/* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * (out of date) TODO for Convert: * * Use palette of another open INDEXED image * Different dither types * Alpha dithering * * Do error-splitting trick for GREY->INDEXED */ /* * 99/02/24 - Many revisions to the box-cut quantizer used in RGB->INDEXED * conversion. Box to be cut is chosen on the basis of posessing an axis * with the largest sum of weighted perceptible error, rather than based on * volume or population. The box is split along this axis rather than its * longest axis, at the point of error mean rather than simply at its centre. * Error-limiting in the F-S dither has been disabled - it may become optional * again later. If you're convinced that you have an image where the old * dither looks better, let me know. [Adam] * * 99/01/10 - Hourglass... [Adam] * * 98/07/25 - Convert-to-indexed now remembers the last invocation's * settings. Also, GRAY->INDEXED more flexible. [Adam] * * 98/07/05 - Sucked the warning about quantizing to too many colours into * a text widget embedded in the dialog, improved intelligence of dialog * to default 'custom palette' selection to 'Web' if available, and * in this case not bother to present the native WWW-palette radio * button. [Adam] * * 98/04/13 - avoid a division by zero when converting an empty gray-scale * image (who would like to do such a thing anyway??) [Sven ] * * 98/03/23 - fixed a longstanding fencepost - hopefully the *right* * way, *again*. [Adam] * * 97/11/14 - added a proper pdb interface and support for dithering * to custom palettes (based on a patch by Eric Hernes) [Yosh] * * 97/11/04 - fixed the accidental use of the colour-counting case * when palette_type is WEB or MONO. [Adam] * * 97/10/25 - colour-counting implemented (could use some hashing, but * performance actually seems okay) - now RGB->INDEXED conversion isn't * destructive if it doesn't have to be. [Adam] * * 97/10/14 - fixed divide-by-zero when converting a completely transparent * RGB image to indexed. [Adam] * * 97/07/01 - started todo/revision log. Put code back in to * eliminate full-alpha pixels from RGB histogram. * [Adam D. Moss - adam@gimp.org] */ #include #include #include #include "appenv.h" #include "actionarea.h" #include "convert.h" #include "cursorutil.h" #include "drawable.h" #include "floating_sel.h" #include "fsdither.h" #include "gdisplay.h" #include "interface.h" #include "undo.h" #include "palette.h" #include "libgimp/gimpintl.h" #include "layer_pvt.h" /* ick. */ #include "drawable_pvt.h" /* ick ick. */ #include "tile_manager_pvt.h" /* ick ick ick. */ #define NODITHER 0 #define FSDITHER 1 #define NODESTRUCTDITHER 2 #define PRECISION_R 6 #define PRECISION_G 6 #define PRECISION_B 5 #define HIST_R_ELEMS (1<style->black, NULL, "You are attempting to convert an image with alpha/layers from RGB/GRAY to INDEXED. You should not generate a palette of more than 255 colors if you intend to create a transparent or animated GIF file from this image.", -1); gtk_text_thaw (GTK_TEXT (text)); } */ void convert_to_indexed (GimpImage *gimage) { IndexedDialog *dialog; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *text; GtkWidget *frame; GtkWidget *toggle; GSList *group = NULL; dialog = g_new(IndexedDialog, 1); dialog->gimage = gimage; dialog->num_cols = snum_cols; dialog->dither = sdither; dialog->makepal_flag = smakepal_flag; dialog->webpal_flag = swebpal_flag; dialog->custompal_flag = scustompal_flag; dialog->monopal_flag = smonopal_flag; dialog->reusepal_flag = sreusepal_flag; dialog->shell = gtk_dialog_new (); gtk_window_set_wmclass (GTK_WINDOW (dialog->shell), "indexed_color_conversion", "Gimp"); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog->shell), _("Indexed Color Conversion")); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (dialog->shell), "delete_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (indexed_delete_callback), dialog); frame = gtk_frame_new (_("Palette Options")); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 2); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog->shell)->vbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(frame); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 1); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 2); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog->shell)->vbox)), 4); /* put the vbox in the frame */ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox); gtk_widget_show(vbox); /* 'generate palette' */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 1); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 2); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); toggle = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, _("Generate optimal palette: ")); group = gtk_radio_button_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (toggle)); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (toggle), "toggled", (GtkSignalFunc) indexed_radio_update, &(dialog->makepal_flag)); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle), dialog->makepal_flag); gtk_widget_show (toggle); label = gtk_label_new (_("# of colors: ")); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (label); text = gtk_entry_new (); { if (dialog->num_cols == 256) { if ((!gimage_is_empty (gimage)) && ( gimage->layers->next || layer_has_alpha((Layer *) gimage->layers->data) ) ) { gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (text), "255"); dialog->num_cols = 255; } else { gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (text), "256"); } } else { gchar tempstr[50]; g_snprintf (tempstr, sizeof (tempstr), "%d", dialog->num_cols); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (text), tempstr); } gtk_widget_set_usize (text, 50, 25); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), text, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (text), "changed", (GtkSignalFunc) indexed_num_cols_update, dialog); } gtk_widget_show (text); gtk_widget_show (hbox); if (TRUE /* gimage->base_type == RGB */ ) { GtkWidget *menu; GtkWidget *palette_option_menu; int default_palette; menu = build_palette_menu(&default_palette); if (menu) { /* 'custom' palette from dialog */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 1); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); toggle = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, _("Use custom palette")); group = gtk_radio_button_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (toggle)); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (toggle), "toggled", (GtkSignalFunc) indexed_radio_update, &(dialog->custompal_flag)); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle), dialog->custompal_flag); gtk_widget_show (toggle); palette_option_menu = gtk_option_menu_new(); gtk_option_menu_set_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU(palette_option_menu), menu); gtk_option_menu_set_history(GTK_OPTION_MENU(palette_option_menu), default_palette); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), palette_option_menu, TRUE, TRUE, 2); gtk_widget_show(palette_option_menu); gtk_widget_show (hbox); } } if (!UserHasWebPal) { /* 'web palette' * Only presented as an option to the user if they do not * already have the 'Web' GIMP palette installed on their * system. */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 1); { gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); toggle = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, _("Use WWW-optimised palette")); { group = gtk_radio_button_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (toggle)); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (toggle), "toggled", (GtkSignalFunc) indexed_radio_update, &(dialog->webpal_flag)); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle), dialog->webpal_flag); } gtk_widget_show (toggle); } gtk_widget_show (hbox); } /* 'mono palette' */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 1); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); toggle = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, _("Use black/white (1-bit) palette")); group = gtk_radio_button_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (toggle)); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (toggle), "toggled", (GtkSignalFunc) indexed_radio_update, &(dialog->monopal_flag)); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle), dialog->monopal_flag); gtk_widget_show (toggle); gtk_widget_show (hbox); frame = gtk_frame_new (_("Dither Options")); { gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 2); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog->shell)->vbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 1); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 1); /* put the vbox in the frame */ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox); gtk_widget_show(vbox); /* The dither toggle */ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 1); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); toggle = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (_("Enable Floyd-Steinberg dithering")); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle), dialog->dither); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toggle, TRUE, FALSE, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (toggle), "toggled", (GtkSignalFunc) indexed_dither_update, dialog); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_widget_show (toggle); gtk_widget_show (hbox); } gtk_widget_show(frame); /* if the image isn't non-alpha/layered, set the default number of colours to one less than max, to leave room for a transparent index for transparent/animated GIFs */ if ((!gimage_is_empty (gimage)) && ( gimage->layers->next || layer_has_alpha((Layer *) gimage->layers->data) ) ) { frame = gtk_frame_new (_(" [ Warning ] ")); { gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 2); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog->shell)->vbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); label = gtk_label_new ("You are attempting to convert an image with alpha/layers from RGB/GRAY to INDEXED.\n" "\tYou should not generate a palette of more than 255 colors if you intend to create a transparent or animated GIF file from this image."); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), label); gtk_widget_show(label); /* table = gtk_table_new (2, 1, FALSE); { gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table), 1); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), table); text = gtk_text_new (NULL, NULL); { gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), text, 0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK, 0, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (text), "realize", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (realize_text), NULL); } gtk_widget_show (text); scrollbar = gtk_vscrollbar_new (GTK_TEXT (text)->vadj); { gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK, 0, 0); } gtk_widget_show (scrollbar); } gtk_widget_show(table); */ } gtk_widget_show(frame); } /* The action area */ action_items[0].user_data = dialog; action_items[1].user_data = dialog; build_action_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog->shell), action_items, 2, 0); gtk_widget_show (vbox); gtk_widget_show (dialog->shell); } static GtkWidget * build_palette_menu(int *default_palette) { GtkWidget *menu; GtkWidget *menu_item; GSList *list; PaletteEntriesP entries; int i, item; UserHasWebPal = FALSE; if(!palette_entries_list) { palette_init_palettes(FALSE); } list = palette_entries_list; if (!list) return NULL; menu = gtk_menu_new(); for(i=0, item=0, list = palette_entries_list, *default_palette = -1; list; i++, list = g_slist_next (list)) { entries = (PaletteEntriesP) list->data; /* Preferentially, the initial default is 'Web' if available */ if (*default_palette==-1 && g_strcasecmp(entries->name, "Web")==0) { theCustomPalette = entries; UserHasWebPal = TRUE; } /* We can't dither to > 256 colors */ if (entries->n_colors <= 256) { menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (entries->name); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(menu_item), "activate", (GtkSignalFunc) palette_entries_callback, (gpointer)entries); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(menu), menu_item); gtk_widget_show(menu_item); if (theCustomPalette == entries) { *default_palette = item; } item++; } } /* default to first one (only used if 'web' palette not avail.) */ if(*default_palette==-1) { theCustomPalette = (PaletteEntriesP) palette_entries_list->data; *default_palette = 0; } return menu; } static void palette_entries_callback(GtkWidget *w, gpointer client_data){ theCustomPalette = (PaletteEntriesP)client_data; } static void indexed_ok_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) { IndexedDialog *dialog; int palette_type; dialog = (IndexedDialog *) client_data; if (dialog->webpal_flag) palette_type = WEB_PALETTE; else if (dialog->custompal_flag) palette_type = CUSTOM_PALETTE; else if (dialog->monopal_flag) palette_type = MONO_PALETTE; else if (dialog->makepal_flag) palette_type = MAKE_PALETTE; else palette_type = REUSE_PALETTE; /* Convert the image to indexed color */ convert_image (dialog->gimage, INDEXED, dialog->num_cols, dialog->dither, palette_type); gdisplays_flush (); /* Save defaults for next time */ snum_cols = dialog->num_cols; sdither = dialog->dither; smakepal_flag = dialog->makepal_flag; swebpal_flag = dialog->webpal_flag; scustompal_flag = dialog->custompal_flag; smonopal_flag = dialog->monopal_flag; sreusepal_flag = dialog->reusepal_flag; gtk_widget_destroy (dialog->shell); g_free (dialog); dialog = NULL; } static gint indexed_delete_callback (GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *e, gpointer client_data) { indexed_cancel_callback (w, client_data); return TRUE; } static void indexed_cancel_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer client_data) { IndexedDialog *dialog; dialog = (IndexedDialog *) client_data; gtk_widget_destroy (dialog->shell); g_free (dialog); dialog = NULL; } static void indexed_num_cols_update (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { IndexedDialog *dialog; char *str; str = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (w)); dialog = (IndexedDialog *) data; dialog->num_cols = BOUNDS(((int) atof (str)), 1, 256); } static void indexed_radio_update (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gint *toggle_val; toggle_val = (int *) data; if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget)->active) *toggle_val = TRUE; else *toggle_val = FALSE; } static void indexed_dither_update (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { IndexedDialog *dialog; dialog = (IndexedDialog *) data; if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (w)->active) dialog->dither = TRUE; else dialog->dither = FALSE; } void convert_image (GImage *gimage, int new_type, int num_cols, /* used only for new_type == INDEXED */ int dither, /* used only for new_type == INDEXED */ int palette_type) /* used only for new_type == INDEXED */ { QuantizeObj *quantobj; Layer *layer; Layer *floating_layer; int old_type; GSList *list; int new_layer_type; int new_layer_bytes; int has_alpha; TileManager *new_tiles; quantobj = NULL; new_layer_type = RGBA_GIMAGE; new_layer_bytes = 4; gimp_add_busy_cursors(); /* Get the floating layer if one exists */ floating_layer = gimage_floating_sel (gimage); undo_push_group_start (gimage, GIMAGE_MOD_UNDO); /* Relax the floating selection */ if (floating_layer) floating_sel_relax (floating_layer, TRUE); /* Push the image size to the stack */ undo_push_gimage_mod (gimage); /* Set the new base type */ old_type = gimage->base_type; gimage->base_type = new_type; /* Convert to indexed? Build histogram if necessary. */ if (new_type == INDEXED) { int i, j; /* don't dither if the input is grayscale and we are simply mapping every color */ if (old_type == GRAY && num_cols == 256 && palette_type == MAKE_PALETTE) dither = FALSE; quantobj = initialize_median_cut (old_type, num_cols, dither ? FSDITHER : NODITHER, palette_type); if (palette_type == MAKE_PALETTE) { if (old_type == GRAY) zero_histogram_gray (quantobj->histogram); else zero_histogram_rgb (quantobj->histogram); /* To begin, assume that there are fewer colours in * the image than the user actually asked for. In that * case, we don't need to quantize or dither. */ needs_quantize = FALSE; num_found_cols = 0; /* Build the histogram */ list = gimage->layers; while (list) { layer = (Layer *) list->data; list = g_slist_next (list); if (old_type == GRAY) generate_histogram_gray (quantobj->histogram, layer); else generate_histogram_rgb (quantobj->histogram, layer, num_cols); /* * Note: generate_histogram_rgb may set needs_quantize if * the image contains more colours than the limit specified * by the user. */ } } if ( (old_type == RGB) && (!needs_quantize) && (palette_type == MAKE_PALETTE) ) { /* If this is an RGB image, and the user wanted a custom-built * generated palette, and this image has no more colours than * the user asked for, we don't need the first pass (quantization). * * There's also no point in dithering, since there's no error to * spread. So we destroy the old quantobj and make a new one * with the remapping function set to a special LUT-based * no-dither remapper. */ quantobj->delete_func (quantobj); quantobj = initialize_median_cut (old_type, num_cols, NODESTRUCTDITHER, palette_type); /* We can skip the first pass (palette creation) */ quantobj->actual_number_of_colors = num_found_cols; for (i = 0; i < num_found_cols; i++) { quantobj->cmap[i].red = found_cols[i][0]; quantobj->cmap[i].green = found_cols[i][1]; quantobj->cmap[i].blue = found_cols[i][2]; } } else { (* quantobj->first_pass) (quantobj); } if (gimage->cmap) g_free (gimage->cmap); gimage->cmap = (unsigned char *) g_malloc (COLORMAP_SIZE); gimage->num_cols = quantobj->actual_number_of_colors; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < quantobj->actual_number_of_colors; i++) { gimage->cmap[j++] = quantobj->cmap[i].red; gimage->cmap[j++] = quantobj->cmap[i].green; gimage->cmap[j++] = quantobj->cmap[i].blue; } } /* Convert all layers */ list = gimage->layers; while (list) { layer = (Layer *) list->data; list = g_slist_next (list); has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); switch (new_type) { case RGB: new_layer_type = (has_alpha) ? RGBA_GIMAGE : RGB_GIMAGE; new_layer_bytes = (has_alpha) ? 