
2192 lines
80 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script makes RST files from the XML class reference for use with the online docs.
import argparse
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List, Dict, TextIO, Tuple, Optional, Any, Union
# Import hardcoded version information from version.py
root_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../../")
sys.path.append(root_directory) # Include the root directory
import version
# $DOCS_URL/path/to/page.html(#fragment-tag)
GODOT_DOCS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^\$DOCS_URL/(.*)\.html(#.*)?$")
# Based on reStructuredText inline markup recognition rules
# https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#inline-markup-recognition-rules
MARKUP_ALLOWED_SUBSEQUENT = " -.,:;!?\\/'\")]}>"
# Used to translate section headings and other hardcoded strings when required with
# the --lang argument. The BASE_STRINGS list should be synced with what we actually
# write in this script (check `translate()` uses), and also hardcoded in
# `scripts/extract_classes.py` (godotengine/godot-editor-l10n repo) to include them in the source POT file.
"All classes",
"Other objects",
"Variant types",
"Theme Properties",
"Property Descriptions",
"Constructor Descriptions",
"Method Descriptions",
"Operator Descriptions",
"Theme Property Descriptions",
"Inherited By:",
"(overrides %s)",
"This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.",
"This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.",
"This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.",
"This method is used to construct a type.",
"This method doesn't need an instance to be called, so it can be called directly using the class name.",
"This method describes a valid operator to use with this type as left-hand operand.",
"This value is an integer composed as a bitmask of the following flags.",
strings_l10n: Dict[str, str] = {}
STYLES: Dict[str, str] = {}
CLASS_GROUPS: Dict[str, str] = {
"global": "Globals",
"node": "Nodes",
"resource": "Resources",
"object": "Other objects",
"editor": "Editor-only",
"variant": "Variant types",
CLASS_GROUPS_BASE: Dict[str, str] = {
"node": "Node",
"resource": "Resource",
"object": "Object",
"variant": "Variant",
# Sync with editor\register_editor_types.cpp
EDITOR_CLASSES: List[str] = [
class State:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.num_errors = 0
self.num_warnings = 0
self.classes: OrderedDict[str, ClassDef] = OrderedDict()
self.current_class: str = ""
def parse_class(self, class_root: ET.Element, filepath: str) -> None:
class_name = class_root.attrib["name"]
self.current_class = class_name
class_def = ClassDef(class_name)
self.classes[class_name] = class_def
class_def.filepath = filepath
inherits = class_root.get("inherits")
if inherits is not None:
class_def.inherits = inherits
brief_desc = class_root.find("brief_description")
if brief_desc is not None and brief_desc.text:
class_def.brief_description = brief_desc.text
desc = class_root.find("description")
if desc is not None and desc.text:
class_def.description = desc.text
properties = class_root.find("members")
if properties is not None:
for property in properties:
assert property.tag == "member"
property_name = property.attrib["name"]
if property_name in class_def.properties:
print_error(f'{class_name}.xml: Duplicate property "{property_name}".', self)
type_name = TypeName.from_element(property)
setter = property.get("setter") or None # Use or None so '' gets turned into None.
getter = property.get("getter") or None
default_value = property.get("default") or None
if default_value is not None:
default_value = f"``{default_value}``"
overrides = property.get("overrides") or None
property_def = PropertyDef(
property_name, type_name, setter, getter, property.text, default_value, overrides
class_def.properties[property_name] = property_def
constructors = class_root.find("constructors")
if constructors is not None:
for constructor in constructors:
assert constructor.tag == "constructor"
method_name = constructor.attrib["name"]
qualifiers = constructor.get("qualifiers")
return_element = constructor.find("return")
if return_element is not None:
return_type = TypeName.from_element(return_element)
return_type = TypeName("void")
params = self.parse_params(constructor, "constructor")
desc_element = constructor.find("description")
method_desc = None
if desc_element is not None:
method_desc = desc_element.text
method_def = MethodDef(method_name, return_type, params, method_desc, qualifiers)
method_def.definition_name = "constructor"
if method_name not in class_def.constructors:
class_def.constructors[method_name] = []
methods = class_root.find("methods")
if methods is not None:
for method in methods:
assert method.tag == "method"
method_name = method.attrib["name"]
qualifiers = method.get("qualifiers")
return_element = method.find("return")
if return_element is not None:
return_type = TypeName.from_element(return_element)
return_type = TypeName("void")
params = self.parse_params(method, "method")
desc_element = method.find("description")
method_desc = None
if desc_element is not None:
method_desc = desc_element.text
method_def = MethodDef(method_name, return_type, params, method_desc, qualifiers)
if method_name not in class_def.methods:
class_def.methods[method_name] = []
operators = class_root.find("operators")
if operators is not None:
for operator in operators:
assert operator.tag == "operator"
method_name = operator.attrib["name"]
qualifiers = operator.get("qualifiers")
return_element = operator.find("return")
if return_element is not None:
return_type = TypeName.from_element(return_element)
return_type = TypeName("void")
params = self.parse_params(operator, "operator")
desc_element = operator.find("description")
method_desc = None
if desc_element is not None:
method_desc = desc_element.text
method_def = MethodDef(method_name, return_type, params, method_desc, qualifiers)
method_def.definition_name = "operator"
if method_name not in class_def.operators:
class_def.operators[method_name] = []
constants = class_root.find("constants")
if constants is not None:
for constant in constants:
assert constant.tag == "constant"
constant_name = constant.attrib["name"]
value = constant.attrib["value"]
enum = constant.get("enum")
is_bitfield = constant.get("is_bitfield") == "true"
constant_def = ConstantDef(constant_name, value, constant.text, is_bitfield)
if enum is None:
if constant_name in class_def.constants:
print_error(f'{class_name}.xml: Duplicate constant "{constant_name}".', self)
class_def.constants[constant_name] = constant_def
if enum in class_def.enums:
enum_def = class_def.enums[enum]
enum_def = EnumDef(enum, TypeName("int", enum), is_bitfield)
class_def.enums[enum] = enum_def
enum_def.values[constant_name] = constant_def
annotations = class_root.find("annotations")
if annotations is not None:
for annotation in annotations:
assert annotation.tag == "annotation"
annotation_name = annotation.attrib["name"]
qualifiers = annotation.get("qualifiers")
params = self.parse_params(annotation, "annotation")
desc_element = annotation.find("description")
annotation_desc = None
if desc_element is not None:
annotation_desc = desc_element.text
annotation_def = AnnotationDef(annotation_name, params, annotation_desc, qualifiers)
if annotation_name not in class_def.annotations:
class_def.annotations[annotation_name] = []
signals = class_root.find("signals")
