see plug-ins/perl/Changes

This commit is contained in:
Marc Lehmann 1999-10-24 20:46:19 +00:00
parent eb26d8e07e
commit 1298f31902
6 changed files with 105 additions and 106 deletions

View file

@ -446,45 +446,47 @@ sub logo_xpm {
my $window=shift;
new Gtk::Pixmap(Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d($window->window,undef,
'79 33 25 1', ' c None', '. c #020204', '+ c #848484', '@ c #444444',
'# c #C3C3C4', '$ c #252524', '% c #A5A5A4', '& c #646464', '* c #E4E4E4',
'= c #171718', '- c #989898', '; c #585858', '> c #D7D7D7', ', c #383838',
'\' c #B8B8B8', ') c #787878', '! c #F7F7F8', '~ c #0B0B0C', '{ c #8C8C8C',
'] c #4C4C4C', '^ c #CCCCCC', '/ c #2C2C2C', '( c #ABABAC', '_ c #6C6C6C',
': c #EBEBEC',
' ',
' ]&@;% ',
' ;]_ ]];{_,&( ^{__{^ #);^ ',
' ]);;+;) ,//,@;@@)_ #_......_^ (..; ',
' ;-\'\'@];@ /$=$/@_@;& #]........]\' ^..{ ',
' @@_+%-,,] ,/$///_^)&@; -...{^>+./( \'*^! {{ ##( ##\' {{ ##( ',
' ;))@/; //]);/$]_(\');] %,..+ ^*! #/,{ #,/%&..@*&..,^ >,,(;..,^ ',
' /,)];]] ,/],+%;_%-#!#()_ \'...> >)_)_))\'\'.._ (..=~...=.~..; ^..=....=> ',
' ,]]&;;] /@;->>+-+{(\'\'-+] #...# #.....=\'\'..) \'..]*\'..$>>../-^..$##,..- ',
' @_{@/, @$@_^*>(_;_&;{);\'] \'~..> ^,,/../-\'.._ (..{ ^..; \'=./-^..% #..& ',
' ,&);,& ,])-^:>#%#%+;)>->] ;..) >(..; \'..) \'..- #.._ -=./-^..( ^..& ',
' ,&&%]-&/]]_::^\'#--(#!:#:]& ^...)^#-~..# \'.._ (..% #.._ %=./-^..,>*;..+ ',
' ,/&%;{%;//_#^#+%+{%#!:-#%]] -........{ \'..) \'..% #.._ %=./-^..~....~* ',
' ;$@%+)#)@$/-\')%-+-)+^#@;)@, #@..../\' #~~) \'~~% #~=_ -/~,-^..)/..=\' ',
' ,@+(\'#);,={)]%^);@;&@=]] , %#\'#^( (%( (% %%( (%% ^..{>### ',
' ,@)^#;,/={)_\'-;///$$=;@ ,, ^..{ ',
' ],&)_=$==/])\'+),],,/$)@ @, %(\'((\'((\' ^..{ ',
' @@]/=====@-)-]$$, ]_/ , %=~~=~==& >%%^ ',
' =$@/@,@]/]$=/ ])$ & {{{{ %=====~=_ \'-{% ',
' ,$// /$/@ /$, $,, %;@,,,;{> (\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\' #~.$- ',
' //=/ $,/; $,, @@ ($......,> #~.${ ',
' /$, /,,, @@ ,, %$..],...{ ^~.$- ',
' ], ]@] )& , ($..>({..; #\'+)\'^ ^#\'*>(-!~.${ ',
' @, -- (; @ %$..^({..] *,..../* ^.._,.$!~.$- ',
' _, @\' ;\' ) %$..@@...)!@.$#(=.; ^..~.~,!~.${ ',
' ]/ ]) - ] ($......=>^..;--@.~^>...(^#:~.$- ',
' ; ;-__ ; ($../,])> %........#>..@( #~.${ ',
' _ )* ] %$..>{ \'..->^*>>\'>..; #~.$- ',
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' ;- @;];] &- ($..\' \'~.....+ ^..; #~.$- ',
' \') ]_& @ __ %{))# >_@,;\' >)+( #+){ ',
' &% @; ',
' ,{_ '
'108 33 18 1', ' c #030305', '. c #181818', 'X c #222221', 'o c Gray19',
'O c Gray25', '+ c #4e4e4f', '@ c #606060', '# c #777776', '$ c #8a8a89',
'% c #a0a09f', '& c #b7b7b7', '* c #c7c7c6', '= c #d5d5d4', '- c gainsboro',
'; c #e5e5e4', ': c #fbfbf9', '> c Gray100', ', c None',
',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:%. O-:,% #:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$#+#+#%,,,,,#OOO+@++%%,,,,,,,',
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',,o+##@OO++++OOoo+#OOoX,,,,,,,,,,:% $;% O:,::*=::,,:::::;:# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@oo@@ooo@,++@,,%OO,,,,',
',,,,OOooooXXXXoO+@+OoX,,,,,,,,,,,:% $:; o::$. X%::%..*o %# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@O+,@@@@$,+$%,,,++,,,,',
',,,,,,... ..oO+@+OX.,,,,,,,,,,,,,:% +$O +:$ .#@ &:$ o *# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#O+,+#&,,,$*@,,,+@,,,,',
',,,,,,,,,,.....X.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:% %;. #--o +:$ .%&:# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@@,,O%&,,%=,,,,@#,,,,',
',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:% .o%:* .:$ %:,:# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+@,,,+&,#&,,,,,#@,,,,',
',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:% $::::,* #%%%%&:$ *,,:# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#@,,,,@-%&,,,,,$#,,,,',
',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:% $:,,,,:. #::$%::$ *,,:# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@&,,,,,@-$,,,,,$%,,,,',
',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:% $:,,,,:% X. %:$ *,,:# =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%,,,,,$@+%&,,,,@%,,,,',