4 : 3; break; case GRAY: new_layer_type = (has_alpha) ? GRAYA_GIMAGE : GRAY_GIMAGE; new_layer_bytes = (has_alpha) ? 2 : 1; break; case INDEXED: new_layer_type = (has_alpha) ? INDEXEDA_GIMAGE : INDEXED_GIMAGE; new_layer_bytes = (has_alpha) ? 2 : 1; break; default: break; } new_tiles = tile_manager_new (GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, new_layer_bytes); switch (new_type) { case RGB: rgb_converter (layer, new_tiles, old_type); break; case GRAY: grayscale_converter (layer, new_tiles, old_type); break; case INDEXED: (* quantobj->second_pass) (quantobj, layer, new_tiles); break; default: break; } /* Push the layer on the undo stack */ undo_push_layer_mod (gimage, layer); GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles = new_tiles; GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->bytes = new_layer_bytes; GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->type = new_layer_type; GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->has_alpha = TYPE_HAS_ALPHA(new_layer_type); } /* Delete the quantizer object, if there is one */ if (quantobj) quantobj->delete_func (quantobj); /* Make sure the projection is up to date */ gimage_projection_realloc (gimage); /* Rigor the floating selection */ if (floating_layer) floating_sel_rigor (floating_layer, TRUE); undo_push_group_end (gimage); /* shrink wrap and update all views */ layer_invalidate_previews (gimage); gimage_invalidate_preview (gimage); gdisplays_update_title (gimage); gdisplays_update_full (gimage); gimp_image_colormap_changed (gimage, -1); gimp_remove_busy_cursors(NULL); } static void rgb_converter (Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles, int old_type) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; int row, col; int offset; int has_alpha; unsigned char *src, *s; unsigned char *dest, *d; unsigned char *cmap; void *pr; has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (2, &srcPR, &destPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { src = srcPR.data; dest = destPR.data; switch (old_type) { case GRAY: for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { s = src; d = dest; for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { d[RED_PIX] = *s; d[GREEN_PIX] = *s; d[BLUE_PIX] = *s; d += 3; s++; if (has_alpha) *d++ = *s++; } src += srcPR.rowstride; dest += destPR.rowstride; } break; case INDEXED: cmap = drawable_cmap (GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)); for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { s = src; d = dest; for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { offset = *s++ * 3; d[RED_PIX] = cmap[offset + 0]; d[GREEN_PIX] = cmap[offset + 1]; d[BLUE_PIX] = cmap[offset + 2]; d += 3; if (has_alpha) *d++ = *s++; } src += srcPR.rowstride; dest += destPR.rowstride; } break; default: break; } } } static void grayscale_converter (Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles, int old_type) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; int row, col; int offset, val; int has_alpha; unsigned char *src, *s; unsigned char *dest, *d; unsigned char *cmap; void *pr; has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (2, &srcPR, &destPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { src = srcPR.data; dest = destPR.data; switch (old_type) { case RGB: for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { s = src; d = dest; for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { val = INTENSITY (s[RED_PIX], s[GREEN_PIX], s[BLUE_PIX]); *d++ = (unsigned char) val; s += 3; if (has_alpha) *d++ = *s++; } src += srcPR.rowstride; dest += destPR.rowstride; } break; case INDEXED: cmap = drawable_cmap (GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)); for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { s = src; d = dest; for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { offset = *s++ * 3; val = INTENSITY (cmap[offset+0], cmap[offset+1], cmap[offset+2]); *d++ = (unsigned char) val; if (has_alpha) *d++ = *s++; } src += srcPR.rowstride; dest += destPR.rowstride; } break; default: break; } } } /* * Indexed color conversion machinery */ static void zero_histogram_gray (Histogram histogram) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) histogram[i] = 0; } static void zero_histogram_rgb (Histogram histogram) { int r, g, b; for (r = 0; r < HIST_R_ELEMS; r++) for (g = 0; g < HIST_G_ELEMS; g++) for (b = 0; b < HIST_B_ELEMS; b++) histogram[r*MR + g*MG + b] = 0; } static void generate_histogram_gray (Histogram histogram, Layer *layer) { PixelRegion srcPR; unsigned char *data; int size; void *pr; gboolean has_alpha; has_alpha = (gboolean) layer_has_alpha(layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (1, &srcPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { data = srcPR.data; size = srcPR.w * srcPR.h; while (size--) { histogram[*data] ++; data += srcPR.bytes; } } } static void generate_histogram_rgb (Histogram histogram, Layer *layer, int col_limit) { PixelRegion srcPR; unsigned char *data; int size; void *pr; ColorFreq *col; gboolean has_alpha; int nfc_iter; has_alpha = (gboolean) layer_has_alpha(layer); /* g_print ("col_limit = %d, nfc = %d\n", col_limit, num_found_cols);*/ pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (1, &srcPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { data = srcPR.data; size = srcPR.w * srcPR.h; if (needs_quantize) { while (size--) { if ((has_alpha && (data[ALPHA_PIX]&128)) || (!has_alpha)) { col = & histogram[(data[RED_PIX] >> R_SHIFT) * MR + (data[GREEN_PIX] >> G_SHIFT) * MG + (data[BLUE_PIX] >> B_SHIFT)]; (*col)++; } data += srcPR.bytes; } } else { while (size--) { if ((has_alpha && (data[ALPHA_PIX]&128)) || (!has_alpha)) { col = & histogram[(data[RED_PIX] >> R_SHIFT) * MR + (data[GREEN_PIX] >> G_SHIFT) * MG + (data[BLUE_PIX] >> B_SHIFT)]; (*col)++; if (!needs_quantize) { for (nfc_iter = 0; nfc_iter < num_found_cols; nfc_iter++) { if ( (data[RED_PIX] == found_cols[nfc_iter][0]) && (data[GREEN_PIX] == found_cols[nfc_iter][1]) && (data[BLUE_PIX] == found_cols[nfc_iter][2]) ) goto already_found; } /* Colour was not in the table of * existing colours */ num_found_cols++; if (num_found_cols > col_limit) { /* There are more colours in the image * than were allowed. We switch to plain * histogram calculation with a view to * quantizing at a later stage. */ needs_quantize = TRUE; /* g_print (_("\nmax colours exceeded - needs quantize.\n"));*/ goto already_found; } else { /* Remember the new colour we just found. */ found_cols[num_found_cols-1][0] = data[RED_PIX]; found_cols[num_found_cols-1][1] = data[GREEN_PIX]; found_cols[num_found_cols-1][2] = data[BLUE_PIX]; } } } already_found: data += srcPR.bytes; } } } /* g_print ("O: col_limit = %d, nfc = %d\n", col_limit, num_found_cols);*/ } static boxptr find_split_candidate (boxptr boxlist, int numboxes) { boxptr boxp; int i; guint64 maxc = 0; boxptr which = NULL; for (i = 0, boxp = boxlist; i < numboxes; i++, boxp++) { if (boxp->volume > 0) { if (boxp->gerror*G_SCALE > maxc) { which = boxp; maxc = boxp->gerror*G_SCALE; } if (boxp->rerror*R_SCALE > maxc) { which = boxp; maxc = boxp->rerror*R_SCALE; } if (boxp->berror*B_SCALE > maxc) { which = boxp; maxc = boxp->berror*B_SCALE; } } } return which; } #if 0 static boxptr find_biggest_color_pop (boxptr boxlist, int numboxes) /* Find the splittable box with the largest color population */ /* Returns NULL if no splittable boxes remain */ { } #endif static boxptr find_biggest_volume (boxptr boxlist, int numboxes) /* Find the splittable box with the largest (scaled) volume */ /* Returns NULL if no splittable boxes remain */ { boxptr boxp; int i; int maxv = 0; boxptr which = NULL; for (i = 0, boxp = boxlist; i < numboxes; i++, boxp++) { if (boxp->volume > maxv) { which = boxp; maxv = boxp->volume; } } return which; } static void