if signals is not None:
for signal in signals:
assert signal.tag == "signal"
signal_name = signal.attrib["name"]
if signal_name in class_def.signals:
print_error(f'{class_name}.xml: Duplicate signal "{signal_name}".', self)
params = self.parse_params(signal, "signal")
desc_element = signal.find("description")
signal_desc = None
if desc_element is not None:
signal_desc = desc_element.text
signal_def = SignalDef(signal_name, params, signal_desc)
class_def.signals[signal_name] = signal_def
theme_items = class_root.find("theme_items")
if theme_items is not None:
for theme_item in theme_items:
assert theme_item.tag == "theme_item"
theme_item_name = theme_item.attrib["name"]
theme_item_data_name = theme_item.attrib["data_type"]
theme_item_id = "{}_{}".format(theme_item_data_name, theme_item_name)
if theme_item_id in class_def.theme_items:
f'{class_name}.xml: Duplicate theme item "{theme_item_name}" of type "{theme_item_data_name}".',
default_value = theme_item.get("default") or None
if default_value is not None:
default_value = f"``{default_value}``"
theme_item_def = ThemeItemDef(
class_def.theme_items[theme_item_name] = theme_item_def
tutorials = class_root.find("tutorials")
if tutorials is not None:
for link in tutorials:
assert link.tag == "link"
if link.text is not None:
class_def.tutorials.append((link.text.strip(), link.get("title", "")))
self.current_class = ""
def parse_params(self, root: ET.Element, context: str) -> List["ParameterDef"]:
param_elements = root.findall("param")
params: Any = [None] * len(param_elements)
for param_index, param_element in enumerate(param_elements):
param_name = param_element.attrib["name"]
index = int(param_element.attrib["index"])
type_name = TypeName.from_element(param_element)
default = param_element.get("default")
if param_name.strip() == "" or param_name.startswith("_unnamed_arg"):
f'{self.current_class}.xml: Empty argument name in {context} "{root.attrib["name"]}" at position {param_index}.',
params[index] = ParameterDef(param_name, type_name, default)
cast: List[ParameterDef] = params
return cast
def sort_classes(self) -> None:
self.classes = OrderedDict(sorted(self.classes.items(), key=lambda t: t[0].lower()))
class TypeName:
def __init__(self, type_name: str, enum: Optional[str] = None, is_bitfield: bool = False) -> None:
self.type_name = type_name
self.enum = enum
self.is_bitfield = is_bitfield
def to_rst(self, state: State) -> str:
if self.enum is not None:
return make_enum(self.enum, self.is_bitfield, state)
elif self.type_name == "void":
return "void"
return make_type(self.type_name, state)
def from_element(cls, element: ET.Element) -> "TypeName":
return cls(element.attrib["type"], element.get("enum"), element.get("is_bitfield") == "true")
class DefinitionBase:
def __init__(
definition_name: str,
name: str,
) -> None:
self.definition_name = definition_name
self.name = name
class PropertyDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(
name: str,
type_name: TypeName,
setter: Optional[str],
getter: Optional[str],
text: Optional[str],
default_value: Optional[str],
overrides: Optional[str],
) -> None:
super().__init__("property", name)
self.type_name = type_name
self.setter = setter
self.getter = getter
self.text = text
self.default_value = default_value
self.overrides = overrides
class ParameterDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(self, name: str, type_name: TypeName, default_value: Optional[str]) -> None:
super().__init__("parameter", name)
self.type_name = type_name
self.default_value = default_value
class SignalDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(self, name: str, parameters: List[ParameterDef], description: Optional[str]) -> None:
super().__init__("signal", name)
self.parameters = parameters
self.description = description
class AnnotationDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(
name: str,
parameters: List[ParameterDef],
description: Optional[str],
qualifiers: Optional[str],
) -> None:
super().__init__("annotation", name)
self.parameters = parameters
self.description = description
self.qualifiers = qualifiers
class MethodDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(
name: str,
return_type: TypeName,
parameters: List[ParameterDef],
description: Optional[str],
qualifiers: Optional[str],
) -> None:
super().__init__("method", name)
self.return_type = return_type
self.parameters = parameters
self.description = description
self.qualifiers = qualifiers
class ConstantDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(self, name: str, value: str, text: Optional[str], bitfield: bool) -> None:
super().__init__("constant", name)
self.value = value
self.text = text
self.is_bitfield = bitfield
class EnumDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(self, name: str, type_name: TypeName, bitfield: bool) -> None:
super().__init__("enum", name)
self.type_name = type_name
self.values: OrderedDict[str, ConstantDef] = OrderedDict()
self.is_bitfield = bitfield
class ThemeItemDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(
self, name: str, type_name: TypeName, data_name: str, text: Optional[str], default_value: Optional[str]
) -> None:
super().__init__("theme item", name)
self.type_name = type_name
self.data_name = data_name
self.text = text
self.default_value = default_value
class ClassDef(DefinitionBase):
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
super().__init__("class", name)
self.constants: OrderedDict[str, ConstantDef] = OrderedDict()
self.enums: OrderedDict[str, EnumDef] = OrderedDict()
self.properties: OrderedDict[str, PropertyDef] = OrderedDict()
self.constructors: OrderedDict[str, List[MethodDef]] = OrderedDict()
self.methods: OrderedDict[str, List[MethodDef]] = OrderedDict()
self.operators: OrderedDict[str, List[MethodDef]] = OrderedDict()
self.signals: OrderedDict[str, SignalDef] = OrderedDict()
self.annotations: OrderedDict[str, List[AnnotationDef]] = OrderedDict()
self.theme_items: OrderedDict[str, ThemeItemDef] = OrderedDict()
self.inherits: Optional[str] = None
self.brief_description: Optional[str] = None
self.description: Optional[str] = None
self.tutorials: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
# Used to match the class with XML source for output filtering purposes.
self.filepath: str = ""
# Entry point for the RST generator.
def main() -> None:
# Enable ANSI escape code support on Windows 10 and later (for colored console output).
# <https://bugs.python.org/issue29059>
if platform.system().lower() == "windows":
from ctypes import windll, c_int, byref # type: ignore
stdout_handle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(c_int(-11))
mode = c_int(0)
windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode(c_int(stdout_handle), byref(mode))
mode = c_int(mode.value | 4)
windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode(c_int(stdout_handle), mode)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="A path to an XML file or a directory containing XML files to parse.")
parser.add_argument("--filter", default="", help="The filepath pattern for XML files to filter.")
parser.add_argument("--lang", "-l", default="en", help="Language to use for section headings.")
help="If passed, force colored output even if stdout is not a TTY (useful for continuous integration).",
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("--output", "-o", default=".", help="The directory to save output .rst files in.")
