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2001-07-14 11:06:23 +00:00
# This is a list of tips for the GIMP. Every time the GIMP is
# started, one tip will be selected from this file and will be
# displayed in the "Tip of the day" dialog.
# - Lines starting with '#' are comments.
# - Blank lines or comments separate two tips (they are not ignored).
# Multiple blank lines are treated as one. If you want to have a
# blank line in a tip, put a space or tab in it.
# - Text will appear in the dialog as it is in this file. This is
# done on purpose in order to have more freedom in the layout of the
# tips than with automatic word-wrapping, but this also means that
# you have to avoid excessively long lines in this file.
# - Tips should be concise: 3 lines or less.
# - Advice for translators to other languages: keep the original tips
# as comments before the translated tips. It will be easier for
# other people to check for changes or additions.
# Tips in this file have been contributed by Zachary Beane, Mo Oishi,
# Raphael Quinet, Sven Neumann, Carey Bunks and other people on the
# gimp mailing lists and newsgroup (
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The first tip should be a welcome message, because this is the
# first thing that a new user will see.
# Welcome to the GIMP !
# Nearly all image operations are performed by right-clicking
# on the image. And don't worry, you can undo most mistakes...
GIMP'e ho<68>geldiniz !
Nerdeyse t<>m resim i<>lemleri resim <20>zerine sa<73> fare t<>klamasiyla
ger<EFBFBD>ekle<EFBFBD>tirilir. Ve merak etmeyin, neredeyse t<>m hatalar<61>n<EFBFBD>z<EFBFBD> geri
# Tips for beginners start here
# (for people who are not familiar yet with layers and image formats)
# You can get context-sensitive help for most of the GIMP's features by
# pressing the F1 key at any time. This also works inside the menus.
GIMP'in nerdeyse t<>m <20>zellikleri hakk<6B>nda i<>erik-duyarl<72> yard<72>m<EFBFBD> her zaman
F1 tu<74>una basarak alabilirsiniz. Bu ayr<79>ca menuler i<>erisinde de <20>al<61><6C><EFBFBD>r.
# The GIMP uses layers to let you organize your image. Think of them
# as a stack of slides or filters, such that looking through them you
# see a composite of their contents.
GIMP, resminizi organize edebilmeniz i<>in katmanlar<61> kullanir. Bunlari
bir grup filtre veya slayt olarak d<><64><EFBFBD>nebilirsiniz, i<>lerinden bakt<6B><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>zda
i<EFBFBD>eriklerinin komposizyonunu g<>r<EFBFBD>rs<72>n<EFBFBD>z.
# You can perform many layer operations by right-clicking on the text
# label of a layer in the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog
Katmanlarla ilgili bir<69>ok i<>lemi, katman<61>n "Katmanlar, Kanallar ve Yollar"
penceresindeki ismi <20>zerine sa<73> fare t<>klamas<61>yla ger<65>ekle<6C>tirebilirsiniz.
# When you save an image to work on it again later, try using XCF,
# the GIMP's native file format (use the file extension ".xcf").
# This preserves the layers and every aspect of your work-in-progress.
# Once a project is completed, you can save it as JPEG, PNG, GIF, ...
<EFBFBD>al<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>man<EFBFBD>za sonra devam etmek <20>zere bir resmi kaydederken, XCF'yi, GIMP'in
kendi dosya formatini deneyin (dosya uzant<6E>s<EFBFBD> olarak ".xcf" kullan<61>n).
Bu format katmanlar<61> ve <20>al<61><6C>man<61>z<EFBFBD>n t<>m <20>zelliklerini saklar. Projeniz
tamamland<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> zaman, resmi JPEG, PNG, GIF, vs. formatlar<61>ndan birinde
# The layer named "Background" it special because it lacks transparency.
# This prevents you from adding a layer mask or moving the layer up in
# the stack. You may add transparency to it by right-clicking in the
# "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog and selecting "Add Alpha Channel".
"Arkaplan" isimli katman <20>zel bir katmand<6E>r <20><>nk<6E> <20>effafl<66><6C><EFBFBD> yoktur.
