#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2003 Helvetix Victorinox, a pseudonym, # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # -*- mode: python py-indent-offset: 2; -*- # # Look at object files and figure things about the namespaces they # require and provide. # # It is very useful when working on libraries where you really should # be hygenic about the namespace you occupy and not clutter it with # conflicting and extraneous names. # import os import re import sys import string import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) # # for each object file, we keep two lists: exported names and imported names. # # nm -A [files...] # class nmx: def __init__(self, objfile=None): self.objects = dict() self.filename = None if objfile != None: self.update(objfile) pass return (None) def split_(self, line): tmp=string.split(line)[0:2] tmp.reverse() return tmp def update(self, objfile): self.filename = objfile (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname() if sysname == "Linux": fp = os.popen("nm -P " + objfile, "r") symbols = map(self.split_, fp.readlines()) elif sysname == "SunOS": fp = os.popen("nm -p " + objfile, "r") symbols = map(lambda l: string.split(l[12:]), fp.readlines()) pass elif sysname == "IRIX": fp = os.popen("nm -B " + objfile, "r") symbols = map(lambda l: string.split(l[8:]), fp.readlines()) pass object = objfile for (type, symbol) in symbols: if not self.objects.has_key(object): self.objects.update({ object : dict({ "exports" : dict(), "imports" : dict() }) }) pass if type == "U": self.objects[object]["imports"].update({ symbol : dict() }) elif type in ["C", "D", "T"]: self.objects[object]["exports"].update({ symbol : dict() }) pass pass fp.close() return (None) def exports(self, name): for o in self.objects.keys(): if self.objects[o]["exports"].has_key(name): return (1) pass return (0) def exports_re(self, name): regex = re.compile(name) for o in self.objects.keys(): for p in self.objects[o]["exports"].keys(): if regex.match(p): return (p) pass pass return (None) pass def nm(nmfile): objects = dict() fp = open(nmfile, "r") for line in fp.readlines(): (object, type, symbol) = string.split(line) object = object[:string.rfind(object, ':')] if not objects.has_key(object): objects.update({ object : dict({"exports" : dict(), "imports" : dict()})}) pass if type == "U": objects[object]["imports"].update({symbol : dict()}) elif type in ["C", "D", "T"]: objects[object]["exports"].update({symbol : dict()}) pass fp.close() return (objects) def resolve_(objects, obj): for object in objects.keys(): if object != obj: for imported in objects[obj]["imports"].keys(): if objects[object]["exports"].has_key(imported): objects[obj]["imports"][imported] = object pass pass for exported in objects[obj]["exports"].keys(): if objects[object]["imports"].has_key(exported): objects[obj]["exports"][exported] = object pass pass pass pass return def resolve(objects): for object in objects.keys(): resolve_(objects, object) return (objects) def report_unreferenced(objects): for object in objects.keys(): for symbol in objects[object]["exports"].keys(): if len(objects[object]["exports"][symbol]) == 0: print object + ":" + symbol, "unreferenced" pass pass pass return def report_referenced(objects): for object in objects.keys(): for symbol in objects[object]["imports"].keys(): if len(objects[object]["imports"][symbol]) > 0: print objects[object]["imports"][symbol] + ":" + symbol, object, "referenced" pass pass pass return def make_depend(objects): for object in objects.keys(): for symbol in objects[object]["imports"].keys(): if len(objects[object]["imports"][symbol]) > 0: print object + ":" + symbol, "referenced", objects[object]["imports"][symbol] pass pass pass return def main(argv): ns = nm(argv[0]) resolve(ns) report_referenced(ns) report_unreferenced(ns) pass if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])