help="If passed, no output will be generated and XML files are only checked for errors.",
args = parser.parse_args()
should_color = args.color or (hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty())
STYLES["red"] = "\x1b[91m" if should_color else ""
STYLES["green"] = "\x1b[92m" if should_color else ""
STYLES["yellow"] = "\x1b[93m" if should_color else ""
STYLES["bold"] = "\x1b[1m" if should_color else ""
STYLES["regular"] = "\x1b[22m" if should_color else ""
STYLES["reset"] = "\x1b[0m" if should_color else ""
# Retrieve heading translations for the given language.
if not args.dry_run and args.lang != "en":
lang_file = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "translations", "{}.po".format(args.lang)
if os.path.exists(lang_file):
import polib # type: ignore
except ImportError:
print("Base template strings localization requires `polib`.")
pofile = polib.pofile(lang_file)
for entry in pofile.translated_entries():
if entry.msgid in BASE_STRINGS:
strings_l10n[entry.msgid] = entry.msgstr
print(f'No PO file at "{lang_file}" for language "{args.lang}".')
print("Checking for errors in the XML class reference...")
file_list: List[str] = []
for path in args.path:
# Cut off trailing slashes so os.path.basename doesn't choke.
if path.endswith("/") or path.endswith("\\"):
path = path[:-1]
if os.path.basename(path) in ["modules", "platform"]:
for subdir, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
if "doc_classes" in dirs:
doc_dir = os.path.join(subdir, "doc_classes")
class_file_names = (f for f in os.listdir(doc_dir) if f.endswith(".xml"))
file_list += (os.path.join(doc_dir, f) for f in class_file_names)
elif os.path.isdir(path):
file_list += (os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith(".xml"))
elif os.path.isfile(path):
if not path.endswith(".xml"):
print(f'Got non-.xml file "{path}" in input, skipping.')
classes: Dict[str, Tuple[ET.Element, str]] = {}
state = State()
for cur_file in file_list:
tree = ET.parse(cur_file)
except ET.ParseError as e:
print_error(f"{cur_file}: Parse error while reading the file: {e}", state)
doc = tree.getroot()
if "version" not in doc.attrib:
print_error(f'{cur_file}: "version" attribute missing from "doc".', state)
name = doc.attrib["name"]
if name in classes:
print_error(f'{cur_file}: Duplicate class "{name}".', state)
classes[name] = (doc, cur_file)
for name, data in classes.items():
state.parse_class(data[0], data[1])
except Exception as e:
print_error(f"{name}.xml: Exception while parsing class: {e}", state)
pattern = re.compile(args.filter)
# Create the output folder recursively if it doesn't already exist.
os.makedirs(args.output, exist_ok=True)
print("Generating the RST class reference...")
grouped_classes: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for class_name, class_def in state.classes.items():
if args.filter and not pattern.search(class_def.filepath):
state.current_class = class_name
make_rst_class(class_def, state, args.dry_run, args.output)
group_name = get_class_group(class_def, state)
if group_name not in grouped_classes:
grouped_classes[group_name] = []
if is_editor_class(class_def):
if "editor" not in grouped_classes:
grouped_classes["editor"] = []
print("Generating the index file...")
make_rst_index(grouped_classes, args.dry_run, args.output)
if state.num_warnings >= 2:
f'{STYLES["yellow"]}{state.num_warnings} warnings were found in the class reference XML. Please check the messages above.{STYLES["reset"]}'
elif state.num_warnings == 1:
f'{STYLES["yellow"]}1 warning was found in the class reference XML. Please check the messages above.{STYLES["reset"]}'
if state.num_errors == 0:
print(f'{STYLES["green"]}No errors found in the class reference XML.{STYLES["reset"]}')
if not args.dry_run:
print(f"Wrote reStructuredText files for each class to: {args.output}")
if state.num_errors >= 2:
f'{STYLES["red"]}{state.num_errors} errors were found in the class reference XML. Please check the messages above.{STYLES["reset"]}'
f'{STYLES["red"]}1 error was found in the class reference XML. Please check the messages above.{STYLES["reset"]}'
# Common helpers.
def print_error(error: str, state: State) -> None:
print(f'{STYLES["red"]}{STYLES["bold"]}ERROR:{STYLES["regular"]} {error}{STYLES["reset"]}')
state.num_errors += 1
def print_warning(warning: str, state: State) -> None:
print(f'{STYLES["yellow"]}{STYLES["bold"]}WARNING:{STYLES["regular"]} {warning}{STYLES["reset"]}')
state.num_warnings += 1
def translate(string: str) -> str:
"""Translate a string based on translations sourced from `doc/translations/*.po`
for a language if defined via the --lang command line argument.
Returns the original string if no translation exists.
return strings_l10n.get(string, string)
def get_git_branch() -> str:
if hasattr(version, "docs") and version.docs != "latest":
return version.docs
return "master"
def get_class_group(class_def: ClassDef, state: State) -> str:
group_name = "variant"
class_name = class_def.name
if class_name.startswith("@"):
group_name = "global"
elif class_def.inherits:
inherits = class_def.inherits.strip()
while inherits in state.classes:
if inherits == "Node":
group_name = "node"
if inherits == "Resource":
group_name = "resource"
if inherits == "Object":
group_name = "object"
inode = state.classes[inherits].inherits
if inode:
inherits = inode.strip()
return group_name
def is_editor_class(class_def: ClassDef) -> bool:
class_name = class_def.name
if class_name.startswith("Editor"):
return True
if class_name in EDITOR_CLASSES:
return True
return False
# Generator methods.
def make_rst_class(class_def: ClassDef, state: State, dry_run: bool, output_dir: str) -> None:
class_name = class_def.name
if dry_run:
f = open(os.devnull, "w", encoding="utf-8")
f = open(os.path.join(output_dir, f"class_{class_name.lower()}.rst"), "w", encoding="utf-8")
# Remove the "Edit on Github" button from the online docs page.
f.write(":github_url: hide\n\n")
# Warn contributors not to edit this file directly.
# Also provide links to the source files for reference.
git_branch = get_git_branch()
source_xml_path = os.path.relpath(class_def.filepath, root_directory).replace("\\", "/")
source_github_url = f"https://github.com/godotengine/godot/tree/{git_branch}/{source_xml_path}"
generator_github_url = f"https://github.com/godotengine/godot/tree/{git_branch}/doc/tools/make_rst.py"
f.write(".. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!\n")
f.write(".. Generated automatically from Godot engine sources.\n")
f.write(f".. Generator: {generator_github_url}.\n")
f.write(f".. XML source: {source_github_url}.\n\n")