Bu durum sizin ona katman maskesi ekleminizi veya katman sirasini
de<EFBFBD>i<EFBFBD>tirmenizi engeller. <20>effafl<66><6C><EFBFBD> "Katmanlar, Kanallar ve Yollar"
penceresinde <20>zerine sa<73> t<>klay<61>p "Alfa Kanal<61> Ekle"yi se<73>erek
# Most plug-ins work on the current layer of the current image. In
# some cases, you will have to merge all layers (Layers->Flatten Image)
# if you want the plug-in to work on the whole image.
Eklentilerin b<>y<EFBFBD>k bir b<>l<EFBFBD>m<EFBFBD> aktif resmin se<73>ili katman<61> <20>zerinde
<EFBFBD>al<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>r. Baz<61> durumlarda, eklentinin resmin t<>m<EFBFBD> <20>zerinde <20>al<61><6C>mas<61>n<EFBFBD>
isterseniz, katmanlar<61> birle<6C>tirmeniz gerekir (Katmanlar->Resmi D<>zle<6C>tir).
# Not all effects can be applied to all kinds of images. This is
# indicated by a grayed-out menu-entry. You may need to change
# the image mode to RGB (Image->Mode->RGB), add an alpha-channel
# (Layers->Add Alpha Channel) or flatten it (Layers->Flatten Image).
Her t<>r efekt her t<>r resme yap<61>lamayabilir. Bu gri ile i<>aretlenmi<6D>
menu se<73>ene<6E>inden anla<6C><61>l<EFBFBD>r. Resmin modunu RGB olarak de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirmeniz
(Resim->Mod->RGB), katmana alfa-kanal<61> eklemeniz (Katmanlar->Alfa
Kanal<EFBFBD> Ekle), veya resmi d<>zle<6C>tirmeniz (Katmanlar->Resmi D<>zle<6C>tir)
# Tips for intermediate users start here
# You can drag and drop many things in the GIMP. For example, dragging
# a color from the toolbox or from a color palette and dropping it into
# an image will fill the current image or selection with that color.
Pek <20>ok <20>eyi GIMP'e s<>r<EFBFBD>kleyip birakabilirsiniz. <20>rne<6E>in, alet kutusundan
veya renk paletinden bir rengi resmin <20>zerine s<>r<EFBFBD>kleyip b<>rakmak, o resmi
veya se<73>ilmi<6D> alan<61> o renkle dolduracakt<6B>r.
# When using a drawing tool (Paintbrush, Airbrush, or Pencil),
# Shift-click will draw a straight line from your last drawing
# point to your current cursor position. If you also press Ctrl,
# the line will be constrained to 15 degree angles.
<EFBFBD>izim aletlerinden birini kullan<61>rken (Boya fir<69>as<61>, Sprey, veya Kalem),
Shift bas<61>l<EFBFBD>yken fare t<>klamas<61> en son <20>izim yapt<70><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z noktadan o anki
imle<EFBFBD> pozisyonuna d<>z <20>izgi <20>izecektir. Ayn<79> zamanda Ctrl'ye basarsaniz,
<EFBFBD>izginin hareketi 15 derecelik a<><61>larla ad<61>mlanacakt<6B>r.
# The file selection dialog box has command-line completion with
# Tab, just like the shell. Type part of a filename, hit tab, and voila!
# It's completed.
Dosya se<73>me penceresi, Tab tu<74>uyla, kabuk (shell) gibi komut sat<61>r<EFBFBD>
tamamlamas<EFBFBD>na sahiptir. Dosyan<61>n sadece bir k<>sm<73>n<EFBFBD> yaz<61>n, Tab'a bas<61>n, ve
i<EFBFBD>te! Tamamlandi.
# You can reassign shortcut keys on any menu by bringing up the menu,
# selecting a menu item, and pressing the new shortcut key combination.
# This is dynamic and is saved when you exit GIMP.
Men<EFBFBD>lerdeki herhangi bir k<>sayol tu<74>unu, men<65>y<EFBFBD> a<><61>p, men<65> se<73>ene<6E>inin
<EFBFBD>zerine gelip yeni k<>sayol kombinasyonuna basarak yeniden tan<61>mlayabilirsiniz.
Bu dinamiktir ve GIMP'ten <20><>kt<6B><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z zaman kaydedilir.
