/************************************/ /* ArcBall.c (c) Ken Shoemake, 1993 */ /* Modified by Tom Bech, 1996 */ /************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include "arcball.h" /* Gloval variables */ /* ================ */ Quat qOne = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; static HVect center; static double radius; static Quat qNow, qDown, qDrag; static HVect vNow, vDown, vFrom, vTo, vrFrom, vrTo; static HMatrix mNow, mDown; static unsigned int showResult, dragging; static ConstraintSet sets[NSets]; static int setSizes[NSets]; static AxisSet axisSet; static int axisIndex; static HMatrix mId = { { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } }; static double otherAxis[][4] = { {-0.48, 0.80, 0.36, 1} }; /* Internal methods */ /* ================ */ static void Qt_ToMatrix(Quat q,HMatrix out); static Quat Qt_Conj(Quat q); static Quat Qt_Mul(Quat qL, Quat qR); static Quat Qt_FromBallPoints(HVect from, HVect to); static void Qt_ToBallPoints(Quat q, HVect *arcFrom, HVect *arcTo); static HVect V3_(double x, double y, double z); static double V3_Norm(HVect v); static HVect V3_Unit(HVect v); static HVect V3_Scale(HVect v, double s); static HVect V3_Negate(HVect v); /* static HVect V3_Add(HVect v1, HVect v2); */ static HVect V3_Sub(HVect v1, HVect v2); static double V3_Dot(HVect v1, HVect v2); /* static HVect V3_Cross(HVect v1, HVect v2); static HVect V3_Bisect(HVect v0, HVect v1); */ static HVect MouseOnSphere(HVect mouse, HVect ballCenter, double ballRadius); static HVect ConstrainToAxis(HVect loose, HVect axis); static int NearestConstraintAxis(HVect loose, HVect *axes, int nAxes); /* Establish reasonable initial values for controller. */ /* =================================================== */ void ArcBall_Init (void) { int i; center = qOne; radius = 1.0; vDown = vNow = qOne; qDown = qNow = qOne; for (i=15; i>=0; i--) ((double *)mNow)[i] = ((double *)mDown)[i] = ((double *)mId)[i]; showResult = dragging = FALSE; axisSet = NoAxes; sets[CameraAxes] = mId[X]; setSizes[CameraAxes] = 3; sets[BodyAxes] = mDown[X]; setSizes[BodyAxes] = 3; sets[OtherAxes] = otherAxis[X]; setSizes[OtherAxes] = 1; } /* Set the center and size of the controller. */ /* ========================================== */ void ArcBall_Place (HVect Center, double Radius) { center = Center; radius = Radius; } /* Incorporate new mouse position. */ /* =============================== */ void ArcBall_Mouse (HVect v_Now) { vNow = v_Now; } /* Choose a constraint set, or none. */ /* ================================= */ void ArcBall_UseSet (AxisSet axis_Set) { if (!dragging) axisSet = axis_Set; } /* Using vDown, vNow, dragging, and axisSet, compute rotation etc. */ /* =============================================================== */ void ArcBall_Update (void) { int setSize = setSizes[axisSet]; HVect *set = (HVect *)(sets[axisSet]); vFrom = MouseOnSphere(vDown, center, radius); vTo = MouseOnSphere(vNow, center, radius); if (dragging) { if (axisSet!=NoAxes) { vFrom = ConstrainToAxis(vFrom, set[axisIndex]); vTo = ConstrainToAxis(vTo, set[axisIndex]); } qDrag = Qt_FromBallPoints(vFrom, vTo); qNow = Qt_Mul(qDrag, qDown); } else { if (axisSet!=NoAxes) axisIndex = NearestConstraintAxis(vTo, set, setSize); } Qt_ToBallPoints(qDown, &vrFrom, &vrTo); Qt_ToMatrix(Qt_Conj(qNow), mNow); /* Gives transpose for GL. */ } /* Return rotation matrix defined by controller use. */ /* ================================================= */ void ArcBall_Value (HMatrix m_Now) { ArcBall_CopyMat (mNow, m_Now); } /* Extract rotation angles from matrix */ /* =================================== */ void ArcBall_Values (double *alpha, double *beta, double *gamma) { if ((*beta=asin(-mNow[0][2]))!