# Document reference id and header.
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}:\n\n")
f.write(make_heading(class_name, "=", False))
# Ascendants
if class_def.inherits:
inherits = class_def.inherits.strip()
f.write(f'**{translate("Inherits:")}** ')
first = True
while inherits in state.classes:
if not first:
f.write(" **<** ")
first = False
f.write(make_type(inherits, state))
inode = state.classes[inherits].inherits
if inode:
inherits = inode.strip()
# Descendants
inherited: List[str] = []
for c in state.classes.values():
if c.inherits and c.inherits.strip() == class_name:
if len(inherited):
f.write(f'**{translate("Inherited By:")}** ')
for i, child in enumerate(inherited):
if i > 0:
f.write(", ")
f.write(make_type(child, state))
has_description = False
# Brief description
if class_def.brief_description is not None and class_def.brief_description.strip() != "":
has_description = True
f.write(f"{format_text_block(class_def.brief_description.strip(), class_def, state)}\n\n")
# Class description
if class_def.description is not None and class_def.description.strip() != "":
has_description = True
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-introduction-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Description", "-"))
f.write(f"{format_text_block(class_def.description.strip(), class_def, state)}\n\n")
if not has_description:
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this class. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
# Online tutorials
if len(class_def.tutorials) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-introduction-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Tutorials", "-"))
for url, title in class_def.tutorials:
f.write(f"- {make_link(url, title)}\n\n")
# Reused container for reference tables.
ml: List[Tuple[Optional[str], ...]] = []
# Properties reference table
if len(class_def.properties) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-reftable-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Properties", "-"))
ml = []
for property_def in class_def.properties.values():
type_rst = property_def.type_name.to_rst(state)
default = property_def.default_value
if default is not None and property_def.overrides:
ref = f":ref:`{property_def.overrides}<class_{property_def.overrides}_property_{property_def.name}>`"
# Not using translate() for now as it breaks table formatting.
ml.append((type_rst, property_def.name, f"{default} (overrides {ref})"))
ref = f":ref:`{property_def.name}<class_{class_name}_property_{property_def.name}>`"
ml.append((type_rst, ref, default))
format_table(f, ml, True)
# Constructors, Methods, Operators reference tables
if len(class_def.constructors) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-reftable-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Constructors", "-"))
ml = []
for method_list in class_def.constructors.values():
for m in method_list:
ml.append(make_method_signature(class_def, m, "constructor", state))
format_table(f, ml)
if len(class_def.methods) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-reftable-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Methods", "-"))
ml = []
for method_list in class_def.methods.values():
for m in method_list:
ml.append(make_method_signature(class_def, m, "method", state))
format_table(f, ml)
if len(class_def.operators) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-reftable-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Operators", "-"))
ml = []
for method_list in class_def.operators.values():
for m in method_list:
ml.append(make_method_signature(class_def, m, "operator", state))
format_table(f, ml)
# Theme properties reference table
if len(class_def.theme_items) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-reftable-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Theme Properties", "-"))
ml = []
for theme_item_def in class_def.theme_items.values():
ref = f":ref:`{theme_item_def.name}<class_{class_name}_theme_{theme_item_def.data_name}_{theme_item_def.name}>`"
ml.append((theme_item_def.type_name.to_rst(state), ref, theme_item_def.default_value))
format_table(f, ml, True)
# Signal descriptions
if len(class_def.signals) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Signals", "-"))
index = 0
for signal in class_def.signals.values():
if index != 0:
# Create signal signature and anchor point.
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_signal_{signal.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-signal\n\n")
_, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, signal, "", state)
# Add signal description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if signal.description is not None and signal.description.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(signal.description.strip(), signal, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this signal. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
# Enumeration descriptions
if len(class_def.enums) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Enumerations", "-"))
index = 0
for e in class_def.enums.values():
if index != 0:
# Create enumeration signature and anchor point.
f.write(f".. _enum_{class_name}_{e.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-enumeration\n\n")
if e.is_bitfield:
f.write(f"flags **{e.name}**:\n\n")
f.write(f"enum **{e.name}**:\n\n")
for value in e.values.values():
# Also create signature and anchor point for each enum constant.
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_constant_{value.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-enumeration-constant\n\n")
f.write(f"{e.type_name.to_rst(state)} **{value.name}** = ``{value.value}``\n\n")
# Add enum constant description.
if value.text is not None and value.text.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(value.text.strip(), value, state)}")
index += 1
# Constant descriptions
if len(class_def.constants) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Constants", "-"))
for constant in class_def.constants.values():
# Create constant signature and anchor point.
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_constant_{constant.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-constant\n\n")
f.write(f"**{constant.name}** = ``{constant.value}``\n\n")
# Add enum constant description.
if constant.text is not None and constant.text.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(constant.text.strip(), constant, state)}")
# Annotation descriptions
if len(class_def.annotations) > 0:
f.write(make_heading("Annotations", "-"))
index = 0
for method_list in class_def.annotations.values(): # type: ignore
for i, m in enumerate(method_list):
if index != 0:
# Create annotation signature and anchor point.
if i == 0:
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_annotation_{m.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-annotation\n\n")
_, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, m, "", state)
# Add annotation description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if m.description is not None and m.description.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(m.description.strip(), m, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this annotation. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
# Property descriptions
if any(not p.overrides for p in class_def.properties.values()) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Property Descriptions", "-"))
index = 0
for property_def in class_def.properties.values():
if property_def.overrides:
if index != 0:
# Create property signature and anchor point.
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_property_{property_def.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-property\n\n")
property_default = ""
if property_def.default_value is not None:
property_default = f" = {property_def.default_value}"
f.write(f"{property_def.type_name.to_rst(state)} **{property_def.name}**{property_default}\n\n")
# Create property setter and getter records.
property_setget = ""
if property_def.setter is not None and not property_def.setter.startswith("_"):
property_setter = make_setter_signature(class_def, property_def, state)
property_setget += f"- {property_setter}\n"
if property_def.getter is not None and not property_def.getter.startswith("_"):
property_getter = make_getter_signature(class_def, property_def, state)
property_setget += f"- {property_getter}\n"
if property_setget != "":
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-property-setget\n\n")
# Add property description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if property_def.text is not None and property_def.text.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(property_def.text.strip(), property_def, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
# Constructor, Method, Operator descriptions
if len(class_def.constructors) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Constructor Descriptions", "-"))
index = 0
for method_list in class_def.constructors.values():
for i, m in enumerate(method_list):
if index != 0:
# Create constructor signature and anchor point.
if i == 0:
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_constructor_{m.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-constructor\n\n")
ret_type, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, m, "", state)
f.write(f"{ret_type} {signature}\n\n")
# Add constructor description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if m.description is not None and m.description.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(m.description.strip(), m, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this constructor. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
if len(class_def.methods) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Method Descriptions", "-"))
index = 0
for method_list in class_def.methods.values():
for i, m in enumerate(method_list):
if index != 0:
