); button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Cancel"); gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked", (GtkSignalFunc) gtk_widget_destroy, GTK_OBJECT (plug_in->progress)); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (button, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (plug_in->progress)->action_area), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_grab_default (button); gtk_widget_show (button); gtk_widget_show (plug_in->progress); } else { gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (plug_in->progress_label), message); } #else else if (!plug_in->progress) { plug_in->progress = 0x1; progress_update (0.0); progress_start (); } #endif } static void plug_in_progress_update (PlugIn *plug_in, double percentage) { GDisplay *gdisp; if (plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID > 0) { gdisp = gdisplay_get_ID(plug_in->progress_gdisp_ID); gtk_progress_bar_update( GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (gdisp->progressbar), percentage); } else { #ifdef SEPARATE_PROGRESS_BAR if (!plug_in->progress) plug_in_progress_init (plug_in, NULL, -1); gtk_progress_bar_update (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (plug_in->progress_bar), percentage); #else progress_update (percentage); #endif } } static Argument* progress_init_invoker (Argument *args) { int success = FALSE; if (current_plug_in && current_plug_in->open) { success = TRUE; if (no_interface == FALSE) plug_in_progress_init (current_plug_in, args[0].value.pdb_pointer, args[1].value.pdb_int); } return procedural_db_return_args (&progress_init_proc, success); } static Argument* progress_update_invoker (Argument *args) { int success = FALSE; if (current_plug_in && current_plug_in->open) { success = TRUE; if (no_interface == FALSE) plug_in_progress_update (current_plug_in, args[0].value.pdb_float); } return procedural_db_return_args (&progress_update_proc, success); } static Argument* message_invoker (Argument *args) { g_message (args[0].value.pdb_pointer, NULL, NULL); return procedural_db_return_args (&message_proc, TRUE); } static Argument* message_handler_get_invoker (Argument *args) { Argument *return_args; return_args = procedural_db_return_args (&message_handler_get_proc, TRUE); return_args[1].value.pdb_int = message_handler; return return_args; } static Argument* message_handler_set_invoker (Argument *args) { int success = TRUE; if ((args[0].value.pdb_int >= MESSAGE_BOX) && (args[0].value.pdb_int <= CONSOLE)) message_handler = args[0].value.pdb_int; else success = FALSE; return procedural_db_return_args (&message_handler_set_proc, success); }