Developers documentation using gtk-doc -------------------------------------- The goal is to provide useful source documentation. Right now this is limited to libgimp since that is the part that is used by third-party coders (plug-in developers). Other parts of the code may follow later, but not before libgimp is properly documented. Principle --------- The documentation is extracted out of the source using gtk-doc. We use a combination of comment blocks embedded into the source and additional information added manually into SGML template files. Requirements ------------ GIMP release tarballs contain a complete set of precompiled HTML files as well as DocBook XML files to create other formats. You only need gtk-doc if you want to work on the documentation itself. In that case you will need the following utilities: Perl v5 - Most of the scripts used are written in Perl. libxslt & libxml2 (version >= 2.3.6) This is used to convert the XML templates to HTML. DocBook XML DTD v4.1.2 gtk-doc (version >= 1.0) This package automatically generates DocBook documentation from source and is able to convert it into HTML (and other formats). You need to have all this properly setup. This includes the availability of an XML catalog (/etc/xml/catalog) that tells the XSLT processor where to look for locally installed DTDs. If that file is missing, the XSLT processor will try to access the DTDs online which will either fail or take forever. For this reason, the docs are not built by default. If you think you have a working setup, pass '--enable-gtk-doc' to configure. HOWTO ----- Carefully read the README that comes with gtk-doc. Then read it again! The following lines will only give you hints about how our system works. You should have understood the principles of gtk-doc before you touch it. The system is already set up, so unless there are substantial changes to the source e.g. new files were added, functions were added, renamed or removed or parameters changed, there is no need to touch the Makefile or any other files in the toplevel directory. In most cases you will work on the documentation by adding or editing comment blocks in the C source and by editing the template XML files in the tmpl directory. After you've done any changes to the documentation, running 'make' should rebuild the documentation. This will however only work if configure was called with the option '--enable-gtk-doc' and gtk-doc was successfully found. If everything was set up correctly, running 'make' should do the trick and generate the XML and HTML files for you. Since the dependencies are not perfect, you sometimes need to call 'make clean; make' to force regeneration. More information ---------------- Using the system as described above, you can write documentation without any knowledge of DocBook XML, but when editing the templates you will sometimes want to do a little extra structuring or markup. The best source for information about DocBook seems to be "DocBook: The Definitive Guide" which is available online at