# Create method signature and anchor point.
if i == 0:
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_method_{m.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-method\n\n")
ret_type, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, m, "", state)
f.write(f"{ret_type} {signature}\n\n")
# Add method description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if m.description is not None and m.description.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(m.description.strip(), m, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
if len(class_def.operators) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Operator Descriptions", "-"))
index = 0
for method_list in class_def.operators.values():
for i, m in enumerate(method_list):
if index != 0:
# Create operator signature and anchor point.
operator_anchor = f".. _class_{class_name}_operator_{sanitize_operator_name(m.name, state)}"
for parameter in m.parameters:
operator_anchor += f"_{parameter.type_name.type_name}"
operator_anchor += f":\n\n"
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-operator\n\n")
ret_type, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, m, "", state)
f.write(f"{ret_type} {signature}\n\n")
# Add operator description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if m.description is not None and m.description.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(m.description.strip(), m, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this operator. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
# Theme property descriptions
if len(class_def.theme_items) > 0:
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-descriptions-group\n\n")
f.write(make_heading("Theme Property Descriptions", "-"))
index = 0
for theme_item_def in class_def.theme_items.values():
if index != 0:
# Create theme property signature and anchor point.
f.write(f".. _class_{class_name}_theme_{theme_item_def.data_name}_{theme_item_def.name}:\n\n")
f.write(".. rst-class:: classref-themeproperty\n\n")
theme_item_default = ""
if theme_item_def.default_value is not None:
theme_item_default = f" = {theme_item_def.default_value}"
f.write(f"{theme_item_def.type_name.to_rst(state)} **{theme_item_def.name}**{theme_item_default}\n\n")
# Add theme property description, or a call to action if it's missing.
if theme_item_def.text is not None and theme_item_def.text.strip() != "":
f.write(f"{format_text_block(theme_item_def.text.strip(), theme_item_def, state)}\n\n")
f.write(".. container:: contribute\n\n\t")
"There is currently no description for this theme property. Please help us by :ref:`contributing one <doc_updating_the_class_reference>`!"
+ "\n\n"
index += 1
def make_type(klass: str, state: State) -> str:
if klass.find("*") != -1: # Pointer, ignore
return klass
link_type = klass
if link_type.endswith("[]"): # Typed array, strip [] to link to contained type.
link_type = link_type[:-2]
if link_type in state.classes:
return f":ref:`{klass}<class_{link_type}>`"
print_error(f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved type "{klass}".', state)
return klass
def make_enum(t: str, is_bitfield: bool, state: State) -> str:
p = t.find(".")
if p >= 0:
c = t[0:p]
e = t[p + 1 :]
# Variant enums live in GlobalScope but still use periods.
if c == "Variant":
c = "@GlobalScope"
e = "Variant." + e
c = state.current_class
e = t
if c in state.classes and e not in state.classes[c].enums:
c = "@GlobalScope"
if c in state.classes and e in state.classes[c].enums:
if is_bitfield:
if not state.classes[c].enums[e].is_bitfield:
print_error(f'{state.current_class}.xml: Enum "{t}" is not bitfield.', state)
return f"|bitfield|\<:ref:`{e}<enum_{c}_{e}>`\>"
return f":ref:`{e}<enum_{c}_{e}>`"
# Don't fail for `Vector3.Axis`, as this enum is a special case which is expected not to be resolved.
if f"{c}.{e}" != "Vector3.Axis":
print_error(f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved enum "{t}".', state)
return t
def make_method_signature(
class_def: ClassDef, definition: Union[AnnotationDef, MethodDef, SignalDef], ref_type: str, state: State
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
ret_type = ""
if isinstance(definition, MethodDef):
ret_type = definition.return_type.to_rst(state)
qualifiers = None
if isinstance(definition, (MethodDef, AnnotationDef)):
qualifiers = definition.qualifiers
out = ""
if isinstance(definition, MethodDef) and ref_type != "":
if ref_type == "operator":
op_name = definition.name.replace("<", "\\<") # So operator "<" gets correctly displayed.
out += f":ref:`{op_name}<class_{class_def.name}_{ref_type}_{sanitize_operator_name(definition.name, state)}"
for parameter in definition.parameters:
out += f"_{parameter.type_name.type_name}"
out += f">` "
out += f":ref:`{definition.name}<class_{class_def.name}_{ref_type}_{definition.name}>` "
out += f"**{definition.name}** "
out += "**(**"
for i, arg in enumerate(definition.parameters):
if i > 0:
out += ", "
out += " "
out += f"{arg.type_name.to_rst(state)} {arg.name}"
if arg.default_value is not None:
out += f"={arg.default_value}"
if qualifiers is not None and "vararg" in qualifiers:
if len(definition.parameters) > 0:
out += ", ..."
out += " ..."
out += " **)**"
if qualifiers is not None:
# Use substitutions for abbreviations. This is used to display tooltips on hover.
# See `make_footer()` for descriptions.
for qualifier in qualifiers.split():
out += f" |{qualifier}|"
return ret_type, out
def make_setter_signature(class_def: ClassDef, property_def: PropertyDef, state: State) -> str:
if property_def.setter is None:
return ""
# If setter is a method available as a method definition, we use that.
if property_def.setter in class_def.methods:
setter = class_def.methods[property_def.setter][0]
# Otherwise we fake it with the information we have available.
setter_params: List[ParameterDef] = []
setter_params.append(ParameterDef("value", property_def.type_name, None))
setter = MethodDef(property_def.setter, TypeName("void"), setter_params, None, None)
ret_type, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, setter, "", state)
return f"{ret_type} {signature}"
def make_getter_signature(class_def: ClassDef, property_def: PropertyDef, state: State) -> str:
if property_def.getter is None:
return ""
# If getter is a method available as a method definition, we use that.
if property_def.getter in class_def.methods:
getter = class_def.methods[property_def.getter][0]
# Otherwise we fake it with the information we have available.
getter_params: List[ParameterDef] = []
getter = MethodDef(property_def.getter, property_def.type_name, getter_params, None, None)
ret_type, signature = make_method_signature(class_def, getter, "", state)
return f"{ret_type} {signature}"
def make_heading(title: str, underline: str, l10n: bool = True) -> str:
if l10n:
new_title = translate(title)
if new_title != title:
title = new_title
underline *= 2 # Double length to handle wide chars.
return f"{title}\n{(underline * len(title))}\n\n"
def make_footer() -> str:
# Generate reusable abbreviation substitutions.
# This way, we avoid bloating the generated rST with duplicate abbreviations.
virtual_msg = translate("This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.")
const_msg = translate("This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.")
vararg_msg = translate("This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.")
constructor_msg = translate("This method is used to construct a type.")