# You can use the middle mouse button to pan around
# the image, if it's larger than its display window.
Resim onu g<>steren pencereden daha b<>y<EFBFBD>kse, orta fare
d<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>mesini kullanarak g<>r<EFBFBD><72> alan<61>n<EFBFBD> de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirebilirsiniz.
# Click and drag on a ruler to place a Guide on an image. All
# dragged selections will snap to the guides. You can remove
# guides by dragging them off the image with the Move tool.
Resim <20>zerine bir k<>lavuz koymak i<>in cetvellerden birinin <20>zerine
t<EFBFBD>klay<EFBFBD>p s<>r<EFBFBD>kleyin. Yapaca<63><61>n<EFBFBD>z t<>m alan se<73>imleri k<>lavuzlara
yap<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>acakt<EFBFBD>r. K<>lavuzlar<61> Ta<54><61>ma aletiyle resim d<><64><EFBFBD>na s<>r<EFBFBD>kleyerek
# You can drag a layer from the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog
# and drop it onto the toolbox. This will create a new image
# containing only that layer.
"Katmanlar, Kanallar ve Yollar" penceresinden bir katman<61> alet kutusu
penceresine ta<74><61>yabilirsiniz. Bu, sadece ta<74><61>d<EFBFBD><64><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z katmandan olu<6C>an
yeni bir resim olu<6C>turacakt<6B>r.
# A Floating Selection must be anchored to a new layer or to the last
# active layer before doing other operations on the image. Click on the
# New Layer or Anchor Layer buttons in the "Layers, Channels and Paths"
# dialog, or use the menus to do the same.
Y<EFBFBD>zen Se<53>im'ler, resim <20>zerinde herhangi bir i<>lem yap<61>lmadan <20>nce,
yeni veya son aktif katmana <20><>palanmal<61>d<EFBFBD>r. "Katmanlar, Kanallar ve Yollar"
penceresindeki Yeni Katman veya Katman<61> <20><>pala d<><64>melerini, veya ayn<79> <20>eyi
yapan i<>in men<65>leri kullan<61>n.
# The GIMP supports gzip compression on the fly. Just add
# ".gz" (or ".bz2", if you have bzip2 installed) to the filename
# and your image will be saved compressed. Of course loading
# compressed images works too.
GIMP an<61>nda gzip s<>k<EFBFBD><6B>t<EFBFBD>rmas<61>n<EFBFBD> destekler. Sadece dosya isminin sonuna
".gz" (veya bzip2 sisteminizde kurulu ise, ".bz2") ekleyin ve resim
s<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>lm<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> olarak saklanacakt<6B>r. Tabii ki s<>k<EFBFBD><6B>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>lm<6C><6D> resimlerin
y<EFBFBD>klenmesi de <20>al<61><6C><EFBFBD>r.
# Pressing and holding the Shift key before making a selection allows
# you to add to the current selection instead of replacing it. Using
# Ctrl before making a selection subtracts from the current one.
Bir alan se<73>imi yapmadan <20>nce Shift tu<74>una bas<61>l<EFBFBD> tutmak, eski alan
se<EFBFBD>imini silmek yerine ona ekleme yapman<61>z<EFBFBD> sa<73>lar. Se<53>im yapmadan
<EFBFBD>nce Ctrl'yi kullanmak o anki alan se<73>iminden <20><>karma yapman<61>z<EFBFBD> sa<73>lar.
# You can press or release the Shift and Ctrl keys while you are
# making a selection in order to constrain it to a perfect square
# or circle, or to have it centered on its starting point.
Se<EFBFBD>im yaparken, onu tam kare veya daire yapmak, veya ba<62>lama noktas<61>n<EFBFBD>
merkez almak i<>in Shift ve Ctrl tu<74>lar<61>na basabilir veya b<>rakabilirsiniz.
# Using Edit->Stroke allows you to draw simple squares or circles by
# painting the edge of your current selection with the active brush.
# More complex shapes can be drawn with Filters->Render->Gfig.
D<EFBFBD>zenleme->Darbe, o anki alan se<73>iminin etrafini aktif f<>r<EFBFBD>ayla
boyayarak basit kareler veya daireler <20>izmenizi sa<73>lar. Daha komplike
<EFBFBD>ekiller Filtreler->Sunu<6E>->GFig ile <20>izebilirsiniz.
