Hugo Locurcio b68dd2e189
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2022-02-15 00:03:31 +01:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="AudioServer" inherits="Object" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
Server interface for low-level audio access.
[AudioServer] is a low-level server interface for audio access. It is in charge of creating sample data (playable audio) as well as its playback via a voice interface.
<link title="Audio buses">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/audio/audio_buses.html</link>
<link title="Audio Device Changer Demo">https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/525</link>
<link title="Audio Mic Record Demo">https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/527</link>
<link title="Audio Spectrum Demo">https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/528</link>
<method name="add_bus">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="at_position" type="int" default="-1" />
Adds a bus at [code]at_position[/code].
<method name="add_bus_effect">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect" type="AudioEffect" />
<argument index="2" name="at_position" type="int" default="-1" />
Adds an [AudioEffect] effect to the bus [code]bus_idx[/code] at [code]at_position[/code].
<method name="capture_get_device">
<return type="String" />
Name of the current device for audio input (see [method capture_get_device_list]).
<method name="capture_get_device_list">
<return type="Array" />
Returns the names of all audio input devices detected on the system.
<method name="capture_set_device">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="name" type="String" />
Sets which audio input device is used for audio capture.
<method name="generate_bus_layout" qualifiers="const">
<return type="AudioBusLayout" />
Generates an [AudioBusLayout] using the available buses and effects.
<method name="get_bus_channels" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
Returns the amount of channels of the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code].
<method name="get_bus_effect">
<return type="AudioEffect" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect_idx" type="int" />
Returns the [AudioEffect] at position [code]effect_idx[/code] in bus [code]bus_idx[/code].
<method name="get_bus_effect_count">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
Returns the number of effects on the bus at [code]bus_idx[/code].
<method name="get_bus_effect_instance">
<return type="AudioEffectInstance" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="2" name="channel" type="int" default="0" />
Returns the [AudioEffectInstance] assigned to the given bus and effect indices (and optionally channel).
<method name="get_bus_index" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_name" type="StringName" />
Returns the index of the bus with the name [code]bus_name[/code].
<method name="get_bus_name" qualifiers="const">
<return type="String" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
Returns the name of the bus with the index [code]bus_idx[/code].
<method name="get_bus_peak_volume_left_db" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="channel" type="int" />
Returns the peak volume of the left speaker at bus index [code]bus_idx[/code] and channel index [code]channel[/code].
<method name="get_bus_peak_volume_right_db" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="channel" type="int" />
Returns the peak volume of the right speaker at bus index [code]bus_idx[/code] and channel index [code]channel[/code].
<method name="get_bus_send" qualifiers="const">
<return type="StringName" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
Returns the name of the bus that the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] sends to.
<method name="get_bus_volume_db" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
Returns the volume of the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] in dB.
<method name="get_device_list">
<return type="Array" />
Returns the names of all audio devices detected on the system.
<method name="get_mix_rate" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
Returns the sample rate at the output of the [AudioServer].
<method name="get_output_latency" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
Returns the audio driver's output latency.
<method name="get_speaker_mode" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" enum="AudioServer.SpeakerMode" />
Returns the speaker configuration.
<method name="get_time_since_last_mix" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
Returns the relative time since the last mix occurred.
<method name="get_time_to_next_mix" qualifiers="const">
<return type="float" />
Returns the relative time until the next mix occurs.
<method name="is_bus_bypassing_effects" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
If [code]true[/code], the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is bypassing effects.
<method name="is_bus_effect_enabled" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect_idx" type="int" />
If [code]true[/code], the effect at index [code]effect_idx[/code] on the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is enabled.
<method name="is_bus_mute" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
If [code]true[/code], the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is muted.
<method name="is_bus_solo" qualifiers="const">
<return type="bool" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
If [code]true[/code], the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is in solo mode.
<method name="lock">
<return type="void" />
Locks the audio driver's main loop.
[b]Note:[/b] Remember to unlock it afterwards.
<method name="move_bus">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="index" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="to_index" type="int" />
Moves the bus from index [code]index[/code] to index [code]to_index[/code].
<method name="remove_bus">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="index" type="int" />
Removes the bus at index [code]index[/code].
<method name="remove_bus_effect">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect_idx" type="int" />
Removes the effect at index [code]effect_idx[/code] from the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code].
<method name="set_bus_bypass_effects">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool" />
If [code]true[/code], the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is bypassing effects.
<method name="set_bus_effect_enabled">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="2" name="enabled" type="bool" />
If [code]true[/code], the effect at index [code]effect_idx[/code] on the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is enabled.
<method name="set_bus_layout">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_layout" type="AudioBusLayout" />
Overwrites the currently used [AudioBusLayout].
<method name="set_bus_mute">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool" />
If [code]true[/code], the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is muted.
<method name="set_bus_name">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="name" type="String" />
Sets the name of the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] to [code]name[/code].
<method name="set_bus_send">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="send" type="StringName" />
Connects the output of the bus at [code]bus_idx[/code] to the bus named [code]send[/code].
<method name="set_bus_solo">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="enable" type="bool" />
If [code]true[/code], the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] is in solo mode.
<method name="set_bus_volume_db">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="volume_db" type="float" />
Sets the volume of the bus at index [code]bus_idx[/code] to [code]volume_db[/code].
<method name="swap_bus_effects">
<return type="void" />
<argument index="0" name="bus_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="1" name="effect_idx" type="int" />
<argument index="2" name="by_effect_idx" type="int" />
Swaps the position of two effects in bus [code]bus_idx[/code].
<method name="unlock">
<return type="void" />
Unlocks the audio driver's main loop. (After locking it, you should always unlock it.)
<member name="bus_count" type="int" setter="set_bus_count" getter="get_bus_count" default="1">
Number of available audio buses.
<member name="device" type="String" setter="set_device" getter="get_device" default="&quot;Default&quot;">
Name of the current device for audio output (see [method get_device_list]).
<member name="playback_speed_scale" type="float" setter="set_playback_speed_scale" getter="get_playback_speed_scale" default="1.0">
Scales the rate at which audio is played (i.e. setting it to [code]0.5[/code] will make the audio be played at half its speed).
<signal name="bus_layout_changed">
Emitted when the [AudioBusLayout] changes.
<constant name="SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO" value="0" enum="SpeakerMode">
Two or fewer speakers were detected.
<constant name="SPEAKER_SURROUND_31" value="1" enum="SpeakerMode">
A 3.1 channel surround setup was detected.
<constant name="SPEAKER_SURROUND_51" value="2" enum="SpeakerMode">
A 5.1 channel surround setup was detected.
<constant name="SPEAKER_SURROUND_71" value="3" enum="SpeakerMode">
A 7.1 channel surround setup was detected.