static_msg = translate(
"This method doesn't need an instance to be called, so it can be called directly using the class name."
operator_msg = translate("This method describes a valid operator to use with this type as left-hand operand.")
bitfield_msg = translate("This value is an integer composed as a bitmask of the following flags.")
return (
f".. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual ({virtual_msg})`\n"
f".. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const ({const_msg})`\n"
f".. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg ({vararg_msg})`\n"
f".. |constructor| replace:: :abbr:`constructor ({constructor_msg})`\n"
f".. |static| replace:: :abbr:`static ({static_msg})`\n"
f".. |operator| replace:: :abbr:`operator ({operator_msg})`\n"
f".. |bitfield| replace:: :abbr:`BitField ({bitfield_msg})`\n"
def make_separator(section_level: bool = False) -> str:
separator_class = "item"
if section_level:
separator_class = "section"
return f".. rst-class:: classref-{separator_class}-separator\n\n----\n\n"
def make_link(url: str, title: str) -> str:
match = GODOT_DOCS_PATTERN.search(url)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
if match.lastindex == 2:
# Doc reference with fragment identifier: emit direct link to section with reference to page, for example:
# `#calling-javascript-from-script in Exporting For Web`
# Or use the title if provided.
if title != "":
return f"`{title} <../{groups[0]}.html{groups[1]}>`__"
return f"`{groups[1]} <../{groups[0]}.html{groups[1]}>`__ in :doc:`../{groups[0]}`"
elif match.lastindex == 1:
# Doc reference, for example:
# `Math`
if title != "":
return f":doc:`{title} <../{groups[0]}>`"
return f":doc:`../{groups[0]}`"
# External link, for example:
# `http://enet.bespin.org/usergroup0.html`
if title != "":
return f"`{title} <{url}>`__"
return f"`{url} <{url}>`__"
def make_rst_index(grouped_classes: Dict[str, List[str]], dry_run: bool, output_dir: str) -> None:
if dry_run:
f = open(os.devnull, "w", encoding="utf-8")
f = open(os.path.join(output_dir, "index.rst"), "w", encoding="utf-8")
# Remove the "Edit on Github" button from the online docs page.
f.write(":github_url: hide\n\n")
# Warn contributors not to edit this file directly.
# Also provide links to the source files for reference.
git_branch = get_git_branch()
generator_github_url = f"https://github.com/godotengine/godot/tree/{git_branch}/doc/tools/make_rst.py"
f.write(".. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!\n")
f.write(".. Generated automatically from Godot engine sources.\n")
f.write(f".. Generator: {generator_github_url}.\n\n")
f.write(".. _doc_class_reference:\n\n")
main_title = translate("All classes")
f.write(f"{'=' * len(main_title)}\n\n")
for group_name in CLASS_GROUPS:
if group_name in grouped_classes:
group_title = translate(CLASS_GROUPS[group_name])
f.write(f"{'=' * len(group_title)}\n\n")
f.write(".. toctree::\n")
f.write(" :maxdepth: 1\n")
f.write(f" :name: toc-class-ref-{group_name}s\n")
if group_name in CLASS_GROUPS_BASE:
f.write(f" class_{CLASS_GROUPS_BASE[group_name].lower()}\n")
for class_name in grouped_classes[group_name]:
if group_name in CLASS_GROUPS_BASE and CLASS_GROUPS_BASE[group_name].lower() == class_name.lower():
f.write(f" class_{class_name.lower()}\n")
# Formatting helpers.
RESERVED_FORMATTING_TAGS = ["i", "b", "u", "code", "kbd", "center", "url", "br"]
RESERVED_CODEBLOCK_TAGS = ["codeblocks", "codeblock", "gdscript", "csharp"]
RESERVED_CROSSLINK_TAGS = ["method", "member", "signal", "constant", "enum", "annotation", "theme_item", "param"]
def is_in_tagset(tag_text: str, tagset: List[str]) -> bool:
for tag in tagset:
# Complete match.
if tag_text == tag:
return True
# Tag with arguments.
if tag_text.startswith(tag + " "):
return True
# Tag with arguments, special case for [url].
if tag_text.startswith(tag + "="):
return True
return False
def format_text_block(
text: str,
context: Union[DefinitionBase, None],
state: State,
) -> str:
# Linebreak + tabs in the XML should become two line breaks unless in a "codeblock"
pos = 0
while True:
pos = text.find("\n", pos)
if pos == -1:
pre_text = text[:pos]
indent_level = 0
while pos + 1 < len(text) and text[pos + 1] == "\t":
pos += 1
indent_level += 1
post_text = text[pos + 1 :]
# Handle codeblocks
if (
or post_text.startswith("[gdscript]")
or post_text.startswith("[csharp]")
block_type = post_text[1:].split("]")[0]
result = format_codeblock(block_type, post_text, indent_level, state)
if result is None:
return ""
text = f"{pre_text}{result[0]}"
pos += result[1] - indent_level
# Handle normal text
text = f"{pre_text}\n\n{post_text}"
pos += 2 - indent_level
next_brac_pos = text.find("[")
text = escape_rst(text, next_brac_pos)
context_name = format_context_name(context)
# Handle [tags]
inside_code = False
inside_code_tag = ""
inside_code_tabs = False
pos = 0
tag_depth = 0
while True:
pos = text.find("[", pos)
if pos == -1:
endq_pos = text.find("]", pos + 1)
if endq_pos == -1:
pre_text = text[:pos]
post_text = text[endq_pos + 1 :]
tag_text = text[pos + 1 : endq_pos]
escape_pre = False
escape_post = False
# Tag is a reference to a class.
if tag_text in state.classes and not inside_code:
if tag_text == state.current_class:
# Don't create a link to the same class, format it as strong emphasis.
tag_text = f"**{tag_text}**"
tag_text = make_type(tag_text, state)
escape_pre = True
escape_post = True
# Tag is a cross-reference or a formatting directive.
cmd = tag_text
space_pos = tag_text.find(" ")
# Anything identified as a tag inside of a code block is valid,
# unless it's a matching closing tag.
if inside_code:
# Exiting codeblocks and inline code tags.
if inside_code_tag == cmd[1:]:
if cmd == "/codeblock" or cmd == "/gdscript" or cmd == "/csharp":
tag_text = ""
tag_depth -= 1
inside_code = False
# Strip newline if the tag was alone on one
if pre_text[-1] == "\n":
pre_text = pre_text[:-1]
elif cmd == "/code":
tag_text = "``"
tag_depth -= 1
inside_code = False
escape_post = True
if cmd.startswith("/"):
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Potential error inside of a code tag, found a string that looks like a closing tag "[{cmd}]" in {context_name}.',
tag_text = f"[{tag_text}]"
