Dario 057367bf4f Add FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2 (FSR 2.2.1) support.
Introduces support for FSR2 as a new upscaler option available from the project settings. Also introduces an specific render list for surfaces that require motion and the ability to derive motion vectors from depth buffer and camera motion.
2023-09-25 10:37:47 -03:00

368 lines
20 KiB

// This file is part of the FidelityFX SDK.
// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
// -- GODOT start --
#include <stdlib.h>
// -- GODOT end --
#if defined (FFX_GCC)
/// FidelityFX exported functions
#define FFX_API
/// FidelityFX exported functions
#define FFX_API __declspec(dllexport)
#endif // #if defined (FFX_GCC)
/// Maximum supported number of simultaneously bound SRVs.
#define FFX_MAX_NUM_SRVS 16
/// Maximum supported number of simultaneously bound UAVs.
#define FFX_MAX_NUM_UAVS 8
/// Maximum number of constant buffers bound.
/// Maximum size of bound constant buffers.
/// Off by default warnings
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable : 4365 4710 4820 5039)
#elif defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wignored-qualifiers"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // #ifdef __cplusplus
/// An enumeration of surface formats.
typedef enum FfxSurfaceFormat {
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS, ///< 32 bit per channel, 4 channel typeless format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT, ///< 32 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT, ///< 16 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM, ///< 16 bit per channel, 4 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT, ///< 32 bit per channel, 2 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32_UINT, ///< 32 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS, ///< 8 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, ///< 8 bit per channel, 4 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT, ///< 32 bit 3 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT, ///< 16 bit per channel, 2 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT, ///< 16 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned int format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT, ///< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_UINT, ///< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned int format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_UNORM, ///< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_SNORM, ///< 16 bit per channel, 1 channel signed normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8_UNORM, ///< 8 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8_UINT, ///< 8 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned int format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM, ///< 8 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT ///< 32 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
} FfxSurfaceFormat;
/// An enumeration of resource usage.
typedef enum FfxResourceUsage {
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_READ_ONLY = 0, ///< No usage flags indicate a resource is read only.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_RENDERTARGET = (1<<0), ///< Indicates a resource will be used as render target.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_UAV = (1<<1), ///< Indicates a resource will be used as UAV.
} FfxResourceUsage;
/// An enumeration of resource states.
typedef enum FfxResourceStates {
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = (1<<0), ///< Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as UAV.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COMPUTE_READ = (1 << 1), ///< Indicates a resource is in the state to be read by compute shaders.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_SRC = (1 << 2), ///< Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as source in a copy command.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST = (1 << 3), ///< Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as destination in a copy command.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_GENERIC_READ = (FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_SRC | FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COMPUTE_READ), ///< Indicates a resource is in generic (slow) read state.
} FfxResourceStates;
/// An enumeration of surface dimensions.
typedef enum FfxResourceDimension {
FFX_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_1D, ///< A resource with a single dimension.
FFX_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_2D, ///< A resource with two dimensions.
} FfxResourceDimension;
/// An enumeration of surface dimensions.
typedef enum FfxResourceFlags {
FFX_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NONE = 0, ///< No flags.
FFX_RESOURCE_FLAGS_ALIASABLE = (1<<0), ///< A bit indicating a resource does not need to persist across frames.
} FfxResourceFlags;
/// An enumeration of all resource view types.
typedef enum FfxResourceViewType {
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS, ///< The resource view is an unordered access view (UAV).
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_SHADER_READ, ///< The resource view is a shader resource view (SRV).
} FfxResourceViewType;
/// The type of filtering to perform when reading a texture.
typedef enum FfxFilterType {
FFX_FILTER_TYPE_POINT, ///< Point sampling.
FFX_FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR ///< Sampling with interpolation.
} FfxFilterType;
/// An enumeration of all supported shader models.
typedef enum FfxShaderModel {
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_5_1, ///< Shader model 5.1.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_0, ///< Shader model 6.0.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_1, ///< Shader model 6.1.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_2, ///< Shader model 6.2.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_3, ///< Shader model 6.3.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_4, ///< Shader model 6.4.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_5, ///< Shader model 6.5.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_6, ///< Shader model 6.6.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_7, ///< Shader model 6.7.
} FfxShaderModel;
// An enumeration for different resource types
typedef enum FfxResourceType {
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_BUFFER, ///< The resource is a buffer.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE1D, ///< The resource is a 1-dimensional texture.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE2D, ///< The resource is a 2-dimensional texture.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE3D, ///< The resource is a 3-dimensional texture.
} FfxResourceType;
/// An enumeration for different heap types
typedef enum FfxHeapType {
FFX_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0, ///< Local memory.
FFX_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD ///< Heap used for uploading resources.
