This document exists to document the important things to care for because of locale support. Actually this one is maintained by me, that is Daniel Egger ( 1. Why localisation? Many persons from many countries start to get used to Linux. Unfortunately not everyone is able to understand English. But even those people some times like to use good software without needing a dictionary beneath them. So why not simply localise the software to make it available to the mass which isn't wholly English native? 2. How? GNU provides a very nice package called gettext. This one offers the possibility to translate chosen messages from the native language of the program into that one of the users if a necessary catalog is provided. Gettext therefor provides some easy tools to create and maintain such catalogs and a few functions which can be called by the program to enable automatic translation. The program gets linked to gettext and everything is fine. By the way: gettext is a fixed part of glibc2 but will be shipped with GIMP and so can be automatically compiled on every platform GIMP itself runs on. 3. Deep inside... GIMP provides a header file called gimpintl.h in the libgimp directory this one checks whether gettext is available on the system and will deactivate language support if it's not. If it is useable it will define 3 functions which will be described below. 3.1 _() [more correctly: char * _( char * )] This one is a macro for the function gettext(). With it every text may be wrapped that is directly called directly in a function. If you use it the given string will be tried to get translated in the native language of the user according to his/her environmental settings. The gettext function will do a lookup in the hashed which contains all the translated texts. - If it is found a pointer to the string will be returned to the caller. - If not the caller will receive a pointer to the original string. This way it is ensured that there isn't any harm caused to the program (i.e. The GIMP) if no catalog isn't installed. Please note that it is important to use _() directly (and not gettext()) for simple messages because of reasons that will be mentioned below. 3.2 N_() [more correctly: void ( void ) ] This one is a macro for the function gettext_noop(). As you can see and guess it doesn't really anything in the programm i.e. it is a dummy function but nevertheless important. As it isn't possible to call functions in a structure as seen here: struct blurb { _("This won't work\n"); } you have to do it in some other way. In GIMP such structures are often used to create menues or similar things very simply. Here you have to use the dummy to allow the generation of a template which will be described below. This one doesn't do anything but it marks the text as important to the gettext extractor. The text has to be translated "by hand" with the next function. 3.3 gettext() This function is the same as that mcaro in 3.1. But there is one big difference: It is ignored by the gettext program which will create message templates for us. If you have strings that should be translated but are unfortunately in a structure you have to do that on your own which means that you have to parse the fields with the messages in a loop and translate the texts with this gettext() function. Please note that it may be necessary to free or allocate memory in this case! 4. Some magic... As you have seen we only did the programming part until now but this isn't all by far. To use catalogs we'll have to create them. Now there are 3 different files which are importart: gimp.pot: This one is the so called template. It contains the messages which are extracted from the sources and empty fields which have to get filled by the author. It is used to start a new catalog or to update the an already available one. The Makefile will automatically call the program gettext which will extract all messages that are wrapped by a _() or a N_() (but NOT gettext()) and concat them to this template. [language].po: This file has to be an edited gimp.pot and contains the original messages plus the translated ones. This file will be delivered together with GIMP and is the base for the final catalog. [language].mo: This file is a compiled version of [language.po] which will be automatically compiled by the Makefile and installed in the locale directory of the system. It contains everything that the .po file contains except not translated messages, comments and other overhead. For maximum speed it is also hashed to allow gettext a faster search. 5. Tools and how to use them... As mentioned the to get translated string are extracted directly from the source and written to the template. I guess many of you will now ask if it is necessary to add new strings directly from the template or if there's a tool to achieve that. I think I can calm down those one who fear of lots of had work just to update the language files. There's a program called msgmerge which will add all strings that are in the template but not in the uncompiled catalog to it. Msgmerge does this job very nicely and also tries to apply some kind of fuzzy search method for already translated string for possible programmers work reduction: If a original string seems similar to a new one and it already has a translation, it will be taken over to the new catalog together with a remark that this one mustn't necessarily fit. 6. And more? I hope I mentioned everything that is worth it and hope that this document will clarify some things. If it doesn't please write me a mail and tell me what you want to know. This text may contain errors, so if you find one tell it to me, too.... Happy Gimping. Yours, Daniel Egger