update_box_gray (Histogram histogram, boxptr boxp) /* Shrink the min/max bounds of a box to enclose only nonzero elements, */ /* and recompute its volume and population */ { int i, min, max, dist; long ccount; min = boxp->Rmin; max = boxp->Rmax; if (max > min) for (i = min; i <= max; i++) { if (histogram[i] != 0) { boxp->Rmin = min = i; break; } } if (max > min) for (i = max; i >= min; i--) { if (histogram[i] != 0) { boxp->Rmax = max = i; break; } } /* Update box volume. * We use 2-norm rather than real volume here; this biases the method * against making long narrow boxes, and it has the side benefit that * a box is splittable iff norm > 0. * Since the differences are expressed in histogram-cell units, * we have to shift back to JSAMPLE units to get consistent distances; * after which, we scale according to the selected distance scale factors. */ dist = max - min; boxp->volume = dist * dist; /* Now scan remaining volume of box and compute population */ ccount = 0; for (i = min; i <= max; i++) if (histogram[i] != 0) ccount++; boxp->colorcount = ccount; } static void update_box_rgb (Histogram histogram, boxptr boxp) /* Shrink the min/max bounds of a box to enclose only nonzero elements, */ /* and recompute its volume, population and error */ { ColorFreq * histp; int R,G,B; int Rmin,Rmax,Gmin,Gmax,Bmin,Bmax; int dist0,dist1,dist2; long ccount; guint64 tempRerror; guint64 tempGerror; guint64 tempBerror; QuantizeObj dummyqo; box dummybox; Rmin = boxp->Rmin; Rmax = boxp->Rmax; Gmin = boxp->Gmin; Gmax = boxp->Gmax; Bmin = boxp->Bmin; Bmax = boxp->Bmax; if (Rmax > Rmin) for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++) if (*histp++ != 0) { boxp->Rmin = Rmin = R; goto have_Rmin; } } have_Rmin: if (Rmax > Rmin) for (R = Rmax; R >= Rmin; R--) for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++) if (*histp++ != 0) { boxp->Rmax = Rmax = R; goto have_Rmax; } } have_Rmax: if (Gmax > Gmin) for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++) if (*histp++ != 0) { boxp->Gmin = Gmin = G; goto have_Gmin; } } have_Gmin: if (Gmax > Gmin) for (G = Gmax; G >= Gmin; G--) for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++) if (*histp++ != 0) { boxp->Gmax = Gmax = G; goto have_Gmax; } } have_Gmax: if (Bmax > Bmin) for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++) for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + Gmin*MG + B; for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++, histp += MG) if (*histp != 0) { boxp->Bmin = Bmin = B; goto have_Bmin; } } have_Bmin: if (Bmax > Bmin) for (B = Bmax; B >= Bmin; B--) for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + Gmin*MG + B; for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++, histp += MG) if (*histp != 0) { boxp->Bmax = Bmax = B; goto have_Bmax; } } have_Bmax: /* Update box volume. * We use 2-norm rather than real volume here; this biases the method * against making long narrow boxes, and it has the side benefit that * a box is splittable iff norm > 0. * Since the differences are expressed in histogram-cell units, * we have to shift back to JSAMPLE units to get consistent distances; * after which, we scale according to the selected distance scale factors. */ dist0 = (( + Rmax - Rmin) << R_SHIFT) * R_SCALE; dist1 = (( + Gmax - Gmin) << G_SHIFT) * G_SCALE; dist2 = (( + Bmax - Bmin) << B_SHIFT) * B_SCALE; boxp->volume = dist0*dist0 + dist1*dist1 + dist2*dist2; compute_color_rgb(&dummyqo, histogram, boxp, 0); /*printf("(%d %d %d)\n", dummyqo.cmap[0].red,dummyqo.cmap[0].green,dummyqo.cmap[0].blue); fflush(stdout);*/ /* Now scan remaining volume of box and compute population */ ccount = 0; boxp->error = 0; boxp->rerror = 0; boxp->gerror = 0; boxp->berror = 0; for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++, histp++) if (*histp != 0) { int ge, be, re; dummybox.Rmin = dummybox.Rmax = R; dummybox.Gmin = dummybox.Gmax = G; dummybox.Bmin = dummybox.Bmax = B; compute_color_rgb(&dummyqo, histogram, &dummybox, 1); re = dummyqo.cmap[0].red - dummyqo.cmap[1].red; ge = dummyqo.cmap[0].green - dummyqo.cmap[1].green; be = dummyqo.cmap[0].blue - dummyqo.cmap[1].blue; boxp->rerror += (*histp) * re*re; boxp->gerror += (*histp) * ge*ge; boxp->berror += (*histp) * be*be; boxp->error += (*histp) * ( re*re*R_SCALE + ge*ge*G_SCALE + be*be*B_SCALE ); ccount += *histp; } } /* Scan again, taking note of halfway error point for red axis */ tempRerror = 0; boxp->Rhalferror = Rmin; for (R = Rmin; R < Rmax; R++) { dummybox.Rmin = dummybox.Rmax = R; for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) { dummybox.Gmin = dummybox.Gmax = G; histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++, histp++) if (*histp != 0) { int re; dummybox.Bmin = dummybox.Bmax = B; compute_color_rgb(&dummyqo, histogram, &dummybox, 1); re = dummyqo.cmap[0].red - dummyqo.cmap[1].red; tempRerror += (*histp)*re*re; if (tempRerror*2 > boxp->rerror) goto green_axisscan; else boxp->Rhalferror = R; } } } green_axisscan: /* Scan again, taking note of halfway error point for green axis */ tempGerror = 0; boxp->Ghalferror = Gmin; for (G = Gmin; G < Gmax; G++) { dummybox.Gmin = dummybox.Gmax = G; for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) { dummybox.Rmin = dummybox.Rmax = R; histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++, histp++) if (*histp != 0) { int ge; dummybox.Bmin = dummybox.Bmax = B; compute_color_rgb(&dummyqo, histogram, &dummybox, 1); ge = dummyqo.cmap[0].green - dummyqo.cmap[1].green; tempGerror += (*histp)*ge*ge; if (tempGerror*2 > boxp->gerror) goto blue_axisscan; else boxp->Ghalferror = G; } } } blue_axisscan: /* Scan again, taking note of halfway error point for blue axis */ tempBerror = 0; boxp->Bhalferror = Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B < Bmax; B++) { dummybox.Bmin = dummybox.Bmax = B; for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) { dummybox.Rmin = dummybox.Rmax = R; for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + B; if (*histp != 0) { int be; dummybox.Gmin = dummybox.Gmax = G; compute_color_rgb(&dummyqo, histogram, &dummybox, 1); be = dummyqo.cmap[0].blue - dummyqo.cmap[1].blue; tempBerror += (*histp)*be*be; if (tempBerror*2 > boxp->berror) goto finished_axesscan; else boxp->Bhalferror = B; } } } } finished_axesscan: /* // boxp->Rhalferror = (Rmin+Rmax)/2; // boxp->Ghalferror = (Gmin+Gmax)/2; // boxp->Bhalferror = (Bmin+Bmax)/2; */ /*boxp->error = (sqrt((double)(boxp->error/ccount)));*/ /* boxp->rerror = (sqrt((double)((boxp->rerror)/ccount))); boxp->gerror = (sqrt((double)((boxp->gerror)/ccount))); boxp->berror = (sqrt((double)((boxp->berror)/ccount)));*/ /*printf(":%lld / %ld: ", boxp->error, ccount); printf("(%d-%d-%d)(%d-%d-%d)(%d-%d-%d)\n", Rmin, boxp->Rhalferror, Rmax, Gmin, boxp->Ghalferror, Gmax, Bmin, boxp->Bhalferror, Bmax ); fflush(stdout);*/ boxp->colorcount = ccount; } static int median_cut_gray (Histogram histogram, boxptr boxlist, int numboxes, int desired_colors) /* Repeatedly select and split the largest box until we have enough boxes */ { int lb; boxptr b1, b2; while (numboxes < desired_colors) { /* Select box to split. * Current algorithm: by population for first half, then by volume. */ #if 0 if (numboxes*2 <= desired_colors) { b1 = find_biggest_color_pop (boxlist, numboxes); } else #endif { b1 = find_biggest_volume (boxlist, numboxes); } if (b1 == NULL) /* no splittable boxes left! */ break; b2 = boxlist + numboxes; /* where new box will go */ /* Copy the color bounds to the new box. */ b2->Rmax = b1->Rmax; b2->Rmin = b1->Rmin; /* Current algorithm: split at halfway point. * (Since the box has been shrunk to minimum volume, * any split will produce two nonempty subboxes.) * Note that lb value is max for lower box, so must be < old max. */ lb = (b1->Rmax + b1->Rmin) / 2; b1->Rmax = lb; b2->Rmin = lb + 1; /* Update stats for boxes */ update_box_gray (histogram, b1); update_box_gray (histogram, b2); numboxes++; } return numboxes; } static int median_cut_rgb (Histogram histogram, boxptr boxlist, int numboxes, int desired_colors) /* Repeatedly select and split the largest box until we have enough boxes */ { int n,lb; guint64 R,G,B,cmax; boxptr b1,b2; while (numboxes < desired_colors) { #if 0 /* Select box to split. * Current algorithm: by population for first half, then by volume. */ if (1 || numboxes*2 <= desired_colors) { g_print ("O "); b1 = find_biggest_color_pop (boxlist, numboxes); } else { g_print (". "); b1 = find_biggest_volume (boxlist, numboxes); } #endif b1 = find_split_candidate (boxlist, numboxes); if (b1 == NULL) /* no splittable boxes left! */ break; b2 = boxlist + numboxes; /* where new box will go */ /* Copy the color bounds to the new box. */ b2->Rmax = b1->Rmax; b2->Gmax = b1->Gmax; b2->Bmax = b1->Bmax; b2->Rmin = b1->Rmin; b2->Gmin = b1->Gmin; b2->Bmin = b1->Bmin; /* Choose which axis to split the box on. * See notes in update_box about scaling distances. */ /* // R = ((b1->Rmax - b1->Rmin) << R_SHIFT) * R_SCALE; // G = ((b1->Gmax - b1->Gmin) << G_SHIFT) * G_SCALE; //B = ((b1->Bmax - b1->Bmin) << B_SHIFT) * B_SCALE; */ R = R_SCALE*b1->rerror;/* * (((b1->Rmax - b1->Rmin) << R_SHIFT)) * R_SCALE; */ G = G_SCALE*b1->gerror;/* * (((b1->Gmax - b1->Gmin) << G_SHIFT)) * G_SCALE; */ B = B_SCALE*b1->berror;/* * (((b1->Bmax - b1->Bmin) << B_SHIFT)) * B_SCALE; */ /* We want to break any ties in favor of green, then red, blue last. */ cmax = G; n = 1; if (R > cmax) { cmax = R; n = 0; } if (B > cmax) { n = 2; } /* Choose split point along selected axis, and update box bounds. * Note that lb value is max for lower box, so must be < old max. */ switch (n) { case 0: lb = b1->Rhalferror;/* *0 + (b1->Rmax + b1->Rmin) / 2; */ b1->Rmax = lb; b2->Rmin = lb+1; g_assert(b1->Rmax >= b1->Rmin); g_assert(b2->Rmax >= b2->Rmin); break; case 1: lb = b1->Ghalferror;/* *0 + (b1->Gmax + b1->Gmin) / 2; */ b1->Gmax = lb; b2->Gmin = lb+1; g_assert(b1->Gmax >= b1->Gmin); g_assert(b2->Gmax >= b2->Gmin); break; case 2: lb = b1->Bhalferror;/* *0 + (b1->Bmax + b1->Bmin) / 2; */ b1->Bmax = lb; b2->Bmin = lb+1; g_assert(b1->Bmax >= b1->Bmin); g_assert(b2->Bmax >= b2->Bmin); break; } /* Update stats for boxes */ update_box_rgb (histogram, b1); update_box_rgb (histogram, b2); numboxes++; } return numboxes; } static void compute_color_gray (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Histogram histogram, boxptr boxp, int icolor) /* Compute representative color for a box, put it in colormap[icolor] */ { int i, min, max; long count; long total; long gtotal; min = boxp->Rmin; max = boxp->Rmax; total = 0; gtotal = 0; for (i = min; i <= max; i++) { count = histogram[i]; if (count != 0) { total += count; gtotal += i * count; } } if (total != 0) { quantobj->cmap[icolor].red = (gtotal + (total >> 1)) / total; quantobj->cmap[icolor].green = quantobj->cmap[icolor].red; quantobj->cmap[icolor].blue = quantobj->cmap[icolor].red; } else /* The only situation where total==0 is if the image was null or * all-transparent. In that case we just put a dummy value in * the colourmap. */ { quantobj->cmap[icolor].red = quantobj->cmap[icolor].green = quantobj->cmap[icolor].blue = 0; } } static void compute_color_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Histogram histogram, boxptr boxp, int icolor) /* Compute representative color for a box, put it in colormap[icolor] */ { /* Current algorithm: mean weighted by pixels (not colors) */ /* Note it is important to get the rounding correct! */ ColorFreq * histp; int R, G, B; int Rmin, Rmax; int Gmin, Gmax; int Bmin, Bmax; long count; long total = 0; long Rtotal = 0; long Gtotal = 0; long Btotal = 0; Rmin = boxp->Rmin; Rmax = boxp->Rmax; Gmin = boxp->Gmin; Gmax = boxp->Gmax; Bmin = boxp->Bmin; Bmax = boxp->Bmax; for (R = Rmin; R <= Rmax; R++) for (G = Gmin; G <= Gmax; G++) { histp = histogram + R*MR + G*MG + Bmin; for (B = Bmin; B <= Bmax; B++) { if ((count = *histp++) != 0) { total += count; Rtotal += ((R << R_SHIFT) + ((1<>1)) * count; Gtotal += ((G << G_SHIFT) + ((1<>1)) * count; Btotal += ((B << B_SHIFT) + ((1<>1)) * count; } } } if (total != 0) { quantobj->cmap[icolor].red = (Rtotal + (total>>1)) / total; quantobj->cmap[icolor].green = (Gtotal + (total>>1)) / total; quantobj->cmap[icolor].blue = (Btotal + (total>>1)) / total; } else /* The only situation where total==0 is if the image was null or * all-transparent. In that case we just put a dummy value in * the colourmap. */ { quantobj->cmap[icolor].red = quantobj->cmap[icolor].green = quantobj->cmap[icolor].blue = 0; } } static void select_colors_gray (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Histogram histogram) /* Master routine for color selection */ { boxptr boxlist; int numboxes; int desired = quantobj->desired_number_of_colors; int i; /* Allocate workspace for box list */ boxlist = (boxptr) g_malloc ( desired * sizeof(box) ); /* Initialize one box containing whole space */ numboxes = 1; boxlist[0].Rmin = 0; boxlist[0].Rmax = 255; /* Shrink it to actually-used volume and set its statistics */ update_box_gray (histogram, boxlist); /* Perform median-cut to produce final box list */ numboxes = median_cut_gray (histogram, boxlist, numboxes, desired); quantobj->actual_number_of_colors = numboxes; /* Compute the representative color for each box, fill colormap */ for (i = 0; i < numboxes; i++) compute_color_gray (quantobj, histogram, boxlist + i, i); } static void select_colors_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Histogram histogram) /* Master routine for color selection */ { boxptr boxlist; int numboxes; int desired = quantobj->desired_number_of_colors; int i; /* Allocate workspace for box list */ boxlist = (boxptr) g_malloc ( desired * sizeof(box) ); /* Initialize one box containing whole space */ numboxes = 1; boxlist[0].Rmin = 0; boxlist[0].Rmax = (1 << PRECISION_R) - 1; boxlist[0].Gmin = 0; boxlist[0].Gmax = (1 << PRECISION_G) - 1; boxlist[0].Bmin = 0; boxlist[0].Bmax = (1 << PRECISION_B) - 1; /* Shrink it to actually-used volume and set its statistics */ update_box_rgb (histogram, boxlist); /* Perform median-cut to produce final box list */ numboxes = median_cut_rgb (histogram, boxlist, numboxes, desired); quantobj->actual_number_of_colors = numboxes; /* Compute the representative color for each box, fill colormap */ for (i = 0; i < numboxes; i++) compute_color_rgb (quantobj, histogram, boxlist + i, i); } /* * These routines are concerned with the time-critical task of mapping input * colors to the nearest color in the selected colormap. * * We re-use the histogram space as an "inverse color map", essentially a * cache for the results of nearest-color searches. All colors within a * histogram cell will be mapped to the same colormap entry, namely the one * closest to the cell's center. This may not be quite the closest entry to * the actual input color, but it's almost as good. A zero in the cache * indicates we haven't found the nearest color for that cell yet; the array * is cleared to zeroes before starting the mapping pass. When we find the * nearest color for a cell, its colormap index plus one is recorded in the * cache for future use. The pass2 scanning routines call fill_inverse_cmap * when they need to use an unfilled entry in the cache. * * Our method of efficiently finding nearest colors is based on the "locally * sorted search" idea described by Heckbert and on the incremental distance * calculation described by Spencer W. Thomas in chapter III.1 of Graphics * Gems II (James Arvo, ed. Academic Press, 1991). Thomas points out that * the distances from a given colormap entry to each cell of the histogram can * be computed quickly using an incremental method: the differences between * distances to adjacent cells themselves differ by a constant. This allows a * fairly fast implementation of the "brute force" approach of computing the * distance from every colormap entry to every histogram cell. Unfortunately, * it needs a work array to hold the best-distance-so-far for each histogram * cell (because the inner loop has to be over cells, not colormap entries). * The work array elements have to be ints, so the work array would need * 256Kb at our recommended precision. This is not feasible in DOS machines. * * To get around these problems, we apply Thomas' method to compute the * nearest colors for only the cells within a small subbox of the histogram. * The work array need be only as big as the subbox, so the memory usage * problem is solved. Furthermore, we need not fill subboxes that are never * referenced in pass2; many images use only part of the color gamut, so a * fair amount of work is saved. An additional advantage of this * approach is that we can apply Heckbert's locality criterion to quickly * eliminate colormap entries that are far away from the subbox; typically * three-fourths of the colormap entries are rejected by Heckbert's criterion, * and we need not compute their distances to individual cells in the subbox. * The speed of this approach is heavily influenced by the subbox size: too * small means too much overhead, too big loses because Heckbert's criterion * can't eliminate as many colormap entries. Empirically the best subbox * size seems to be about 1/512th of the histogram (1/8th in each direction). * * Thomas' article also describes a refined method which is asymptotically * faster than the brute-force method, but it is also far more complex and * cannot efficiently be applied to small subboxes. It is therefore not * useful for programs intended to be portable to DOS