VERSION=`grep "__version__" lutris/ | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed 's|"\(.*\)"|\1|'` GITBRANCH ?= master # Default GPG key ID to use for package signing. PPA_GPG_KEY_ID ?= 82D96E430A1F1C0F0502747E37B90EDD4E3EFAE4 PYTHON:=$(shell which python3) PIP:=$(PYTHON) -m pip all: export GITBRANCH=master debuild debclean unsigned: export GITBRANCH=master debuild -i -us -uc -b debclean # Build process for GitHub runners. # Requires two environment variables related to package signing. # PPA_GPG_KEY_ID # Key ID used to sign the .deb package files. # PPA_GPG_PASSPHRASE # Decrypts the private key associated with GPG_KEY_ID. # # When running from a GitHub workflow. The above environment variables # are passed in from .github/scripts/ and that script # receives those variables from the .github/workflows/publish-lutris-ppa.yml # which receives them from the repository secrets. github-ppa: export GITBRANCH=master # Automating builds for different Ubuntu codenames manipulates the # version string, and so that lintian check is suppressed. Also note # that all parameters after "--lintian-opts" are passed to lintian # so that _must_ be the last parameter. echo "y" | debuild -S \ -k"${PPA_GPG_KEY_ID}" \ -p"gpg --batch --passphrase ${PPA_GPG_PASSPHRASE} --pinentry-mode loopback" \ --lintian-opts --suppress-tags malformed-debian-changelog-version build-deps-ubuntu: sudo apt install devscripts debhelper dh-python meson build: gbp buildpackage --git-debian-branch=${GITBRANCH} clean: debclean build-source: clean gbp buildpackage -S --git-debian-branch=${GITBRANCH} mkdir build mv ../lutris_${VERSION}* build release: build-source upload upload-ppa test: rm tests/fixtures/pga.db -f nose2 cover: rm tests/fixtures/pga.db -f rm tests/coverage/ -rf nose2 --with-coverage --cover-package=lutris --cover-html --cover-html-dir=tests/coverage pgp-renew: osc signkey --extend home:strycore osc rebuildpac home:strycore --all changelog-add: EDITOR=vim dch -i changelog-edit: EDITOR=vim dch -e upload: scp build/lutris_${VERSION}.tar.xz anaheim:~/volumes/releases/ upload-ppa: dput ppa:lutris-team/lutris build/lutris_${VERSION}*_source.changes upload-staging: dput --force ppa:lutris-team/lutris-staging build/lutris_${VERSION}*_source.changes snap: snapcraft clean lutris -s pull snapcraft req-python: pip3 install PyYAML lxml requests Pillow setproctitle python-magic distro dbus-python types-requests \ types-PyYAML evdev PyGObject pypresence protobuf moddb dev: pip3 install ruff==0.3.5 mypy==1.8.0 mypy-baseline nose2 # ============ # Style checks # ============ style: ruff format . --check format: ruff check --select I --fix ruff format . # =============== # Static analysis # =============== check: ruff_lint mypy ruff_lint: ruff check . mypy: mypy . --install-types --non-interactive 2>&1 | mypy-baseline filter mypy-reset-baseline: # Add new typing errors to mypy. Use sparingly. mypy . --install-types --non-interactive 2>&1 | mypy-baseline sync # ============= # Abbreviations # ============= sc: style check styles: style checks: check