Remove ancient RPM packaging instructions

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Comandon 2017-05-14 10:57:19 -07:00
parent 3f747bf3ee
commit a1020074eb

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@ -41,47 +41,3 @@ If you installed Lutris using the script, you can launch the
program by typing "lutris" at the command line. If you want to run
Lutris without installing it, start "bin/lutris" from within the
Lutris directory.
On Fedora:
These instructions should let you build a Lutris on a minimal Fedora
system such as a LXC container.
Install required packaging tools::
yum install @development-tools
yum install fedora-packager
yum install python-devel
Create a user to build the package with::
useradd makerpm
usermod -a -G mock makerpm
passwd makerpm
Log out of the root account and login as the makerpm user then create the
required directory structure::
You can now fetch the lutris sources either from a local drive or
cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
curl -O
Extract the specs file from the archive::
cd ../SPECS/
tar xvzf ../SOURCES/lutris_0.3.7.tar.gz lutris/lutris.spec
mv lutris/lutris.spec .
rmdir lutris
You can now build the RPM::
rpmbuild -ba lutris.spec
The resulting package will be available at