machines. On machines * with plenty of memory, filling the whole histogram in one shot with Thomas' * refined method might be faster than the present code --- but then again, * it might not be any faster, and it's certainly more complicated. */ /* log2(histogram cells in update box) for each axis; this can be adjusted */ #define BOX_R_LOG (PRECISION_R-3) #define BOX_G_LOG (PRECISION_G-3) #define BOX_B_LOG (PRECISION_B-3) #define BOX_R_ELEMS (1<actual_number_of_colors; int maxR, maxG, maxB; int centerR, centerG, centerB; int i, x, ncolors; int minmaxdist, min_dist, max_dist, tdist; int mindist[MAXNUMCOLORS]; /* min distance to colormap entry i */ /* Compute true coordinates of update box's upper corner and center. * Actually we compute the coordinates of the center of the upper-corner * histogram cell, which are the upper bounds of the volume we care about. * Note that since ">>" rounds down, the "center" values may be closer to * min than to max; hence comparisons to them must be "<=", not "<". */ maxR = minR + ((1 << BOX_R_SHIFT) - (1 << R_SHIFT)); centerR = (minR + maxR) >> 1; maxG = minG + ((1 << BOX_G_SHIFT) - (1 << G_SHIFT)); centerG = (minG + maxG) >> 1; maxB = minB + ((1 << BOX_B_SHIFT) - (1 << B_SHIFT)); centerB = (minB + maxB) >> 1; /* For each color in colormap, find: * 1. its minimum squared-distance to any point in the update box * (zero if color is within update box); * 2. its maximum squared-distance to any point in the update box. * Both of these can be found by considering only the corners of the box. * We save the minimum distance for each color in mindist[]; * only the smallest maximum distance is of interest. */ minmaxdist = 0x7FFFFFFFL; for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++) { /* We compute the squared-R-distance term, then add in the other two. */ x = quantobj->cmap[i].red; if (x < minR) { tdist = (x - minR) * R_SCALE; min_dist = tdist*tdist; tdist = (x - maxR) * R_SCALE; max_dist = tdist*tdist; } else if (x > maxR) { tdist = (x - maxR) * R_SCALE; min_dist = tdist*tdist; tdist = (x - minR) * R_SCALE; max_dist = tdist*tdist; } else { /* within cell range so no contribution to min_dist */ min_dist = 0; if (x <= centerR) { tdist = (x - maxR) * R_SCALE; max_dist = tdist*tdist; } else { tdist = (x - minR) * R_SCALE; max_dist = tdist*tdist; } } x = quantobj->cmap[i].green; if (x < minG) { tdist = (x - minG) * G_SCALE; min_dist += tdist*tdist; tdist = (x - maxG) * G_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } else if (x > maxG) { tdist = (x - maxG) * G_SCALE; min_dist += tdist*tdist; tdist = (x - minG) * G_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } else { /* within cell range so no contribution to min_dist */ if (x <= centerG) { tdist = (x - maxG) * G_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } else { tdist = (x - minG) * G_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } } x = quantobj->cmap[i].blue; if (x < minB) { tdist = (x - minB) * B_SCALE; min_dist += tdist*tdist; tdist = (x - maxB) * B_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } else if (x > maxB) { tdist = (x - maxB) * B_SCALE; min_dist += tdist*tdist; tdist = (x - minB) * B_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } else { /* within cell range so no contribution to min_dist */ if (x <= centerB) { tdist = (x - maxB) * B_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } else { tdist = (x - minB) * B_SCALE; max_dist += tdist*tdist; } } mindist[i] = min_dist; /* save away the results */ if (max_dist < minmaxdist) minmaxdist = max_dist; } /* Now we know that no cell in the update box is more than minmaxdist * away from some colormap entry. Therefore, only colors that are * within minmaxdist of some part of the box need be considered. */ ncolors = 0; for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++) { if (mindist[i] <= minmaxdist) colorlist[ncolors++] = i; } return ncolors; } static void find_best_colors (QuantizeObj *quantobj, int minR, int minG, int minB, int numcolors, int colorlist[], int bestcolor[]) /* Find the closest colormap entry for each cell in the update box, * given the list of candidate colors prepared by find_nearby_colors. * Return the indexes of the closest entries in the bestcolor[] array. * This routine uses Thomas' incremental distance calculation method to * find the distance from a colormap entry to successive cells in the box. */ { int iR, iG, iB; int i, icolor; int * bptr; /* pointer into bestdist[] array */ int * cptr; /* pointer into bestcolor[] array */ int dist0, dist1; /* initial distance values */ int dist2; /* current distance in inner loop */ int xx0, xx1; /* distance increments */ int xx2; int inR, inG, inB; /* initial values for increments */ /* This array holds the distance to the nearest-so-far color for each cell */ int bestdist[BOX_R_ELEMS * BOX_G_ELEMS * BOX_B_ELEMS]; /* Initialize best-distance for each cell of the update box */ bptr = bestdist; for (i = BOX_R_ELEMS*BOX_G_ELEMS*BOX_B_ELEMS-1; i >= 0; i--) *bptr++ = 0x7FFFFFFFL; /* For each color selected by find_nearby_colors, * compute its distance to the center of each cell in the box. * If that's less than best-so-far, update best distance and color number. */ /* Nominal steps between cell centers ("x" in Thomas article) */ #define STEP_R ((1 << R_SHIFT) * R_SCALE) #define STEP_G ((1 << G_SHIFT) * G_SCALE) #define STEP_B ((1 << B_SHIFT) * B_SCALE) for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++) { icolor = colorlist[i]; /* Compute (square of) distance from minR/G/B to this color */ inR = (minR - quantobj->cmap[icolor].red) * R_SCALE; dist0 = inR*inR; inG = (minG - quantobj->cmap[icolor].green) * G_SCALE; dist0 += inG*inG; inB = (minB - quantobj->cmap[icolor].blue) * B_SCALE; dist0 += inB*inB; /* Form the initial difference increments */ inR = inR * (2 * STEP_R) + STEP_R * STEP_R; inG = inG * (2 * STEP_G) + STEP_G * STEP_G; inB = inB * (2 * STEP_B) + STEP_B * STEP_B; /* Now loop over all cells in box, updating distance per Thomas method */ bptr = bestdist; cptr = bestcolor; xx0 = inR; for (iR = BOX_R_ELEMS-1; iR >= 0; iR--) { dist1 = dist0; xx1 = inG; for (iG = BOX_G_ELEMS-1; iG >= 0; iG--) { dist2 = dist1; xx2 = inB; for (iB = BOX_B_ELEMS-1; iB >= 0; iB--) { if (dist2 < *bptr) { *bptr = dist2; *cptr = icolor; } dist2 += xx2; xx2 += 2 * STEP_B * STEP_B; bptr++; cptr++; } dist1 += xx1; xx1 += 2 * STEP_G * STEP_G; } dist0 += xx0; xx0 += 2 * STEP_R * STEP_R; } } } static void fill_inverse_cmap_gray (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Histogram histogram, int pixel) /* Fill the inverse-colormap entries in the update box that contains */ /* histogram cell R/G/B. (Only that one cell MUST be filled, but */ /* we can fill as many others as we wish.) */ { Color *cmap; long dist; long mindist; int mindisti; int i; cmap = quantobj->cmap; mindist = 65536; mindisti = -1; for (i = 0; i < quantobj->actual_number_of_colors; i++) { dist = pixel - cmap[i].red; dist *= dist; if (dist < mindist) { mindist = dist; mindisti = i; } } if (i >= 0) histogram[pixel] = mindisti + 1; } static void fill_inverse_cmap_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Histogram histogram, int R, int G, int B) /* Fill the inverse-colormap entries in the update box that contains */ /* histogram cell R/G/B. (Only that one cell MUST be filled, but */ /* we can fill as many others as we wish.) */ { int minR, minG, minB; /* lower left corner of update box */ int iR, iG, iB; int * cptr; /* pointer into bestcolor[] array */ ColorFreq * cachep; /* pointer into main cache array */ /* This array lists the candidate colormap indexes. */ int colorlist[MAXNUMCOLORS]; int numcolors; /* number of candidate colors */ /* This array holds the actually closest colormap index for each cell. */ int bestcolor[BOX_R_ELEMS * BOX_G_ELEMS * BOX_B_ELEMS]; /* Convert cell coordinates to update box id */ R >>= BOX_R_LOG; G >>= BOX_G_LOG; B >>= BOX_B_LOG; /* Compute true coordinates of update box's origin corner. * Actually we compute the coordinates of the center of the corner * histogram cell, which are the lower bounds of the volume we care about. */ minR = (R << BOX_R_SHIFT) + ((1 << R_SHIFT) >> 1); minG = (G << BOX_G_SHIFT) + ((1 << G_SHIFT) >> 1); minB = (B << BOX_B_SHIFT) + ((1 << B_SHIFT) >> 1); /* Determine which colormap entries are close enough to be candidates * for the nearest entry to some cell in the update box. */ numcolors = find_nearby_colors (quantobj, minR, minG, minB, colorlist); /* Determine the actually nearest colors. */ find_best_colors (quantobj, minR, minG, minB, numcolors, colorlist, bestcolor); /* Save the best color numbers (plus 1) in the main cache array */ R <<= BOX_R_LOG; /* convert id back to base cell indexes */ G <<= BOX_G_LOG; B <<= BOX_B_LOG; cptr = bestcolor; for (iR = 0; iR < BOX_R_ELEMS; iR++) { for (iG = 0; iG < BOX_G_ELEMS; iG++) { cachep = & histogram[(R+iR)*MR+(G+iG)*MG+B]; for (iB = 0; iB < BOX_B_ELEMS; iB++) { *cachep++ = (*cptr++) + 1; } } } } /* This is pass 1 */ static void median_cut_pass1_gray (QuantizeObj *quantobj) { select_colors_gray (quantobj, quantobj->histogram); } static void median_cut_pass1_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj) { select_colors_rgb (quantobj, quantobj->histogram); } static void monopal_pass1 (QuantizeObj *quantobj) { quantobj -> actual_number_of_colors = 2; quantobj -> cmap[0].red = 0; quantobj -> cmap[0].green = 0; quantobj -> cmap[0].blue = 0; quantobj -> cmap[1].red = 255; quantobj -> cmap[1].green = 255; quantobj -> cmap[1].blue = 255; } static void webpal_pass1 (QuantizeObj *quantobj) { int i; quantobj -> actual_number_of_colors = 216; for (i=0;i<216;i++) { quantobj->cmap[i].red = webpal[i*3]; quantobj->cmap[i].green = webpal[i*3 +1]; quantobj->cmap[i].blue = webpal[i*3 +2]; } } static void custompal_pass1 (QuantizeObj *quantobj) { int i; GSList *list; PaletteEntryP entry; /* fprintf(stderr, "custompal_pass1: using (theCustomPalette %s) from (file %s)\n", theCustomPalette->name, theCustomPalette->filename);*/ for (i=0,list=theCustomPalette->colors; list; i++,list=g_slist_next(list)) { entry=(PaletteEntryP)list->data; quantobj->cmap[i].red = entry->color[0]; quantobj->cmap[i].green = entry->color[1]; quantobj->cmap[i].blue = entry->color[2]; } quantobj -> actual_number_of_colors = i; } /* * Map some rows of pixels to the output colormapped representation. */ static void median_cut_pass2_no_dither_gray (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; Histogram histogram = quantobj->histogram; ColorFreq * cachep; unsigned char *src, *dest; int row, col; int pixel; int has_alpha; void *pr; zero_histogram_gray (histogram); has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (2, &srcPR, &destPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { src = srcPR.data; dest = destPR.data; for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { /* get pixel value and index into the cache */ pixel = src[GRAY_PIX]; cachep = &histogram[pixel]; /* If we have not seen this color before, find nearest colormap entry */ /* and update the cache */ if (*cachep == 0) fill_inverse_cmap_gray (quantobj, histogram, pixel); /* Now emit the colormap index for this cell */ dest[INDEXED_PIX] = *cachep - 1; if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = (src[ALPHA_G_PIX] > 127) ? 255 : 0; src += srcPR.bytes; dest += destPR.bytes; } } } } static void median_cut_pass2_no_dither_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; Histogram histogram = quantobj->histogram; ColorFreq * cachep; unsigned char *src, *dest; int R, G, B; int row, col; int has_alpha; void *pr; int red_pix = RED_PIX; int green_pix = GREEN_PIX; int blue_pix = BLUE_PIX; int alpha_pix = ALPHA_PIX; /* In the case of web/mono palettes, we actually force * grayscale drawables through the rgb pass2 functions */ if (drawable_gray (GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer))) red_pix = green_pix = blue_pix = GRAY_PIX; zero_histogram_rgb (histogram); has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (2, &srcPR, &destPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { src = srcPR.data; dest = destPR.data; for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { /* get pixel value and index into the cache */ R = (src[red_pix]) >> R_SHIFT; G = (src[green_pix]) >> G_SHIFT; B = (src[blue_pix]) >> B_SHIFT; cachep = &histogram[R*MR + G*MG + B]; /* If we have not seen this color before, find nearest colormap entry */ /* and update the cache */ if (*cachep == 0) fill_inverse_cmap_rgb (quantobj, histogram, R, G, B); /* Now emit the colormap index for this cell */ dest[INDEXED_PIX] = *cachep - 1; if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = (src[alpha_pix] > 127) ? 255 : 0; src += srcPR.bytes; dest += destPR.bytes; } } } } static void median_cut_pass2_nodestruct_dither_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; unsigned char *src, *dest; int row, col; int has_alpha; void *pr; int red_pix = RED_PIX; int green_pix = GREEN_PIX; int blue_pix = BLUE_PIX; int alpha_pix = ALPHA_PIX; int i; int lastindex = 0; int lastred = -1; int lastgreen = -1; int lastblue = -1; has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (2, &srcPR, &destPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { src = srcPR.data; dest = destPR.data; for (row = 0; row < srcPR.h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < srcPR.w; col++) { if ((has_alpha && (src[alpha_pix]>127)) || !has_alpha) { if ((lastred == src[red_pix]) && (lastgreen == src[green_pix]) && (lastblue == src[blue_pix])) { /* same pixel colour as last time */ dest[INDEXED_PIX] = lastindex; if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = 255; } else { for (i = 0 ; i < quantobj->actual_number_of_colors; i++) { if ( (quantobj->cmap[i].red == src[red_pix]) && (quantobj->cmap[i].green == src[green_pix]) && (quantobj->cmap[i].blue == src[blue_pix]) ) { lastred = src[red_pix]; lastgreen = src[green_pix]; lastblue = src[blue_pix]; lastindex = i; goto got_colour; } } g_error ("Non-existant colour was expected to " "be in non-destructive colourmap."); got_colour: dest[INDEXED_PIX] = lastindex; if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = 255; } } else { /* have alpha, and transparent */ dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = 0; } src += srcPR.bytes; dest += destPR.bytes; } } } } /* * Initialize the error-limiting transfer function (lookup table). * The raw F-S error computation can potentially compute error values of up to * +- MAXJSAMPLE. But we want the maximum correction applied to a pixel to be * much less, otherwise obviously wrong pixels will be created. (Typical * effects include weird fringes at color-area boundaries, isolated bright * pixels in a dark area, etc.) The standard advice for avoiding this problem * is to ensure that the "corners" of the color cube are allocated as output * colors; then repeated errors in the same direction cannot cause cascading * error buildup. However, that only prevents the error from getting * completely out of hand; Aaron Giles reports that error limiting improves * the results even with corner colors allocated. * A simple clamping of the error values to about +- MAXJSAMPLE/8 works pretty * well, but the smoother transfer function used below is even better. Thanks * to Aaron Giles for this idea. */ static int * init_error_limit (void) /* Allocate and fill in the error_limiter table */ { int *table; int in, out; table = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (255 * 2 + 1)); table += 255; /* so we can index -255 ... +255 */ /* #define STEPSIZE 16 */ #define STEPSIZE 200 for (in = 0; in < STEPSIZE; in++) { table[in] = in; table[-in] = -in; } for (; in <= 255; in++) { table[in] = STEPSIZE; table[-in] = -STEPSIZE; } return (table); /* Map errors 1:1 up to +- 16 */ out = 0; for (in = 0; in < STEPSIZE; in++, out++) { table[in] = out; table[-in] = -out; } /* Map errors 1:2 up to +- 3*16 */ for (; in < STEPSIZE*3; in++, out += (in&1) ? 0 : 1) { table[in] = out; table[-in] = -out; } /* Clamp the rest to final out value (which is 32) */ for (; in <= 255; in++) { table[in] = out; table[-in] = -out; } #undef STEPSIZE return table; } /* * Map some rows of pixels to the output colormapped representation. * Perform floyd-steinberg dithering. */ static void median_cut_pass2_fs_dither_gray (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; Histogram histogram = quantobj->histogram; ColorFreq *cachep; Color *color; int *error_limiter; short *fs_err1, *fs_err2; short *fs_err3, *fs_err4; short *range_limiter; int src_bytes, dest_bytes; unsigned char *src, *dest; unsigned char *src_buf, *dest_buf; int *next_row, *prev_row; int *nr, *pr; int *tmp; int pixel; int pixele; int row, col; int index; int step_dest, step_src; int odd_row; int has_alpha; int width, height; zero_histogram_gray (histogram); has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); src_bytes = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->bytes; dest_bytes = new_tiles->bpp; width = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width; height = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height; error_limiter = init_error_limit (); range_limiter = range_array + 256; src_buf = g_malloc (width * src_bytes); dest_buf = g_malloc (width * dest_bytes); next_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); prev_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); memset (prev_row, 0, (width + 2) * sizeof (int)); fs_err1 = floyd_steinberg_error1 + 511; fs_err2 = floyd_steinberg_error2 + 511; fs_err3 = floyd_steinberg_error3 + 511; fs_err4 = floyd_steinberg_error4 + 511; odd_row = 0; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { pixel_region_get_row (&srcPR, 0, row, width, src_buf, 1); src = src_buf; dest = dest_buf; nr = next_row; pr = prev_row + 1; if (odd_row) { step_dest = -dest_bytes; step_src = -src_bytes; src += (width * src_bytes) - src_bytes; dest += (width * dest_bytes) - dest_bytes; nr += width + 1; pr += width; *(nr - 1) = 0; } else { step_dest = dest_bytes; step_src = src_bytes; *(nr + 1) = 0; } *nr = 0; for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { pixel = range_limiter[src[GRAY_PIX] + error_limiter[*pr]]; cachep = &histogram[pixel]; /* If we have not seen this color before, find nearest colormap entry */ /* and update the cache */ if (*cachep == 0) fill_inverse_cmap_gray (quantobj, histogram, pixel); index = *cachep - 1; dest[INDEXED_PIX] = index; if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = (src[ALPHA_G_PIX] > 127) ? 