} FfxHeapType;
/// An enumberation for different render job types
typedef enum FfxGpuJobType {
FFX_GPU_JOB_CLEAR_FLOAT = 0, ///< The GPU job is performing a floating-point clear.
FFX_GPU_JOB_COPY = 1, ///< The GPU job is performing a copy.
FFX_GPU_JOB_COMPUTE = 2, ///< The GPU job is performing a compute dispatch.
} FfxGpuJobType;
/// A typedef representing the graphics device.
typedef void* FfxDevice;
/// A typedef representing a command list or command buffer.
typedef void* FfxCommandList;
/// A typedef for a root signature.
typedef void* FfxRootSignature;
/// A typedef for a pipeline state object.
typedef void* FfxPipeline;
/// A structure encapasulating a collection of device capabilities.
typedef struct FfxDeviceCapabilities {
FfxShaderModel minimumSupportedShaderModel; ///< The minimum shader model supported by the device.
uint32_t waveLaneCountMin; ///< The minimum supported wavefront width.
uint32_t waveLaneCountMax; ///< The maximum supported wavefront width.
bool fp16Supported; ///< The device supports FP16 in hardware.
bool raytracingSupported; ///< The device supports raytracing.
} FfxDeviceCapabilities;
/// A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional point, using 32bit unsigned integers.
typedef struct FfxDimensions2D {
uint32_t width; ///< The width of a 2-dimensional range.
uint32_t height; ///< The height of a 2-dimensional range.
} FfxDimensions2D;
/// A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional point,
typedef struct FfxIntCoords2D {
int32_t x; ///< The x coordinate of a 2-dimensional point.
int32_t y; ///< The y coordinate of a 2-dimensional point.
} FfxIntCoords2D;
/// A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional set of floating point coordinates.
typedef struct FfxFloatCoords2D {
float x; ///< The x coordinate of a 2-dimensional point.
float y; ///< The y coordinate of a 2-dimensional point.
} FfxFloatCoords2D;
/// A structure describing a resource.
typedef struct FfxResourceDescription {
FfxResourceType type; ///< The type of the resource.
FfxSurfaceFormat format; ///< The surface format.
uint32_t width; ///< The width of the resource.
uint32_t height; ///< The height of the resource.
uint32_t depth; ///< The depth of the resource.
uint32_t mipCount; ///< Number of mips (or 0 for full mipchain).
FfxResourceFlags flags; ///< A set of <c><i>FfxResourceFlags</i></c> flags.
} FfxResourceDescription;
/// An outward facing structure containing a resource
typedef struct FfxResource {
void* resource; ///< pointer to the resource.
wchar_t name[64];
FfxResourceDescription description;
FfxResourceStates state;
bool isDepth;
uint64_t descriptorData;
} FfxResource;
/// An internal structure containing a handle to a resource and resource views
typedef struct FfxResourceInternal {
int32_t internalIndex; ///< The index of the resource.
} FfxResourceInternal;
/// A structure defining a resource bind point
typedef struct FfxResourceBinding
uint32_t slotIndex;
uint32_t resourceIdentifier;
wchar_t name[64];
/// A structure encapsulating a single pass of an algorithm.
typedef struct FfxPipelineState {
FfxRootSignature rootSignature; ///< The pipelines rootSignature
FfxPipeline pipeline; ///< The pipeline object
uint32_t uavCount; ///< Count of UAVs used in this pipeline
uint32_t srvCount; ///< Count of SRVs used in this pipeline
uint32_t constCount; ///< Count of constant buffers used in this pipeline
FfxResourceBinding uavResourceBindings[FFX_MAX_NUM_UAVS]; ///< Array of ResourceIdentifiers bound as UAVs
FfxResourceBinding srvResourceBindings[FFX_MAX_NUM_SRVS]; ///< Array of ResourceIdentifiers bound as SRVs
FfxResourceBinding cbResourceBindings[FFX_MAX_NUM_CONST_BUFFERS]; ///< Array of ResourceIdentifiers bound as CBs
} FfxPipelineState;
/// A structure containing the data required to create a resource.
typedef struct FfxCreateResourceDescription {
FfxHeapType heapType; ///< The heap type to hold the resource, typically <c><i>FFX_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT</i></c>.
FfxResourceDescription resourceDescription; ///< A resource description.
FfxResourceStates initalState; ///< The initial resource state.
uint32_t initDataSize; ///< Size of initial data buffer.
void* initData; ///< Buffer containing data to fill the resource.
const wchar_t* name; ///< Name of the resource.
FfxResourceUsage usage; ///< Resource usage flags.
uint32_t id; ///< Internal resource ID.
} FfxCreateResourceDescription;
/// A structure containing the description used to create a
/// <c><i>FfxPipeline</i></c> structure.
