#!/usr/bin/python Import("env") env.tests_sources = [] env_tests = env.Clone() # We must disable the THREAD_LOCAL entirely in doctest to prevent crashes on debugging # Since we link with /MT thread_local is always expired when the header is used # So the debugger crashes the engine and it causes weird errors # Explained in https://github.com/onqtam/doctest/issues/401 if env_tests["platform"] == "windows": env_tests.Append(CPPDEFINES=[("DOCTEST_THREAD_LOCAL", "")]) if env["disable_exceptions"]: env_tests.Append(CPPDEFINES=["DOCTEST_CONFIG_NO_EXCEPTIONS_BUT_WITH_ALL_ASSERTS"]) env_tests.add_source_files(env.tests_sources, "*.cpp") lib = env_tests.add_library("tests", env.tests_sources) env.Prepend(LIBS=[lib])