# If you stroke a path (Edit->Stroke), the current drawing tool and its
# settings are used. You can use the Paintbrush in gradient mode, the
# Clone tool with a pattern or even the Eraser or the Smudge tool.
E<EFBFBD>er bir yolu darbelerseniz (D<>zenleme->Darbe), o anki cizim aleti ve onun
se<EFBFBD>enekleri kullan<61>l<EFBFBD>r. Boya F<>r<EFBFBD>as<61>n<EFBFBD> dereceli modda, Kopyalama aletini
bir desenle ve hatta Silgiyi veya Lekeleme aletini kullanabilirsiniz.
# You can create and edit complex selections using the Bezier tool.
# The "Paths" tab in the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog allows
# you to work on multiple paths and to convert them to selections.
Bezier aletiyle komplike <20>ekiller yaratabilir ve de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirebilirsiniz.
"Katmanlar, Kanallar ve Yollar" penceresindeki "Yollar" sayfas<61> pek <20>ok
yol <20>zerinde <20>al<61><6C>man<61>z<EFBFBD> ve onlar<61> alan se<73>imlerine d<>n<EFBFBD><6E>t<EFBFBD>rmenizi sa<73>lar.
# You can use the paint tools to change the selection. Click on the
# Quick Mask button at the bottom left of an image window. Change your
# selection by painting in the image and click on the button again to
# convert it back to a normal selection.
Boyama aletlerini se<73>im alan<61>n<EFBFBD> de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirmek i<>in kullanabilirsiniz. Sol
alt taraftaki H<>zl<7A> Maskeleme d<><64>mesine bas<61>n. Boyama aletleriniyle resmi
boyayarak alan se<73>imini de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirin ve tekrar ayn<79> d<><64>meye basarak normal
se<EFBFBD>ime d<>n<EFBFBD>n.
# You can save a selection to a channel (Select->Save to Channel) and
# then modify this channel with any paint tools. Using the buttons in
# the "Channels" tab of the "Layers, Channels and Paths" dialog, you can
# toggle the visibility of this new channel or convert it to a selection.
Herhangi bir alan se<73>imini bir kanala kaydedebilir (Se<53>im->Kanala Kaydet)
ve bu kanal<61> boyama aletleri yard<72>m<EFBFBD>yla de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirebilirsiniz. "Katmanlar,
Kanallar ve Yollar" penceresinin "Kanallar" sayfas<61>ndaki d<><64>meleri
kullanarak bu yeni kanal<61>n g<>r<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>p g<>r<EFBFBD>lmemesini sa<73>layabilir veya
tekrar se<73>im alan<61>na d<>n<EFBFBD><6E>t<EFBFBD>rebilirsiniz.
# Tips for advanced users start here
# (this is mostly for learning shortcut keys)
# If your screen is too cluttered, you can press Tab multiple times
# in an image window to hide or show the toolbox and other dialogs.
E<EFBFBD>er ekran<61>n<EFBFBD>z <20>ok fazla pencereyle b<>l<EFBFBD>nd<6E>yse, resim penceresinde
Tab tu<74>una birka<6B> kez basarak alet kutusu ve di<64>er pencerelerin
g<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>nt<EFBFBD>lenip gizlenmesini sa<73>layabilirsiniz.
# You can adjust the selection range for fuzzy select
# by clicking and dragging left and right.
Bulan<EFBFBD>k se<73>imde se<73>im alan<61>n<EFBFBD>, resme t<>klay<61>p imleci sa<73>a sola
<EFBFBD>ekerek ayarlayabilirsiniz.
# Shift-click on the eye icon in the Layers dialog to hide all
# layers but that one. Shift-click again to show all layers.
"Katmanlar" sayfas<61>ndaki g<>z ikonuna Shift ile basarsan<61>z, o
katman d<><64><EFBFBD>ndaki t<>m katmanlar<61> gizlersiniz. Tekrar basarak
hepsini tekrar g<>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>r yapabilrsiniz.