/// A pipeline is the name given to a shader and the collection of state that
/// is required to dispatch it. In the context of FSR2 and its architecture
/// this means that a <c><i>FfxPipelineDescription</i></c> will map to either a
/// monolithic object in an explicit API (such as a
/// <c><i>PipelineStateObject</i></c> in DirectX 12). Or a shader and some
/// ancillary API objects (in something like DirectX 11).
/// The <c><i>contextFlags</i></c> field contains a copy of the flags passed
/// to <c><i>ffxFsr2ContextCreate</i></c> via the <c><i>flags</i></c> field of
/// the <c><i>FfxFsr2InitializationParams</i></c> structure. These flags are
/// used to determine which permutation of a pipeline for a specific
/// <c><i>FfxFsr2Pass</i></c> should be used to implement the features required
/// by each application, as well as to acheive the best performance on specific
/// target hardware configurations.
/// When using one of the provided backends for FSR2 (such as DirectX 12 or
/// Vulkan) the data required to create a pipeline is compiled offline and
/// included into the backend library that you are using. For cases where the
/// backend interface is overriden by providing custom callback function
/// implementations care should be taken to respect the contents of the
/// <c><i>contextFlags</i></c> field in order to correctly support the options
/// provided by FSR2, and acheive best performance.
/// @ingroup FSR2
typedef struct FfxPipelineDescription {
uint32_t contextFlags; ///< A collection of <c><i>FfxFsr2InitializationFlagBits</i></c> which were passed to the context.
FfxFilterType* samplers; ///< Array of static samplers.
size_t samplerCount; ///< The number of samples contained inside <c><i>samplers</i></c>.
const uint32_t* rootConstantBufferSizes; ///< Array containing the sizes of the root constant buffers (count of 32 bit elements).
uint32_t rootConstantBufferCount; ///< The number of root constants contained within <c><i>rootConstantBufferSizes</i></c>.
} FfxPipelineDescription;
/// A structure containing a constant buffer.
typedef struct FfxConstantBuffer {
uint32_t uint32Size; ///< Size of 32 bit chunks used in the constant buffer
uint32_t data[FFX_MAX_CONST_SIZE]; ///< Constant buffer data
/// A structure describing a clear render job.
typedef struct FfxClearFloatJobDescription {
float color[4]; ///< The clear color of the resource.
FfxResourceInternal target; ///< The resource to be cleared.
} FfxClearFloatJobDescription;
/// A structure describing a compute render job.
typedef struct FfxComputeJobDescription {
FfxPipelineState pipeline; ///< Compute pipeline for the render job.
uint32_t dimensions[3]; ///< Dispatch dimensions.
FfxResourceInternal srvs[FFX_MAX_NUM_SRVS]; ///< SRV resources to be bound in the compute job.
wchar_t srvNames[FFX_MAX_NUM_SRVS][64];
FfxResourceInternal uavs[FFX_MAX_NUM_UAVS]; ///< UAV resources to be bound in the compute job.
uint32_t uavMip[FFX_MAX_NUM_UAVS]; ///< Mip level of UAV resources to be bound in the compute job.
wchar_t uavNames[FFX_MAX_NUM_UAVS][64];
FfxConstantBuffer cbs[FFX_MAX_NUM_CONST_BUFFERS]; ///< Constant buffers to be bound in the compute job.
wchar_t cbNames[FFX_MAX_NUM_CONST_BUFFERS][64];
uint32_t cbSlotIndex[FFX_MAX_NUM_CONST_BUFFERS]; ///< Slot index in the descriptor table
} FfxComputeJobDescription;
/// A structure describing a copy render job.
typedef struct FfxCopyJobDescription
FfxResourceInternal src; ///< Source resource for the copy.
FfxResourceInternal dst; ///< Destination resource for the copy.
} FfxCopyJobDescription;
/// A structure describing a single render job.
typedef struct FfxGpuJobDescription{
FfxGpuJobType jobType; ///< Type of the job.
union {
FfxClearFloatJobDescription clearJobDescriptor; ///< Clear job descriptor. Valid when <c><i>jobType</i></c> is <c><i>FFX_RENDER_JOB_CLEAR_FLOAT</i></c>.
FfxCopyJobDescription copyJobDescriptor; ///< Copy job descriptor. Valid when <c><i>jobType</i></c> is <c><i>FFX_RENDER_JOB_COPY</i></c>.
FfxComputeJobDescription computeJobDescriptor; ///< Compute job descriptor. Valid when <c><i>jobType</i></c> is <c><i>FFX_RENDER_JOB_COMPUTE</i></c>.
} FfxGpuJobDescription;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // #ifdef __cplusplus