255 : 0; color = &quantobj->cmap[index]; pixele = pixel - color->red; if (odd_row) { *(--pr) += fs_err1[pixele]; *nr-- += fs_err2[pixele]; *nr += fs_err3[pixele]; *(nr-1) = fs_err4[pixele]; } else { *(++pr) += fs_err1[pixele]; *nr++ += fs_err2[pixele]; *nr += fs_err3[pixele]; *(nr+1) = fs_err4[pixele]; } dest += step_dest; src += step_src; } tmp = next_row; next_row = prev_row; prev_row = tmp; odd_row = !odd_row; pixel_region_set_row (&destPR, 0, row, width, dest_buf); } g_free (error_limiter - 255); g_free (next_row); g_free (prev_row); g_free (src_buf); g_free (dest_buf); } static void median_cut_pass2_fs_dither_rgb (QuantizeObj *quantobj, Layer *layer, TileManager *new_tiles) { PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; Histogram histogram = quantobj->histogram; ColorFreq *cachep; Color *color; int *error_limiter; short *fs_err1, *fs_err2; short *fs_err3, *fs_err4; short *range_limiter; int src_bytes, dest_bytes; unsigned char *src, *dest; unsigned char *src_buf, *dest_buf; int *red_n_row, *red_p_row; int *grn_n_row, *grn_p_row; int *blu_n_row, *blu_p_row; int *rnr, *rpr; int *gnr, *gpr; int *bnr, *bpr; int *tmp; int r, g, b; int re, ge, be; int row, col; int index; int step_dest, step_src; int odd_row; int has_alpha; int width, height; int red_pix = RED_PIX; int green_pix = GREEN_PIX; int blue_pix = BLUE_PIX; int alpha_pix = ALPHA_PIX; /* In the case of web/mono palettes, we actually force * grayscale drawables through the rgb pass2 functions */ if (drawable_gray (GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer))) red_pix = green_pix = blue_pix = GRAY_PIX; zero_histogram_rgb (histogram); has_alpha = layer_has_alpha (layer); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width, GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height, TRUE); src_bytes = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->bytes; dest_bytes = new_tiles->bpp; width = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->width; height = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->height; error_limiter = init_error_limit (); range_limiter = range_array + 256; src_buf = g_malloc (width * src_bytes); dest_buf = g_malloc (width * dest_bytes); red_n_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); red_p_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); grn_n_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); grn_p_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); blu_n_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); blu_p_row = g_malloc (sizeof (int) * (width + 2)); memset (red_p_row, 0, (width + 2) * sizeof (int)); memset (grn_p_row, 0, (width + 2) * sizeof (int)); memset (blu_p_row, 0, (width + 2) * sizeof (int)); fs_err1 = floyd_steinberg_error1 + 511; fs_err2 = floyd_steinberg_error2 + 511; fs_err3 = floyd_steinberg_error3 + 511; fs_err4 = floyd_steinberg_error4 + 511; odd_row = 0; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { pixel_region_get_row (&srcPR, 0, row, width, src_buf, 1); src = src_buf; dest = dest_buf; rnr = red_n_row; gnr = grn_n_row; bnr = blu_n_row; rpr = red_p_row + 1; gpr = grn_p_row + 1; bpr = blu_p_row + 1; if (odd_row) { step_dest = -dest_bytes; step_src = -src_bytes; src += (width * src_bytes) - src_bytes; dest += (width * dest_bytes) - dest_bytes; rnr += width + 1; gnr += width + 1; bnr += width + 1; rpr += width; gpr += width; bpr += width; *(rnr - 1) = *(gnr - 1) = *(bnr - 1) = 0; } else { step_dest = dest_bytes; step_src = src_bytes; *(rnr + 1) = *(gnr + 1) = *(bnr + 1) = 0; } *rnr = *gnr = *bnr = 0; for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { r = range_limiter[src[red_pix] + error_limiter[*rpr]]; g = range_limiter[src[green_pix] + error_limiter[*gpr]]; b = range_limiter[src[blue_pix] + error_limiter[*bpr]]; re = r >> R_SHIFT; ge = g >> G_SHIFT; be = b >> B_SHIFT; cachep = &histogram[re*MR + ge*MG + be]; /* If we have not seen this color before, find nearest colormap entry */ /* and update the cache */ if (*cachep == 0) fill_inverse_cmap_rgb (quantobj, histogram, re, ge, be); index = *cachep - 1; dest[INDEXED_PIX] = index; if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = (src[alpha_pix] > 127) ? 255 : 0; /* Abortive initial attempt at alpha-dithering :) */ /* if (has_alpha) dest[ALPHA_I_PIX] = (src[alpha_pix] <= (random()&255)) ? 0 : 255;*/ color = &quantobj->cmap[index]; re = r - color->red; ge = g - color->green; be = b - color->blue; if (odd_row) { *(--rpr) += fs_err1[re]; *(--gpr) += fs_err1[ge]; *(--bpr) += fs_err1[be]; *rnr-- += fs_err2[re]; *gnr-- += fs_err2[ge]; *bnr-- += fs_err2[be]; *rnr += fs_err3[re]; *gnr += fs_err3[ge]; *bnr += fs_err3[be]; *(rnr-1) = fs_err4[re]; *(gnr-1) = fs_err4[ge]; *(bnr-1) = fs_err4[be]; } else { *(++rpr) += fs_err1[re]; *(++gpr) += fs_err1[ge]; *(++bpr) += fs_err1[be]; *rnr++ += fs_err2[re]; *gnr++ += fs_err2[ge]; *bnr++ += fs_err2[be]; *rnr += fs_err3[re]; *gnr += fs_err3[ge]; *bnr += fs_err3[be]; *(rnr+1) = fs_err4[re]; *(gnr+1) = fs_err4[ge]; *(bnr+1) = fs_err4[be]; } dest += step_dest; src += step_src; } tmp = red_n_row; red_n_row = red_p_row; red_p_row = tmp; tmp = grn_n_row; grn_n_row = grn_p_row; grn_p_row = tmp; tmp = blu_n_row; blu_n_row = blu_p_row; blu_p_row = tmp; odd_row = !odd_row; pixel_region_set_row (&destPR, 0, row, width, dest_buf); } g_free (error_limiter - 255); g_free (red_n_row); g_free (red_p_row); g_free (grn_n_row); g_free (grn_p_row); g_free (blu_n_row); g_free (blu_p_row); g_free (src_buf); g_free (dest_buf); } static void delete_median_cut (QuantizeObj *quantobj) { g_free (quantobj->histogram); g_free (quantobj); } /**************************************************************/ static QuantizeObj* initialize_median_cut (int type, int num_colors, int dither_type, int palette_type) { QuantizeObj * quantobj; /* Initialize the data structures */ quantobj = g_malloc (sizeof (QuantizeObj)); if (type == GRAY && palette_type == MAKE_PALETTE) quantobj->histogram = g_malloc (sizeof (ColorFreq) * 256); else quantobj->histogram = g_malloc (sizeof (ColorFreq) * HIST_R_ELEMS * HIST_G_ELEMS * HIST_B_ELEMS); quantobj->desired_number_of_colors = num_colors; switch (type) { case GRAY: switch (palette_type) { case MAKE_PALETTE: quantobj->first_pass = median_cut_pass1_gray; break; case WEB_PALETTE: quantobj->first_pass = webpal_pass1; break; case CUSTOM_PALETTE: quantobj->first_pass = custompal_pass1; needs_quantize=TRUE; break; case MONO_PALETTE: default: quantobj->first_pass = monopal_pass1; } if (palette_type == WEB_PALETTE || palette_type == MONO_PALETTE || palette_type == CUSTOM_PALETTE) switch (dither_type) { case NODITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_no_dither_rgb; break; case FSDITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_fs_dither_rgb; break; } else switch (dither_type) { case NODITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_no_dither_gray; break; case FSDITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_fs_dither_gray; break; } break; case RGB: switch (palette_type) { case MAKE_PALETTE: quantobj->first_pass = median_cut_pass1_rgb; break; case WEB_PALETTE: quantobj->first_pass = webpal_pass1; needs_quantize=TRUE; break; case CUSTOM_PALETTE: quantobj->first_pass = custompal_pass1; needs_quantize=TRUE; break; case MONO_PALETTE: default: quantobj->first_pass = monopal_pass1; } switch (dither_type) { case NODITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_no_dither_rgb; break; case FSDITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_fs_dither_rgb; break; case NODESTRUCTDITHER: quantobj->second_pass = median_cut_pass2_nodestruct_dither_rgb; break; } break; } quantobj->delete_func = delete_median_cut; return quantobj; }