.TH GIMP-REMOTE 1 "Januar 23 2007" "Version @GIMP_VERSION@" "GIMP Manual Pages" .SH NAME gimp\-remote - tells a running GIMP to open a (local or remote) image file. .SH SYNOPSIS .B gimp-remote [\-h] [\-\-help] [-v] [\-\-version] [\-\-display \fIdisplay\fP] [\-e] [\-\-existing] [\-q] [\-\-query] [\-s] [\-\-no\-splash] [\-p] [\-\-print\-xid] \fIfilename\fP ... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fIgimp-remote\fP is a small utility that tells a running GIMP to open one or more (local or remote) image files. It does so by searching for a GIMP toolbox on the active display. If it can find a GIMP toolbox, a synthetic drop event is created which makes GIMP think the files would have been dropped onto the toolbox. More than one filename or URL can be specified on the commandline. .PP If no GIMP window is found, \fIgimp-remote\fP will start a new GIMP instance and ask it to load the specified images. If no filename or URL is given, \fIgimp-remote\fP will start a new GIMP. This behaviour can be altered using the command-line options described below. .PP If you are using GIMP on Linux or another platform with the D-Bus message bus system, chances are good that this functionality is already built into the main GIMP executable and that you will not need to use \fIgimp-remote\fP. .SH OPTIONS .l \fIgimp\-remote\fP accepts the following options: .TP 8 .B \-h, \-\-help Display a list of all commandline options. .TP 8 .B \-v, \-\-version Output the version info. .TP 8 .B \-\-display \fIdisplay\fP Use the designated X display. .TP 8 .B \-e, \-\-existing If no running GIMP instance is found, don't start a new one but exit. .TP 8 .B \-q, \-\-query Check if GIMP is running and exit. A status code of 0 indicates that a GIMP toolbox window has been found on this display. .TP 8 .B \-p, \-\-print-xid Like \-q, but print the X Window ID of the toolbox window if GIMP is already running. If no such window exists nothing is printed. .TP 8 .B \-s, \-\-no\-splash When starting GIMP, do not show the splash screen. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .BI gimp\-remote\ http://www.gimp.org/images/wilber_the_gimp.png Loads the image from the GIMP website into a running GIMP or starts a new one. .TP .BI gimp\-remote\ wilber.xcf\ wilma.xcf Loads the local files wilber.xcf and wilma.xcf into a running GIMP or starts a new one. .SH ENVIRONMENT .PP .TP 8 .B DISPLAY to get the default host and display number. .SH AUTHORS Sven Neumann and Simon Budig. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gimp (1), .BR gimprc (5), .BR gimptool (1)