=0.0) { *gamma=atan2(mNow[1][2],mNow[2][2]); *alpha=atan2(mNow[0][1],mNow[0][0]); } else { *gamma=atan2(mNow[1][0],mNow[1][1]); *alpha=0.0; } } /* Begin drag sequence. */ /* ==================== */ void ArcBall_BeginDrag (void) { dragging = TRUE; vDown = vNow; } /* Stop drag sequence. */ /* =================== */ void ArcBall_EndDrag (void) { dragging = FALSE; qDown = qNow; ArcBall_CopyMat (mNow, mDown); } /*===================*/ /***** BallAux.c *****/ /*===================*/ /* Return quaternion product qL * qR. Note: order is important! */ /* To combine rotations, use the product Mul(qSecond, qFirst), */ /* which gives the effect of rotating by qFirst then qSecond. */ /* ============================================================= */ static Quat Qt_Mul (Quat qL, Quat qR) { Quat qq; qq.w = qL.w*qR.w - qL.x*qR.x - qL.y*qR.y - qL.z*qR.z; qq.x = qL.w*qR.x + qL.x*qR.w + qL.y*qR.z - qL.z*qR.y; qq.y = qL.w*qR.y + qL.y*qR.w + qL.z*qR.x - qL.x*qR.z; qq.z = qL.w*qR.z + qL.z*qR.w + qL.x*qR.y - qL.y*qR.x; return (qq); } /* Construct rotation matrix from (possibly non-unit) quaternion. */ /* Assumes matrix is used to multiply column vector on the left: */ /* vnew = mat vold. Works correctly for right-handed coordinate */ /* system and right-handed rotations. */ /* ============================================================== */ static void Qt_ToMatrix (Quat q, HMatrix out) { double Nq = q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z + q.w*q.w; double s = (Nq > 0.0) ? (2.0 / Nq) : 0.0; double xs = q.x*s, ys = q.y*s, zs = q.z*s; double wx = q.w*xs, wy = q.w*ys, wz = q.w*zs; double xx = q.x*xs, xy = q.x*ys, xz = q.x*zs; double yy = q.y*ys, yz = q.y*zs, zz = q.z*zs; out[X][X] = 1.0 - (yy + zz); out[Y][X] = xy + wz; out[Z][X] = xz - wy; out[X][Y] = xy - wz; out[Y][Y] = 1.0 - (xx + zz); out[Z][Y] = yz + wx; out[X][Z] = xz + wy; out[Y][Z] = yz - wx; out[Z][Z] = 1.0 - (xx + yy); out[X][W] = out[Y][W] = out[Z][W] = out[W][X] = out[W][Y] = out[W][Z] = 0.0; out[W][W] = 1.0; } /* Return conjugate of quaternion. */ /* =============================== */ static Quat Qt_Conj (Quat q) { Quat qq; qq.x = -q.x; qq.y = -q.y; qq.z = -q.z; qq.w = q.w; return (qq); } /* Return vector formed from components */ /* ==================================== */ static HVect V3_ (double x, double y, double z) { HVect v; v.x = x; v.y = y; v.z = z; v.w = 0; return (v); } /* Return norm of v, defined as sum of squares of components */ /* ========================================================= */ static double V3_Norm (HVect v) { return ( v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z ); } /* Return unit magnitude vector in direction of v */ /* ============================================== */ static HVect V3_Unit (HVect v) { static HVect u = {0, 0, 0, 0}; double vlen = sqrt(V3_Norm(v)); if (vlen != 0.0) u.x = v.x/vlen; u.y = v.y/vlen; u.z = v.z/vlen; return (u); } /* Return version of v scaled by s */ /* =============================== */ static HVect V3_Scale (HVect v, double s) { HVect u; u.x = s*v.x; u.y = s*v.y; u.z = s*v.z; u.w = v.w; return (u); } /* Return negative of v */ /* ==================== */ static HVect V3_Negate (HVect v) { static HVect u = {0, 0, 0, 0}; u.x = -v.x; u.y = -v.y; u.z = -v.z; return (u); } /* Return sum of v1 and v2 */ /* ======================= */ /* static HVect V3_Add (HVect v1, HVect v2) { static HVect v = {0, 0, 0, 0}; v.x = v1.x+v2.x; v.y = v1.y+v2.y; v.z = v1.z+v2.z; return (v); } */ /* Return difference of v1 minus v2 */ /* ================================ */ static HVect V3_Sub (HVect v1, HVect v2) { static HVect v = {0, 0, 0, 0}; v.x = v1.x-v2.x; v.y = v1.y-v2.y; v.z = v1.z-v2.z; return (v); } /* Halve arc between unit vectors v0 and v1. */ /* ========================================= */ /* static HVect V3_Bisect (HVect v0, HVect v1) { HVect v = {0, 0, 0, 0}; double Nv; v = V3_Add(v0, v1); Nv = V3_Norm(v); if (Nv < 1.0e-5) v = V3_(0, 0, 1); else v = V3_Scale(v, 1/sqrt(Nv)); return (v); } */ /* Return dot product of v1 and v2 */ /* =============================== */ static double V3_Dot (HVect v1, HVect v2) { return (v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z); } /* Return cross product, v1 x v2 */ /* ============================= */ /* static HVect V3_Cross (HVect v1, HVect v2) { static HVect v = {0, 0, 0, 0}; v.x = v1.y*v2.z-v1.z*v2.y; v.y = v1.z*v2.x-v1.x*v2.z; v.z = v1.x*v2.y-v1.y*v2.x; return (v); } */ void ArcBall_CopyMat (HMatrix inm, HMatrix outm) { int x=0,y=0; for (x=0;x<4;x++) { for (y=0;y<4;y++) { outm[y][x]=inm[y][x]; } } } /*=====================================================*/ /**** BallMath.c - Essential routines for ArcBall. ****/ /*=====================================================*/ /* Convert window coordinates to sphere coordinates. */ /* ================================================= */ static HVect MouseOnSphere (HVect mouse, HVect ballCenter, double ballRadius) { HVect ballMouse; register double mag; ballMouse.x = (mouse.x - ballCenter.x) / ballRadius; ballMouse.y = (mouse.y - ballCenter.y) / ballRadius; mag = ballMouse.x*ballMouse.x + ballMouse.y*ballMouse.y; if (mag > 1.0) { register double scale = 1.0/sqrt(mag); ballMouse.x *= scale; ballMouse.y *= scale; ballMouse.z = 0.0; } else ballMouse.z = sqrt(1 - mag); ballMouse.w = 0.0; return (ballMouse); } /* Construct a unit quaternion from two points on unit sphere */ /* ========================================================== */ static Quat Qt_FromBallPoints (HVect from, HVect to) { Quat qu; qu.x = from.y*to.z - from.z*to.y; qu.y = from.z*to.x - from.x*to.z; qu.z = from.x*to.y - from.y*to.x; qu.w = from.x*to.x + from.y*to.y + from.z*to.z; return (qu); } /* Convert a unit quaternion to two points on unit sphere */ /* ====================================================== */ static void Qt_ToBallPoints (Quat q, HVect *arcFrom, HVect *arcTo) { double s; s = sqrt(q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y); if (s == 0.0) *arcFrom = V3_(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); else *arcFrom = V3_(-q.y/s, q.x/s, 0.0); arcTo->x = q.w*arcFrom->x - q.z*arcFrom->y; arcTo->y = q.w*arcFrom->y + q.z*arcFrom->x; arcTo->z = q.x*arcFrom->y - q.y*arcFrom->x; if (q.w < 0.0) *arcFrom = V3_(-arcFrom->x, -arcFrom->y, 0.0); } /* Force sphere point to be perpendicular to axis. */ /* =============================================== */ static HVect ConstrainToAxis (HVect loose, HVect axis) { HVect onPlane; register double norm; onPlane = V3_Sub(loose, V3_Scale(axis, V3_Dot(axis, loose))); norm = V3_Norm(onPlane); if (norm > 0.0) { if (onPlane.z < 0.0) onPlane = V3_Negate(onPlane); return ( V3_Scale(onPlane, 1/sqrt(norm)) ); } /* else drop through */ /* ================= */ if (axis.z == 1) onPlane = V3_(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); else onPlane = V3_Unit(V3_(-axis.y, axis.x, 0.0)); return (onPlane); } /* Find the index of nearest arc of axis set. */ /* ========================================== */ static int NearestConstraintAxis (HVect loose, HVect *axes, int nAxes) { HVect onPlane; register double max, dot; register int i, nearest; max = -1; nearest = 0; for (i=0; imax) { max = dot; nearest = i; } } return (nearest); }