View file

@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ sub stringify {
open XPM,"<$xpm\0" or die "$xpm: $!\n";
<XPM>=~/^\/\*\s+XPM\s+\*\/$/ or die "$xpm: not a valid xpm file\n";
<XPM>=~/^static\s+char\s+\*\s+(\S+?)(?:_xpm)?\[\]\s+=\s+{$/ or die "$xpm: not a valid xpm file\n";
<XPM>=~/^\/\*\s+XPM\s+\*\/$/ or die "$xpm: not a valid xpm file (1)\n";
<XPM>=~/^static\s+char\s+\*\s*(\S+?)(?:_xpm)?\[\]\s+=\s+{$/ or die "$xpm: not a valid xpm file (2)\n";
print STDERR "found xpm $xpm_name\n" if $verbose;
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ print STDERR "found xpm $xpm_name\n" if $verbose;
while(<XPM>) {
y/\t/ /;
next if /^\s*\/\*/;
last unless /\"([^"]*)\"/;

View file

@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ sub script_fu_crystal_logo {
gimp_selection_none ($img);
plug_in_gauss_rle ($img, $disp_map, $blur, 1, 1);
gimp_levels ($disp_map, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, 96, 255);
if (gimp_drawable_color ($bg_layer) == 1) {
if (gimp_drawable_is_rgb ($bg_layer) == 1) {
gimp_convert_rgb ($img);
copy_layer_crystal ($img, $bg_layer, $tile_img, $tile_layer);

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ register "stampify",
$nw = int(gimp_image_width($img) + 2 * $marg + $diameter);
$nh = int(gimp_image_height($img) + 2 * $marg + $diameter);
my $img2 = gimp_image_new($nw, $nh, RGB);
my $layer1 = gimp_layer_new($img2, $nw, $nh, RGBA, "Layer 1", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
my $layer1 = gimp_layer_new($img2, $nw, $nh, RGBA_IMAGE, "Layer 1", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
gimp_image_add_layer($img2, $layer1, 0);
gimp_image_set_active_layer($img2, $layer1);

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ register "webify",
$img = $img->channel_ops_duplicate if $new;
eval { $img->undo_group_start };
eval { $img->undo_push_group_start };
$drawable = $img->flatten;
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ register "webify",
$drawable->edit_cut if $img->selection_bounds;
Plugin->autocrop($drawable) if $autocrop;
$img->convert_indexed (1, $colours) if $colours;
$img->convert_indexed (2, 0, $colours, 0, 0, '') if $colours;
eval { $img->undo_group_end };
eval { $img->undo_push_group_end };
$new ? ($img->clean_all, $img) : ();

View file

@ -1,61 +1,57 @@
/* XPM */
static char * logo_xpm[] = {
"79 33 25 1",
" c None",
". c #020204",
"+ c #848484",
"@ c #444444",
"# c #C3C3C4",
"$ c #252524",
"% c #A5A5A4",
"& c #646464",
"* c #E4E4E4",
"= c #171718",
"- c #989898",
"; c #585858",
"> c #D7D7D7",
", c #383838",
"' c #B8B8B8",
") c #787878",
"! c #F7F7F8",
"~ c #0B0B0C",
"{ c #8C8C8C",
"] c #4C4C4C",
"^ c #CCCCCC",
"/ c #2C2C2C",
"( c #ABABAC",
"_ c #6C6C6C",
": c #EBEBEC",
" ",
" ]&@;% ",
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" ]);;+;) ,//,@;@@)_ #_......_^ (..; ",
" ;-''@];@ /$=$/@_@;& #]........]' ^..{ ",
" @@_+%-,,] ,/$///_^)&@; -...{^>+./( '*^! {{ ##( ##' {{ ##( ",
" ;))@/; //]);/$]_(');] %,..+ ^*! #/,{ #,/%&..@*&..,^ >,,(;..,^ ",
" /,)];]] ,/],+%;_%-#!#()_ '...> >)_)_))''.._ (..=~...=.~..; ^..=....=> ",
" ,]]&;;] /@;->>+-+{(''-+] #...# #.....=''..) '..]*'..$>>../-^..$##,..- ",
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" ,&);,& ,])-^:>#%#%+;)>->] ;..) >(..; '..) '..- #.._ -=./-^..( ^..& ",
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" ,@)^#;,/={)_'-;///$$=;@ ,, ^..{ ",
" ],&)_=$==/])'+),],,/$)@ @, %('(('((' ^..{ ",
" @@]/=====@-)-]$$, ]_/ , %=~~=~==& >%%^ ",
" =$@/@,@]/]$=/ ])$ & {{{{ %=====~=_ '-{% ",
" ,$// /$/@ /$, $,, %;@,,,;{> ('''''''' #~.$- ",
" //=/ $,/; $,, @@ ($......,> #~.${ ",
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static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"108 33 18 1",
" c #030305",
". c #181818",
"X c #222221",
"o c Gray19",
"O c Gray25",
"+ c #4e4e4f",
"@ c #606060",
"# c #777776",
"$ c #8a8a89",
"% c #a0a09f",
"& c #b7b7b7",
"* c #c7c7c6",
"= c #d5d5d4",
"- c gainsboro",
"; c #e5e5e4",
": c #fbfbf9",
"> c Gray100",
", c None",
/* pixels */
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