# Entering codeblocks and inline code tags.
elif cmd == "codeblocks":
tag_depth += 1
tag_text = "\n.. tabs::"
inside_code_tabs = True
elif cmd == "/codeblocks":
tag_depth -= 1
tag_text = ""
inside_code_tabs = False
elif cmd == "codeblock" or cmd == "gdscript" or cmd == "csharp":
tag_depth += 1
if cmd == "gdscript":
if not inside_code_tabs:
f"{state.current_class}.xml: GDScript code block is used outside of [codeblocks] in {context_name}.",
tag_text = "\n .. code-tab:: gdscript\n"
elif cmd == "csharp":
if not inside_code_tabs:
f"{state.current_class}.xml: C# code block is used outside of [codeblocks] in {context_name}.",
tag_text = "\n .. code-tab:: csharp\n"
tag_text = "\n::\n"
inside_code = True
inside_code_tag = cmd
elif cmd == "code":
tag_text = "``"
tag_depth += 1
inside_code = True
inside_code_tag = cmd
escape_pre = True
valid_context = isinstance(context, (MethodDef, SignalDef, AnnotationDef))
if valid_context:
endcode_pos = text.find("[/code]", endq_pos + 1)
if endcode_pos == -1:
f"{state.current_class}.xml: Tag depth mismatch for [code]: no closing [/code] in {context_name}.",
inside_code_text = text[endq_pos + 1 : endcode_pos]
context_params: List[ParameterDef] = context.parameters # type: ignore
for param_def in context_params:
if param_def.name == inside_code_text:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Potential error inside of a code tag, found a string "{inside_code_text}" that matches one of the parameters in {context_name}.',
# Cross-references to items in this or other class documentation pages.
elif is_in_tagset(cmd, RESERVED_CROSSLINK_TAGS):
link_type: str = ""
link_target: str = ""
if space_pos >= 0:
link_type = tag_text[:space_pos]
link_target = tag_text[space_pos + 1 :].strip()
if link_target == "":
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Empty cross-reference link "{cmd}" in {context_name}.',
tag_text = ""
if (
or cmd.startswith("constructor")
or cmd.startswith("operator")
or cmd.startswith("member")
or cmd.startswith("signal")
or cmd.startswith("annotation")
or cmd.startswith("theme_item")
or cmd.startswith("constant")
if link_target.find(".") != -1:
ss = link_target.split(".")
if len(ss) > 2:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Bad reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
class_param, method_param = ss
class_param = state.current_class
method_param = link_target
# Default to the tag command name. This works by default for most tags,
# but member and theme_item have special cases.
ref_type = "_{}".format(link_type)
if link_type == "member":
ref_type = "_property"
if class_param in state.classes:
class_def = state.classes[class_param]
if cmd.startswith("method") and method_param not in class_def.methods:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved method reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd.startswith("constructor") and method_param not in class_def.constructors:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved constructor reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd.startswith("operator") and method_param not in class_def.operators:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved operator reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd.startswith("member") and method_param not in class_def.properties:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved member reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd.startswith("signal") and method_param not in class_def.signals:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved signal reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd.startswith("annotation") and method_param not in class_def.annotations:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved annotation reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd.startswith("theme_item"):
if method_param not in class_def.theme_items:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved theme item reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
# Needs theme data type to be properly linked, which we cannot get without a class.
name = class_def.theme_items[method_param].data_name
ref_type = f"_theme_{name}"
elif cmd.startswith("constant"):
found = False
# Search in the current class
search_class_defs = [class_def]
if link_target.find(".") == -1:
# Also search in @GlobalScope as a last resort if no class was specified
for search_class_def in search_class_defs:
if method_param in search_class_def.constants:
class_param = search_class_def.name
found = True
for enum in search_class_def.enums.values():
if method_param in enum.values:
class_param = search_class_def.name
found = True
if not found:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved constant reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved type reference "{class_param}" in method reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
repl_text = method_param
if class_param != state.current_class:
repl_text = f"{class_param}.{method_param}"
tag_text = f":ref:`{repl_text}<class_{class_param}{ref_type}_{method_param}>`"
escape_pre = True
escape_post = True
elif cmd.startswith("enum"):
tag_text = make_enum(link_target, False, state)
escape_pre = True
escape_post = True
elif cmd.startswith("param"):
valid_context = isinstance(context, (MethodDef, SignalDef, AnnotationDef))
if not valid_context:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Argument reference "{link_target}" used outside of method, signal, or annotation context in {context_name}.',
context_params: List[ParameterDef] = context.parameters # type: ignore
found = False
for param_def in context_params:
if param_def.name == link_target:
found = True
if not found:
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unresolved argument reference "{link_target}" in {context_name}.',
tag_text = f"``{link_target}``"
escape_pre = True
escape_post = True
# Formatting directives.
elif is_in_tagset(cmd, ["url"]):
if cmd.startswith("url="):
# URLs are handled in full here as we need to extract the optional link
# title to use `make_link`.
link_url = cmd[4:]
endurl_pos = text.find("[/url]", endq_pos + 1)
if endurl_pos == -1:
f"{state.current_class}.xml: Tag depth mismatch for [url]: no closing [/url] in {context_name}.",
link_title = text[endq_pos + 1 : endurl_pos]
tag_text = make_link(link_url, link_title)
pre_text = text[:pos]
post_text = text[endurl_pos + 6 :]
if pre_text and pre_text[-1] not in MARKUP_ALLOWED_PRECEDENT:
pre_text += "\ "
if post_text and post_text[0] not in MARKUP_ALLOWED_SUBSEQUENT:
post_text = "\ " + post_text
text = pre_text + tag_text + post_text
pos = len(pre_text) + len(tag_text)
f'{state.current_class}.xml: Misformatted [url] tag "{cmd}" in {context_name}.',
elif cmd == "br":
# Make a new paragraph instead of a linebreak, rst is not so linebreak friendly
tag_text = "\n\n"
# Strip potential leading spaces
while post_text[0] == " ":
post_text = post_text[1:]
elif cmd == "center" or cmd == "/center":
if cmd == "/center":
tag_depth -= 1
tag_depth += 1
tag_text = ""
elif cmd == "i" or cmd == "/i":
if cmd == "/i":
tag_depth -= 1
escape_post = True
tag_depth += 1
escape_pre = True
tag_text = "*"
elif cmd == "b" or cmd == "/b":
if cmd == "/b":
tag_depth -= 1
escape_post = True
tag_depth += 1
escape_pre = True
tag_text = "**"
elif cmd == "u" or cmd == "/u":
if cmd == "/u":
tag_depth -= 1
escape_post = True
tag_depth += 1
escape_pre = True
tag_text = ""
elif cmd == "kbd" or cmd == "/kbd":
tag_text = "`"
if cmd == "/kbd":
