Bart Hakvoort fa5698e115 logic unallocated space wasn't read correctly, fixed. added
* src/ (Read_Disk_Layout): logic unallocated space wasn't read correctly, fixed.
* include/Win_GParted.h: added open_operationslist() and menu_view_operations() .
* src/ tweaked operationlist behaviour a bit. Also added 'Operations" toggle-item to View menu.
2004-10-11 14:19:56 +00:00

193 lines
6.5 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../include/Device.h"
#include "../include/VBox_VisualDisk.h"
#include "../include/Partition.h"
#include "../include/TreeView_Detail.h"
#include "../include/Dialog_Partition_Info.h"
#include "../include/Dialog_Partition_New.h"
#include "../include/Operation.h"
#include "../include/Dialog_Progress.h"
#include "../include/Dialog_Partition_Resize_Move.h"
#include "../include/Dialog_About.h"
#include "../include/Dialog_Partition_Copy.h"
#include <sigc++/class_slot.h>
#include <gtkmm/main.h>
#include <gtkmm/paned.h>
#include <gtkmm/toolbar.h>
#include <gtkmm/separatortoolitem.h>
#include <gtkmm/menubar.h>
#include <gtkmm/statusbar.h>
#include <gtkmm/radiobutton.h>
#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
namespace GParted
class Win_GParted : public Gtk::Window
Win_GParted( );
void init_menubar() ;
void init_toolbar() ;
void init_popupmenu() ;
void init_convert_menu() ;
void init_device_info() ;
void init_operationslist() ;
void init_hpaned_main() ;
void Find_Supported_Filesystems() ;
void Find_Devices( bool deep_scan = true ) ;
void Refresh_OptionMenu( ) ;
void Show_Pulsebar( ) ;
//Fill txtview_device_info_buffer with some information about the selected device
void Fill_Label_Device_Info( );
//overridden signalhandler
virtual bool on_delete_event( GdkEventAny* ) ;
void Add_Operation( OperationType, const Partition & );
void Refresh_Visual( );
bool Quit_Check_Operations();
void Set_Valid_Operations() ; //determines which operations are allowed on selected_partition
void Set_Valid_Convert_Filesystems() ; //determines to which filesystems a partition can be converted
//convenience functions
void allow_new( bool b ) { menu_popup.items()[0].set_sensitive( b ); toolbar_main.get_nth_item(0) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_delete( bool b ) { menu_popup.items()[1].set_sensitive( b ); toolbar_main.get_nth_item(1) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_resize( bool b ) { menu_popup.items()[3].set_sensitive( b ); toolbar_main.get_nth_item(3) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_copy( bool b ) { menu_popup.items()[5].set_sensitive( b ); toolbar_main.get_nth_item(5) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_paste( bool b ) { menu_popup.items()[6].set_sensitive( b ); toolbar_main.get_nth_item(6) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_convert( bool b ) { menu_popup.items()[8].set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_undo( bool b ) { toolbar_main.get_nth_item(8) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void allow_apply( bool b ) { toolbar_main.get_nth_item(9) ->set_sensitive( b ); }
void find_devices_thread( ) { Find_Devices( ) ; pulse = false ; }
//signal handlers
void open_operationslist() ;
void close_operationslist() ;
void clear_operationslist() ;
void optionmenu_devices_changed( );
void menu_gparted_refresh_devices();
void menu_gparted_quit();
void menu_view_harddisk_info();
void menu_view_operations();
void menu_help_contents();
void menu_help_about();
void mouse_click( GdkEventButton*, const Partition & );
void activate_resize();
void activate_copy();
void activate_paste();
void activate_new();
void activate_delete();
void activate_info();
void activate_convert( const Glib::ustring & new_fs );
void activate_undo();
void activate_apply();
void apply_operations_thread();
//private variables
unsigned int current_device, source_device; //source_device is used to store the device the copied_partition is from....
Partition selected_partition, copied_partition;
std::vector <Device * > devices;
std::vector <Operation> operations;
//gui stuff
Gtk::HPaned hpaned_main;
Gtk::VPaned vpaned_main;
Gtk::VBox vbox_main,vbox_info, *vbox;
Gtk::HBox hbox_toolbar,hbox_visual, hbox_operations, *hbox;
Gtk::Toolbar toolbar_main;
Gtk::MenuBar menubar_main;
Gtk::OptionMenu optionmenu_devices;
Gtk::Menu menu_devices,menu_popup, menu_convert, *menu ;
Gtk::ToolButton *toolbutton;
Gtk::Statusbar statusbar;
Gtk::Image *image ;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow *scrollwindow;
Gtk::Label label_device_info1, label_device_info2, *label;
Gtk::Tooltips tooltips ;
Gtk::Button *button;
Gtk::Table *table ;
Gtk::MenuItem *menu_item;
Gtk::Entry *entry;
Gtk::ProgressBar *pulsebar ;
Gdk::Color color ;
VBox_VisualDisk *vbox_visual_disk;
TreeView_Detail treeview_detail;
//operations list
Gtk::TreeView treeview_operations;
Gtk::TreeRow treerow;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> liststore_operations;
struct treeview_operations_Columns : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> operation_number;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> operation_description;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn< Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> > operation_icon;
treeview_operations_Columns() { add( operation_number ); add( operation_description ); add(operation_icon);}
treeview_operations_Columns treeview_operations_columns;
//usefull variables which are used by many different functions...
sigc::connection s2,s3;//used for disconnecting and destroying a connection ( see optionmenu_devices_changed() and activate_apply() )
bool any_logic,any_extended;//used in some checks (e.g. see optionmenu_devices_changed()
unsigned short highest_logic_busy ;//highest_logic_busy contains the number of the highest logical which is busy ( 0 if none is busy)
unsigned short primary_count ;//primary_count checks for max. of 4 pimary partitions
unsigned short new_count;//new_count keeps track of the new created partitions
Glib::ustring str_temp ; //mostly used for constructing dialogmessages
GParted::Device *temp_device ;
std::vector <Gtk::Label *> device_info ;
std::vector <FS> FILESYSTEMS ;
//stuff for progress overview
Dialog_Progress *dialog_progress;
Glib::Thread *thread ;
Glib::Dispatcher dispatcher_next_operation;
bool apply, pulse ;
} //GParted
#endif //WIN_GPARTED