# Ctrl-click on the layer mask's preview in the Layers dialog
# toggles the effect of the layer mask.
"Katmanlar" sayfas<61>ndaki maske'nin <20>n g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>s<EFBFBD>ne Ctrl ile birlikte
basarsan<EFBFBD>z, o maskenin efektini de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirirsiniz.
# Alt-click on the layer mask's preview in the Layers dialog
# toggles viewing the mask directly.
"Katmanlar" sayfas<61>ndaki maske'nin <20>n g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>s<EFBFBD>ne Alt ile birlikte
basarsan<EFBFBD>z, maskenin do<64>rudan g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>lenmesini sa<73>lars<72>n<EFBFBD>z.
# You can use Alt-Tab to cycle through all layers in an image
# (if your window manager doesn't trap those keys...).
Alt-Tab sayesinde bit resimdeki t<>m katmanlar<61> s<>rayla tek tek
se<EFBFBD>ebilirsiniz. (pencere y<>neticiniz bu kombinasyonu kullanm<6E>yorsa...)
# Shift-click with the Bucket Fill tool to have it use
# the background color instead of the foreground color.
Kovayla Doldurma aletiyle Shift ile fareye t<>klarsan<61>z, <20>n plan
rengi yerine arka plan rengini kullanmas<61>n<EFBFBD> sa<73>lars<72>n<EFBFBD>z.
# Control-drag with the Transform tool in rotation mode
# will constrain the rotation to 15 degree angles.
D<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>rme aletiyle d<>nd<6E>rme modundayken, Ctrl'e bas<61>p s<>r<EFBFBD>klerseniz
15 derecelik ad<61>mlarla d<>nmesini sa<73>lars<72>n<EFBFBD>z.
# You can adjust and re-place a selection by using Alt-drag.
Bir alan <20>e<EFBFBD>iminin yerini tekrar ayarlamak i<>in Alt ile birlikte
# If your fonts turn out blocky, that's because they're not scalable
# fonts. Most X servers support scalable Type 1 Postscript fonts.
# Download and install them. Some font servers allow you to use
# TrueType (.ttf) fonts, which are also scalable.
E<EFBFBD>er yaz<61>tipi karakterleriniz k<><6B>eli g<>z<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD>yorsa, bu onlar<61>n tekrar
<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>eklenebilir olmay<61><79><EFBFBD>ndan kaynaklan<61>yordur. Bir <20>ok X sunucusu
<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>eklenebilir Type 1 Postscript karakterlerini destekler. Bunlar<61>
indirip kullan<61>n. Baz<61> sunucular da <20>l<EFBFBD>eklenebilir olan TrueType
(.ttf) karakterlerini kullanman<61>za olanak sa<73>lar.
# To create a perfect circle, hold Shift while doing an ellipse select. To
# place a circle precisely, drag horizontal and vertical guides tangent to
# the circle you want to select, place your cursor at the intersection
# of the guides, and the resulting selection will just touch the guides.
Tam daire yapmak i<>in Elips Se<53>im aletini kullan<61>rken Shift'e bas<61>l<EFBFBD> tutun.
Daire se<73>imi ince ayarla yerle<6C>tirmek istiyorsan<61>z, yaratmak istedi<64>iniz
dairenin te<74>etleri olmak <20>zere k<>lavuzlar<61> yerle<6C>tirin, imleci k<>lavuzlar<61>n
kesi<EFBFBD>me noktas<61>na getirin, ve yapaca<63><61>n<EFBFBD>z se<73>im k<>lavuzlara dokunacakt<6B>r.
# If some of your scanned photos do not look colorful enough, you can
# easily improve their tonal range with the "Auto" button in the Levels
# tool (Image->Colors->Levels). If there are any color casts, you can
# correct them with the Curves tool (Image->Colors->Curves).
Tarad<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z foto<74>raflardan baz<61>lar<61> yeterince renkli g<>z<EFBFBD>km<6B>yorsa, tonal
dizilerini Seviyeler aletininin (Resim->Renkler->Seviyeler) "Otomatik"
d<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>mesine basarak kolayca geli<6C>tirebilirsiniz. E<>er herhangi bir renk
savrulmas<EFBFBD> varsa bunu E<>riler aletiyle (Resim->Renkler->E<>riler)
# (end of tips)