tag_depth -= 1
escape_post = True
tag_text = ":kbd:" + tag_text
tag_depth += 1
escape_pre = True
# Invalid syntax checks.
elif cmd.startswith("/"):
print_error(f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unrecognized closing tag "{cmd}" in {context_name}.', state)
tag_text = f"[{tag_text}]"
print_error(f'{state.current_class}.xml: Unrecognized opening tag "{cmd}" in {context_name}.', state)
tag_text = f"``{tag_text}``"
escape_pre = True
escape_post = True
# Properly escape things like `[Node]s`
if escape_pre and pre_text and pre_text[-1] not in MARKUP_ALLOWED_PRECEDENT:
pre_text += "\ "
if escape_post and post_text and post_text[0] not in MARKUP_ALLOWED_SUBSEQUENT:
post_text = "\ " + post_text
next_brac_pos = post_text.find("[", 0)
iter_pos = 0
while not inside_code:
iter_pos = post_text.find("*", iter_pos, next_brac_pos)
if iter_pos == -1:
post_text = f"{post_text[:iter_pos]}\*{post_text[iter_pos + 1 :]}"
iter_pos += 2
iter_pos = 0
while not inside_code:
iter_pos = post_text.find("_", iter_pos, next_brac_pos)
if iter_pos == -1:
if not post_text[iter_pos + 1].isalnum(): # don't escape within a snake_case word
post_text = f"{post_text[:iter_pos]}\_{post_text[iter_pos + 1 :]}"
iter_pos += 2
iter_pos += 1
text = pre_text + tag_text + post_text
pos = len(pre_text) + len(tag_text)
if tag_depth > 0:
f"{state.current_class}.xml: Tag depth mismatch: too many (or too few) open/close tags in {context_name}.",
return text
def format_context_name(context: Union[DefinitionBase, None]) -> str:
context_name: str = "unknown context"
if context is not None:
context_name = f'{context.definition_name} "{context.name}" description'
return context_name
def escape_rst(text: str, until_pos: int = -1) -> str:
# Escape \ character, otherwise it ends up as an escape character in rst
pos = 0
while True:
pos = text.find("\\", pos, until_pos)
if pos == -1:
text = f"{text[:pos]}\\\\{text[pos + 1 :]}"
pos += 2
# Escape * character to avoid interpreting it as emphasis
pos = 0
while True:
pos = text.find("*", pos, until_pos)
if pos == -1:
text = f"{text[:pos]}\*{text[pos + 1 :]}"
pos += 2
# Escape _ character at the end of a word to avoid interpreting it as an inline hyperlink
pos = 0
while True:
pos = text.find("_", pos, until_pos)
if pos == -1:
if not text[pos + 1].isalnum(): # don't escape within a snake_case word
text = f"{text[:pos]}\_{text[pos + 1 :]}"
pos += 2
pos += 1
return text
def format_codeblock(code_type: str, post_text: str, indent_level: int, state: State) -> Union[Tuple[str, int], None]:
end_pos = post_text.find("[/" + code_type + "]")
if end_pos == -1:
print_error(f"{state.current_class}.xml: [{code_type}] without a closing tag.", state)
return None
code_text = post_text[len(f"[{code_type}]") : end_pos]
post_text = post_text[end_pos:]
# Remove extraneous tabs
code_pos = 0
while True:
code_pos = code_text.find("\n", code_pos)
if code_pos == -1:
to_skip = 0
while code_pos + to_skip + 1 < len(code_text) and code_text[code_pos + to_skip + 1] == "\t":
to_skip += 1
if to_skip > indent_level:
f"{state.current_class}.xml: Four spaces should be used for indentation within [{code_type}].",
if len(code_text[code_pos + to_skip + 1 :]) == 0:
code_text = f"{code_text[:code_pos]}\n"
code_pos += 1
code_text = f"{code_text[:code_pos]}\n {code_text[code_pos + to_skip + 1 :]}"
code_pos += 5 - to_skip
return (f"\n[{code_type}]{code_text}{post_text}", len(f"\n[{code_type}]{code_text}"))
def format_table(f: TextIO, data: List[Tuple[Optional[str], ...]], remove_empty_columns: bool = False) -> None:
if len(data) == 0:
f.write(".. table::\n")
f.write(" :widths: auto\n\n")
# Calculate the width of each column first, we will use this information
# to properly format RST-style tables.
column_sizes = [0] * len(data[0])
for row in data:
for i, text in enumerate(row):
text_length = len(text or "")
if text_length > column_sizes[i]:
column_sizes[i] = text_length
# Each table row is wrapped in two separators, consecutive rows share the same separator.
# All separators, or rather borders, have the same shape and content. We compose it once,
# then reuse it.
sep = ""
for size in column_sizes:
if size == 0 and remove_empty_columns:
sep += "+" + "-" * (size + 2) # Content of each cell is padded by 1 on each side.
sep += "+\n"
# Draw the first separator.
f.write(f" {sep}")
# Draw each row and close it with a separator.
for row in data:
row_text = "|"
for i, text in enumerate(row):
if column_sizes[i] == 0 and remove_empty_columns:
row_text += f' {(text or "").ljust(column_sizes[i])} |'
row_text += "\n"
f.write(f" {row_text}")
f.write(f" {sep}")
def sanitize_operator_name(dirty_name: str, state: State) -> str:
clear_name = dirty_name.replace("operator ", "")
if clear_name == "!=":
clear_name = "neq"
elif clear_name == "==":
clear_name = "eq"
elif clear_name == "<":
clear_name = "lt"
elif clear_name == "<=":
clear_name = "lte"
elif clear_name == ">":
clear_name = "gt"
elif clear_name == ">=":
clear_name = "gte"
elif clear_name == "+":
clear_name = "sum"
elif clear_name == "-":
clear_name = "dif"
elif clear_name == "*":
clear_name = "mul"
elif clear_name == "/":
clear_name = "div"
elif clear_name == "%":
clear_name = "mod"
elif clear_name == "**":
clear_name = "pow"
elif clear_name == "unary+":
clear_name = "unplus"
elif clear_name == "unary-":
clear_name = "unminus"
elif clear_name == "<<":
clear_name = "bwsl"
elif clear_name == ">>":
clear_name = "bwsr"
elif clear_name == "&":
clear_name = "bwand"
elif clear_name == "|":
clear_name = "bwor"
elif clear_name == "^":
clear_name = "bwxor"
elif clear_name == "~":
clear_name = "bwnot"
elif clear_name == "[]":
clear_name = "idx"
clear_name = "xxx"
print_error(f'Unsupported operator type "{dirty_name}", please add the missing rule.', state)
return clear_name
if __name__ == "__main__":