/* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* NOTE: This file is autogenerated by pdbgen.pl. */ #include "procedural_db.h" #include #include #include "appenv.h" #include "plug_in.h" #include "regex.h" static ProcRecord progress_init_proc; static ProcRecord progress_update_proc; static ProcRecord temp_PDB_name_proc; static ProcRecord plugins_query_proc; void register_plug_in_procs (void) { procedural_db_register (&progress_init_proc); procedural_db_register (&progress_update_proc); procedural_db_register (&temp_PDB_name_proc); procedural_db_register (&plugins_query_proc); } static int match_strings (regex_t *preg, gchar *a) { return regexec (preg, a, 0, NULL, 0); } static Argument * progress_init_invoker (Argument *args) { gboolean success = FALSE; gchar *message; gint32 gdisplay; message = (gchar *) args[0].value.pdb_pointer; gdisplay = args[1].value.pdb_int; if (current_plug_in && current_plug_in->open) { success = TRUE; if (!no_interface) plug_in_progress_init (current_plug_in, message, gdisplay); } return procedural_db_return_args (&progress_init_proc, success); } static ProcArg progress_init_inargs[] = { { PDB_STRING, "message", "Message to use in the progress dialog" }, { PDB_INT32, "gdisplay", "GDisplay to update progressbar in, or -1 for a seperate window" } }; static ProcRecord progress_init_proc = { "gimp_progress_init", "Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in.", "Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in.", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1995-1996", PDB_INTERNAL, 2, progress_init_inargs, 0, NULL, { { progress_init_invoker } } }; static Argument * progress_update_invoker (Argument *args) { gboolean success = FALSE; gdouble percentage; percentage = args[0].value.pdb_float; if (current_plug_in && current_plug_in->open) { success = TRUE; if (!no_interface) plug_in_progress_update (current_plug_in, percentage); } return procedural_db_return_args (&progress_update_proc, success); } static ProcArg progress_update_inargs[] = { { PDB_FLOAT, "percentage", "Percentage of progress completed" } }; static ProcRecord progress_update_proc = { "gimp_progress_update", "Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in.", "Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in.", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1995-1996", PDB_INTERNAL, 1, progress_update_inargs, 0, NULL, { { progress_update_invoker } } }; static Argument * temp_PDB_name_invoker (Argument *args) { Argument *return_args; gchar *temp_name; static gint proc_number = 0; temp_name = g_strdup_printf ("temp_plugin_number_%d", proc_number++); return_args = procedural_db_return_args (&temp_PDB_name_proc, TRUE); return_args[1].value.pdb_pointer = temp_name; return return_args; } static ProcArg temp_PDB_name_outargs[] = { { PDB_STRING, "temp_name", "A unique temporary name for a temporary PDB entry" } }; static ProcRecord temp_PDB_name_proc = { "gimp_temp_PDB_name", "Generates a unique temporary PDB name.", "This procedure generates a temporary PDB entry name that is guaranteed to be unique. It is many used by the interactive popup dialogs to generate a PDB entry name.", "Andy Thomas", "Andy Thomas", "1998", PDB_INTERNAL, 0, NULL, 1, temp_PDB_name_outargs, { { temp_PDB_name_invoker } } }; static Argument * plugins_query_invoker (Argument *args) { Argument *return_args; gchar *search_str; gint32 num_plugins = 0; gchar **menu_strs; gchar **accel_strs; gchar **prog_strs; gchar **types_strs; gint32 *time_ints; gchar **realname_strs; PlugInProcDef *proc_def; GSList *tmp = NULL; gint i = 0; regex_t sregex; search_str = (gchar *) args[0].value.pdb_pointer; if (search_str && strlen (search_str)) regcomp (&sregex, search_str, REG_ICASE); else search_str = NULL; /* count number of plugin entries, then allocate 4 arrays of correct size * where we can store the strings. */ tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (proc_def->prog && proc_def->menu_path) { gchar *name = strrchr (proc_def->menu_path, '/'); if (name) name = name + 1; else name = proc_def->menu_path; if (search_str && match_strings (&sregex, name)) continue; num_plugins++; } } menu_strs = g_new (gchar *, num_plugins); accel_strs = g_new (gchar *, num_plugins); prog_strs = g_new (gchar *, num_plugins); types_strs = g_new (gchar *, num_plugins); realname_strs = g_new (gchar *, num_plugins); time_ints = g_new (gint , num_plugins); tmp = proc_defs; while (tmp) { if (i > num_plugins) g_error ("Internal error counting plugins"); proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (proc_def->prog && proc_def->menu_path) { ProcRecord *pr = &proc_def->db_info; gchar *name = strrchr (proc_def->menu_path, '/'); if (name) name = name + 1; else name = proc_def->menu_path; if (search_str && match_strings(&sregex,name)) continue; menu_strs[i] = g_strdup (proc_def->menu_path); accel_strs[i] = g_strdup (proc_def->accelerator); prog_strs[i] = g_strdup (proc_def->prog); types_strs[i] = g_strdup (proc_def->image_types); realname_strs[i] = g_strdup (pr->name); time_ints[i] = proc_def->mtime; i++; } } /* This I hope frees up internal stuff */ if (search_str) free (sregex.buffer); return_args = procedural_db_return_args (&plugins_query_proc, TRUE); return_args[1].value.pdb_int = num_plugins; return_args[2].value.pdb_pointer = menu_strs; return_args[3].value.pdb_int = num_plugins; return_args[4].value.pdb_pointer = accel_strs; return_args[5].value.pdb_int = num_plugins; return_args[6].value.pdb_pointer = prog_strs; return_args[7].value.pdb_int = num_plugins; return_args[8].value.pdb_pointer = types_strs; return_args[9].value.pdb_int = num_plugins; return_args[10].value.pdb_pointer = time_ints; return_args[11].value.pdb_int = num_plugins; return_args[12].value.pdb_pointer = realname_strs; return return_args; } static ProcArg plugins_query_inargs[] = { { PDB_STRING, "search_string", "If not an empty string then use this as a search pattern" } }; static ProcArg plugins_query_outargs[] = { { PDB_INT32, "num_plugins", "The number of plugins" }, { PDB_STRINGARRAY, "menu_path", "The menu path of the plugin" }, { PDB_INT32, "num_plugins", "The number of plugins" }, { PDB_STRINGARRAY, "plugin_accelerator", "String representing keyboard accelerator (could be empty string)" }, { PDB_INT32, "num_plugins", "The number of plugins" }, { PDB_STRINGARRAY, "plugin_location", "Location of the plugin program" }, { PDB_INT32, "num_plugins", "The number of plugins" }, { PDB_STRINGARRAY, "plugin_image_type", "Type of image that this plugin will work on" }, { PDB_INT32, "num_plugins", "The number of plugins" }, { PDB_INT32ARRAY, "plugin_install_time", "Time that the plugin was installed" }, { PDB_INT32, "num_plugins", "The number of plugins" }, { PDB_STRINGARRAY, "plugin_real_name", "The internal name of the plugin" } }; static ProcRecord plugins_query_proc = { "gimp_plugins_query", "Queries the plugin database for its contents.", "This procedure queries the contents of the plugin database.", "Andy Thomas", "Andy Thomas", "1998", PDB_INTERNAL, 1, plugins_query_inargs, 12, plugins_query_outargs, { { plugins_query_invoker } } };